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Thread: What Motivates Bill Ryan of Project Avalon Community Forum?

  1. #1
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    What Motivates Bill Ryan of Project Avalon Community Forum?

    Because my interest in being on a forum is public, not personal, I normally would not start a thread in the members’ section.

    But since the subject matter of Bill Ryan and Project Avalon, which would normally be considered a public issue, is, at this point in time, 2017, a personal, or membership/community of a forum issue, due to public statements about an individual who used to be a member of this forum, Corey Goode; I’m thinking this thread needs to be in a sub-forum that is not viewed by the public at large, because the subject matter is not public, but “private.”

    I would like to state that personally, I don’t think that Bill Ryan is a paid asset or mind-controlled. I think he is simply a flawed human being, as we all are, but in his case, his personal life/autobiography has played out in public due to his association with the forum Project Avalon Community Forum, formerly known as Project Avalon, the sister site of Project Camelot, a whistleblower site. I can't defend what I think, other than to say that is what my intuition tells me. I sense that his ego was challenged by whatever happened in his interaction with Corey Goode. The ego is a powerful, often damaging, force of nature.

    I think that in his heart he is on the side of humanity and not working for the powers that be.

    I’m interested in why other members think what they think.

    Do you disagree with me on this, and if you do, what is your rationale?

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  3. #2
    Senior Member donk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    Because my interest in being on a forum is public, not personal, I normally would not start a thread in the members’ section.

    But since the subject matter of Bill Ryan and Project Avalon, which would normally be considered a public issue, is, at this point in time, 2017, a personal, or membership/community of a forum issue, due to public statements about an individual who used to be a member of this forum, Corey Goode; I’m thinking this thread needs to be in a sub-forum that is not viewed by the public at large, because the subject matter is not public, but “private.”

    I would like to state that personally, I don’t think that Bill Ryan is a paid asset or mind-controlled. I think he is simply a flawed human being, as we all are, but in his case, his personal life/autobiography has played out in public due to his association with the forum Project Avalon Community Forum, formerly known as Project Avalon, the sister site of Project Camelot, a whistleblower site. I can't defend what I think, other than to say that is what my intuition tells me. I sense that his ego was challenged by whatever happened in his interaction with Corey Goode. The ego is a powerful, often damaging, force of nature.

    I think that in his heart he is on the side of humanity and not working for the powers that be.

    I’m interested in why other members think what they think.

    Do you disagree with me on this, and if you do, what is your rationale?
    Yeah, but he's running a cult...and possibly in denial it is a cult.

    I think he honestly believes he's being responsible about CG, who HE created.

    I was a huge believer and deep into it, I believed in PA, the spirit of it and Bill's supposed mission

    He's not as multidimensional as he (and his followers) like to's pretty narrow minded over there...his idea of what "helps" humanity is off whack to my mind
    Last edited by donk, 11th September 2017 at 02:06.
    What is the purpose of your presence?

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  5. #3
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by donk View Post
    Yeah, but he's running a cult...and possibly in denial it is a cult.
    I agree with you there.

    And I think the reason for it is Bill Ryan's ego.

    I think that it was probably a huge embarrassment for Bill Ryan when Project Camelot split up, and he was probably looking to prove himself as an investigative journalist in his own right, and when things didn't go well for him as far as Corey Goode was concerned, it was embarrassment on top of embarrassment.

    Too much to bear.

    Now, he's really stuck, because he's gone way out of a limb denigrating Corey publicly.

    It's one thing to worry about the credibility of any whistleblower; it's quite another to smear the individual.

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  7. #4
    Senior Member donk's Avatar
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    And possibly more importantly, I think HE is the problem, not the Corey (or ALL the others) he created

    It seems easier to think he was controlled or on the payroll

    Go back and look at "the good work" he did on Camelot...Pete Peterson was the the "whistleblower" most people gabe the most credence too...where is that dude now?

    Then look at some of the others. It doesn't seem the ones (like Barry King and agape) that seem most genuine get any play after the fact. But the Jessica whatever she called herself then and the David wilcocks


    somehow get all the attention. He himself manages to dodge any scrunity. It kinda reeks

    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    I agree with you there.

    And I think the reason for it is Bill Ryan's ego.

