Mike Paterson, A New Begining, first video, and it's great.
Love the young ones vocals, and those little running steps around the tent.
I very much enjoyed Otto's post also, I should...
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Mike Paterson, A New Begining, first video, and it's great.
Love the young ones vocals, and those little running steps around the tent.
I very much enjoyed Otto's post also, I should...
Good video Jimmer, I look forward to more of his research.
Sounds like he is prepared to go through a portal and walk with the interdimensional beings.
I hope he gets the answers that he wants, and...
Ah ha, those pesky ultra-terrestrial's.
Looking forward to more of their videos as the New Year progresses. I allways now, keep in mind of Sylvie's research, and the fact that a greater and more advanced civilisation came before ours.
That's a great image Jimmer, one of the best, so bold and uncaring about being seen.
Not real, but it's a lot of fun. ('~')
What a very interesting video, two photographs showing the same thing.
I am also thinking of a portal.
It certainly is a remarkable web site, one to follow. Robert v/d Broeke's web site.
I am liking the imposed photographs. They do indeed have similarities to Mike Patterson's imposed images.
You know Jimmer, I can still remember the magic of the first vocal video that you posted by Mike Paterson.
In that time it was vocal videos that were posted by Mike.
The vocals made the ice crack...
Good idea Jimmer, your thread is very much an international one.
Great compilation of photos and audio.
Our very own Samos has his excellent analysis of the drawing that was done by Nephatia, depicting the word brother, being shown in the above video, how good...
Good start to the new research, hope Mike gets as much audio & video footage as he has done in the past.
Lots to look forward too.
I always enjoy Thinker Thunker and his videos.
You even get to see some videos that you have never seen before.
Am I in the right place?
Thanks for the help out in locating the other Bigtoots Reno.
I am going back to the photograph to find them.
Looking forward to more.
Love the photograph, I can't see a creature in the brush.
Hope Reno has some more for us.
I have tried to get a sharper image, your image is better Jimmer.
Good luck with the book goldbug, if you have any photographs you feel like sharing, we would be more than happy to see some.
Enjoying your stories and knowledge.
Hello goldbugjoey, great story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Have you ever had the kind of communication & vocalisations that Mike has recorded?
If you have, are they recorded?
Fascinating that the furry people wear animal skins, some of them have very little hair on their bodies.
They need to keep warm in the winter months, and have been known to steal clothes from...