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Thread: The coming--or not--"mini ice age" as a Fermi Problem

  1. #31
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Here's a video discussing Zharkova's work.

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  3. #32
    Senior Member Wind's Avatar
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    They blame this on the "globul warming" too.

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  5. #33
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    What makes sense to me is something some people have been saying for quite a while now. Climate change means climate upheaval. The warming has a lot of associated concerns but it's only one of the symptoms. The other symptoms are unusual, weird and severe weather, unusual temperatures both warm and cold, crazy historic storms, etc.

    These are all happening.

    Is it the sun? Is it happening throughout the solar system?

    One thing I'm pretty sure of is that it's part of a cycle that recurs. It's certainly possible that we effect it with all of the carbon we put out there. The ocean has just about reached saturation which means trouble for coral and the emergence of lots of jellyfish.

    But it's the weather extremes which will cause us the most trouble.

    That, and the demise of insects.

    May the mushroom mycelium bring healing to us all!

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  7. #34
    Senior Member Wind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Is it the sun?
    Yes and that is the answer to everything.

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  9. #35
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Wind View Post
    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Is it the sun?
    Yes and that is the answer to everything.
    I'd like to put a bit of a nuance on that.

    Yes, for most part it is the sun that's responsible ─ albeit that cosmic influences external to our solar system may also play a role, by affecting the nuclear fusion processes inside the sun ─ but humans do have an effect on the climate, and it's not just because of carbon dioxide emissions. It's also the pollution, which not only corrupts the quality of the air we breathe, but also kills off several species that are all important to our ecosystem. And the one sector of society most responsible for this pollution is the industry ─ not the activity of individuals, nor small-scale agriculture.

    On account of the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere, what they need to do to, first and foremost, is put a halt to the destruction of the Brazilian rain forest. This has a significant impact on the quality of our atmosphere in general. Not only do rain forests absorb carbon dioxide, but they also give us clean oxygen in return. In addition to that, rain forests are also the natural habitats of many species of animals, from the tiniest to the larger.

    The rate at which the Brazilian rain forest is shrinking has already been beyond alarming for decades, but government corruption and bribes are keeping the deforestation going.

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  11. #36
    Senior Member Wind's Avatar
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    I do agree that humans do pollute and destroy the Earth, especially by killing the rainforests and that is sad indeed. We should be helping Earth to heal, not kill it. After we are we all share this same being that we live and that is mother Earth, Gaia. Nature has provided us all this beauty and this is the amount that humans have respect for it.

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  13. #37
    Senior Member Norway Elen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Wind View Post
    I do agree that humans do pollute and destroy the Earth, especially by killing the rainforests and that is sad indeed. We should be helping Earth to heal, not kill it. After we are we all share this same being that we live and that is mother Earth, Gaia. Nature has provided us all this beauty and this is the amount that humans have respect for it.
    Amen to that!
    Whatever is true. Whatever is noble. Whatever is right. Whatever is lovely. Whatever is admirable. Anything of excellence and worthy of praise. Dwell on these things. Jesus Christ (I agree)

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  15. #38
    Senior Member Wind's Avatar
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    Copied from a newsletter I received from David DuByne & Adapt 2030.

    Personally I'm not afraid and there's no need for that anyways. Awareness is the key. This is Earth's way of changing things, because things need to change. What ever time we still have left, I think that we should use it wisely. Also we should be grateful for what we have, it might not be there always.

    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    With the multi-generational super freeze under way across the U.S and parts of Canada, it should be apparent that the following is happening and you are on your own in terms of preparation and self sufficiency.

    1. The warnings for this unprecedented all time record cold event could have been put out six days prior to the arrival of the storm. The reason in my opinion is that the "warming narrative" needs to stay intact at all costs, including your life. Governments want to maintain as long as they can the illusion that everything is ok and under control.

    2. The US power grid is antiquated and for some reason is not being upgraded, already in this record cold five locations with hundreds of thousands of people without power. Again comes back to the warnings, people could have been better prepared for the freeze in the home.

