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Thread: An Alternative View of Hitler

  1. #136
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Have you proposed another term in lieu of the one in question, Keep Trying? Proposing other names to call is hardly a solution.

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  3. #137
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Have you proposed another term in lieu of the one in question, Keep Trying? Proposing other names to call is hardly a solution.
    The solution is for people to do the work it requires, and to take the time it requires, to learn the reasons for the conclusions drawn and presented to the world on the internet by responsible seekers of the truth.

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  5. #138
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    How about if FEMA puts us in 'concentration areas' so we'll be 'better served' in the case of natural disaster or dollar collapse or something, and 'unfortunate deaths' occur? Who writes history then? I wonder what narratives people might not be allowed to question.
    That is at the core of this matter, and brought the poem by Martin Niemoller to my mind:

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    As Yehuda Bauer warns:

    "The horror of the Holocaust is not that it deviated from human norms: the horror is that it didn't.
    What happened will happen again, to others not necessarily Jews, perpetrated by others not
    necessarily Germans. We are all possible victims, possible perpetrators, possible bystanders".

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  7. #139
    Senior Member Lord Sidious's Avatar
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    This will be my only comment on the holocaust discussion.
    Maybe you will get it, maybe you won't..................
    Ní siocháin go saoirse

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  9. #140
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Have you proposed another term in lieu of the one in question, Keep Trying? Proposing other names to call is hardly a solution.
    As Keep Trying didn’t take you up on your suggestion, here are a few thoughts I had about this new name -
    (I have a few more, but they’d contravene the forum guidelines … )

    Holocaust revisionists? Nope.
    Historical revisionism is what legitimate historians do, by constantly refining and re-interpreting the historical record.

    Holocaust doubters?
    Nope. Doubt is just uncertainty, or lack of conviction: the fervour of these zealots goes far beyond that.

    Holocaust sceptics?
    Nope. Skeptics use reason, critical thinking and evidence to reach conclusions.

    Holocaust negationists?
    That could be a possibility, as deniers reject the whole body of evidence proving the events of the Holocaust.

    Holocaust dismisser?
    Again, that has legs. A dismissal of evidence and arguments because to acknowledge their truth
    would threaten the core of a deeply held rationale.

    Holocaust Gaslighters? Mmmm. This one works for me …
    “Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in an individual or members of a group,
    hoping to make these targets question their own memory, perception, and sanity.
    Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilise and delegitimise the target.”

    A new name won’t help because the underlying belief system of deniers is based on hatred and contempt.
    Whatever name is chosen, it will, in time, be used pejoratively because the fundamental, corrosive ideology
    is the same - and is always exposed for what it is during any debate: this thread is an example of that.

    Quote Originally posted by KeepTrying View Post
    If the term "holocaust denier" is to be regarded as acceptable language and not a violation of common courtesy, I propose the counterbalancing term: "koolaid drinker."

    This would be a reference to going along to get along in this world where we have all been programmed by the powers that be from birth.
    The term “Holocaust denier” itself is neutral: it simply describes someone who denies that the Holocaust happens.
    To feign outrage at the label is specious, and distracts from the claims themselves.

    A denier is simply “a person who denies something, especially someone who refuses to admit the truth
    of a concept or proposition that is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence.”

    Isn’t that what Holocaust deniers do?

    So, the question is, why do you want to repackage this movement under a new brand name?

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  11. #141
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    TptW appear to get little attention in this here thread, imagine them doing an extremely great job of creating ww2, from before, during and after, now i would like to see our history books have this within, yip and zip, not available.

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  13. #142
    Senior Member United States Dumpster Diver's Avatar
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    To dampen the fears of the folks who seem inclined to think Germany was hard done by after WW II, I have to mention that the Marshall Plan greatly contributed to West Germany's comeback after WW II. When my father did his last Army tour starting in 1960, Germany was touted to be an economic miracle and most of my German extended family was doing quite well. To my knowledge, this was unprecedented.

    Both sides performed atrocities in the war. IMO, there are NO good guys on either side. So my view of any sort of revisionism to "enhance the poor German self-view" in view of all the help they received after the war is mostly revisions crap performed by folks with an agenda (perhaps Neo-Nazi), pot stirring, or simply delusion.

