
Type: Posts; User: Aragorn; Keyword(s):

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  1. Well, it's all about the size, I guess. If our...

    That sounds more in line with traditional thought I've always heard about black holes, that the affects of being in one aren't at all pleasant, so how does being spaghettified (is that a word?)...
  2. Yes, that is correct, but I'm not the only one...

    That's a wild theory! It turns on its ear the conventional thinking that it's the stars farthest away from us accelerating away ever faster, when actually, it would be us accelerating away from them...
  3. Maybe at some point in the future, there will be...

    Maybe at some point in the future, there will be an even more powerful telescope that can show us even more. :noidea:

    The universe is incredibly vast and mysterious, and there is so much more to...
  4. While it is true that all of the solar system is...

    While it is true that all of the solar system is undergoing climatic changes (due to the sun), the difference in the images now is simply the result of having a better telescope, Vern. ;)

Results 1 to 4 of 4