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Thread: Novusod's Mystery School

  1. #91
    Senior Member Novusod's Avatar
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    Now might be a good time to discuss the next topic in the Mystery School:

    The Mystery School of the Orouborous

    This is probably going to be one of the most difficult concepts to accept and come to terms with. This has to do with the nature of souls and why evil is permitted in this universe. Why? Why is child molestation of all things permitted? How can God or the Goddess allow this to happen? It is so unfathomably evil it shouldn't exist. It shouldn't be a thing, ever. BUT it does exist and there is a reason for it. There is a higher cosmic reason it exists and why it is happening and pertains to the nature of souls.

    You can't kill a soul. Souls are immortal by default. They never die, that is their innate condition. Most humans alive today are 99.999% likely reincarnated souls. We are not just a few decades old. Souls are thousands if not millions of years old and have experienced dozens if not hundreds of different lives. Nobody should really be afraid of death because death isn't really death. Nobody really dies when they die. Death is just a door to another existence and then you are coming back. So what happens when a child molester dies? Just like everyone else they are going to get reincarnated only they will be carrying karma from a past life into the next life. This is where the victims come in.

    The watchers and spirit guides who oversee what goes on on Earth permit the child molestation to happen because to the "watchers" the little child victim is not actually innocent. The child is not really a child but is in a spiritual sense a many thousand year old soul that has incarnated on Earth to experience Karma and make amends for past sins. That child is then guided and karmicly attracted to a predator who gives them their payback. For example what is going to happen to some very evil souls such as the Podesta brothers or Jimmy Savile or Clement Freud. When they die they are going to be judged by the LORDS of Karma and sent back to Earth with a life contract that has them on the receiving end of their evil deeds.

    These souls are is a state of Orouborous. They are soul serpents biting their own tales. A child molester and their victim are karmically attached to each other. In one life time soul A molests soul B. Then in the next lifetime the roles will flip and soul B will molest soul A. This also happens to other sinners as well.

    Rapists will be raped in their next life.
    Murderers will be murdered in their next life.
    Thieves will be robbed in their next life.
    Etc etc.

    See the Orouborous as a serpent biting its own tale and the man pushing over the column until it "dominoes" onto his own head. This is the nature of multi-life reality and a logical consequence of souls being immortal and never dying.

    PART 2:

    I don't actually endorse what the Karma Lords do here because the Karma Lords themselves are actually very evil and are part of the Demiurgic system that has enslaved the entire human race. The Lords of Karma have created a trap for humanity from which there is no escape. Souls just go round and round on wheel of Karma forever.

    This is a pretty good video on the topic of the Karma Lords that I have been wanting to share ever since Sylvie NewEarth started talking about the "parasites" and Golden ages.


    Many people who have had near death experiences or do past life regression recall how they went through a so called "life review" between lives. It is this life review that determines your karma and how much you will have to suffer in the next life to make amends. The Lords of Karma tell us that it for our own good and we need this grow spiritually. The truth of the matter is suffering is NOT necessary. In fact it is detrimental to our being and we are being tricked into self harming.

    If you understand the mythology behind the Vedic texts it states that thousands of years ago man existed in a pristine condition. Our life spans were longer, there was no suffering, and people didn't even have to struggle just to survive. It was a time of endless leisure and abundance because the Demiurgic system of Karmic enforcement had not yet been foisted upon the human race. This was the golden age of man. The early Greek myths also recall this same golden age. In the bible this pristine time is called the Garden of Eden. The present time is a dark age called the Kali Yuga in the Vedic scriptures. Instead of spiritually evolving humanity has been sinking deeper into the Kali Yuga by following the Karmic laws.