    The point should be: war of any kind is anti-human and the support for either side is simple wrong-headed.
    "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the object of your anger to die” ~ Anon
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  15. #143
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dumpster Diver View Post
    The point should be: war of any kind is anti-human and the support for either side is simple wrong-headed.
    That is a passion of mine.

    All my life I have been distressed by the apparent common belief world-wide that war is a part of life that is unavoidable and that defense of one's country in time of war is moral; parents should send their children off to "defend their country."

    It makes me sick.

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  17. #144
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Crickey, also a thread killer, lol, lets imo be very thankfullll tptW getgot no ww111

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  19. #145
    Senior Member United States Dumpster Diver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Crickey, also a thread killer, lol, lets imo be very thankfullll tptW getgot no ww111
    IMO the reason we "got no WW III" is mostly due to someone (ETs?) "unpushing, pushed nuclear buttons." Before we break our arms patting ourselves on our collective backs for not having gone to Planet-Wide destruction, we need to examine all the evidence for nuke shutdowns by "forces unknown." As I have mentioned in other threads, I have it from Missile Officers manning nuclear launch facilities here in the US that we on several occasions were subjected to such a state, some after having gone past DEFCON 1.

    And since we attempted to waste the planet, perhaps some of our current state of being under the boot heel of the Dark/Deep State is Karmic blowback for trying to execute another planet like our forbearers did to Tiamat, the former planet between Jupiter and Mars (asteroid belt).
    "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the object of your anger to die” ~ Anon
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  21. #146
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dumpster Diver View Post
    IMO the reason we "got no WW III" is mostly due to someone (ETs?) "unpushing, pushed nuclear buttons." Before we break our arms patting ourselves on our collective backs for not having gone to Planet-Wide destruction, we need to examine all the evidence for nuke shutdowns by "forces unknown." As I have mentioned in other threads, I have it from Missile Officers manning nuclear launch facilities here in the US that we on several occasions were subjected to such a state, some after having gone past DEFCON 1.

    And since we attempted to waste the planet, perhaps some of our current state of being under the boot heel of the Dark/Deep State is Karmic blowback for trying to execute another planet like our forbearers did to Tiamat, the former planet between Jupiter and Mars (asteroid belt).
    Do not remember how Arguelles told it but Jupiter was the reason for Maldeks demise, from his perspective, will go look into that.

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  23. #147
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Do not remember how Arguelles told it but Jupiter was the reason for Maldeks demise, from his perspective, will go look into that.
    Interplanet Jealousy?

    Joking here but Dave Wilcock in one of his latest Wisdom Teachings claims that Shoemaker-Levy 9 was an attempt by the Deep State to "detonate" Jupiter like in the Arthur C. Clarke's Novel 2010.–Levy_9

    Here's another interesting tidbit:

    What if the Deep State is interested in killing planets? Is there some reason why taking out Jupiter is so necessary? Is this another "Ultimate Evil" like killing/eating millions of innocent children?
    "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the object of your anger to die” ~ Anon
    "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." ~Yogi Berra
    "You can observe a lot by just watching." ~Yogi Berra
    “When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.” ~Will Rogers
    "If life gives you might be dyslexic" ~ Aixelsyd Dnarber

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  25. #148
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Novusod View Post
    In short Hitler and the Nazis acting under the advice of psychic Maria Orsic attempted to free humanity from debt slavery.
    I've read Web of Debt by the American author Ellen Brown, which is on the topic of the problem of a nation having its currency issued by a central bank as debt. She talks about the fact that a government should issue currency into the economy by spending it on public works projects. She said this worked perfectly when the American colonies did it before the Revolutionary War. And she is the leader of an initiative in the United States to get rid of what we have and institute public banking.

    It makes sense to me.

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  27. #149
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    The economy of Nazi Germany was a capitalist economy fuelled by debt.

    For all Hitler’s pontificating about usury, once he seized power, the 11th point on the 25 Point Plan (to abolish interest rates) was never implemented.

    The interest rate in Germany from 1935 - 38 was 4% (Bulletin Mensuel de Statistique, Genève 1939). German debt was massive: by 1939, the government debt was 40 billion Reichsmarks, with 32% of government spending going on military rearmament and the preparation for war, much of which was financed by MEFO bonds.
    Last edited by tarka the duck, 6th August 2017 at 16:43.

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  29. #150
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Debt to whom

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