
Type: Posts; User: Maggie; Keyword(s):

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  1. It is the matter of where we place our energy. I...

    It is the matter of where we place our energy. I am not sure that feelings are getting in the way unless it is the feeling of CRAZY when one's own information gets conflated with hoaxes, flat earth...
  2. I will miss you NAP. I guess that my sources...

    I will miss you NAP.

    I guess that my sources were not as good as Aragorn's.
  3. An OFFICIAL disclaimer is the exact point. I have...

    An OFFICIAL disclaimer is the exact point. I have never been hostile to you personally. To suggest that is strangely missing the mark.
  4. An OFFICIAL disclaimer is the exact point. Maybe...

    An OFFICIAL disclaimer is the exact point. Maybe you are the one on a crusade here and using your position to STOP discussion. What I am not claiming is that ALL cases of symptoms that have been...
  5. I requested a retirement and Aragorn responded...

    I requested a retirement and Aragorn responded that he would not go back on his words about relegating the thread to misinformation (as he suspected of me also... that I would not retract my...
  6. I felt something like an electric sensation when...

    I felt something like an electric sensation when reading this statement.
    My response is that this forum has some really bizarre standards of determining mis-information. Honestly it is just like I...
  7. I respect your ability to create a solid personal...

    I respect your ability to create a solid personal POV and have stated my own. I also have included different observations of the systematic stifling of information (which may be true and if true...


  9. “Journalism is printing what someone else does...

    “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.” George Orwell


  10. The whole subject of Assange is so complex! ...

    The whole subject of Assange is so complex!

    Richard Dolan is right IMO about how much wikileaks accomplished.


    I came across a Richard C. Hall investigation into what is...
  11. So far so good said the man who jumped from a...

    So far so good said the man who jumped from a high building as he passed the half way mark. Just a matter of time until you see the bottom IMO and I'll wonder how you feel then. I say that from my...
  12. Some say there is no such thing as an autism...

    Some say there is no such thing as an autism epidemic. Epidemics are associated with contaigen and so yes, technically there is no epidemic. It is not "catching" but it is dramatically increasing. I...
  13. I do appreciate your willingness to engage with...

    I do appreciate your willingness to engage with this thread. It is certainly true that the medical establiishment has itself agreed to accomodate the pharmaceutical industry. When people present with...
  14. I wonder what is factual in this statement....

    I wonder what is factual in this statement. Convince me...

    I always watch Del Bigtree's Thursday program. In this one, he uses Joe Rogan's interview to counter some ridiculous evidence of the...
  15. The corporate control of social experience is...

    The corporate control of social experience is strongly evident in the US in the 21st century. It is not JUST the military industrial complex (MIC) that now has a hold on each of us but the model is...
  16. I guess your stand on the 1st amendment is that...

    I guess your stand on the 1st amendment is that you don't like it when people talk bad about who and what you like? Yeah, it is inconvenient for people to insist on spreading inconvenient evidence so...
  17. How does Assange's arrest and Mandatory Vaccine Mandates relate?

    Powder kegs and dangerous forces are evident ready to dis-assemble a very obvious need in our society. This is the need to provide checks and balances to protect us. Real journalism uncovers the...
  18. Replies

    I agree with you that eclectic is the only...

    I agree with you that eclectic is the only "category" that makes sense. Jesse Ventura is stating the obvious. This opinion represents MY concern.

  19. I like Tulsi Gabbard now I am paying attention to...

    I like Tulsi Gabbard now I am paying attention to her.
    I agree she has great potential.

    I am submitting this evidence of how the "opinions that be" is deciminating stupid about her. Joe Rogan...
  20. Replies

    Maybe I will support Tulsi, the only...

    Maybe I will support Tulsi, the only congressional Hindu?
    I have never been more willing to listen to interviews produced by RT. MAYBE it's all inside out upside down and backwards?

Results 1 to 20 of 1267
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