Just who's orders do they follow though ?
Not one of our elected "leaders" knows jack about this stuff, & they wouldn't even be allowed on certain bases, Camoron would be no more allowed into the...
Type: Posts; User: Spiral; Keyword(s):
Just who's orders do they follow though ?
Not one of our elected "leaders" knows jack about this stuff, & they wouldn't even be allowed on certain bases, Camoron would be no more allowed into the...
What if instead of "disclosure" (whatever that is supposed to mean ) they just stop covering things up.
How about for starters the military handing over copies of the aerial pursuit videos they...
Not Pindar ?
By Whitley Shrieber
When in his final tweet as a presidential...
Mystery Email Covers Russian Researchers & Lunar Hologram
Published on 24 Feb 2015
A mystery email was sent to me containing Russian...
If he could turn it to a position where it has the same profile as that object it might be believable, esp seeing as it looks exactly like, urmm, a seagull....................wouldn't the first...
Christine and karelia speak with Radagast ~ Gaia is God
It's a Modwiz vid, but not on his channel so I thought I would post it :chrs:
It's a black ops super soldier team going in to rescue Casbolt, obviously :eyebrows:
Not the dreaded..............................................
This has just come out & looks good;
Rebekah Roth: Methodical Illusion-Missing Pieces of 9-11
Published on 22 Feb 2015
Source: offplanetradio
OffPlanet Radio LIVE - 02-13-2015 - Randy...
You got Dr Judy Woods book too ?
Incredible real facts non ?
Those towers turned to dust & just blew away !
The bathtub & most of the basement of the towers intact !
Yup, human civilisation could have been wiped out & hardly anyone even noticed :holysheep:
Nearly forgot, heres todays vid;
Object Near Chemtrails By Viewer Request
That s what I thought at first, then I thought that maybe it was some solar wind type thing blowing the dust up.
But having seen so many captures of this & knowing how mountainous the moon is &...
HUGE Solar Blast - 'Killshot' will Miss Earth | S0 News February 22, 2015
Links at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze3mwO7N-KQ
Is "The Lord of the Rings" an Allegory? - Questions For Corbett #020
Hi LTV, I have been posting those vids here http://jandeane81.com/threads/3431-The-Strange-Lunar-Wave-Event-!?highlight=lunar+wave
I didn't post it under "Crrow777" because I didn't think anyone...
I didn't know where to put this tbh, the link is not something to be buried
Probably the most exhaustive history of humanity ever produced,...
I hope Miles Johnston reflects on this situation & how much exposure & encouragement he gave to this lads delusions, what with all the videos & lectures, & "super soldier" conferences pulling in...
There are two values for billion, but even with the short one that is well over 1200 dollars per human being,(gold is about that right now) not as figures on a balance or bonds or shares, but as...