Hey you guys...I heard something interesting that may be nothing, but wanted to point it out. I believe in one of the recent interviews you posted Jimmer of David Paulides,........ a guy from Florida...
Type: Posts; User: Divine Feminine; Keyword(s):
Hey you guys...I heard something interesting that may be nothing, but wanted to point it out. I believe in one of the recent interviews you posted Jimmer of David Paulides,........ a guy from Florida...
Uh oh.....looks like another one....I've been watching this hoping it was a false alarm, but so far no sign of this guy, check this out:
"Officials have asked anyone who was hiking from the...
Thanks for the audio Jimmer, wow, right up to his quote even. I did remember listening to this, but missed his comment. Now I know why...it wasn't definitive enough to be convincing. Let me quote...
Ya, 15min of listening to Quayle and Jones is enough to make you wanna leave the planet...indefinitely, lmao. If you're not use to listening to the two if them it can scare the pants off of you. I'm...
ok, good... glad I'm not the only one. I wasn't even going to say anything, cause it's not something I can explain, it's something I can feel. I've been listening to David for a while now, which is...
No I'm not 'sold on global gov't conspiracy'. I've said in past posts I would not lump all the disappearances into one cause, though I do feel there's the possibility that many of these cases can be...
I happened to catch this interview the other night too, wow...really strange cases! After listening, I'm still of the belief this is about population control and Agenda 21 related, hense more men...
Not all Akashic Record readers are alike. Most give generalizations and little detail. I have one I've worked with a couple of times who seems to have no problem with detail. The Akashic Record is...
Thanks Frances! I figured it's worth a shot. I'll send you a PM here shortly. I'm getting ready to head out of town for a funeral so in case anyone else responds, please be patient with me. I won't...
So I have a proposal for you guys...What do you say about getting an Akashic Record reading done to find out why all these people are disappearing in the forests? The cost to have a reading is just...
You guys catch this latest disappearance of Joe Keller? Looks like it hit mainstream. Of course, it's another male, athletic/runner, vanishes a few hours before it starts getting dark..not sure about...
I need to catch up here, but wanted to say, I'm glad you posted about Jerold. I saw this yesterday and found the article on his discovery weak and lacking any information. I was hoping maybe David...
I can't at this point, but again, I'm not lumping all the cases into one basket. There could be more than one thing going on here. So I'm not saying all the disappearances are all Agenda 21 based.
So I finally watched that Mufon video with Tom and his ufo experiences in Sedona, Jerome and the Bradshaw ranch(post #236 video 3). I thought the photographs were very interesting! I mean pictures of...
Hey Jimmer,
I just haven't had time to go through the last set of videos you've posted. I enjoyed all the others, but I ran out of free time. Hopefully I can get to them in the next couple of days....
Looks like I had a double so I'll use this to answer your question...
I have not read David's books. I have however listened to several of his interviews and read about various cases online. Two...
Well the problem lies in the fact we don't know what kind of technology our government has access to. Maybe they can open up portals, maybe they have cloaking devices....we just don't know, so me...
Hey Jimmer,
Looks like we posted on top of one another, my apologies. Had I known you were posting I would have held off on mine for a while. :smiley hug:
Thanks for the new info, will check it out.
Since it's kinda slow on the Sasquatch front I thought I would expand a bit on something I mentioned back on page 12 or 13 about the public lands of the United States being under international law. I...
I really liked that second interview Jimmer...a lot of what he says resonates with me. Wish he had an easier name to remember, lol. Several things he discusses ties into some of my points/experiences...