2nd November 2016, 04:10
Senior Member
Three Worlds, Beyond the Mirrors
Once upon a time and imo time is of the mind, and because of that I can only share my experience of the three worlds I live in, it just happened, as in was not a goal but an eventuality through self mind work, deprogramming etc, so the three worlds are there for all imo, as one evolves and all evolve to their own adventure of soul preparedness and karma timelines and timeline detachment or opposite.
Upon a time, as many here call it now, asleep and slaving to the western mind grindstone, suffering as fears drove me year after year and event after event, mind slavery created by the past down programmes of religion, family, governments and education systems or really tptW ( the powers that Were ). Most here know that story and most began breaking out of that world through deprogramming in the differing ways available, Usually involving suffering and likely great suffering.
Upon a time, suffering and once again suffering is of the mind imo, suffering was shutting down my body, escape routes of alcohole etc were affecting much, life was crushing, so another world slowing presented itself for me but the great suffering was indeed needed for the crashing push because I wished to hold onto what I knew, safe or not.
Upon a time ( BRB )
The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (2nd November 2016), Cearna (2nd November 2016), Chester (27th May 2019), Dreamtimer (2nd November 2016), Elen (2nd November 2016), Gio (2nd November 2016), modwiz (2nd November 2016), RealityCreation (5th November 2016), Woody (2nd November 2016)
2nd November 2016, 06:36
Senior Member
Death was the cure once upon a time, over a short period, three separate ones, car crash, suicide and cancer, shock shock and slow realisation shock, body, mind, emotional and mental state collapse created the suffering needed and a journey to another world begin, so exciting not lol, the universe works in amazing ways or god is unfathomable in its complexity appearing in reflection, very simple, I had a scarey encounter with a lovely witchy looking lady at an organic fair, while looking into the potential of producing ostrich sausages, kid you not lol, she had a wee room aside from the main stalls and was doing ten minute introduction reiki treats or zaps as such and I read all the information on the walls, one stood out by a ex police boss who shared their own reiki journey, so I gave it a twirl 9 BRB )
The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (2nd November 2016), Cearna (2nd November 2016), Chester (27th May 2019), Dreamtimer (2nd November 2016), Elen (2nd November 2016), Gio (2nd November 2016), modwiz (2nd November 2016), RealityCreation (5th November 2016), Woody (2nd November 2016)
2nd November 2016, 08:01
Senior Member
Upon a time, why was this zap scarey, well this reiki lady eventually initiated me into reiki and let me know she had never seen anyone before react like I did, was scarey because I lay down after she gave me a brief rundown of whats and hows and she started at my head by putting her hands above crown and asked after a while if I saw any colours, said I seen a couple and then she went to my chest, this all felt nice, for me strange but relaxing, when she got to my left leg it all got stranger for me as my leg started quivering and shaking madly and her hands were 5 or 6 inches above them, she soon stopped and went to right leg, have had a few stints in hospital etc with right leg, it went nuts as such and she stopped and later found out she grounded me in another way than hands on feet as is usual, I was outta there, threw twenty in the donation box not wanting change and basically eradicated the experience from my mind best I could but legs were better after the event and did have that in the back of my mind, hence when the shit hit the fan for me many moons later, I got in touch with her and she gave my mother and myself three sessions over two days, helping us due to family member dying and the stress ( BRB)
The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (2nd November 2016), Cearna (2nd November 2016), Chester (27th May 2019), Dreamtimer (2nd November 2016), Elen (2nd November 2016), Gio (2nd November 2016), modwiz (4th November 2016), RealityCreation (5th November 2016), Woody (2nd November 2016)
2nd November 2016, 09:06
Senior Member
Few wee triggers in this worldy mirror a happening, all good though.
Anyway I was a relaxed blithering snoring happy WTF xlent during these sessions and marvelled at how it benefitted me but that was as far as I was prepared to go at that stage, until things really got worse, will not go into it too much but there was still a death to go, a bussinness to close before I got the news I would be in a wheelchair before I was 40, amazing how that can get a person outside of their square, I tried a few differing things to help myself and then aha that reiki thing came to mind, I rang that lady who lived a few hours down south, to get a reiki treatment, she laughed and said why don't you learn it yourself, I said I would consider this and she replied I am in your town tomorrow and teaching a lady the first level over two days and she usually has at least two people to do this and I could be the other person if I wished ( BRB )
The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (2nd November 2016), Cearna (2nd November 2016), Chester (27th May 2019), Dreamtimer (2nd November 2016), Elen (2nd November 2016), Gio (2nd November 2016), modwiz (4th November 2016), RealityCreation (5th November 2016), Woody (2nd November 2016)
4th November 2016, 23:44
Senior Member
Upon a time, well I said yip and duly arrived the next morning and over the next two days I learnt traditional reiki, gee who knew that we got chakras lol, ( BRB ).
The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (5th November 2016), Chester (27th May 2019), Dreamtimer (6th November 2016), Elen (5th November 2016), Gio (5th November 2016), modwiz (23rd February 2017), RealityCreation (5th November 2016)
7th November 2016, 00:42
Senior Member
If one does not know their own mind and lets face it, unless you were aware and bought up by someone/s that does know their own mind, you are programmed by the country/family/government/education/beliefs/religion which is your thoughtsphere, as the human mind sponge that you are now defends even, when offered other mind programmes.
Imo it took two years after learning reiki, to say, where did I disappear to, I am indeed crazy appearing to my old family and friends, please note, I became a reiki nut as such, at least an hour self treat every day and sometimes up to 3 or 4.
Now this second world being explained, many here participate in has many doorways, imo all lead within to respond and connect with the divine, usually yours then the divine we are all threaded with, at this stage unknowingly unless guided by one who lives in three worlds or more, we are changing the already third world and getting ready to create in other two worlds, the negative consciousness as such ( yes this is also you in the third world ) cannot stop you because it is you, remember mind known and chakras of high enough vibration/frequency creates correct knowing inaction or respond action hence now for one, all is indeed perfect.
Upon a time of three stories will wander between, ta for patience, ( BRB )
The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (7th November 2016), Chester (27th May 2019), Dreamtimer (7th November 2016), Elen (7th November 2016), enjoy being (16th November 2016), Gio (7th November 2016), modwiz (23rd February 2017), RealityCreation (7th November 2016)
7th November 2016, 01:33
Senior Member
A wee interlude story, a grumpy grandfather in a wee village in nowhere India who hand weaved mats all his life to support his family, an angry old man who enjoyed hurting those around himself, received a energy transfer from a wandering shaman/healer/monk, he has never not been happy since, imo he will likely die with a smile on his face, I have seen this but not where it happened in the now but over months sometimes and years mostly. This now enlightened old man never really talked much after his event and the whole village transformed around him over the next couple of years, everyone wants their mats, grumpy people as such move on quickly or change, it looks like a terribly hard life to live for someone when you see this, in the western world, still, have you met someone who is laughing, happy all the time, smiling for what appears no reason, that most people that know them, adore and love them.
Who was that monk person and who taught them to do that and what did they use, it took a couple of minutes and old grumpy has been happy ever since.
Anyway I met this monk, was said it was him, happened to happy the grumpy old before he himself went into an enlightened state, immobile for some years, he got carried around and looked after, there were others also, one was a child and he was able to talk a little (BRB)
The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (7th November 2016), Chester (27th May 2019), Dreamtimer (7th November 2016), Elen (7th November 2016), enjoy being (16th November 2016), Gio (7th November 2016), modwiz (23rd February 2017), RealityCreation (7th November 2016), sandy (7th November 2016)
7th November 2016, 06:14