    I think that it was probably a huge embarrassment for Bill Ryan when Project Camelot split up, and he was probably looking to prove himself as an investigative journalist in his own right, and when things didn't go well for him as far as Corey Goode was concerned, it was embarrassment on top of embarrassment.

    Too much to bear.

    Now, he's really stuck, because he's gone way out of a limb denigrating Corey publicly.

    It's one thing to worry about the credibility of any whistleblower; it's quite another to smear the individual.
    Corey SHOULD be denigrated...but Bill should get HALF the responsibility for anyone weak minded enough to believe in him and support the cult of the blue avians

    And Wilcock gets the othe HALF

    Someone needs to go through the early PROJECT CAMELOT interviews and see where those peeps are now

    Yeah, it was GROUNDBREAKING work...but to what end?
    Last edited by Aragorn, 11th September 2017 at 02:43. Reason: fixed your video link ;)
    What is the purpose of your presence?

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  9. #5
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by donk View Post
    Pete Peterson was the the "whistleblower" most people gabe the most credence too...where is that dude now?
    As far as I am concerned, Pete Peterson is a credible source.

    I found him to be credible when I saw him on Camelot, and I still think he's credible since I saw him on Gaia recently.

    I think that we have to remind ourselves that everything we think we know about science and technology should be put in a box and opposing, even bizarre, views considered. That is, if you believe there is a secret space program and advanced technologies based on alternative physics.

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    Because my interest in being on a forum is public, not personal, I normally would not start a thread in the members’ section.

    But since the subject matter of Bill Ryan and Project Avalon, which would normally be considered a public issue, is, at this point in time, 2017, a personal, or membership/community of a forum issue, due to public statements about an individual who used to be a member of this forum, Corey Goode; I’m thinking this thread needs to be in a sub-forum that is not viewed by the public at large, because the subject matter is not public, but “private.”
    Well, I suppose that's a matter of perspective.

    As background information, I can tell you that Corey Goode definitely burned his bridges when he left The One Truth, and over at Project Avalon, he was initially simply put in retirement, but then later on — as a direct result of the blood feud between Bill Ryan and Corey Goode — Corey's account was moved to what they call "Unsubscribed" over there, which is Avalon speak for "banned".

    Now, that said, Corey Goode has most certainly made a public figure out of himself, with David Wilcock and Michael Salla currently being his greatest promoters, but with Bill Ryan certainly having had a big hand in that as well in the past — which The Man With The Hat™ probably sorely regrets by now. On the other hand, Bill Ryan himself is of course also just as public a figure. And because Señor Ryan has played a significant role in launching certain people into an "alt community" celebrity status — himself and Kerry Cassidy included — The One Truth considers it appropriate to discuss these people in public, as part of our own community investigation into what drives these people and, perhaps even more importantly, to what extent these people are to be believed in their claims.

    As part of our investigation into the truth of matters, the staff of The One Truth has created a special and publicly visible forum category, called The Watchdog, in which all members can start threads and reply to them — as you can read in this staff announcement here. This forum category was also initially intended to work in parallel with a dedicated and invitation-only community group, called Watchdog Task Force — or "WTF" for short, as an intended pun. This community group was created by the staff, but it also comprised of regular forum members — both selected and voluntary.

    Alas, the Watchdog Task Force was primarily driven by our former super moderator bsbray, whose membership of the staff of The One Truth began suffering heavily under a sudden affliction with a strongly polarized political fanaticism during the run-up to the US presidential elections of 2016 — as you can read in this staff announcement here. In short, after having very unpleasantly confronted several other members — staff included — on the open forum, bsbray insisted on an immediate retirement of his account, and he even went so far as to threaten us if we didn't live up to his request. We have therefore retired his account, but with his departure from the forum, the activities of the Watchdog Task Force basically came to a grinding halt, and then a short while later, the non-staff members who were part of that group also began leaving the group due to other commitments. As such, the public Watchdog subforum became the only venue still where "alt community" celebrities and their claims are being investigated.

    The above all said, I would personally like to move this thread into the public Watchdog forum category, but if after reading all of the above you still prefer that I don't do that, then I won't. It'll work either way, but given that this thread is about the motivations of one of the bigger names within this so-called "alternative community" and that this subject keeps on popping up again on a regular basis — often without coming to a final conclusion due to certain people's adoration for El Hombre Con Sombrero™ — I personally feel that this thread should be public.

