September is one of my all time favorite songs, what a banger. :)
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September is one of my all time favorite songs, what a banger. :)
Somehow I only now encountered this artist with a lovely voice. She passed away when she was only 31.
Wow amazing talent ... lost.
Maya Rudolph's mother. Lovin' you. oh yeah I remember that one well.
Speaking of closing time...
This week's HSCC. ;)
That's a good song too.
And now for something unusual... ;)
This week's HSCC. ;)
An oldie but goodie (I came upon this thanks to Fred Steeves almost a decade ago) -
note, I tried to post it with the Youtube icon and couldn't get it to work
Oh my god Sammy, you went and dug up Mr. Trololo! Damn man that brings up some fun old memories, we had a blast with that one didn't we? I remember R Morgan seemed to have gotten an especially big kick out of this one back in the day.
Thanks for putting a smile on my face! My wife came it, heard me singing it aloud, and she goes: "Oh, him." ROFL
P.S. It also reminds me of more innocent times...
Seriously, that song is an insult to this forum. The metacontext does not fall on deaf ears.
absolutely more innocent times. But I am a forward thinker so let's make the future times "best ever!"
OK! I figured it out. Thanks for fixing it, Aragorn. It's OK if you want to delete this part.
Jeez, you're sounding like the neighborhood grump that yells "get off my grass!" when a kid chases their ball into your yard...
That silly ass song provided some priceless entertainment for folks back in the day.
Works for me. :grin: