Oh good, I'll troll you with some more hard right wing tasty morsels fresh off the grill. You like Ben Shapiro right?
Ya suck up... :grin:
Type: Posts; User: Fred Steeves; Keyword(s):
Oh good, I'll troll you with some more hard right wing tasty morsels fresh off the grill. You like Ben Shapiro right?
Ya suck up... :grin:
Here's his last two posts, both well under a year ago, is this what is meant by "the hit-and-run variety" and "making allegations"?
(This one 10 months ago)
Aw hell...
I really hate for this to be a thing just as Taps is...
I will greatly miss what this forum used to be once upon a time - a place based on continued higher learning and questioning official narratives both mainstream, and alternative.
Rest In Peace...
Ha ha. Dang man, I watched all 20 some minutes just to see if new and improved Mr. Mainstream would dare roast even one token (D) that might offend his audience. Nope.
The fodder is certainly out...
Uh oh…
Here comes the next propaganda blitzkrieg to get folks amped up for world war on multiple fronts. Say it with me now: China Bad - Must Be Stopped - Long Live The Rules Based International Order!
However, it only works (but less so now) for people here in the West who are so deeply propagandized they believe they have fair/free media, and that it's only the rest of the world that suffers from...
The US Deep State is scared shitless that because of its long held dominance over the Caribbean and Latin America, its "Backyard" via the Monroe Doctrine, because it sees the decades...
Those guys do a great job, and with humor at that, easy to see why Jimmy Dore seems to have settled on them as his replacement while he's on the road.
The title of this original video that went viral with people making fun of its ridiculousness, since taken down, was "My wife is a very brave woman".
(Note at the very beginning a banner reading...
Who we hate depends on who we're told to hate.
Fun for the whole family!
Will this rabid dog ever stop threatening the defenders of freedom in his diabolical efforts to rule the world with an iron fist?
Now he has a problem with NATO, and nukes near his border, wtf is...
Huh, well that's odd. For some reason I can't upload the screenshot, but it says private group.
Maybe he has more than one then? I looked, found this one, and there's nothing there except friends.
So I'm going to point out one of the many flaws in this ongoing Western cop splainin campaign. Not to keep on picking on my boy Peter here, he's just my poster child for the rest of them be they Jens...
Rinse lather and repeat in 2024. We're facing WW3 on 4 fronts, and in the process of shutting down free speech here at home on social media, and...
Posted by former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter. Yes we are complicit, and history will judge us accordingly. Not a proud time to be an American.
But just don't let Bad Orange Man in, or...