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Thread: An Alternative View of Hitler

  1. #91
    Senior Member Novusod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dumpster Diver View Post
    Hitler had a different vision for humanity: a vision of world peace and universal abundance...under the Nazi Jackboot of global population control including Aryan genetic supremacy and elimination of "inferior" genetic entities.

    Fixed it for ya!

    You are welcome.
    Not really. If you want read about the real vision for the future I suggest reading the mystery school thread. At least read Artificial scarcity article.

    A short except:

    The secret to money it that it actually has no value. It is just a stand in for real goods. Problems arise when society forgets that money is just a stand in. In our society people are perversely incentivized to just to make money with out producing a tangible products. For example Banks don't actually make anything but they make money through interest, derivatives, stocks, and bonds etc. By not producing any tangible products but still creating money bankers are able to loot the planet through through the unseen hand of monetary malfeasance.

    Let me tell you about the meme of artificial scarcity.

    We have lots of idle factories that could be producing stuff but are shut down.
    We have plenty of demand for the products made in those factories but still they do not operate.
    We have millions of unemployed workers who want to work in those factories but are not allowed.
    We have millions of empty homes and millions of homeless people. Why is that?
    We live in a time of phenomenal abundance but there is poverty everywhere.
    Food is left to rot in the field while people starve.
    Real abundance is being destroyed. WHY?

    Both Capitalists and Socialists are complicit in this fraud called artificial scarcity.
    This kind of thing was originally exposed in Hitler's book Mien Kampf.

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  3. #92
    Senior Member United States Dumpster Diver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Not really. If you want read about the real vision for the future I suggest reading the mystery school thread. At least read Artificial scarcity article.

    This kind of thing was originally exposed in Hitler's book Mien Kampf.
    Yup, that is a great thread.

    As for Herr Hitler and his misunderstood Brown Shirts, you and I will have to agree to disagree. A few years ago, the 50% German in me might have bought some of your revisionist history. But now, I have pretty hard evidence the Nazis (but maybe not your sweetheart Herr Hitler) signed a pact with evil-as-f**k lizard folk and ultimately set up a 4th Reich here in the US, assassinated JFK, arranged 9/11, and are trying to light the fuse on WW III even as we speak. I have tons of documentation, and you have a few stitched together videos.

    re: Mein Kampf. I'd have to reread it, I'll admit I may have missed something. It wouldn't tip the scales much tho; he was speaking to the hard-pressed, beaten-down German people after WW I and propoganda "wonder" stories is what they wanted to hear.

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  5. #93
    Senior Member Novusod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dumpster Diver View Post
    Yup, that is a great thread.

    As for Herr Hitler and his misunderstood Brown Shirts, you and I will have to agree to disagree. A few years ago, the 50% German in me might have bought some of your revisionist history. But now, I have pretty hard evidence the Nazis (but maybe not your sweetheart Herr Hitler) signed a pact with evil-as-f**k lizard folk and ultimately set up a 4th Reich here in the US, assassinated JFK, arranged 9/11, and are trying to light the fuse on WW III even as we speak. I have tons of documentation, and you have a few stitched together videos.

    re: Mein Kampf. I'd have to reread it, I'll admit I may have missed something. It wouldn't tip the scales much tho; he was speaking to the hard-pressed, beaten-down German people after WW I and propaganda "wonder" stories is what they wanted to hear.
    You are talking about Operation paperclip?

    Please understand not all Nazis were saints and Hitler himself was a flawed human being. I do not mean to make him sound like the messiah because that he is not. There were some disastrous things that happened in the plan to free humanity which ultimately caused the plan to fail. Hitler had good intentions but was lead down a path to hell by various advisors who may have been reptilians.

    From my understanding of galactic politics the lizard folks and reptilians come from two star systems.

    - The first is Sirius (Dog Star) which in ancient times was "Dogon" or Dragon star.

    - The second is Alpha Draconis from the constellation Draco.

    Maria Orsic of the Vril society contacted a race of ETs from the Aldebaran system (Alpha Taurus from the constellation Taurus). These aliens had blond hair and blue eyes. It is these aliens and the Vril society that set up the breakaway civilization of Neuschwabenland.

