This guy does a very good job, definitely displays grace under pressure:
This guy does a very good job, definitely displays grace under pressure:
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Not to forget about the good cops. News Now South Carolina is a good well rounded auditor, and he finds himself a good one on this day in Highlands, North Carolina. Fastforward to 8:15 to see just the encounter:
The unexamined life is not worth living.
The flip side of "Grace Under Pressure". There's a fine balance between standing up for your rights, and just being a fucking asshole. Cops have wide discretion on traffic stops, and it's not at all uncommon to be let off with a warning for somewhat minor violations such as suspended drivers license in this case; but (omg!) this ain't the way to go about it, this is the recipe to ensure they write you up for as much as they can think of.
I'd be one of the most lenient cops ever, choosing to mainly focus on victim crimes, but I'd stick it to this bitch as well. She creates her own problems:
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Aianawa (29th January 2023), Aragorn (29th January 2023), Diabolical Boids (30th January 2023), Wind (29th January 2023)