NAP, regards my mountain. The same one I speak of regularly. It has always been a thing to call the mountain I was born under, My Mountain. Funny enough, that is also a maori thing I have found over a while. They will often introduce themselves in the structure of, "I am EB, 'this' is my family, 'this' is my mountain, 'this' is my river."
I found a clip of footage of the section of road I was talking about where you can see my mountain over on the horizon, when I come out of the winding gorges on to this section of coastal road, I know I am an hour 1/4 from home. I constantly miss my mountain.
And this one shows just down the road about 5 minutes to where my folks own a bach on the cliff. It is the one which disappears off the left hand of frame at 2min 44 sec.