
Type: Posts; User: Aianawa; Keyword(s):

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  1. Some simply say mind virus, lumps things together

    Some simply say mind virus, lumps things together
  2. Dear oh dear, there is no two parties, never was,...

    Dear oh dear, there is no two parties, never was, a certain thing controlls them both, hopefulllly it dies gently for all and we evolve fast as.
  3. After everything Trump has done n people pissed...

    After everything Trump has done n people pissed off and he is still alive, not dumb, not stupid lolol n getting every bit a juice outa life, i digressy though, the desantissy v trumpy is all theatre
  4. For a person in power, yes an investigation best...

    For a person in power, yes an investigation best needed imo, for me i put myself in others shoes, in many ways he was in a rock and a hard place in those times ( gitmo ), rest is speculation, pity it...
  5. Well interesting opinions gentlemen, will plunge...

    Well interesting opinions gentlemen, will plunge in with an open mind, wish me luck and a speedy return.
Results 1 to 5 of 5