    Operation Paperclip took place in 1945 to 1946. Operation high jump occurred in 1947. In this timeline why did the paperclip Nazis (4th Reich) attack the Nazis in Neuschwabenland? Makes no sense. The paper clip Nazis were little more than PoWs with special privileges. The evil that had been festering in the deep state of America had been going on long before operation paperclip.

    The US has been a conquered puppet state since at least 1913 with the signing of the Federal Reserve act.

    President Woodrow Wilson made the following statement on the eve of the first world war:
    "Some of the biggest men in the United States are AFRAID of something... They know there is a power so subtle so watchful so complete so pervasive so interlocked;
    That they had better not speak above their breath when they speak against it

    And of course there is THIS rather than any 4th Reich that rules the world.

    This is the evil that Hitler was trying to free humanity from.

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  7. #94
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Let me ask you. What kind of despotic regime sentences and 87 year old grandmother to jail for holocaust denial?


    A regime that has something to hide that's who. The TRUTH needs no legal protection. Lies on the other hand require the full force of the state to crack down on truth tellers or the lie will become untenable.
    Things are far more convoluted than that. This is not about the regime itself.

    The whole world is controlled by the bankers, many of whom are Zionists — they are probably not actually Jews in the sense that they most likely don't even practise the Judaic religion — and the bankers control the governments. In other words, the governments do the bankers' bidding. That's why Holocaust denial is considered a criminal offense here in Europe, not because the Holocaust would have been a lie.

    Furthermore, it wasn't just the Nazis who committed genocide against the Jews. Stalin did the same thing, and he actually killed even more Jews than Hitler — 7 million versus 6 million.

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Do believe Jews were turned into lampshades and soap? Did Hitler have a Jew skin lampshade on his desk and wash his hands with Jew soap. So many ridiculous things have been said about the holocaust and it is all propaganda.
    Lots of ridiculous things are being said, and there will always be people who believe them. But just because one claim is ridiculous doesn't mean that the whole thing would have been a lie.

    I repeat that I have seen and met survivors of the camps. And my late maternal grandfather became a member of the resistance after he had first been deported to Germany as a slave laborer.

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  9. #95
    Senior Member Novusod's Avatar
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    Not everything those "survivors" say is true Aragorn. Many are pathological liars like this guy.

    I also met some holocaust survivors back in the 1980s when they came to speak at my school. They went through the usual rehearsed story they spoke at every school but then at the end they left some time for Q & A. Someone asked a question if any of the survivors were scared while they were in the concentration camps. One of the women (there were 3 women who came to speak that day) went off script and said she wasn't afraid and didn't believe she would die. Most of what she said earlier was a lie except the part about not being afraid. That part was true, that came from the heart. That was the first time I ever doubted the holocaust was the day I met a survivor. The concentration camps did exist nobody denies that. However, they were just labor camps. A lot of inconsistencies can be found in survivor stories if you examine them.

    One part of the official narrative that they say is the Nazis killed all the children when they first arrived at the camps because they were not useful as laborers. However, this is clearly a lie. Many of the survivors that are alive today were children during WW2. Here is a picture below of some children that survived Auschwitz. The history books will boldly print how the Nazis killed all the children but then show pictures of living children after the war. Notice how they don't look particularly starved either. The emaciated body look was the result of typhoid. These children were fed, they were housed, and they even went to school while in the concentration camps. Every concentration camp had schools even Auschwitz. It was called "Block 31."

    Block 31 is very interesting story about the holocaust.

    Block 31 was set up by a man named Alfred Hirsch. (Not a holocaust denier website)

    Thanks to Hirsch's ability to negotiate with the Nazi commanders (he always took care to look well-presented and have clean boots) he managed to reserve one of the wooden buildings in the family camp for the children's block. He then gave up his advantageous position as a lagerkapo and became the head of the children's block.

    The block was furnished differently from the most of the other prisoners' buildings at Birkenau. Instead of three-level bunk beds it had little tables at which the children sat - since the children only spent the day here, returning to their families at night. The walls inside the building were decorated with pictures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Eskimos, flowers and fairytale characters. The children spent most of the day in block 31. They ate here, and in addition to soup, other food was obtained for them from parcels that had arrived at the camp but whose addressees were already dead. The children were also protected from the otherwise omnipresent reign of terror of the SS officials. Other positive features of the children's block were that the daily roll-calls were short and took place within the building itself, rather than taking place outside...

