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  1. Volcano eruption getting worse. Two new vents...

    Volcano eruption getting worse. Two new vents opened up recently causing new lava flows, accompanied by serious earthquakes. No sign of further landslides, thank goodness, but there are visible...
  2. UPDATE 9:49 AM EDT -- Bill McGuire is one of...

    UPDATE 9:49 AM EDT --

    Bill McGuire is one of the scientists who investigated La Palma back in the late 1990's and issued the cautionary warning that a future earthquake could cause the ridge of...
  3. There are reports of small landslides off the...

    There are reports of small landslides off the Western Coast and new eruptions underwater, also off the Western coast. The large slab of land we are all worried about has moved a few inches, causing...
  4. We're only a few days in, but things are getting...

    We're only a few days in, but things are getting far-far worse on La Palma. It is finally dawning on the local authorities that this isn't some game or a fetching tourist attraction. From the report...
  5. Actually those 5000 people were evacuated within...

    Actually those 5000 people were evacuated within the island, to the unaffected northern section from the southern tip, where this eruption is currently taking place.

    The attraction is clear in...
  6. I'm hopeful, that we will avoid the worst case...

    I'm hopeful, that we will avoid the worst case scenario (this time around) and this will turn out to be a natural disaster of local concern, rather than a more widespread one. Still, it's worth...
  7. Regarding the studies cited earlier, none of them...

    Regarding the studies cited earlier, none of them take into account the incredible destructive power of nature and the unpredictability of such events.

    This Volcano is a beast and to me, it seems...
  8. Yes, in the case of Mt St Helens that was the...

    Yes, in the case of Mt St Helens that was the scariest part. It happened days after the initial eruption, if I recall.
  9. At least El Pais, the leading Spanish daily, is...

    At least El Pais, the leading Spanish daily, is honest about the dangers presented by this volcanic eruption, in stark contrast to local leaders who are still worrying about tourist dollars rather...
  10. Yes, I've read that report too. To me it looks...

    Yes, I've read that report too.

    To me it looks like one of those "debunking" pieces that the establishment routinely pops out whenever they want to allay fears or avoid a panic.

    It doesn't...
  11. There are things you could do to mitigate the...

    There are things you could do to mitigate the risk.

    Tell people to keep a packed emergency bag and a vehicle fuelled up, set up a warning system, so they can move to higher ground immediately upon...
  12. Yes, it is exactly in the danger zone mentioned...

    Yes, it is exactly in the danger zone mentioned in the various documentaries and articles posted here.

    Mind you, that doesn't mean the landslide will happen, it just means that it could happen and...
  13. Browsing the news stories about the Volcanic...

    Browsing the news stories about the Volcanic eruption, there's barely any mention of the considerable Tsunami risk. If they do mention it, they dismiss it out of hand as something that has been...
  14. UPDATE 2:28 PM EDT SUNDAY -- UH OH! From...


    From Geologists and Volcanologists:

    The geometry of this fault system and the timing of its formation in relation to episodes of vent opening during the...
  15. The Volcano on La Palma has now erupted, this has...

    The Volcano on La Palma has now erupted, this has been confirmed by the Spanish Authorities.

    There are lava flows, forest fires and fissures are forming.
  16. Locals on LaPalma have uploaded a photograph...

    Locals on LaPalma have uploaded a photograph which they say shows "Detachment." Part of the land which is FEARED to slide into the Atlantic Ocean and cause a Tsunami to the east coast of the United...
  17. The Washington Post is now reporting that...

    The Washington Post is now reporting that evacuations from the affected area have begun. Although they are not yet admitting this in public, likely to avert panic, this must be in preparation for an...
  18. The real danger with the La Palma volcano is due...

    The real danger with the La Palma volcano is due to the massive amounts of water trapped in the erstwhile lava tubes, which will likely heat up during the next eruption, causing steam to basically...
  19. Yeah sure, they're only visiting for a week. I...

    Yeah sure, they're only visiting for a week. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there long term right now...


  20. Yeah, my sister and her family are currently...

    Yeah, my sister and her family are currently vacationing next door, on Tenerife...

    I don't want to scare them though, since there is little they can do at this point.

    If there is an eruption,...
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