Lol recovery , you must have watched it lol
Type: Posts; User: Aianawa; Keyword(s):
Lol recovery , you must have watched it lol
Hope ya dont mind but both Amazing Polly, yes the lovely blonde, threads are banned, slip this here.
Wow was may 24th 2024, still best one i have watched, explained now well.
so everything since election done by Trump is bs ?, we are all a negative timeline, doom is the all ?.
Doomsday ?, lol such a positive timeline, corruption within these institutions has proven shocking.
Lots of harmonizing so self sabotage etc is high atm, imagine a world plandemic only just now getting known, financial reset goin strong, Trumpetc on fire, now doin what was once not possible,...
All being well and harmonic = an amazing sandwitch or burnt sawdusk.
In other words, Qetc will burn well
For those needing facts n data, 11.3.
Hey Malc, am hearing UK is ready to burst, what say yea ?.
Ahhhhh ripples > India now joining Kenya - will they both exit the WHO along with Trump?
This wonderful animus is now spreading around the globe
As Qetc will spectactulllly blow up at some stage at some stage, wait for it, will be a quick wipe out, the opposite of putride imo have to wipe that slate as it would or may realllly upset the...
well done
Dissapointed in you Lord, i was told by many, including government people, DO NOT even look, so many prominent alternative and well respected people also, so i engaged, all is being see result wise...
I remember Clif High's surprise finding out Qetc was legit, he had to keep it quiet for i think it was 2 to 3 years, one reason was he has a very strong learned and know thyself audience, some...
Adrenachrome explained
Appears he will be your devil and not at peace teacher, choice imo.