    In late 1943 and early 1944 the children also rehearsed and performed a production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was attended by SS men, including Dr. Mengele, who applauded the children enthusiastically, had them sit on his knee and asked them to call him Uncle.

    After the arrival of the December transports there were around 500 children in the block, and Hirsch managed to gain a further building for the children.

    Before his death, Hirsch appointed his successors as the heads of the children's block - Seppl Lichtenstern and Jan Brammer.
    So lets review here.
    - Hirsch negotiated with the Nazi commanders (How is that possible?)
    - he managed to reserve one of the wooden buildings in the family camp for the children's block.
    (There was a family camp?)
    (Children's block? )
    - The school was provided with little tables and desks. (Very courteous of the Nazis.)
    - The block was decorated with fairytale characters
    - They sang songs, put on plays and played games.
    - The SS men attended the plays.
    - The children's block was later expanded to a second building. ( that possible if this is a death camp? The children are supposed to be dying.)
    - Before his suicide he appointed successors?

    Although the article mentions the children being murdered in 1944 the facts reveal when the camp was liberated at the end of the war children were photographed as still being alive. (seen above)

    The story of this school existing in a death camp is just absurd.
    The only reasonable explanation is Auschwitz wasn't a death camp.
    The Nazis actually treated their prisoners better than we treat our prisoners today.
    Trying negotiating a special block in a modern prison or better yet trying doing that in GITMO.

    The holocaust is nothing more than an absurd hoax.

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  11. #96
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Not everything those "survivors" say is true Aragorn. Many are pathological liars like this guy.

    So some guy lied, and that makes the whole thing a fraud? Like that there was this one guy who lied about seeing a UFO, which then also means that UFOs don't exist?

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    The holocaust is nothing more than an absurd hoax.
    You are entitled to your opinions, even if your opinions are utterly wrong. And due to the server of The One Truth being located in the USA, you are also legally allowed to share your opinions here at the forum. But I for one am done with this thread.


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  13. #97
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    I've seen photographic evidence of what was done. I've seen photographic evidence that is now etched into my brain and my consciousness. To all the Victims who died - Please be at Peace. To all the Survivors - Please find Peace.

    What I have seen via books and journals and photographic evidence - suggests to me that the Holocaust actually happened and was documented. To suggest that it was a fraud is incredibly disrespectful to those who suffered and died and those who survived. Something happened and even though I was not there and did not witness it with my own eyes - I know enormous travesties of Humanity happened and I will always have the utmost Respect for those who know the Truth. They know the Truth because they were there and as for those who made it happen and participated in the gross breaches of Human Rights - there is always a special place for you and yours.

    Much Respect & Much Peace - Heaven knows we need both - Amanda

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  15. #98
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    Quote Originally posted by Amanda View Post
    I've seen photographic evidence of what was done.....
    How have you differentiated between who died from what or by who? Because the photograph said so?? What is your understanding of the types of diseases rampant in the camps and how many died from what? What is your understanding of the atrocities committed by the Allies too? How many war related ads and articles from the 40's have you read? It's hard to even read through all the red flags that pop up at you and from being astonished at how huge and blatant the lies were and unbelievably gullible and stupid Americans were then.

    I'm just saying nothing about that war is black and white, it's NOT truthful as written, one side was not guiltier or more righteous than the other and the entire way it was marketed before, during and after to the blind people in all the participating countries is the biggest fraud and atrocity. Anyone perpetuating the surface face value story told by their government is continuing this myth and helping the new tyrants if you don't look a lot, lot deeper and help break the chain.

    Thank you to everyone contributing to breaking that chain in this thread.

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  17. #99
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    TimeLab - I appreciate your candour. Everyone is a victim when it comes to war. Even those who sit in comfort from a distance. I will give you one extreme example of what I have seen via photographic evidence.