    Like I said however, I'll leave the decision in your hands. I can appreciate that you would have your reasons for keeping this restricted to the members-only category. After all, that's what they do at La Casa Del Sombrero™ as well.

    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    I would like to state that personally, I don’t think that Bill Ryan is a paid asset or mind-controlled. I think he is simply a flawed human being, as we all are, but in his case, his personal life/autobiography has played out in public due to his association with the forum Project Avalon Community Forum, formerly known as Project Avalon, the sister site of Project Camelot, a whistleblower site. I can't defend what I think, other than to say that is what my intuition tells me.
    Well, I'm pretty convinced that his "celebrity status" wasn't entirely unintended. He is quite a narcissist, and there is ample evidence to corroborate that.

    But as to whether he would be a paid asset, my personal assessment would be "not likely". As to whether he is being controlled, I would say "very likely". As intelligent and manipulative as he may be, he does have his own woo-woo factor — he's a Scientologist, remember? — and he has in the past staunchly promoted and defended certain things which have later on been proven to be complete fabrications from fantasists. Corey Goode is just one example. Simon Parkes is another one, and people have been banned from Project Avalon over their criticisms of Simon Parkes.

    In the Dutch language, we have a saying that translates to English as "If you sleep next to the dog, you'll catch its fleas." Bill Ryan has certainly been rubbing shoulders with some questionable individuals, among whom genuine insiders from black projects and other government agencies. He has cited some of them as reliable information sources.

    An example of this would be the Project Camelot whistleblower "Jake Simpson", who is also one of David Wilcock's informants. "Jake Simpson"'s real name is John "Jack" Burns, and he's a member of the ASIO, the Australian counterpart to the NSA and CIA. Kerry Cassidy was sleeping with Burns after she broke up romantically with Bill Ryan, and Bill Ryan himself has recently openly distanced himself from Burns at the Avalon forum, but — and this is important — without mentioning that Jack Burns and "Jake Simpson" were one and the same person, and that many of the claims made by Bill and Kerry regarding "inside information" that they had been handed, actually came from Jack Burns. And so far, Bill Ryan has yet to denounce that material as disinformation.

    So he's playing a dirty role, in my opinion. On the one hand, he has his own gullibility factor — which, admittedly, is not as bad as Kerry's — but on the other hand, he also continues to disseminate disinformation of which he himself knows that it is disinformation.

    It is certainly food for thought.

    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    I sense that his ego was challenged by whatever happened in his interaction with Corey Goode. The ego is a powerful, often damaging, force of nature.
    Oh, that one is obvious. Bill Ryan is a fully-blown narcissist, as well as a highly skilled Machiavellian. He cannot take criticism. At one point, he even attempted to get bsbray — who was on his Skype contacts list — to edit out Bill Ryan's name from posts made by The One Truth member Lord Sidious, in which the latter had espoused his then-opinion that Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy would be working for the alphabet spooks. We have this on record in the mod room.

    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    I think that in his heart he is on the side of humanity and not working for the powers that be.
    I personally think that first and foremost, Bill Ryan does what's in the best interest of Bill Ryan, and that his apparent commitment to the cause of truth-seeking is just a convenience in which he has no emotional stakes at all. But undoubtedly there is a lot that we don't know about him yet in that regard. And that's one of the traits of an experienced Machiavellian: never let anyone look into your cards.

    El Sombrero™ is a master at the game. The big question is what game exactly he's playing.

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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I personally feel that this thread should be public.
    I have no objection to that.

    Thank you for asking.

    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    The big question is what game exactly he's playing.
    Were you interested in Project Camelot at the beginning, and a member of the original Project Avalon?

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    were you?

    I wasn't

    I came in when Inelia Benz was the cover girl, and like to feel like i helped encourage Simon Parkes to join

    Hopefully that's just egotistical, but I'd like to take responsibility for my many mistakes
    What is the purpose of your presence?

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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post

    The above all said,
    To borrow from a line from the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare ...

    An officer of the palace guard says this after the ghost of the dead king appears, walking over the palace walls.

    Note: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” ...

    In which is used to describe corruption or a situation in which something is wrong ...

    That about sums up BR's Project Avalon ...

    From my point of view.
    Last edited by Gio, 11th September 2017 at 06:23. Reason: Claify

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  19. #10
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I've said this before. I watched a few early Camelot interviews and Bill was, more than once, rude and condescending to Kerry in front of the guest and on camera. His up front 'charm' is a front, as far as I'm concerned.