    It can be proven Karma never actually resolves. For example the laws of karma state if I broke my friend’s bowl, then the universe will send somebody to break my bowl in order to teach me the consequences of my actions. In turn the universe will then send somebody to break the bowl of whoever broke my bowl, etc. Nothing ever resolves and suffering just escalates forever as suffering is just passed back and forth like a game of Karmic "Hot Potato." We can't find our way back to the pristine time because there is no way back. Wars are only getting worse and more frequent and people are becoming more violent with each reincarnation. Suffering will just continue to escalate forever as long as humanity continues to play this game.

    The only way to win at this game is NOT to play because it rigged so can't win. The only way humanity will return to the golden age that existed before is by collectively telling the Lord of Karma that we sovereign and we are not going to take it anymore.
    Last edited by Novusod, 29th November 2016 at 09:25.

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  3. #92
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Do you believe one can stop the karma game for oneself ?.

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  5. #93
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Do you believe one can stop the karma game for oneself ?.
    Yes I believe the Karna game can be stopped. (This article contains quite a few details on how to defeat Karma)

    I will explain more in my next Mystery School presentation.

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  7. #94
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Did you, at some point, link to the "Why I'm no longer a light worker" article, Novosud? I cam across it fairly recently and read it but I can't recall just how.

    Thanks for this. The ouroboros is a symbol I've encountered many times but I can't claim to have a full understanding. One of my favorite fantasy series, The Wheel of Time, uses the ouroboros symbol. It's a ring that certain initiates wear.

    "The Turds of Karma" Don't get any ToK on your shoes...
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 29th November 2016 at 14:02.

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  9. #95
    Senior Member Novusod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Did you, at some point, link to the "Why I'm no longer a light worker" article, Novosud? I cam across it fairly recently and read it but I can't recall just how.

    Thanks for this. The ouroboros is a symbol I've encountered many times but I can't claim to have a full understanding. One of my favorite fantasy series, The Wheel of Time, uses the ouroboros symbol. It's a ring that certain initiates wear.

    "The Turds of Karma" Don't get any ToK on your shoes...
    I just linked "Not a Light Worker" in my previous post to Aianawa. I am glad you already read it. There is some good stuff in there. I say: Down with the Karma Lords. I am Sovereign.

    The information contained in these Mystery School lessons is occasionally put out into various media forms to control the masses and fulfill obligations they have to disclose the truth. They have to tell us what they are doing to us so they can prove that humans are non-sentient beings. It is complicated and I will explain more in the next few mystery school presentations.

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  11. #96
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I think someone tried to recruit me once. I met a follower of Drunvalo but I never joined in. I would have been interested but I had already decided as a teenager to go my own way and learn as much as possible on my own before taking on any kind of master.

    At this point in life, I don't need a master. Unless, of course, I decide to learn a specialized skill which would require a mentor/master.

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  13. #97
    Senior Member Novusod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    I think someone tried to recruit me once. I met a follower of Drunvalo but I never joined in. I would have been interested but I had already decided as a teenager to go my own way and learn as much as possible on my own before taking on any kind of master.

    At this point in life, I don't need a master. Unless, of course, I decide to learn a specialized skill which would require a mentor/master.
    Don't worry I am not trying to recruit you into any kind of cult. I am just putting the Mystery School material out there free of charge so people can make up their own minds. I am NOT a follower of Drunvalo Melchizedek myself though I have read his work. He also called his teachings a "Mystery School" but he didn't tell his followers where he got his information from. A lot of Drunvalo's material comes from books written by Dr. Doreal on Atlantian antiquities. My Mystery School isn't the same as Drunvalo's though we do have some similarities such as revealing the mysteries of the Karma Lords and the Orouborous.

    I would highly recommend watching the video I linked in the Orouborous presentation. It is a long video but you don't have to watch the whole thing. The first 20 minutes or so is very good and very important in understanding the Mystery school that I am teaching here.
    Last edited by Novusod, 29th November 2016 at 15:47.

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  15. #98
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Thanks. I was not feeling any recruitment efforts coming from you. It was a couple decades ago.

    I would have to think very carefully about subjecting any teachers to the experience of having me for a student.

