Don't hold your breath nugg
Type: Posts; User: Lord Sidious; Keyword(s):
Don't hold your breath nugg
Jesse Ventura calls the older ones chickenhawks.
When it was their time to go, they were chickens, when it's someone elses time, they are hawks.................
Don't be like that nugg, I like cabbage
Again, how about all the fakes she hoisted onto the unsuspecting, especially the ones she knew about?
Kerry may be a plant, but that's not important, is it?
No need, it's obvious
Well, there's that theory proved...............
Debate/discussion is the same thing.
I just see that if someone has a different opinion or challenges stuff you post, you ignore them as if you're uninterested
Just curious, are you not interested in debate?
What a weedwhacker.
Best friend?
Who needs enemies then?
USS Liberty?
As for 2 year old kids, they are working on walkin and shit.
And Palestinians aren't allowed in Jordan?
Better tell Queen...
Ah, qanon.................
George v lamestream media sharmouta = no fucking challenge.
What a limpdick the ''reporter'' is
War criminal piece of shit
Why would anyone think any of us who served, served them?
Have you ever done a tally of how many ''whistleblowers'' she has promoted who have been proved fake?
Crazy world nugg
No worries multitentaclednugget, I'll invoice you later
All of the ''people'' that get ''elected'' to be president work for the same people and it ain't you