Interesting to see you getting more and more glib over time at being that guy at the party who thinks it's cute to keep putting the lampshade over his head and yelling "hey, look at me!", while at...
Type: Posts; User: Fred Steeves; Keyword(s):
Interesting to see you getting more and more glib over time at being that guy at the party who thinks it's cute to keep putting the lampshade over his head and yelling "hey, look at me!", while at...
What a load of rubbish, yet you continue to place the ever ongoing dog and pony show center stage here as if it's something meaningful to take a look at.
So our sources for this gem of a piece are...
An unfortunate, yet not at all unexpected answer.
Too bad my brother you're a smart guy...
Were DD even the least bit philosophically minded, that axiom of a statement would prove fodder for some serious self reflection.
I'm going to use your buddy Wade (my choir of 2) Frazier as an example, while sticking with the John McCain theme:
Example A: There is much to be said about John McCain: From prisoner of war,...