Aragorn (16th December 2017), Dumpster Diver (16th December 2017), Elen (16th December 2017), Kathy (23rd December 2017), sandy (17th December 2017)
If you want my opinion, then this is turning out Yet Another Witch Hunt Hype™, just as there have been so many already.
- If you are of a somewhat darker complexion, then you are a Muslim terrorist.
- If you are friendly to a child, then you are a pedophile.
- If you happen to be romantically interested in a colleague, then you are sexually harassing them.
Nothing new under the sun, and you can bet that this whole thing is going to blow over in a couple of months, after which it'll be business as usual again, with the real predators continuing to do what they've been doing all along, and with the same level of impunity.
Don't get me wrong. Sexual harassment is a very real phenomenon — and I maintain what I've said earlier, which is that rape is the worst of all crimes — but what's going on right now is merely that the mainstream media have discovered a new milk cow, and that a couple of the usual busybodies would be standing up in demand of government regulations that would supposedly prevent this sort of thing from happening, like surveillance cameras everywhere, with the whole system — let's be all hip and modern here — powered by an artificial intelligence. (Microsoft has already developed such a system for the work floor.)
And if it were to come to that, then said regulations will once again — as always — make life much more unpleasant for the good people, while the true perverts and freaks will still be getting away with what they're doing. Color me a cynic, but has it ever been any different?
- Has the death penalty ever stopped anyone from committing a murder, or brought a murder victim back to life?
- Has the incredibly difficult way for Europeans to legally acquire a firearm ever stopped true criminals from acquiring them in the black market?
- Has the mass surveillance of the last 16 years managed to prevent the rise of ISIS and the influx of terrorists in western countries?
- Has the Catholic rule of abstention before marriage ever stopped Catholic priests from sexually abusing children?
Didn't think so either.
Dumpster Diver (16th December 2017), Elen (16th December 2017), Emil El Zapato (16th December 2017), Fred Steeves (16th December 2017), Kathy (23rd December 2017), lilac (18th December 2017), Maggie (16th December 2017), Paloma (22nd December 2017), pointessa (18th December 2017), sandy (17th December 2017), Wind (17th December 2017)