nope...lots of books on the reading list yet...might get through it all in about a few hundred years :p
thanks amanda
as an immigrant to NA, several generations in [european heritage], i...
Type: Posts; User: ZShawn; Keyword(s):
nope...lots of books on the reading list yet...might get through it all in about a few hundred years :p
thanks amanda
as an immigrant to NA, several generations in [european heritage], i...
well, it would certainly settle the matter as to why the Navy got assigned the jurisdiction of space rather than the airforce....since they are a water based division.
let there be light
methinks what this is about is another state of "water" which we gravity well dwellers haven't really done more than stick a feeler up out of the bubble pond into, and scarcely have a rudimentary...
research showing another physical state of water they hadn't noticed before
from another article:
The researchers,...
1820>1920>2020...the dates alone show a pattern.
the whole thing stinks
Russell Means: Welcome To The Reservation
kind of an essential video to watch if you are an immigrated citizen to continental North America
even if you...
Look what they doing, despicable, inhuman
And got the nerve to say that I'm 3/5ths of a human
Babylon is in ruins, inhabited by a beast
A bloodsucker,...
wag the dog is the doctrine operant and extant these days....civilians are always behind ....never knew what went down
that's fine...expected really
demonstrates critical thinking is operant, which is excellent
all this information is just fish we have netted from the ocean of information, and not all the fish will...
I think the pyramid is larger at its base than he measured, as the apex and the edges at the top reveal the geometry, and the result would be well over 300 meters at the base
the part is about 2 minutes 30 sec in approx
and in context he stated that these characters were mythological
such characters are not actual people so no they do not dream about anything
and the...
that was an interesting interview.
which part......?
some new data points to mull over:
Did One Gene Mutation Launch the Black Death?
found this fellow this winter....very interesting
Citizen Z approved
For the first time an independent Egyptian researcher and author is digging deep...
apparently these are not as old as the great pyramid...... and as time went on the skills degraded thus the pyramids had less integrity..
similar to spelt being most perfect in form in the oldest...
apparently they are calling for "scattered tornadoes" in the midwest today..... buckle up
hopefully they are duds and dissipate.
well, reasonably we can deduce that a paradigm shift is inevitable from this,
however, will it be a shift any of us will appreciate....that is the one that is unclear.....the crystal ball is a bit...
hydroxyl generators are way better at air purification than ozone and safer
UV-LED chipsets in the 200-270nM wavelength are also useful [if they are of sufficient flux density for output strength]...