I've heard it before, but the video makes it a really sad song... :( All the children in pain. When my daughter was born, I made a solemn promise to myself that she would never have to cry for anything. Her mother saw to it that I couldn't keep it.
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Here's another one for our disco-loving brother Wind. I had heard this before, but it must not have been a great success when it was released, because I had already long forgotten all about it. Still, it's a goodie, and another demonstration of what set Chic apart from most other disco bands at the time. Their lyrics were good, and their arrangements — with violinists as part of their regular lineup — were always superb. :)
Noice! That of course is one of my many favorite Chic songs too.
This week's HSCC upload... ;)
yeah, womens are kinda sensitive that way... Just call me Aqualung ... heh, heh, heh.
Wind, that is a classic. When my friend Bob played the movie for me my mind was blown. I only knew Jack Black as a comedian. This is next level stuff. Tenacious inDeed. ;)
I hadn't heard of these two except maybe hearing them on the radio. They're quite sweet. I can't quite name the style. They're nominated for a grammy.
I'm not sure I have either to be honest and I've got many more years under my belt than you do, so don't despair. But I promise you, once you are past the 'romantic love' phase you will feel like a damn fool. It's a hormonal wash that exists only for making babies and nothing else. The rest is real life and it can be tough.
This week's HSCC upload, and it's a good one again. ;)