The secret to money it that it actually has no value. It is just a stand in for real goods. Problems arise when society forgets that money is just a stand in. In our society people are perversely incentivized to just to make money with out producing a tangible products. For example Banks don't actually make anything but they make money through interest, derivatives, stocks, and bonds etc. By not producing any tangible products but still creating money bankers are able to loot the planet through through the unseen hand of monetary malfeasance.
Let me tell you about the meme of artificial scarcity.
We have lots of idle factories that could be producing stuff but are shut down.
We have plenty of demand for the products made in those factories but still they do not operate.
We have millions of unemployed workers who want to work in those factories but are not allowed.
We have millions of empty homes and millions of homeless people. Why is that?
We live in a time of phenomenal abundance but there is poverty everywhere.
Food is left to rot in the field while people starve.
Real abundance is being destroyed. WHY?
Both Capitalists and Socialists are complicit in this fraud called artificial scarcity.