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If one does not know their own mind and lets face it, unless you were aware and bought up by someone/s that does know their own mind, you are programmed by the country/family/government/education/beliefs/religion which is your thoughtsphere, as the human mind sponge that you are now defends even, when offered other mind programmes.
Imo it took two years after learning reiki, to say, where did I disappear to, I am indeed crazy appearing to my old family and friends, please note, I became a reiki nut as such, at least an hour self treat every day and sometimes up to 3 or 4.
Now this second world being explained, many here participate in has many doorways, imo all lead within to respond and connect with the divine, usually yours then the divine we are all threaded with, at this stage unknowingly unless guided by one who lives in three worlds or more, we are changing the already third world and getting ready to create in other two worlds, the negative consciousness as such ( yes this is also you in the third world ) cannot stop you because it is you, remember mind known and chakras of high enough vibration/frequency creates correct knowing inaction or respond action hence now for one, all is indeed perfect.
Upon a time of three stories will wander between, ta for patience, ( BRB )