Divine Feminine wrothe:
"You are very brave Norve to walk in forests alone with all that's been taking place! I use to hike a lot when I was younger, and alone. I would never do it now...When I...
Type: Posts; User: Norvegicus; Keyword(s):
Divine Feminine wrothe:
"You are very brave Norve to walk in forests alone with all that's been taking place! I use to hike a lot when I was younger, and alone. I would never do it now...When I...
Oh.. good old Samos has left us! Sigh... Miss him!!!
If you read this Samos, know that I really miss you, and I hope our paths will cross again. Fare well and "håper vi sees igjen!" :smile2:
Back again!
I've missed you all here on SV3/SV4! Welcom Divine Feminine! :smile2:
I have read through all the threads from when I was in the last time. Sigh... It went as it had to go with people...