Type: Posts; User: sandy; Keyword(s):
I love mysteries with no answers ......... :-)
Well Aragorn; :scrhd:
If you are talking of physical dependency versus psychological then the theme changes somewhat.............. but then is not our psychological well being part of our physical...
Try quitting and then see what happens with your moods, cognition and reflexes....Just Sayin' :getcoat::smiley hug:
Really the only Channelling I listen too over the years that exhibits a sense of truth IMO...thk for posting :tiphat:
I think your projected summary is going to be shown to be right Kathy....:tiphat:
Do you think that ethereal beings may also be New Age Woo Woo?
Well he does have a Handler I'm sure.........but I guess that would differ from a Caretaker.......:-)
Yes NAP, all true and after many years of threatening, my baby Brother was successful his first attempt, a few short years ago. We were close and hung together often so for me, my heart was broken...
If one is to take being responsible for oneself seriously then even one's sexual needs are not to be accomodated by others when the mood strikes unless others are interested in doing...
I enjoyed the raw authenticity and the acceptance of such ...real life uncensored IMHO!! 2 Thumbs Up!!
Well is the sad thing.....about drawing lines when it comes to how to treat a fellow Human Being; that it doesn't come naturally and has to be taught. I wonder if there ever...
If someone is hell bent on suicide they will not be going where there is a suicide net!! :getcoat:
Nothing, have you been a little too long with the Hobbits or Maori .................just...
From Snowbirds to Snowflakes....................sorry I couldn't help myself......:fpalm:
I would add a willing pawn D.D. :eyebrows:
Groovie Bean is having issues with the Goode crew and not Avalon... and personally I would like to see TargeT here again above all else. Can't imagine the strife he is continuing to deal with as most...
Gee Fred, I really have to agree with Dreamtimer and Maggie and to hell with public appetite....if you want to say Me too!! say it and don't look for permission..............
Men have their own...
Mine is in olive oil as I get it from Europe...been on it over 2 months now and take 2 droppers full each morning...nothing to report one way of the other so will keep consuming under the umbrella of...
rayan 522, you have entered the TOT portal of openmindedness but not so open the mind falls out!! Many here, like me; call it home!! WELCOME :chrs:
Well I think consciousness is far beyond the mind in itself.... re: the Athenes Video...why do I say that...well what about those who have been declared DEAD that come back from this diagnosis with...