5th November 2016, 20:45
Senior Member
Novusod's Mystery School
(Placeholder Post)
Now that there is a Topical Musings forum I figure I should make my own thread on the random topics that interest me. It is call it the mystery school because I have dedicated a large part of my life to researching and understanding the higher truths of this world. In ancient times the study of the higher truths was called the Mystery School. Scholars and wise teachers would gather from all over the world to discuss occult topics and things that are hidden from the masses within the mystery school. Secrecy within the mystery school was highly regarded because to speak openly these topics was heresy and often punishable by death. In the age of the internet these arcane laws have ceased to be and the truth has slowing begun to leak out though rarely all in one place. This thread intends to change that and reestablish the mystery school for the modern age. This thread will cover many of the ancient mystery school teachings as well as modern topics and conspiracies.
The topics will probably start off fairly conventional and then enter the realm of the truly bizarre. Hang on because it is a long and wild trip down the rabbit hole.
So down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass we shall go.
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5th November 2016, 21:05
Senior Member
The first topic will be on the nature of money, artificial scarcity, and the Federal Reserve private banking scams. This post is a longer essay on artificial scarcity that I mentioned in brief in the Bill Still thread.
The secret to money it that it actually has no value. It is just a stand in for real goods. Problems arise when society forgets that money is just a stand in. In our society people are perversely incentivized to just to make money with out producing a tangible products. For example Banks don't actually make anything but they make money through interest, derivatives, stocks, and bonds etc. By not producing any tangible products but still creating money bankers are able to loot the planet through through the unseen hand of monetary malfeasance.
Let me tell you about the meme of artificial scarcity.
We have lots of idle factories that could be producing stuff but are shut down.
We have plenty of demand for the products made in those factories but still they do not operate.
We have millions of unemployed workers who want to work in those factories but are not allowed.
We have millions of empty homes and millions of homeless people. Why is that?
We live in a time of phenomenal abundance but there is poverty everywhere.
Food is left to rot in the field while people starve.
Real abundance is being destroyed. WHY?
Both Capitalists and Socialists are complicit in this fraud called artificial scarcity. Look at this picture for a few minutes and take it all in.
Those are not sand bags. What you are seeing is millions and millions of tonns of grain that was purposely destroyed so that meme of artificial scarcity could be maintained. Every bag represents a life ruined. Every bag represents a malnourished child that had to go to bed hungry. This is a real life holocaust.
Do you really think people would work these lousy wage slave jobs if there was not the ever present threat of death by starvation hanging over people's heads. That is how the modern day slave system works. It is about controlling people either through their jobs or through government socialism. Either way you are a slave to the system. It is system that destroys the natural abundance of human production so that those at the bottom of society are held captive to the whims of the people whole rule at the top of the social pyramid. They want us all competing against each other in Hobbsian struggle for survival. The Hunger Games is an apt analogy for how the world really exists behind the scenes. If there was no hunger than there would be NO games. I don't know about you but I grow tired of these hunger games and am here to bust this system by exposing it.
Don't you dare call me a socialist for saying such things. What I advocate is not socialism. Socialism is just another failed ideology. The socialist survives on the same meme of artificial scarcity. Those who do not do what the socialist tells them to do shall not eat and is left to starve. That is how Stalin cemented his control over the USSR. He engineered the Holodomor artificial famine and cut off the people's food supply. Those who did not swear complete allegiance to him were not fed and thus died of starvation. The socialist mind has not really changed much since then. The whole scarcity meme was artificially engineered then and it is being artificially engineered right now through socialist policies in the United States.
Artificial scarcity is the biggest lie ever told. The idea that everything is scarce is a huge lie. There is no poverty. It is all fake, all lies. Poverty is manufactured via a system of debt, wage slavery, and government socialism. We live in a world of phenomenal abundance where nobody ever has to starve. Grain can flow like sand in a desert if people can learn to see through the lies. There does not have to be a hunger games style competition between the world's people if they can see the bigger picture. People do not have to fight to the death over the lie of limited resources.
What I advocate is called a resource based economy where work creates its own intrinsic value.
Factories have intrinsic value
Fields of grain have intrinsic value
Workers earning an honest wage have intrinsic value
What has no intrinsic value is money, banks, and stock markets and yet these worthless things are the most highly prized in our society.
The defenders of the current limited paradigm will argue there is not enough money to pay for all the jobs, homes, and food for everyone. But they forget money is NOT the be all end all of wealth. Money is merely an abstraction that exists to facilitate trade. However, money in the modern corporate capitalist sense does NOT facilitate trade. It does the opposite, it restricts trade because it is all hoarded by a super elite group of rich people and there is no money for the average person. When the average person has no money then trade for all practical purposes grinds to a halt. This is why the factories stopped running and why food rots in the field. There is no trade so everything goes to waste.
In a resource based economy money is created that is backed by resources. In stead of letting food rot money would be created that is backed by the grain stores so it can be traded to hungry people who want to eat the food. Money in a resource based economy represents things with intrinsic value. Money exists for its original purpose to facilitate trade. That is what is needed to end the current malaise.
Do you have any idea how much the Earth is worth? It is worth Quadrillions. (see link)
What stands in the way of true progress is the banks and particularly central banks such as the Federal reserve system.
The Federal Reserve is not a branch of the government. The FED is a privately owned for profit bank. It is controlled by a conglomeration of Wall Street crooks and con artists from the City of London. Part of it is even owned by the Chinese communist government. It is a corporation that has allegiance to no country but lives off the backs of the people like a parasite.
We let a private bank print up and loan the people's currency at interest. It is one of the greatest scams of all time and it has been going on for 100 years. It has resulted in the complete looting of the country. The dollar has lost 99% of its value since the FED was created. Even just 35 years ago the cost of college education was just a couple hundred dollars. Children today have to take out a 30 year mortgage just to go to school. Then they enter the work place where people fight over lousy $10 /hr jobs. It is SLAVERY and you are a slave under this system.
The total US debt is actually $0 because this is all a con game. Put an end to the Federal Reserve and the debt simply goes away. It is all unconstitutional anyway because only the US government and NOT a private bank is allowed to issue the currency. The debt is NULL and VOID because it is unconstitutional. The debt can simply be erased by ending the FED. The plan to zero out the debt is the only moral thing to do that can country from the Kraken. This plan will never happen because our leaders or too corrupt and bribed to ever change the deal. The American government is the most corrupt regime on Earth because of what they have done here. People aught to revolt but they never will because they are too stupid to realize they even are slaves to this beast.
In 1964 the minimum wage was 5 silver quarters. In 2016 those 5 silver quarters have a melt value of $15.55.
We don't need to raise the minimum wage. We need to fix the money.
Workers should demand to be paid in real money, not valueless numbers in a computer. Don't accept an IOU for your wage. They are not paying you. People are being conned.
Last edited by Novusod, 1st July 2017 at 08:28.
The Following 19 Users Say Thank You to Novusod For This Useful Post:
Aianawa (5th November 2016), Aragorn (5th November 2016), Craig (9th November 2016), Dreamtimer (6th November 2016), Elen (6th November 2016), enjoy being (6th November 2016), Fred Steeves (5th November 2016), GCS1103 (6th November 2016), heyokah (17th June 2017), jonsnow (6th November 2016), JRS (6th November 2016), lcam88 (7th November 2016), modwiz (5th November 2016), pointessa (6th November 2016), RealityCreation (6th November 2016), sandy (6th November 2016), The One (6th November 2016), Tim (17th March 2017), Woody (5th November 2016)
5th November 2016, 21:28