    Once he and Kerry stopped working together, he turned his focus on the forum. For him, it's a place to harvest people for their ideas and money. For others it seems to be a place of research and community. But their community can be broken or taken away at the whim of Bill and his moderators and it seems that's happened a few times.

    People need to be discerning. Leaders, and Bill is in a kind of leadership position, have responsibility to vet what they support. I'm not confident that he does that.

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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    I've said this before. I watched a few early Camelot interviews and Bill was, more than once, rude and condescending to Kerry in front of the guest and on camera. His up front 'charm' is a front, as far as I'm concerned.
    Thank you for that; that's an observation of yours that I was not aware of, and did not notice myself years ago.

    That is interesting.

    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Leaders, and Bill is in a kind of leadership position, have responsibility to vet what they support. I'm not confident that he does that.
    I felt that way about the interview of Jane Burgermeister. I thought that there were red flags that she may have either been a paid asset or a mind-controlled one, and that due diligence before showcasing her on Camelot, by picking up the phone and speaking with those who were actually interacting with her to find out what their concerns were, was not done.

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    Ryan does what any good asset does for the central intelligence agencies when they ask him to and don't think they don't work in some benefit be it real secrets, tips, assurances about other personal issues going on behind the scenes of all the forums no one knows about and so on! Imagine going through life being watched as you progress because you have something, or you do something, or offer something someone else may need to use and they watch and they watch and they watch and when one they watch gets into the mud, figuratively speaking, and someone else has been watching just to see when they get stuck and need help so they can then offer a hand, for a price, well you get the idea!

    Like a good asset the seed is planted and then the planter steps back and distances himself/herself from it for plausible deniability once the sprout takes off! We've seen it time and again, how much more do you need before you put 2+2 together to figure it out?

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    Quote Originally posted by Jengelen View Post
    We've seen it time and again . . .
    Can you be more specific?

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    The image of independence is just that. A mask, a disguise, a cover to conceal the truth behind it. Everyone wants to be exempt from serving the man, or being indebted to someone but everyone stumbles in life at some point and becomes needy for something. When one is needing something, even in the slightest way it is a door cracked open for those wishing to take advantage for something they themselves need. The art of how to make someone diplomatically or politically available to you even when they wish to ignore you is about as important as the art of war to these elite that operate things behind the scenes.

    The individuals they wish to manipulate or use for whatever reasons may not always need themselves, but often those they love do need or have some, shall we say, 'trouble' in their life they wish would go away. If one hypothetically speaking had this serious trouble, this serious secret trouble that was persistent and wouldn't go away, a monkey on your back in some way shape of form, well this is the opportunity all those in power love!

    When Bill Clinton was needing help to get out of the Oxford rape of a coed mess he became very politically and diplomatically available to the whip and was all ears eager to help them if they could help him. It's this kind of thing that makes the world go round really. Bill was likely known about before going over to Oxford. They wanted him and knew of his deviance certainly! So these powers know things about us. They know things we wish they didn't know lets be honest. Intimate as any lover they know at least everything pertinent for those in the field of their focus that they find worthy of interest, and when they see an opportunity they use it to do what we've witnessed with these things not just lately but periodically over periods of years they do this. Cory Goode is a psyop just like Simon Parkes and others before that. All these guys are involved with these spooks to some degree and the spooks have them, Ryan included who has to be very careful now because his cover is all but blown which was his main worry I'm sure! He walks on egg shells with this because he worries of the thoughts it will bring about both the past actions and whistle blowers and future ones for how he can be accepted or trusted in the future.

    I don't think Bill knew entirely what these agencies are up to with these operations they are currently running but this whole thing with Disclosure and Greer, Goode, MUFON and more is now CIA and deep state all the way obviously! They took it over and it appears to me anyway that Weidner, Wilcock, and more are all wrapped up now by contracts to where they have to remain quiet as actors playing parts because someone some where has them by the short and curly hairs apparently and that would mean they likely have all of them this way so they all are very nervous because all their reps, all their futures are now in the hands of deep state! Must be scary as all get out for them to know the man has them! None of these guys can tell you what took place behind the scenes because to do so would reveal deep state involvement from the start with all the intro of these new guys out there on the circuit at MUFON now!

