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Thread: UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed

  1. #1
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed

    Published on 2 Jul 2017

    The content of this documentary has massive implications for our entire planet. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile sites—using authenticated files and the testimony of vetted military eyewitnesses.

    Aliens possessing tremendously advanced technology have monitored and even tampered with American and Russian nuclear weapons for decades. These stunning, nearly unbelievable developments must not be kept secret by a handful of government and military officials. We all have a right to know the facts. Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents affirm their assertions.

    Thanks to Robert Hastings for this new documentary

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Amanda's Avatar
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    Well made documentary but as always I have questions. Over the years I have already become acquainted with everything that is contained within the documentary. Rendlesham is unique and in my humble opinion - one of the few irrefutable Intergalactic Visitor/Craft experiences. There is nothing to suggest that any of the professionals who were present during the Rendlesham experience were doing anything but telling the truth.

    The incident where the Intergalactic Craft fired four separate beams into an airborne nuclear device is truly incredible and is certainly an excellent example for the theory that Intergalactic Visitors - do exhibit benevolent tendencies. I viewed the footage many years ago. I still have the same thoughts and questions now. Were they saving us? Were they saving us from ourselves aka Earthly Military Services??

    Interesting for me - maybe not others but a visual note. Near to the end of the documentary there is a screenshot of a news report from CBS. Looking at the logo for the news outlet I could not help but think of the description provided by the professionals who were present at Rendlesham.

    So the question remains: Why the need for secrecy?

    Humans have a fundamental right to know what is going on. They also have a fundamental right to come to their own conclusions - don't they? As always someone knows what is going on - they always do. I think we can all agree that something is happening and has been happening for a very long time - Yes/No/Maybe?????

    Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

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  5. #3
    Senior Member United States
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    I agree; I agree; I agree. Your license plate statement "Much Peace" would be worrisome if I had trust issues, but I don't. Years ago, during the era of Schwarzenegger's UFO work, there was a film in which a being appearing quite
    human arrived on earth, seeming to befriend humans. (His real intent was cannibalistic, though he seemed quite benevolent.) He would say "I come in Peace". Then after placing his arm around a human's shoulders, he would hold a device on the back of the unsuspecting human's neck, which would kill the human instantly by "frying the human's brain" basically. The Being sought what he called "protein material" on which to feed.
    Last edited by Gale Frierson, 7th September 2017 at 01:37. Reason: To add something

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally posted by Gale Frierson View Post
    I agree; I agree; I agree. Your license plate statement "Much Peace" would be worrisome if I had trust issues, but I don't. Years ago, during the era of Schwarzenegger's UFO work, there was a film in which a being appearing quite
    human arrived on earth, seeming to befriend humans. (His real intent was cannibalistic, though he seemed quite benevolent.) He would say "I come in Peace". Then after placing his arm around a human's shoulders, he would hold a device on the back of the unsuspecting human's neck, which would kill the human instantly by "frying the human's brain" basically. The Being sought what he called "protein material" on which to feed.
    The movie was apparently called "I Come in Peace", but I remember having watched it under the title "Dark Angel". They probably renamed the movie so as to not generate any conflation with the "Dark Angel" TV series. The movie featured Dolph Lundgren as a police detective who comes across the alien.

    The alien also didn't use the protein material — concretely, I think it was endorphins he was after — as food, but rather as a catalyst for creating recreational drugs for his own kind. He also used a weapon that looked very much like a CD disk and that he would throw at an opponent. It was incredibly light and incredibly sharp. Shortly after his arrival, another one of his kind arrived on Earth as well, but this one was an extraterrestrial police officer, seeking to stop and arrest (or kill) the first alien.

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Netherlands
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Shortly after his arrival, another one of his kind arrived on Earth as well, but this one was an extraterrestrial police officer, seeking to stop and arrest (or kill) the first alien.
    The Better You Look, The More You See

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