Something electrical. Probably something with a built-in switched mode power supply - that doesn't narrow it down much since almost everything has one now. Lighting, phone chargers, routers, alarm...
Type: Posts; User: Barbarella; Keyword(s):
Something electrical. Probably something with a built-in switched mode power supply - that doesn't narrow it down much since almost everything has one now. Lighting, phone chargers, routers, alarm...
Interesting and mostly accurate info from that site. Unfortunately Yig Wilson (what is his sceintific background?) still misunderstands the white splodges on the spectrograph as relevant to the...
I wonder how many amateur astronomers are on this group. I occasionally suggest posters ask amateur astronomers when stuff about Nibiru for example come up. In fact amateur scientists of all types...
I was fortunate enough to attend a talk at the Defence Academy at Shrivenham a few years ago. It was a remarkable talk from one of our deep thinkers (and to my shame I can't remember his name).
Couldn't possibly be a prank... could it? Engineering students with a drone. No trees or horizon for perspective. Deeply unconvincing I think.
(I know, what would it take to convince me...?)
Sorry not at all convincing to me. Just a lot of guff about "frequencies" "vibrations" and "energies". And the "Team Dark"...?
Surely if what he said had a shred of truth there should be some very...
Oh, is Kerry Cassidy jumping on the Schumann-Resonance-is-changing bandwagon? And not Bill Ryan too surely? He's fairly sensible most of the time.
Unfortunately that's yet another misinterpretation of the spectrograms. The Schumann Resonance (SR) and its harmonics are shown in the HORIZONTAL bars. The white splodges are local interference.
Maybe. But no more likely than in the past 3000 years or so. Might happen tomorrow. But probably not.
(Just two guys talking. Do they have any appropriate background in solar physics?)
Cymatic waves are vibrations in air or in solids. HAARP generates radio frequencies in the range 3 to 10 MHz for ionospheric experiments - which incidentally are many orders of magnitude less than...
Yes, solar cycle 25 is due to start in the next year to 18 months. But this is only the sunspot and magnetic field cycle. There is some evidence that lower solar activity increases the earth's...
From my research, solar activity has little effect on the Earth's climate. The Maunder minimum did coincide with a cooler period, and the two seem related, but the onset was fairly gradual as was the...
The Norwegian Spiral was very clearly identified - from the various viewed locations and triangulations - as a Russian missile test that went wrong; one of a number. Although I admit that claiming...
I hope we do all realise that if this ever becomes a reality, how do we know that the traveller's soul is not separated out from the original body to wander the infinite beyond for eternity? While an...
Thanks for trying Aianawa. Unfortunately he may not even understand the question, and will just refer to the the mistaken source he already quotes. He needs to contact the recording stations where...
Again, he doesn't understand the spectrograph he's showing us, neither do the pseudo-scientists that he's quoting from. If you understand the scales, those "spikes" are broadband noise extending...
Oh dear. What a muddle...
Great posts Aragorn and Chris. I was a bit apprehensive about posting the Onion facebook video in case members thought it not relevant, or worse, objected to being fooled by it.
To me and almost...
The clue to its veracity is its source - ALWAYS CHECK THE SOURCE!
In this case it's The Onion, a US video equivalent to News Thump, The Daily Mash, etc. Not fake news - it's parody. There's a BIG...
Oh dear...