    A black and white photograph - I looked at it and looked at it. Studied it and was trying to comprehend what I was seeing. A row of very thin Children lined up. They were malnourished, that much was evident. I studied the photograph and was still trying to determine the facts. The facts are these: The row of thin Children, naked and even hunched a little and seemingly forced to stand in a line up against a wall. They were little boys who did not have a penis. The nazi doctors had surgically removed their penises - in an atrocious experiment.

    So from my perspective. I respect the victims - all of them. Nydelig Unger - They are not nameless and they are not forgotten. As for what the cabal/illuminati/whatever beam out via the television and via the controlled textbooks - that is only one perspective. I have read many many many articles. No one is suggesting that there were not victims elsewhere - we are all victims when it comes to war.

    I stand firm and show my respect to All Victims. I know what I know and that does not mean I am right and others are wrong.

    Much Respect & Much Peace - the sooner the better - Amanda

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  19. #100
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    I am aware that it is against the law to deny the holocaust in Europe. I thank you for allowing me to post this illegal material here. This is one of the things that led to my awakening into questioning the holocaust.
    Holocaust denial is not illegal “in Europe”: it’s included in the laws against genocide denial in
    14 countries of Europe - many of which experienced the horrors of the Nazi regime directly.

    Which means that there are 30 countries in Europe that don’t have such a law - including the UK where I live.

    It’s perfectly legal to deny the Holocaust in 184 countries throughout the world. And the internet, of course.

    Your Voltaire quotation is not by Voltaire.

    It’s a piece of propaganda from a book by the the neo-Nazi and white nationalist Kevin Alfred Strom in his essay,
    ”All America Must Know the Terror That is Upon Us" (1993).

    We all need to do better research - without it, we’ll be duped and become willing puppets promoting the agenda of haters.

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Let me ask you. What kind of despotic regime sentences and 87 year old grandmother to jail for holocaust denial?

    Ursula Haverbeck may look like a sweet little old lady, and that is why she’s such an effective martyr figure for the deniers’ cause.
    She’s known in Germany as the Nazi Grandma and was married to a high ranking member of the Nazi party, and founder and director
    of the German Imperial Federation of Nation and Homeland. She’s a Nazi, through and through.

    She has never been imprisoned, despite having chosen to deliberately break the law of her country (regardless of whether
    one agrees with those laws or not) many times.
    Last edited by tarka the duck, 20th June 2017 at 12:39.

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  21. #101
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Which points? The quotes taken out of context? Hitler had a term for it when term for it: "luggenpresse" when people twisted his words to mean things he didn't want to say.
    Out of context? Here you go then - here is the whole speech. The message is exactly the same.

    For a fuller context spelling out the ideology of the Nazi leaders, here are some entries from
    Goebbel's diaries that directly contradict your initial claims about ‘world peace’:

    "...the greater the number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation
    in Europe be after this war." 6th March 1942

    "The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely.
    Not much will remain of the Jews.
    On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated
    whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor."
    27th March 1942

    "Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas.
    Tens of thousands of them are liquidated."
    29th April 1942

    “The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them.
    Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies.
    We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.”
    14th February 1943

    Lots more contextual examples where those came from: would you like to read some more so that you can understand the full situation a little more thoroughly?
    Last edited by tarka the duck, 20th June 2017 at 12:41.

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  23. #102
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post

    Block 31 is very interesting story about the holocaust.

    Block 31 was set up by a man named Alfred Hirsch. (Not a holocaust denier website) .
    I’m so glad you mentioned Fredy Hirsch. From what I've read, he was quite a man. To manage to make life just the tiniest bit easier of the children
    imprisoned in the ghetto and the concentration camp was more than I've managed to do in this lifetime.

    One of the survivors of Terezin, Zuzana Růžičková, said of him: “Hopefully, after the departure of the last of us who had known him,
    someone from the new generation will stand here at this spot saying – he must have been a*good, beautiful and courageous man”.

    Fredy Hirsch died in March 1944 at Birkenau, and his body was incinerated along with the remains of 3,792 other prisoners from the family camp at Terezin.

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Although the article mentions the children being murdered in 1944 the facts reveal when the camp was liberated at the end of the war children were photographed as still being alive. (seen above)
    Let’s have a closer look at that famous photo of the 12 child survivors that you have posted.
    Are you familiar with the Polish historian Danuta Czech’s “Auschwitz Chronicle”?
    She identified this photo as having been taken on 3rd November 1994 (the transport was from Sered)
    - after the last transport selection, which took place on 30th October 1944.
    The Auschwitz gassings stopped forever on 2nd November 1944. The day before this photo was taken.

