I would call it straight up murder ...
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If the person dies, then yes, definitely ─ first or second degree, depending on the circumstances. But it can be non-lethal, and then it is still a crime. Over here in Belgium and specifically in the city of Ghent ─ which is a university city and which thus harbors a lot of students ─ the reopening of the cafés and the renewed allowing of indoor parties after the lockdown have given rise to a wave of sexual harassment. Two young women were raped/gang-raped in café toilets on separate occasions in the last two weeks, and at least one of them had positively been drugged without her knowledge.
There was a similar issue when my beloved and departed non-biological sister Kelly attended the wedding of her cousin. Two of the servers working for the catering company drugged everyone there by adding rohypnol ─ the rape drug ─ to the drinks at the wedding. Kelly herself was not raped, but neither she nor her (now ex-)husband remember getting home, and when they woke up the next day, they found themselves naked in bed together, even though closer inspection revealed that they had not had sex ─ they were already in preparation for a legal separation and then later divorce. Kelly herself had only had one beer, and her ex-husband had only been drinking sodas because he was the designated driver that day.
When Kelly told me how she couldn't remember anything and woke up in bed with her then soon-to-be ex-husband, I immediately suspected foul play, so I told her to get her blood tested ASAP. She did, and the test revealed traces of rohypnol. Her ex-husband was also tested, and his blood showed the same thing. Then Kelly started asking around among the other attendees, and they all got their blood tested as well, with positive results. The cousin herself who got married turned out to have been raped, at her own wedding. They then all went to the police and an investigation was opened, which then led to the two servers at the party. The bastards had recorded everything on their smartphones.
This of course leads us onto another topic, which is ─ as I've already said many times before ─ that rape and other sexual crimes are the worst of all, because a murder victim's worries are over, but a rape victim has to live with that violation for the rest of their life. But whether we're talking of murder or rape, the for myself shockingly incomprehensible fact is that human beings are actually capable of such vile acts, and if you look at the real numbers ─ because many of these rape cases are not even getting reported due to the victim feeling ashamed of themselves, and/or being afraid of the perpetrators ─ then the phenomenon is genuinely growing to alarming proportions. And it's not always the stereotypical dirty old man either. Most of these perpetrators are fairly young people ─ especially when there are rape drugs involved.
Similarly, there is now also an alarming number of reports of incidents during student baptisms ─ a fraternity ritual at the start of each academic year. Some of the things that the sophomores are putting the freshmen/freshwomen through simply range from disgustingly grotesque and humiliating to criminal, often involving the fully nude simulation/re-enactment of pornographic scenes. Other such rituals revolve around different forms of cruelty, and one fraternity is currently on trial for having directly caused the death of an Indian student.
They say that children are the future. Well, I suppose that's a truism. But if those youngsters are our future, then things are looking even more bleak than they were under the reign of the depraved old generation with its pockets full of other people's money. And come to think of it, they too have once been students, and they too may themselves have engaged in very similar cruelty back in their time. But back in those days there were no social media, and there was a stigma on speaking up about the harassment, humiliation and violation. It is only in recent times that such atrocities have begun rising into the public awareness.
Humans are a disgusting species. Perhaps it would only be best if we do end up destroying ourselves. :unsure:
Murder alone is bad enough, but I think rape is just pure evil perpetrated by subhumans. Only thing worse than normal rapists would be raping pedos and that's a topic that I don't even wish to think about. I don't believe in death sentence, but when it comes to such evil, it makes me question my convictions. I don't think all beings deserve to walk on this Earth, what they do is so incomprehensibly evil.
I'm not a death penalty gal, but for those who abuse children, I'd be fine with it. They need to be put out of their misery.
I say that because I believe it when I hear stories of people wanting to be caught and stopped because they cannot stop themselves.
And seeing a movement grow in my country with political roots and no discernment at all targeting its political opponents and calling them pedos, Im just terrified for the children.
Because that's how the real pedos get away with it. They'll hide right inside the institutions designed to find them.
They will be the inquisitors. And they will have access to children.
Everyone who gloms onto this political monster, imo, is responsible for that resulting abuse.
And now back to topic.
But wait, I'm not finnish ... :) Society needn't go to that extreme though emotionally it seems justified...Legal castration is a better solution I believe. It is a sickness, but somehow I'm tainted by all the false accusations and political dogma surrounding what is a truly monstrous betrayal of the child/adult social and moral compact.
This weeks's offering from the HSCC. ;)
Can't go wrong with Sade. :)
Graeme Edge passed at the age of 80. My husband just loves the Moody Blues.
Most of the videos I've been posting of them here have been studio performances. They do play live on occasion, but not all that much. They're primarily an internet-based band, and a very loosely knit one at that. I believe Con said in an interview that they have about 70 band members in total, all from the vicinity of Adelaide.
I have absolutely no idea what you mean by that. Con (the bass player) picks the songs and takes care of all the arrangements, Dave (the keyboard player with the beret in this video) does the mixing, and the studio itself is owned by Jordan Lennon ─ he did the lead vocal on the "Sara" (by Starship) cover a few weeks ago.
George (with the pink Paisley Telecaster here) is one of the HSCC's steady guitarists, although he's not in all their videos. Dusty (with the red Telecaster Thinline) also regularly features in the HSCC but has a modest solo career, as does Lesley; she's a singer who also works with other bands and regularly performs together with Dusty ─ either they're a couple or they're close friends ─ and she's also a DJ. Brad is one of the HSCC's steady drummers. Kat, who performed Michael Jackson's "P.Y.T." last week, also does some solo work, and as I gather, so does Pina (who was on the right in the "P.Y.T." video (with Lesley on the left) and on the left in the "Fantasy" video (also with Kat on lead and with Lesley on the right).
They also regularly feature other artists. Every one of their video uploads on YouTube either way has the "who's who" listed in the description below the video. :noidea:
Honestly, I thought they were mostly live, I didn't know if my computer/internet was just acting weird or if i was seeing a true impression. Kind of like watching a dubbed Kung Fu flick ... pay no attention to me, I be going crazier due to a work software development issue. :)
This week's upload from the HSCC... ;)