Now might be a good time to discuss the next topic in the Mystery School:
The Mystery School of the Orouborous
This is probably going to be one of the most difficult concepts to accept and come to terms with. This has to do with the nature of souls and why evil is permitted in this universe. Why? Why is child molestation of all things permitted? How can God or the Goddess allow this to happen? It is so unfathomably evil it shouldn't exist. It shouldn't be a thing, ever. BUT it does exist and there is a reason for it. There is a higher cosmic reason it exists and why it is happening and pertains to the nature of souls.
You can't kill a soul. Souls are immortal by default. They never die, that is their innate condition. Most humans alive today are 99.999% likely reincarnated souls. We are not just a few decades old. Souls are thousands if not millions of years old and have experienced dozens if not hundreds of different lives. Nobody should really be afraid of death because death isn't really death. Nobody really dies when they die. Death is just a door to another existence and then you are coming back. So what happens when a child molester dies? Just like everyone else they are going to get reincarnated only they will be carrying karma from a past life into the next life. This is where the victims come in.
The watchers and spirit guides who oversee what goes on on Earth permit the child molestation to happen because to the "watchers" the little child victim is not actually innocent. The child is not really a child but is in a spiritual sense a many thousand year old soul that has incarnated on Earth to experience Karma and make amends for past sins. That child is then guided and karmicly attracted to a predator who gives them their payback. For example what is going to happen to some very evil souls such as the Podesta brothers or Jimmy Savile or Clement Freud. When they die they are going to be judged by the LORDS of Karma and sent back to Earth with a life contract that has them on the receiving end of their evil deeds.
These souls are is a state of Orouborous. They are soul serpents biting their own tales. A child molester and their victim are karmically attached to each other. In one life time soul A molests soul B. Then in the next lifetime the roles will flip and soul B will molest soul A. This also happens to other sinners as well.
Rapists will be raped in their next life.
Murderers will be murdered in their next life.
Thieves will be robbed in their next life.
Etc etc.
See the Orouborous as a serpent biting its own tale and the man pushing over the column until it "dominoes" onto his own head. This is the nature of multi-life reality and a logical consequence of souls being immortal and never dying.
I don't actually endorse what the Karma Lords do here because the Karma Lords themselves are actually very evil and are part of the Demiurgic system that has enslaved the entire human race. The Lords of Karma have created a trap for humanity from which there is no escape. Souls just go round and round on wheel of Karma forever.
This is a pretty good video on the topic of the Karma Lords that I have been wanting to share ever since Sylvie NewEarth started talking about the "parasites" and Golden ages.
Many people who have had near death experiences or do past life regression recall how they went through a so called "life review" between lives. It is this life review that determines your karma and how much you will have to suffer in the next life to make amends. The Lords of Karma tell us that it for our own good and we need this grow spiritually. The truth of the matter is suffering is NOT necessary. In fact it is detrimental to our being and we are being tricked into self harming.
If you understand the mythology behind the Vedic texts it states that thousands of years ago man existed in a pristine condition. Our life spans were longer, there was no suffering, and people didn't even have to struggle just to survive. It was a time of endless leisure and abundance because the Demiurgic system of Karmic enforcement had not yet been foisted upon the human race. This was the golden age of man. The early Greek myths also recall this same golden age. In the bible this pristine time is called the Garden of Eden. The present time is a dark age called the Kali Yuga in the Vedic scriptures. Instead of spiritually evolving humanity has been sinking deeper into the Kali Yuga by following the Karmic laws.
It can be proven Karma never actually resolves. For example the laws of karma state if I broke my friend’s bowl, then the universe will send somebody to break my bowl in order to teach me the consequences of my actions. In turn the universe will then send somebody to break the bowl of whoever broke my bowl, etc. Nothing ever resolves and suffering just escalates forever as suffering is just passed back and forth like a game of Karmic "Hot Potato." We can't find our way back to the pristine time because there is no way back. Wars are only getting worse and more frequent and people are becoming more violent with each reincarnation. Suffering will just continue to escalate forever as long as humanity continues to play this game.
The only way to win at this game is NOT to play because it rigged so can't win. The only way humanity will return to the golden age that existed before is by collectively telling the Lord of Karma that we sovereign and we are not going to take it anymore.
Last edited by Novusod, 29th November 2016 at 09:25.