from the Guardian
from Canarian Weekly
Type: Posts; User: Dreamtimer; Keyword(s):
from the Guardian
from Canarian Weekly
Radar image of the volcano.
This is quite a shot:
Waning volcanic activity from the 26th through the 27th:
And then,
From this morning:
INVOLCAN describes the morning plume as creating gravity waves in the atmosphere:
From Copernicus EMS:
People build in dangerous areas regularly. Coastal areas are the biggest example. Hurricanes, floods and more but they just rebuild. That's kinda how we are.
Krakatoa was what I was thinking about. Let's hope not. We've already got several nasty dynamics underway. The last thing we need is another element to create a 'perfect storm'.
I don't personally discount the possibility of a tsunami because we live in strange times where very unlikely events are happening all around us. Having said that, here are some perspectives about a...
When my son went to college in Tacoma, Washington I told him to be sure to have a plan.
We flew by Mt. Rainer. It's stunning. It dwarfs all the peaks around it.
Pyroclastic flows scare me. And Lahores.
People are afraid to be seen to 'cry wolf'. It's easier to make excuses like, "We didn't want panic."
If the eruption is on/in the zone of separation then there is a risk. It may be about the...
This is likely where I first heard details about La Palma and potential tsunamis.
I'm far enough west of Baltimore not to be in the danger zone, but it would affect much of what lies east of me drastically.
That's one of the mega-disasters which could befall us. Hoping for the best...
I'm not near the coast. The Chesapeake bay is closer. I don't really know how it would act in response to a tsunami....