I'm only going to say one last thing about this, and then I'll shut up. What do you consider most important? That we promote certain political movements, religious convictions, sexual orientations, skin colors, names of countries, et al — all of which are meant to accentuate that we are not all the same — or that we find common ground and promote that which unites us all*?
Zwarte Piet is the helper (or one of the helpers) of Sinterklaas, and his job is to climb up and down chimneys in order to bring candy and toys to the children. The Teletubbies are colorful and (for a toddler) cuddly looking creatures, whose job it is to entertain the little ones with animated stories that appeal to their intellectual and social development. Bert and Ernie are intended to make kids laugh with their antics.
We are all human, and we are all mortal. And we're all living on a planet ruled by psychopaths, and governed by an equally psychopathic control system called "the financial sector". Our job as human beings, is to make this world a better place to live in, for ourselves, for our children, for our grandchildren, and for everyone else who comes after us. There has been enough division already. It is time for unity.
Now that is a truly liberal thought.
* And wasn't that the core message of "The Lord Of The Rings"?
Gimli: |
"I never thought I'd die side by side with an Elf!"
"What about side by side with a friend?"
"Aye, I can do that." |