    3. Grand Solar Minimum is now becoming more widely known and spoken about in the overall media, but the ratio of GSM will have no effect is around 17:1 of dont panic it will only cool 0.3C. Every time an article comes out about possible GSM cooling, immediately main stream media in hyper drive to smother the net with articles to the contrary.

    4. The global economy is contracting, but food giants are now removing access to fresh foods, leaving only packaged foods available for customers. When you prepare long term food storage, bulk items will become less available. Ice Age Farmer, Christian Westbrook goes into great detail about this in his YT channel.

    5. The global economy will be purposely imploded to the point that most value will evaporate from the planet in order to lock you down and restrict your travel and relocation plans or availability to sell your home.

    As I have said from the beginning of my channel, 2020 will be the wake up moment for the planet, price will spike as the "we must get ready" thoughts sweep the planet. Our lives will be forever changed by 2021.

    David DuByne
    ADAPT 2030

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  17. #39
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  19. #40
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  21. #41
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    From my research, solar activity has little effect on the Earth's climate. The Maunder minimum did coincide with a cooler period, and the two seem related, but the onset was fairly gradual as was the ending. However, there is at least one much more likely cause of a global cooling and that is of a large volcanic eruption. Look up The Year Without a Summer, 1816.

    Ice cores have conclusively shown exactly when these events have occurred over the past few thousand years, and the effect on climate is recorded in the trapped air in these ice cores when analysed. The occasional extraterrestrial impact has also had an effect (not just the big asteroids) every few tens of thousands of years.

    Neither event is really predictable (well, maybe a few days in advance) and can cause temperatures to fall in less than a week, and the effects last months or maybe a year or two.

    I'm not going to bother about the coming Grand Solar Minimum. It may be approaching and maybe not. Even if it does come, humanity will probably have a decade or two to adjust. It won't happen overnight - another Mount Tambora explosion is another matter...

    Last edited by Barbarella, 19th May 2019 at 16:34.

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  23. #42
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    sounds good to me Barb...sidestepping all the useless controversy would let us act in a responsible manner...period. Has it ever been a good idea to shove tons of junk into the atmosphere and oceans...Simple logic tells me no.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  25. #43
    Senior Member Wind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Barbarella View Post
    From my research, solar activity has little effect on the Earth's climate. The Maunder minimum did coincide with a cooler period, and the two seem related, but the onset was fairly gradual as was the ending. However, there is at least one much more likely cause of a global cooling and that is of a large volcanic eruption. Look up The Year Without a Summer, 1816.
    The Sun is in fact the main driver of Earth's climate, as unfortunate or fortunate as that may be. What we see on the news about carbon dioxide and the human cause is 99 % propaganda and lies, at best they're highly mistaken. Solar cycle 25 is about to start late this year or perhaps next year and it will be a very weak one... The implications of that are quite severe. Volcanoes will only contribute to the cooling. There will be "some" time left, but not too much. The question of course is what you could do about that and the answer is not much. Besides being self-sufficient, if that is your thing. I take life as it comes and try not to worry too much even if know what's coming. And yes, we should stop polluting and destroying the Earth, even a child should know that. Sadly, it's not the case. C'est la vie.
    Last edited by Wind, 10th May 2019 at 00:29.

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  27. #44
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    Yes, solar cycle 25 is due to start in the next year to 18 months. But this is only the sunspot and magnetic field cycle. There is some evidence that lower solar activity increases the earth's exposure to cosmic rays, which in turn slightly increases cloud cover. But it appears not to be very dramatic or it would be more obvious. Just look back at weather records, solar activity and grain prices. There may be longer underlying cycles that we've not been around enough to observe - the maunder Minimum could be one of them.

    The difference in solar radiation between absolute maximum and minimum is much less that one percent! One of the many reasons why complex life on Earth has evolved is because the sun's output is very stable.

    Last edited by Barbarella, 11th May 2019 at 20:40.

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  29. #45
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    So it's asteroids and volcanoes that cause the most sudden change. Some of that is cyclical and some isn't.

    Some people are exploring the sun's connection to earth activities like volcanoes.

    Obviously, we'd like to be able to scientifically predict things.

    I have seen no imminent disasters in dreams, so I believe we're good for now.

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