Ideological toys are breaking.
Type: Posts; User: modwiz; Keyword(s):
Ideological toys are breaking.
For those who might take an interest in things of this nature.:) (12:26)
So, Putin sucks. :ttr:
I like this channel alot. Their presentations are very well done and scripted. (16:00)
A better title would be Voice of Gaia.
A Hip-Hop fan? :ha:
Much to my personal delight Niger's situation is seeing cooler heads prevail, for now. Islamic scholars were making the case for peace.
I do not know who is what in the screenshot I grabbed from...
I love all of the pictures/photographs.:grin:
In twelve minutes Jeffrey does a good job of showing how we got to where we are now by refreshing our memory and saying the things that don't get said because they ruin the preferred narrative.
Eloquence and diplomacy do not lessen the no bullshit message President Ramaphosa of South Africa gives to his audience of gathered world dignitaries.
A powerful voice of the Global South.
There are still a few American policy voices that aren't a national embarassment. Unfortunately, those voices are the ones that are ignored.
Jeffrey Sachs Interview - Preventing Nuclear War is The...
The world is undergoing great change and there are some spots that warrant greater attention, IMO.
Niger is certainly one of those spots. (4:44)
Nuland did not orchestrate this coup, so she doesn't like it.:)
The face of a war pig.
I will be relieved when this conflict ends.
There are even more casualties in the psychological realm than on the actual battlefied.
World War 3 has other opportunities developing in Asia and...
Russia has a doctrine of terror and Putin is evil.
All the specifics emotionally centered people need.
The water of emotion cannot support the fire of intellect.
I think this is from the same interview.
Marianne Williamson Denies Fauci Lied About COVID
I have had no use for MW in USA politics. She is a lightweight and toxic too.
She doesn't dazzle...
Well presented and no whining about being victimized.
This thread is like the Prancing Pony at Bree.:ttr:
I really enjoy videos that cram in some tasty wisdom nuggets in short amounts of time.
11:17 for an Emerald Tablet talk is refreshing. Billy Carson is a pleasure to listen to. Good cadence.
I found another interesting religion explained in brief. (20 minutes)
Sikhism. I liked it.