Just a quick
To Malcolm
To Vern
To Elen
Type: Posts; User: Bob; Keyword(s):
Just a quick
To Malcolm
To Vern
To Elen
yes, it is floating
the son goes on further here:
https://tonyortega.org/2014/05/10/jamie-dewolf-ive-found-the-last-memoir-of-the-son-of-scientologys-founder/ (scroll down to the highlighted section with a grey...
interesting page about some...
Christine's posted observations gets...
This was referenced - http://earthempaths.net/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1230&sid=6292a6ec223a69c7ff4b64206ff179a4
and is worth the read
it was...
A simple tool called a "dremel" can get one into woodworking and sculpting - artwork really if one has the time to learn to actualize one's...
I've tried hang gliding (with a high efficiency wing..) can't say it's my cup of tea..
How about "air-boarding" ? A jet engine propelled sky-board?
Practical not.. 10 minutes flight from the various jetpacks either the hydrogen peroxide steam jet (Bell Rocket Pack of the James Bond Era), or the Kerosene 1000 horsepower micro-jet engine...
Richard Browning - the founder of the organization "Gravity" and chief test pilot and innovator talks about his beginnings with the flying jetpack (2 minutes 46 seconds).
More on the Colorado School of Mines research lab behind the suit build:
Adam gets a chance to test out a real to life flying backpack system produced by a civilian company called GRAVITY..
Later Adam contacted the Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO) to have them...
It looks like both - one of the contemptuous trainings was about torture methods of those captured and interrogated..
see: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/us-soldier-killed-herself_b_190517
Hia Daozen and the group -
when I had a website active I was regularly monitored by the good ole folks from Fort Huachuca..
as for instance the assaults from the 'other place'...
Hi Vern and the group
They called it a strike-slip type of quake:
Two geological blocks were grinding against each other, side-by-side, as one moves (roughly speaking) horizontally in the...
I might be headed out to Ridgecrest in a month or so, with some deep-earth-sensing equipment to look at precursors to quakes. Should provide 24 hours warning, maybe.. the theory is solid, and the...
It seems to me Vern and Sam that Paul is a great person who pointed out numerous times that he was not being appreciated "over there" and he gave his all so many times over and over, beyond the call...
Areas in black show the smaller quakes that have been happening and their locations along the main fault(s)..
Vern I suppose we could ask Paul Jackson now that he has free time on his hands to come on over and take over this thread.. no?