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  17. #99
    Senior Member United States Maggie's Avatar
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    I never had an NDE but I must say I have probably read/watched/thought about this matter obscessively.

    You said:

    "Many people who have had near death experiences or do past life regression recall how they went through a so called "life review" between lives. It is this life review that determines your karma and how much you will have to suffer in the next life to make amends. The Lords of Karma tell us that it for our own good and we need this grow spiritually. The truth of the matter is suffering is NOT necessary. In fact it is detrimental to our being and we are being tricked into self harming."

    When was YOUR NDE and what did YOU learn?

    From my own POV which is YES just my own POV, I am not a bit worried about any external source like a "Lord" of"karma" because it looks just to me, that I am the one who is seeking. And if I am seeking NOW and if I have a belief in "progress" and "getting better" and "doing good" NOW and if this is still compelling to me as a an aware being, I will SEEK the continued possibility later.

    From my POV, this exercise in Mystery is a sharing of what you believe and that is perfectly OK but I suspect you may NOT have taken this seeking of your own POV as a beliefness. The way it is being presented is as if it is outside you to reckoned with OBJECTIVELY.

    I was not going to say anything at first but then I saw this post today (synchronicity).

    Loving ourselves truly madly deeply is the most powerful opportunity afforded on this level of experience. The feedback is that we are victimized and assaulted and this often seems to spiral into either seeking salvation/ being a savior or seeking retribution/ being prosecutor/persecutor.

    IMO this unfulfilled state of self lovingness as the POV of an existing being is a far more powerful attractor of earth reality in duality. If one thoroughly embraces oneself as that being we really are, we move to an observation of belief (not a participant IN belief) and observation as that higher level of knowing is a passkey IMO. I think that only the MOST self loving we ever could embrace here is enough to wear away the ricochet of action/reaction.

    I agree with what Matt Kahn says that the abuse we heap upon ourselves in our daily mundane life which is encouraged by all the apparent systems around is THE issue.
    Last edited by Maggie, 29th November 2016 at 18:05.

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  19. #100
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    About to watch vid above, feel to say I atm see the life review as a very positive thing which by some may be seen in a negative light. One can go about doing their own now, life review which is of course different and can be very profound imo.

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  21. #101
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Watched the first twenty three minutes and finding this interesting on a few differing angles, first they are very here, Earth orientated so far, nothing on there being previous timelines, as in mars and Asteroid belt ( maldek, planet X etc ), second the soul concept gives nothing around why soul/s chose to be here, especially the last 1000 years, thirdly many are mad keen to come back here again once dead as such, soul wise, because they have seen what they and other souls have done to create the soul vibration age/golden age/now age etc and wish to continue the joy and love, especially from doings and beings and observation the las few years, fourthly Maggie above outlines and inlines her post beautifully imo in regards to Love, the centre, the beginning or as the vid says, the strange beginning outside of pure.

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  23. #102
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    Quote Originally posted by Maggie View Post
    I never had an NDE but I must say I have probably read/watched/thought about this matter obscessively.

    When was YOUR NDE and what did YOU learn?

    From my own POV which is YES just my own POV, I am not a bit worried about any external source like a "Lord" of"karma" because it looks just to me, that I am the one who is seeking. And if I am seeking NOW and if I have a belief in "progress" and "getting better" and "doing good" NOW and if this is still compelling to me as a an aware being, I will SEEK the continued possibility later.

    From my POV, this exercise in Mystery is a sharing of what you believe and that is perfectly OK but I suspect you may NOT have taken this seeking of your own POV as a beliefness. The way it is being presented is as if it is outside you to reckoned with OBJECTIVELY.
    It is possible to force an NDE through sleep deprivation. That is to stay awake until the point of passing out. Upon passing out the soul can be tricked into thinking the physical body has died allowing the soul to go into an NDE like experience. Perhaps I will share those experiences at a later time but I do NOT wish to confuse my personal experiences with the universality of the Mystery school.

