Should turn it around and say the Swiss own the CIA.
This is just one video but this guy's channel contains everything about Swiss codes and power structure. In occult circles they are called the...
Type: Posts; User: Novusod; Keyword(s):
Should turn it around and say the Swiss own the CIA.
This is just one video but this guy's channel contains everything about Swiss codes and power structure. In occult circles they are called the...
Here are few more maps of Tataria
Both these maps were featured in Sylvie's videos on Hyperborea.
Map from 1570
Map from 1684
I have been doing a bit more research on the Greenland theory and supposedly the mountains look like they have been strip mined by ancient civilization.
Greenland's Watkins mountains:...
Fomenko maybe a special case in that he appeared at just right time during the soviet collapse. It is doubtful he would be able to say the things he did in soviet times nor would he be able to get...
I would like to focus just on this point for a second and this little piece of evidence.
This isn't a Roman painting but it is based off of a Greek myth painted in 1610 called Venus disarms Mars....