Wow, that's a difficult one to answer, and especially now that I've become quite a cynic when it comes to UFO/UAP witnesses. So I tend to lean more toward the kinds of people who aren't selling anything, like Luis Elizondo, who headed the former Pentagon research into UAPs, or someone like Gary Heseltine,
whom we have interviewed in 2015, and who was doing research on the topic on account of the British police force. There are more people like that, many of whom appeared at the first Disclosure Project presentation in 2001, although I will add that Steven Greer himself has in the meantime become compromised — the price he pays for being a narcissist.
When it comes to David Wilcock, Michael Salla, Alfred Lambremont Webre,
Karen Kerry Cassidy and
Fearless Leader™, I am now dismissing out of hand any testimonies and/or witnesses they produce, as well as anyone who has ever been associated with them on account of their "research".
Wilcock discredited himself a long time ago, first by selling pseudoscience, and then by unconditionally backing (and marketing) Corey Goode. He has made it clear that it's a business for him, and that he's in it in order to make a living. Salla is a real-life
Fox Mulder from
"The X-Files", minus the discernment that Fox Mulder had. Webre is an opportunistic sensationalist without a shred of discernment, and he's got an unhealthy obsession with satanism and pedophiles.
Cassidy is a headless chicken with an attitude — hence the
Karen moniker for her.
Fearless Leader™, lastly, is only marginally better than her, and is guilty of having unleashed a whole host of charlatans onto the so-called "alternative community" — it's quite a list. Cassidy has tried that too, but she has been less successful than him even though she has produced an even higher quantity of charlatans, simply because the ones she produced — and continues to produce — haven't got a shred of credibility to them, plus that she herself is also well known for not having either of her feet on the ground.
The UFO/UAP phenomenon is very real — let there be no doubt about it — and I find it quite peculiar how everyone in the mainstream has such a hard time admitting that these things are most likely extraterrestrial and/or interdimensional, not to mention why the subject must automatically be met with ridicule. But I prefer keeping both of my feet on the ground. If they're asking for donations, trying to sell you some book they wrote or charging you money for "counseling", then they're charlatans in my book.