    That is the reason they survived.

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    The story of this school existing in a death camp is just absurd.
    The only reasonable explanation is Auschwitz wasn't a death camp.
    The Nazis actually treated their prisoners better than we treat our prisoners today.
    Trying negotiating a special block in a modern prison or better yet trying doing that in GITMO.

    The holocaust is nothing more than an absurd hoax.

    So let's look at your evidence for drawing that conclusion:

    a) there’s a photo of 12 child survivors from Auschwitz
    b) the children were allowed to use one wooden hut as a school in the camp - and they had pictures on the wall - and tables and chairs.
    c) a handful of people fabricated experiences - from that, you feel confident that all survivors lied.
    d) you misinterpreted the comments of a survivor when you were a kid.
    e) there was a family block at Auschwitz - a ghetto in Terezin (where 33,000 Jews died)

    Now let's consider the evidence showing that your conclusion is wrong:

    3,000 tons of NAZI documentation presented at the Nuremberg trials.

    16 miles of shelving at Bad Arolsen, housing the Nazi records about the 17.5 million people — Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, mental patients,
    disabled, political prisoners and other undesirables — they persecuted during the regime's 12 years in power.
    The 30 to 50 million documents - scraps of paper, transport lists, registration books, labor documents, medical records,
    and finally death registers — record the arrest, transportation, and extermination of the victims.

    The Mauthausen concentration camp’s “Totenbuch,” or Death Book, records in meticulous handwriting how, on April 20, 1942,
    a prisoner was shot in the back of the head every two minutes for 90 hours: the camp commandant ordered these executions
    as a birthday present for Hitler. All recorded by the Nazis themselves.

    Hundreds of reports such as the Jager Report “A Complete List of Executions Carried Out in the EK3 area up to 1st December 1941”
    that were carried out by high ranking figures in the Nazi Party.
    SS commander Karl Jager was responsible of for organising the murder of 137,346 people in the Baltic states. and carefully recorded all the deaths.

    Here’s a snippet from that particular document:
    1 In Algona: "Mentally sick: 269 men, 227 women, 48 children"
    2 In Panevezys: "1,312 Jews, 4,602 Jewesses, 1,609 Jewish children"
    3 In Kreis Rasainiai: "466 Jews, 440 Jewesses, 1,020 Jewish children"
    4 In Obeliai: "112 Jews, 627 Jewesses, 421 Jewish children"
    5 In Seduva: "230 Jews, 275 Jewesses, 159 Jewish children"
    6 In Zarasai: "767 Jews, 1,113 Jewesses, 1 Lith[uanian]. Comm[unist]., 687 Jewish children, 1 Russ[ian]. Comm[unist]. (f[emale].)"
    7 In Pasvalys: "402 Jews, 738 Jewesses, 209 Jewish children"
    8 In Kaisiadorys: "All Jews, Jewesses, and Jewish children" [1,911 people]
    9 In Prienai: "All Jews, Jewesses, and Jewish Children" [1,078 people]
    10 In Dagda and Kraslawa: "212 Jews, 4 Russ[ian]. POW's"
    11 In Joniskia: "47 Jews, 165 Jewesses, 143 Jewish children"
    12 In Wilkia: "76 Jews, 192 Jewesses, 134 Jewish children"
    13 In Kedainiai: "710 Jews, 767 Jewesses, 599 Jewish children"
    14 In Rumsiskis and Ziezmariai: "20 Jews, 567 Jewesses, 197 Jewish children"
    15 In Utena and Moletai: "582 Jews, 1,731 Jewesses, 1,469 Jewish children"

    Audio recording of speeches by Nazi leaders.
    Eye witness statements from the perpetrators: e.g. Rudolf Hoss testifying that he personally oversaw the murder of more than 3 million people at Auschwitz:
    "I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there
    by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease, making a total of about 3,000,000 dead. "

    Eye witness statements from the survivors.
    Personal diaries of Nazi leaders.
    Film footage
    Gestapo records
    Architect plans, maps and diagrams.
    Minutes from conferences e.g. Wannsee
    Written orders
    Records of the Einsatzgruppen - the mobile killing units

    ... someone, stop me ... The list is seemingly endless and the mountain of evidence is overwhelming.

