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Thread: Trump's been Russian around

  1. #31
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    DT, all you're doing here is the exact same thing they do over at Bill's house, going only to sources who are assured to substantiate one's confirmation bias. These people listed here are obsessed with grasping at straws to convict Trump, while the others are grasping at straws to crown him king. Neither group is investigating with an open mind, nothing journalistic about it, not ever Rachel (BOMBSHELL/WE GOT 'EM) Maddow is trying to prove her own confirmation bias by seeking proof via highly partisan Twitter feeds.

    The only true journalists I can find out there are Lefty's, the same type that The Young Turks and others love to smear and villainize because they broke away from the herd to follow the truth, not herd opinion. These journalists despise Trump as much as anyone, but refuse to let that cloud their better judgment, and compromise their journalistic objectivity when investigating such matters. They're not afraid to go against the grain in going after democrat malfeasance, and they're certainly not afraid to go after Trump/republican malfeasance, but they're not, under any circumstances, going to try and find malfeasance where there is none to be found.

    Your democrats had plenty of ammunition to go after Captain Chaos on substantive grounds, yet they chose to go snipe hunting instead. So here we find ourselves still, now in the midst of "Russiagate Season 5". I'll stick with true journalism; you stick with The Young Turks and Twitter. There are two major factions in this mess: "Trump Derangement Syndrome", and "Trump Agreement Syndrome". I stand with neither, I stand with what's really going on, no matter what it is.

    Happy snipe hunting. Can't wait to see what season 6 has to offer!
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  3. #32
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    There's all kinds of incentive to be a total dick, in politics. Russia probably just held out the carrot of building permits for T. Wonder what Obama got for droning the crap out of Syria? And who groomed him for office? Israel? Likely. Same sh**, different day. I have to admit though, on the domestic scene, Trump is scarier, imo.

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  5. #33
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    As I said previously, I've been looking into the skeptics mentioned, and others. Here's some stuff from Thomas Rid.

    Has anyone here read Thomas Rid's book Active Measures? Does anyone here know what Active Measures are?





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  7. #34
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Matt Tait points to this skeptical article from Spytalk. I don't subscribe.

    (Matt is pwnallthethings)


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    Emil El Zapato (26th July 2021)

  9. #35
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Craig Unger has written several books about Trump. And he's skeptical about the Guardian story. His article in Spytalk is linked above. I don't subscribe so I can't quote from it.

    Mooch FM (yes, Anthony Scaramucci) is interviewing Craig Unger and others on this general subject.

    Because, let us be real here, whatever the dirty details really are, there is certainly Kompromat and it's a bad thing.

    Craig Unger states plainly that Trump is owned by the Russian mob. I believe it's also common knowledge that Putin has positioned himself to be in control of said mob.

    So we can bitch and moan about the Guardian, who thankfully brings this mess back into public thought, or we can look into the fecked up shenanigans of the previous Administration and try to fix the damage done.

    I choose the latter.

    I'm capable of looking a various sides of an issue, this one for instance, and find the substance and continue on the journey. Life is not black and white.

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  11. #36
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Craig Unger's book, American Kompromat is his most recent. He's written other books about Trump and Putin and he's also written about Bush (W) and Karl Rove. He has focused on Rove.
    Here is an audio snippet from his newest.

  12. #37
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Craig Unger's book, American Kompromat is his most recent. He's written other books about Trump and Putin and he's also written about Bush (W) and Karl Rove. He has focused on Rove.
    Here is an audio snippet from his newest.

    Hmm, seems pretty accurate to me ...
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  14. #38
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Craig Unger and Yuri Shvets wonder why the mainstream media has not been covering this latest book. Why oh Why?

    There are some super interesting points made during this discussion. Yuri points out that Putin's time at the KGB was not doing spy-craft. It's not his skill. He was part of the team which went around finding Kompromat on Russians and turning them into snitches.

    In other words, Putin's skill set is centered around turning countrymen against each other.


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  16. #39
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Regarding the MoochFM interview:

    Shvets, at 14 minutes, mentions an American mole who's in the KGB for nine years until around 2017 as a fantastic source of information. And a likely source for the Guardian piece.

    Donald Trump, with his personal characteristics, was a "dream" for Russian intelligence.

    Shvets believes there will be more information forthcoming. Which would be one reason why there would be such strong pushback and attempts at dismissal.

    At 30 minutes they discuss Jeffrey Epstein and his importance.

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  18. #40
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Yuri has made what could be a very cogent point with regard to the recent article from The Guardian. He believes there is going to be a changeover in power and that Putin will be out in a year or two.

    During those kinds of power transfers, leaks happen. They are designed to make it easier for the new guy to take over. The Oligarchs are pretty awful and so they are working on ensuring that Putin gets all the credit, which becomes responsibility and then blame, and then they can be the new better boss guy, whomever wins out.

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  20. #41
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Trump’s Russian Laundromat

    This isn't even new. It's from 2017. If the Oligarchs, whom Putin was in control of, had such investment in this scheme, they'd do what they could to get him in office.

    It's kind of a no-brainer. Perhaps people have gotten lost in the weeds. It's very difficult to directly nail someone who acts like a mob boss. They always couch their words. And so people around them get indicted, and they become implicated in criminal cases. As happened with Trump.

    Trump is now on the road to being indicted because of actual evidence under law which was either suppressed before or not acted on due to DOJ policy, not law.

    Perhaps people are confused by Barr who, aside from blatantly lying, acted as a personal attorney to Trump which is utterly beyond norms and precedent.

    In other words, Barr covered for Trump at the expense of the America People. And he did so because of his personal beliefs in the Unitary Executive. (remember Bush/Cheney?)

  21. The Following User Says Thank You to Dreamtimer For This Useful Post:

    Emil El Zapato (31st July 2021)

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