    The mystery school on the Orouborous and the Karma Lords comes from I call a Merged Mythology.

    The Merged Mythology is a unified mythology of Vedic texts, Egyptian mythology, Sumerian and Babylonian creation stories, Greek Mythology, Abrahamic Lore, and Gnostic Christian apocryphal texts.

    One of the common themes in the merged mythology is the judgement story. When the body dies the soul goes into another world (underworld) to be judged.

    The most archetypal of these stories is the Judgement of Osiris from the Egyptian book of the dead. In this story Anubis brings the deceased into the underworld to face judgement where the heart of the deceased is weighed against the feather of Maat and the 42 negative confessions. If the heart weighs more than the feather then the heart is devoured by Ammit and the soul is condemned to wander the Earth. (In the merged mythology the wandering soul is an allusion to forced reincarnation)

    This scene has been depicted as such for at least the last 6 thousand years.

    The modern NDE accounts that I have read about is just kind on an Icing on the cake. People report seeing similar judgement scenes. Maybe not as Osiris and Egyptian deities but some will see Jesus. Some will meet "GOD" himself or some other angelic being. There are quite a few of these videos on Youtube and in other media.

    The most recent example I read just a week ago about an atheist doctor Rajiv Parti suddenly becoming a believer after having an NDE and having a "Judgement of Osiris" style meeting with the Lords of Karma.

    Loving ourselves truly madly deeply is the most powerful opportunity afforded on this level of experience. The feedback is that we are victimized and assaulted and this often seems to spiral into either seeking salvation/ being a savior or seeking retribution/ being prosecutor/persecutor.

    IMO this unfulfilled state of self lovingness as the POV of an existing being is a far more powerful attractor of earth reality in duality. If one thoroughly embraces oneself as that being we really are, we move to an observation of belief (not a participant IN belief) and observation as that higher level of knowing is a passkey IMO. I think that only the MOST self loving we ever could embrace here is enough to wear away the ricochet of action/reaction.

    I agree with what Matt Kahn says that the abuse we heap upon ourselves in our daily mundane life which is encouraged by all the apparent systems around is THE issue.
    I can understand why some people would hold the view that judgements by the Lords of Karma can be a good thing because it can force unloving souls to consider the consequences of their actions. However, forcing the souls into punishing reincarnations puts the souls into a state of Orouborous where they bite their own tails. Souls aren't supposed to bite their own tails.

    If you have not watched it already please PLEASE watch this video. It explains how the Karma Lords abuse their power and used karma guilt to enslave the human race. The Lords of Karma are the "parasites" that ruined the golden age and led humans down a path that is our current condition. The Earth may have originally started out as some kind of benign school for learning but now the Earth is a prison planet. It is all because of these Karma lords.


    Follow closely the analogy of the Avatars and how children can play with lego blocks and then when they are done playing the legos go back in the box. That is how the golden age used to be.

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  25. #103
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Watched the first twenty three minutes and finding this interesting on a few differing angles, first they are very here, Earth orientated so far, nothing on there being previous timelines, as in mars and Asteroid belt ( maldek, planet X etc ), second the soul concept gives nothing around why soul/s chose to be here, especially the last 1000 years, thirdly many are mad keen to come back here again once dead as such, soul wise, because they have seen what they and other souls have done to create the soul vibration age/golden age/now age etc and wish to continue the joy and love, especially from doings and beings and observation the las few years, fourthly Maggie above outlines and inlines her post beautifully imo in regards to Love, the centre, the beginning or as the vid says, the strange beginning outside of pure.
    The Maldek story is definitely true but think about how Maldek became corrupted in the first place. Was it really because the people who lived there were greedy and unloving? I don't believe that to be the case.

    Maldek just like Earth was a pristine world long ago. If the people were greedy and unloving who created the pristine world? Bad people don't create pristine worlds. They must have been good at one point and then turned evil. If they started out good and then fell from grace what caused them to fall? Think about it logically.

