I used to be a WAY bigger liar than you
I used to say everything I thought my parents wanted to hear
Everything I thought was “good”, to OTHERS’ eyes
I learned that it’s always better to be...
Type: Posts; User: donk; Keyword(s):
I used to be a WAY bigger liar than you
I used to say everything I thought my parents wanted to hear
Everything I thought was “good”, to OTHERS’ eyes
I learned that it’s always better to be...
End of what? Jesus Christ, I really don’t want to go through all your old bullshit, can you just tell me: you think that Russia’s
…well what do you call it, I don’t want to say “invasion”…I’m sure...
I liked this one: Artifice Girl
thought it was worth a watch…
Tough one to listen to, but I think you really should:
Hey Fred, from what I’ve consumed of western propaganda, it seems to me like Republicans’ FBI informant that they were trying to impeach Brandon with was a Russian asset. Can you educate my dumb ass...
I’m just telling you how you sound. I don’t consider nuances when it comes to fascists trying to take over the government, while funding their outpost in the Middle East (that gets to be openly white...
Yeah and what is the prerequisite for OWNING a strong military? What is "that objective"?
It's all capitalism, baby. Religion, white suprmacy, and even the military itself....just (the most...
No "researcher", Putin is bad because he invaded a soverign nation. Because he is acting on his narcissism, and not for the good of "his" nation. It doesn't have to be any deeper than that. Just...
I just think it’s kinda weird that Kevin McCarthy felt it was a good idea to go on the TeeVee and make a big deal about “giving all the 50k plus hours of video” to Tucker Carlson…whatever the fuck...
Poor Tucky McNear Swanson Carlson, oh how the “mighty” fall. Gone from such a hard hitting “journalist”...
I think needing a military base in the Middle East has EVERYTHING to do about capitalism
You are right, sorry...answered you over there.
As to Israel, I peeked at your vid...can't take it. I am also not that into the granular...and even broad macro- geopolitics of this issue--just...
.......so I am moving this off of the Israel thread, putting it where it belongs:
I am not going to pretend to be able to ever "know" all the other subplots and ulterior motives playing out,...
I did not read this one before my post below it, I totally missed this response and was shocked to see my own under it
I’m just curious about the “peppering of questions”…which do you find...
I can’t thank this one again, so I’m reposting :p
I have been dealing with my dad, who I guess I learned from “nothing is more important than being right!”
Fred, I broke that habit in my...
I was preoccupied last night, but wanted to get those thoughts down. I had forgotten to insert the quote and comment about how I think it’s weird anyone who watched it can say anything about it was...
“Put my money where my mouth is”… though you knew me better than that. I did have feeling of guilt for my curt reactions to this post, for the very real friendship we had however long ago. I know how...
If I were to do a little “piss poor research”, I would have put your right wing talking points into google and give you the top five results…I’d bet a solid chunk of money that in the top 5 you’d get...
Seriously Fred, are you ok? How is that a “star”? Can’t say I ever heard of him, or would watch that video
What are you so upset about? What important points need to be addressed, in your...
The saddest part is that now our country doesn’t want to give aid to a democracy being invaded by a malicious force (for what reason….other Pooty-poots whim?), a sovereign nation…an ally (I thought)....