
Type: Posts; User: Aragorn; Keyword(s):

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  1. Yeah, I did mean that on a US-internal basis. ...

    So far as domestically, I'd say that's accurate, if/when fighting in the streets here comes it would almost surely be instigated by the far right.

    Internationally however, I don't really see any...
  2. The fact that he's still alive after all he's...

    The fact that he's still alive after all he's done and with the people he pissed off is exclusively due to the fact that the people he pissed off are generally not the kind that want to kill someone....
  3. I loathe European politics with equal vigor,...

    I loathe European politics with equal vigor, Brother. :ttr:
  4. One can hardly accuse Mike Prysner of being...

    One can hardly accuse Mike Prysner of being either a Republican or a Trumpanzee™, Brother. Mike is an Iraq veteran and he is Abby Martin's partner in Empire Files — as well as that he's her husband....
  5. I don't know him well enough to have any opinion...

    I don't know him well enough to have any opinion on whether he's a master at manipulating people — I'll take your word for it, though — but from what I've seen of him, the description "intelligent...
  6. Empire Files: Ron DeSantis' Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes


    In this Eyes Left/Empire Files exclusive, Mike Prysner sheds light on the shadowy military career of Ron DeSantis. Featuring never-before-heard testimony by former Guantanamo...
Results 1 to 6 of 6