    What can cause a loving people to turn evil? My theory is that the answer lies with the Karma Lords. Good people just didn't suddenly pick up weapons and start killing each other. The initial conflict probably started with some simple mistake that was then was escalated by the Karma Lords tit-for-tat. The conflict may have started over something as simple as a bowl being broken. (Don't take this as the hard truth, it is just an example) If a bowl broke then it opened the door for the Karma Lords to come in and tell the people of Maldek someone has to be punished for that. Someone broke a bowl and now someone else has to break that person's bowl to balance out the Karma. However, breaking the 2nd bowl didn't resolve the karma. It just go passed along to another person. Because another bowl had been broken the person who broke the second bowl also had to be punished. Things just escalated from there until the planet was destroyed. Much like the Mystery school on money and the ship of fools Karma never goes away. It just gets bigger and more dangerous as it is passed around like a "hot potato." In the case of Maldek the karmic hot potato became a wrecking ball.

    Does idea of a whole planet being destroyed over a broken bowl sound completely ridiculous? Well stranger things have really happened.

    Consider the immovable Ladder of Jerusalem. It is an allegory for everything wrong with the Earth in the Kali Yuga. A Ladder has been stuck on a window ledge for 280 years because people don't know how to let little trivial things go. Fights break out because someone moved a chair a few inches. This is supposed to be the holiest site in all of Christianity.


    Moral of the story is to LIVE and let LIVE.

    In the Golden age if something broke it wasn't a big deal. Nobody cared until the Karma Lords came along and introduced Karmic punishments.
    Even if someone died it wasn't a big deal. Souls knew they were immortal and bodies were just temporary avatars.

    Buddhist monks spend weeks creating intricate mandalas and ritually destroy them. This exercise is done to teach their souls to let things go. They know from Vedic texts this is the secret of returning to the Golden age.

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  27. #104
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    Tis late for me, just finished work so excuse the quick reply, yes greedy and unloving vs original opposite and there is a couple of schools of thought around this besides your own, one being the time wars, so a carry on from the Orion wars it is said and gets more complicated, more simply imo this star system has a template in use, which updates our evolving through newer templates ( central sun ) originally from our beginnings from there, dot in the circle as such. For myself this karma lord stuff is fear based or taken incorrectly from old data.

    Also imo when we die we go where consciously or unconsciousely believe we will go, this may depend on soul growth or ones soul connection though.

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  29. #105
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    Here is an interesting video on the love waves started a few days before Trump's election. Recorded on Nov 11th.

    Skip the first 5 minutes because it is just introduction:


    It describes what is happening all over the world. There is a huge wave just rolling across the planet disintegrating the darkness. The election was the turning point when darkness lost control of the planet. The world controllers don't have power over us anymore. Fifty years ago their dark plans would have succeeded but NOT anymore. The planet has changed, the people have changed, nothing can hide from the light. Trump is being guided by a higher power and that power is of the light. The Ego Trump is an idiot but understand the light is in charge. Wars will not be allowed. Hillary was for the dark and would have destroyed the planet by provoking Russia into ww3. It was not allowed. The election was the real event.

    Many people have their eyes in the sky looking for a savior to come swooping down from heaven and save them from the darkness. Won't happen. Our focus should be on Earth and to look within. We are the saviors we are looking for. WE are the light. It continues as MORE is on the way. Each one of us that awakens inspires others to awaken. The stunning victory of Trump energized movements elsewhere.

    First BREXIT, then Trump, and tomorrow Italy and Austria will be freed. A cascade of light is encircling the globe as country after country will free itself from the darkness. The people are awakening in huge numbers and turning their backs on the parasitic world controllers. Korea is being freed as massive protests continue there as well. It is only a matter of time. We have are the EVENT. Change has come and it can't be stopped.

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