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    On the topic of photoshop it was possible to edit photos before computers with double exposures and other tricks. They would take copies film negatives and then expose another photo top of it. The USSR was quite skilled at doing this having had experience erasing Trotsky from official photos.
    You’ve posted the standard gallery of forged photos that’s been doing the rounds on the internet for years
    - and the only thing that proves is that someone has, for whatever reason, doctored some photos.

    What was your purpose in posting these photographs without a full explanation as to their origin?

    Don’t forget that it is only a print that is altered: the negatives remain untouched and are thus evidence of the changes.
    Another point to remember is that old photos can easily be digitally manipulated these days.

    These particular photos were produced by the Soviet propaganda machine with the aim of demonising their enemy.
    That’s what propaganda does. And all parties participate: it’s a tool of conflict.

    Here is a resource full of Nazi propaganda

    If you’re interested in the power of propaganda in forwarding an ideology - something the Third Reich did phenomenally
    well - I’d recommend Life and Death in the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche.
    Last edited by tarka the duck, 20th June 2017 at 14:46.

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  25. #103
    Senior Member Novusod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by tarka the duck View Post
    Your Voltaire quotation is not by Voltaire.

    It’s a piece of propaganda from a book by the the neo-Nazi and white nationalist Kevin Alfred Strom in his essay,
    ”All America Must Know the Terror That is Upon Us" (1993).
    Kevin Alfred Strom's quote is not the same.

    As you state We all need to do better research - without it, we’ll be duped and become willing puppets promoting the agenda of haters.

    The quote can be considered words of infinite wisdom whose true author is lost to time if not directly said by Voltaire. It might as well have been said by Thoth. It is an Axiom by default.

    Historically the ruling class (whoever they are) does not allow criticism.

    - Antisemitism is often leveled at people who question the Federal Reserve or the Rothschilds.

    - This poster has been floating around in some form since the days of the Nazis. (It has been called antisemitic due to it featuring the "Octopus")

    Octopus is meme going back to the 19th century said to represent Jews.

    Ursula Haverbeck may look like a sweet little old lady, and that is why she’s such an effective martyr figure for the deniers’ cause.
    She’s known in Germany as the Nazi Grandma and was married to a high ranking member of the Nazi party, and founder and director
    of the German Imperial Federation of Nation and Homeland. She’s a Nazi, through and through.

    She has never been imprisoned, despite having chosen to deliberately break the law of her country (regardless of whether
    one agrees with those laws or not) many times.
    Ursula Haverbeck was born in November 1928 making her only 16 years old when the war ended. Her crimes are purely thought crimes. Although her sentence has been suspended Ursula was jailed during her initial arrest.

    The question that should be asked is why are there laws on the books in certain countries that would prohibit debate about historical events. The fact that these laws exist in the first place should raise a huge red flag in the minds of any critical thinking individual. No topic should be beyond question unless there is something to hide. The TRUTH should welcome debate so that it can be further validated. Lies on the other hand fear being exposed.


    The peculiar thing about the holocaust hoax is that it proves itself to be a continuous process. The hoax has evolved over the years and it can be seen changing in real time. It the last few years it has been pointed out that the lack of finger nail claw marks on walls of the gas chambers is evidence nobody died these rooms. In modern forensic pathology it is understood asphyxiating victims will instinctively claw the walls.

    Then after this had been pointed out in online discussions claw marks started mysteriously appearing in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Imagine that, NEW hoaxed evidence started showing up to counter denialist talking points.


    The official Auschwitz Memorial twitter account tweeted out a denialist talking point just a few days ago. The claw marks presently in the gas chambers is the result of vandalism.

    We live in interesting times.
    Last edited by Novusod, 20th June 2017 at 15:33.

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  27. #104
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    Thanks for your latest post. I’ve finally worked out where you’re coming from.
    Denialists come in all shapes and sizes, but their approach is invariably the same:

    post false information
    completely ignore all the evidence that refutes this information
    post more false information
    completely ignore all the evidence that refutes this information
    post more …

    Why, before posting yet more material, have you not taken the time to address the evidence
    that has been presented here, refuting your argument ?

