
Type: Posts; User: Emil El Zapato; Keyword(s):

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  1. Finally getting a chance to watch: For DT: ...

    Finally getting a chance to watch:

    For DT:
    From Neal Asher's Line War

    As the two Dragon spheres penetrated deeper into the accretion disc, the attacks on them became...
  2. Isaac Asimov is the Father of Thinking Robots ......

    Isaac Asimov is the Father of Thinking Robots ... I, Robot. Cyborgs? Haimans are a serious step beyond the cyborg ... they range from the prototypical cyborg but their enhancement is effectuated by...
  3. The answer to the non-question is Neal Asher ......

    The answer to the non-question is Neal Asher ... For some serious food for thought, everyone should read the Ian Cormac, Agent series.

    Entities endowed with impeccable logic are not capable of...
  4. Last time somebody asked me that question, I...

    Last time somebody asked me that question, I responded with, "Who do I have to be?" Have a lovely day or night, better yet, a lovely day and night. :)

    Of course, AIs are people too ... :)
Results 1 to 4 of 4