    They have orchestrated a perfectly run coup of the encampment and from my perspective BR opened the door for them to come right in so yeah he is nervous and has every reason to be. People may not be on to him but they are certainly seeing the dark shadow that comes with him now where before it was not seen.

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    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I personally feel that this thread should be public.
    I have no objection to that.

    Thank you for asking.
    Excellent. Then I will move this thread into The Watchdog, which is publicly visible.

    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    The big question is what game exactly he's playing.
    Were you interested in Project Camelot at the beginning, and a member of the original Project Avalon?
    I was never a member of the Project Camelot forum, simply because I was never really into forums in general up until I joined Project Avalon on 14 January 2014 — I'll get back into that a little farther down. I have however watched most of Project Camelot's videos, up to way beyond the point in time when Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy went their separate ways. At some point, I stopped watching Kerry's videos after I got disappointed with the abysmal sound quality and the incredibility of some of her witnesses, but I stayed subscribed to her YouTube channel for a long time still, so that I would still get to see a heads-up in my YouTube news feed regarding any new material she uploaded, and so that I could then decide for myself whether or not to watch it.

    I was also subscribed to Bill Ryan's YouTube channel at the time, but unlike Kerry, he didn't upload a lot of material that I hadn't already seen. Most of the material he uploaded at the time were simply the same videos with subtitles translated in different languages. Then, in 2011, he uploaded a few new videos again, including the interview with "Charles" (real name: Stephen Hodges) and a short while later, the interview with Inelia Benz.

    Then he went quiet again for a while — at least, in YouTube terms — until he uploaded the interview that Claudia (Karelia) did of Simon Parkes. That's when I decided to join Project Avalon, although it wasn't over the Simon Parkes material itself, per se. I found that material interesting, but what made me decide to join up was that Bill Ryan was still active, and as I had faith in him back then, I wanted to "join the cause". I had already had a couple of exchanges with Bill Ryan earlier via plain e-mail — this was when he and Kerry were still actively working together — and he had always replied to me, and cordially so. Kerry on the other hand is aloof — I've contacted her via e-mail several times to offer her clarification regarding technical matters that she was inquiring about on her blog or in her videos, but never once did she reply. You see, I hadn't used the magic word "Annunaki".

    As to how I came to all of that material in the first place, that's a whole story in and of itself. I am somewhat of an amateur fiction writer, and I had for a long time already been brooding on a science fiction story. At some point, I intended to go through with writing that novel, and I started doing research about UFOs and conspiracies, and that's how I fell upon the Project Camelot videos, as well as the David Icke material. Something about the dynamic between Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy and the enormous amount of videos that they were putting out at the time got me hooked.

    At that point in time, I too was still in that phase where you lack discernment and where you believe everything these "researchers" say. And it was all much more convoluted than the science fiction story I had intended to write, which made me contemplate that truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction. And it is, but that's a dangerous presumption, because it leads you to take people like Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy at face value, and it took me some time to realize that even among these "researchers who bring the truth out", all is not as it seems, and people have agendas — even if it's only narcissism.

    Awakening to the truth is a multi-stage process, and many get stuck in one of those earlier stages. Some are also afraid to give up on their own conditioning and indoctrination — which is quite often of a religious nature. After all, there's a reason as to why the whole of South America speaks Spanish and is Catholic.

    Now, I won't be derailing this thread by reiterating the story of how and why I got banned from Project Avalon anymore, as I've covered all of that several times already on other threads. Let's just say that I was apprised of some information that El Sombrero™ considered dangerous to his public image, and a blemish on his ego. But either way, by the time I got banned — on 18 March 2015, and by El Hombre Con Sombrero™ himself — I was already fully convinced that he is, indeed, a certifiable Machiavellian and narcissistic psychopath, both because of my own interactions with him on the Avalon forum and because of how he conducted himself in several other matters, among which the breakup with his then-wife Christine Anderson, and the obsessive and ugly way in which he went after Corey Goode once he found out that Corey had been sent a 72-page FBI file on Bill Ryan.

    Bill Ryan seems warm and charming on the outside, but he is cold as ice and utterly premeditated on the inside. That, to me, was the wake-up call with regard to the validity of the material he and Kerry had been and still are putting out there. I started putting two and two together, and some things just didn't add up.

    So there you have it. Just my two Eurocents, as ever.

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