I always practice safety with matches Modwiz. And I don't breathe fire. I promise.
Type: Posts; User: Sooz; Keyword(s):
I always practice safety with matches Modwiz. And I don't breathe fire. I promise.
Lol! Don't know what I'm doing, I'm mucking things up at a great rate. I'll quit now while I'm ahead and come back later.
Gosh Modwiz, you make me feel so welcome, lol! Such an underwhelming response. xxx
Yar, somewhere in the mists of time your Lordship. Hope you are well. xxx
FFS, I responded to Lord Sidious...
Ah, found the tent, gotta hot cup of mulled wine for an old traveller? I'm freezing and need a fire. (Lily de Cuir from PA). I'll dump my back pack here and put up a few pix on the walls later. ...
This definitely belongs in here.
Unbelievable....read it to find out....
You know what the strangest thing was? I wrote here that I was going to email my IT guy, who lives just around the corner, literally.
I did so and he emailed me back with a link to my post here...
PS - Is me old mate ZOOK, a member here too...????[/QUOTE]
Hi Jacko,
As far as I know Zook is not here, I would spot his writing style a mile away.
Again, welcome. Good to have you...
Oh my Darling, you are the most genuinely loving person out there. Nothing remotely stupid about that.:smile2:
Just dredged up a memory from the 1980's when I was corporate. This is actually a very old HR (Human Rescources) trick from way back in day. It's just been made digital, that's all. This is the...
Thank you so much InCiDeR!
I knew I wasn't being paranoid. Very interesting.
Look for those dots people, before you send an email. Don't send it. Someone is tracking you.
I will be...
In case anyone is wondering, no, it's not a speck of dust on my computer screen, lol...
When looking closely, it's like a very light grey 'snow flake' type icon. Very tiny, like it's a speck on...
Hi All,
Re: Email Tracking
Are there any experts on the forum that can advise on personal email tracking? (Not talking about private messages on the forum.)
I've noticed a light dot on...
Jackovesk is awesome. Always read his posts on PA. Always controversial and always bang on topic.
He is a very welcome asset to TOT imo.
OMG, this deserves a bump. Thanks That Guy.
Last night at work I cleaned the poop of a schizophrenic too young old man with terminal colon cancer, then I gave him morphine and helped him into bed...
Time keeps on slipping, into the future.....
Lol, you may like to make use of this icon:pc: I use it all the time. :whstl:
Time zones are a bugger. 1.30am here in Oz.
Wish I could help you more shadowself.
Had to laugh SK, in a good way, an Englishman talkin' 'Merican...
As for Cliff Richard - :fpalm: Monk? 3 days on the naughty step for you.:p
Choose your rocky terrain with care and make sure you have a good horse to navigate said terrain.
I have no idea where that just came from, hey, I'll post it anyway.
This is fascinating Shadowself and I would love to know more. Unfortunately it's late here in Oz. Oh God how I wish I did not have to work tomorrow and could stay up all night and morning, reading...