That's part of the 'why' of making the capital Jerusalem.
Type: Posts; User: Dreamtimer; Keyword(s):
That's part of the 'why' of making the capital Jerusalem.
I'm in an area that is country, formerly rural, now just a hop-skip-jump from urban suburbia. So we could stay and survive with the land and water available, but the "desperate" from the city aren't...
lol. woo-hoo!
I'm hearing about it hitting the Carolinas.
We'll get hammered with more rain and we've already had our yearly average. Normally these are the dry days, but not since mid-July.
Imposing Martial Law would be insanity. The bankers would lose. The corporations would lose. The politicians would lose. I'm having a real hard time believing that will happen.
In addition,...
It's a wicked long piece.
I don't see David's face all over his page anymore.
I bet he goes way out on the limb of high octane speculation...
Yub Yub. Utanee!
But Dumpy will never be able to ewok in his shoes...
DKD will never be normal. Not possible.
I hope that doesn't mean you're going away...
This is for you, Dumpy. Or it could go in the chaos thread...
Here's a bit about McCain's funeral:
Very short anecdote:
Dang. I just started to read the text that goes with the cartoon. I didn't know about the plane and the bombs and the resulting deaths. Helps to have parents in high places. Sure does.
It's a...
McCain recently expressed regrets over how he handled controversy around the Confederate flag.
He helped to set us on the path to Trump with Palin. Her selection excited the base that would become...
This is the video I was referring to.
Thanks for the post. It puts a recent video I posted in perspective. And I'm kinda depressed. I've seen this happening for a long time and am generally met with deaf ears when I raise concerns.
Thanks for the useful information, Chris.
There certainly are millions trying to come here. And plenty of room for them.
The anti-immigration fervor is a form of false scarcity fear-mongering.
Asgardia is outer space, and Agartha is inner earth, right?
There's a podcast examining 'digital cults' focusing on Betinho. It's from March.