In my traavelss now with a new set of carers, they are finding, they are not only fascinated by my story, but want me to get my story to others. Ainawa, you mentioned following this, would need to...
Type: Posts; User: Cearna; Keyword(s):
In my traavelss now with a new set of carers, they are finding, they are not only fascinated by my story, but want me to get my story to others. Ainawa, you mentioned following this, would need to...
I've been to Rottnest Island, these really are delightful little things, not as big as a Wallaby, a bit more the size of what we might see on the East coaster regions, called a paddymelon Wallaby. ...
As I have written many times I have had to decide many times come face to face with possible death to come. The first time was at my birth - I was 1 of 4 children born in my family with the Rh...
Many times I asked did someone want to know some answers, but the consensus seemed to be it's just one of the whose to know? You know I've spent about 40 years trying to find the answers to the...
I read a book about the Crystal Grid, by Bruce Cathie, written some time ago about 50 years. He was I think a New Zealand airline pilot, and he wrote of what he seen whilst flying. Because of...
I have a book on palmistry, but not enough breath to get to it, but surely a book on palmistry would answer you. Put your hand on the photocopier and it will give you a possibly better something to...
The story we were given about, are you a healer, is ........
Look at your palm of your hand. If you were born right handed for example that hand shows you what you were born with, and the other...
The Nortsche so did not begin as blonde haired blue-eyed, they began as red-haired Scots-like mix of Picts and emigres from the mighty Mongols.
The deciders were from the Law Givers called...
OK, way back in 1984, I knew I was really sick, I had done 1st level Reiki the year before, and found it was amazing, to help in healing me. I somehow must have asked for help in 1983, and was...
I went through a time in my life, after being in a situation that involved a shooting. My mother was visiting across tie road to our neighbour, when they man next to them suddenly came to knock at...
I like this story, so true. You know, my nephew was sent off every day to a lady who loved him and was paid to look after him. He cried every day to leave his mum, till he went to school. My...
What are you saying, it must mean a lot and I'd like to know what it. My mind works in a rather obtuse way, more used to what you see is what you get, but do want to understand your finer self.
In my country then you might follow them Labor Party or they Greens or be Independent??
As long as I don't become like all those negative examples, and am more like they ones I met in seminaries trying to sort themselves out - then not so bad. You know rebirthing, bioenegetics, Reiki...
I have absolutely nothing in Gemini, nor in air for that matter. At one stage of course my Progessed Chart moved into Gemini for thirty years and it nearly drove me crazy.
For your dreamtimer,...
You know what I'm a simple High School teacher of 40 years experience in Australia. Is it possible for a more simple English language to be used by some of you egg heads? I haven't a clue of the...
The energy for the new AGE began at the end of the 2nd World War, when virtually the majority of our population asked for the end of wars to come, and the overwhelming need for peace. Thus the...
OK I'll bite, who is he? I'm on the other side of the world, and we don't get all that much of the kind of thing like this, we tend to do our own kind of social what ever, none of it much good,...
Orbs, I've perhaps been on a soap box of my own I suppose, about the need to see all of the worlds humans as a whole, not a collective of those who follow like a hive mind to one agenda or another. ...