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    Kevin Alfred Strom's quote is not the same.
    On the contrary, the quotation is the same. The fact that the wording has been altered slightly - and there have been
    several versions doing the rounds for the past decade - doesn’t change the fact that it’s the same quotation. Unless,
    of course, you can find that quotation in Voltaire's writings...

    The point here is that you were duped. Someone chose to lie, repackaging the words of a neo-Nazi in the acceptable form of
    the scholar, Voltaire, to give it credibility and trick people into agreeing with ultra-right ideology.
    And you fell for it and passed the deception on by posting it here.

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    The question that should be asked is why are there laws on the books in certain countries that would prohibit debate about historical events. The fact that these laws exist in the first place should raise a huge red flag in the minds of any critical thinking individual. No topic should be beyond question unless there is something to hide. The TRUTH should welcome debate so that it can be further validated. Lies on the other hand fear being exposed.
    You say you want an open and free exchange of ideas, and that's exactly what we have the opportunity to do here.
    So I'd appreciate reading your response to my previous posts - that's how debate works.

    I happen to agree with you about the laws regarding genocide denial: the only way to combat such ignorance is to confront it.

    But, unlike you, I understand exactly why such laws exist. And it’s not to hide “the truth”.
    Neither is it down to the influence of some shadowy Jewish all-powerful Protocols-of-the-Elders-type cabal.

    If that was the case, Holocaust denial would not be legal in the US, in Canada, in Russia,
    in the UK etc because all of these countries have large Jewish populations.

    And it would not be illegal in countries such as Lithuania,
    Poland and Romania where there are very small numbers of Jews (and do you know why that is???).

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    The peculiar thing about the holocaust hoax is that it proves itself to be a continuous process. The hoax has evolved over the years and it can be seen changing in real time. It the last few years it has been pointed out that the lack of finger nail claw marks on walls of the gas chambers is evidence nobody died these rooms. In modern forensic pathology it is understood asphyxiating victims will instinctively claw the walls.

    Then after this had been pointed out in online discussions claw marks started mysteriously appearing in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Imagine that, NEW hoaxed evidence started showing up to counter denialist talking points.


    The official Auschwitz Memorial twitter account tweeted out a denialist talking point just a few days ago. The claw marks presently in the gas chambers is the result of vandalism.

    There are no such fingernail scratches. In reality, the only scratch marks are those left by ‘tourists’.
    So your whole convoluted, fabricated story explaining how the “hoax has evolved” is pointless.

    Oh, and please note, they are not “claw marks”.
    Human beings do not have claws.

    The Nazis considered some groups of people to be sub-human - Untermensch -
    and perhaps you subscribe to that theory - but humans have fingers.

    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    ...nobody died these rooms
    Then why would Rudolf Hoess, the SS commandant of Auschwitz, say this?

    "I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims
    were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed
    to starvation and disease, making a total of about 3,000,000 dead. "

    Please don't repeat the myth propagated by the ihr that a confession was extracted under torture.
    Hoess was Catholic and made a complete admission of his actions - read his memoirs "Death Dealer".
    Here is the final message he sent to the prosecutor:

    "My conscience compels me to make the following declaration.
    In the solitude of my prison cell, I have come to the bitter recognition that I have
    sinned gravely against humanity. As Commandant of Auschwitz, I was responsible
    for carrying out part of the cruel plans of the 'Third Reich' for human destruction.
    In so doing I have inflicted terrible wounds on humanity. I caused unspeakable suffering
    for the Polish people in particular. I am to pay for this with my life.
    May the Lord God forgive one day what I have done."
    Last edited by tarka the duck, 22nd June 2017 at 15:10. Reason: addition

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  29. #105
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    You both appear and evidence good research, do you know if the meme about Winston Churchill writing material proposing exactely the same message as some nazi material, as in doing away with those seen as draining society of energy, food, resources etc ?.

  30. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:

    Dreamtimer (23rd June 2017), Novusod (23rd June 2017), tarka the duck (26th June 2017)

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