I think it is more related to his understanding of love and compassion. I have been able to thank her for a couple of videos.
However, like I've already said, the cobweb factor is like a deja vu...
Type: Posts; User: modwiz; Keyword(s):
I think it is more related to his understanding of love and compassion. I have been able to thank her for a couple of videos.
However, like I've already said, the cobweb factor is like a deja vu...
Not to mention digging so far into the past there are more cobwebs than facts. :ha:
She does not know she is lost in a world of her own making interviewing strange characters she takes seriously.
Merry Christmas, Happy Yule and Chanukah too.
It is sickening and repulsive, but the truth is laid bare for those with the eyes to see.
I soon as I read the word "law" the bullshit alarm goes off. The Cosmos is organized by The Tao, The Way. The law is torah/legalistic crap.
Even the "laws" of Thermodynamics is flawed. Observing...
The first 26 minutes of this video talk about the history pertinent to understanding the money line of the title, Russia's real intentions for Ukraine.
It would appear Angela Merkel knows the...
Alex Krainer is an economist with an understanding of the history of how power/money underlies geo-politics. This talk was far more interesting than I expected.
I think this video offers a good look at the situation.
It is important to recall the 2008 "war" between Georgia and Russia because there is still a deep resentment with Georgians over this.
Needless to say, although there is common sense, mutually...
I think this is relevant to endorsing the capabilities of Hegseth.
I should stay out of your threads.
That's very cute, and irrelevant.
Showing off your formidable intellect again?:ttr:
Thank you for your thoughtful analysis.:rolleyes:
The hypocrisy is mind-numbing. All subsequent FARA type legislation is modeled on the USA law. Since Russia followed the USA some years ago, Western truth-twisters now call Georgia's desire to enact...
I found this role playing video entertaining so let's see how it goes over in the tent.
Yes, MSM using the 'move along, nothing to see here' tactic.
Truth is they need time for a change of underwear.
That is good for the world.
Sebastion Sas with another excellent examination of Western headlines about the Ukrainian conflict and Russia's new intermediate range missile.
I offer a trigger warning to the thumb-sucking...
I do listen to multiple news sources and found wonderfully a sane presentation on the hot topic of Russia's new missile.
Here on CBS, no name calling even though Russia and North Korea get...
I think Trump is in for a rude awakening when it comes to dealing with Russia. Reneging on past agreements has resulted in no trust in the USA.
It is hard to negotiate when words are considered...