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» Welcome to The One Truth
Whoever you are, we bid you a warm welcome!
What is The One Truth, and what does it stand for?
For those who only want to take a glance at our front door, The One Truth will be simply one of the many social media platforms on the internet. However, those willing to look a little deeper will find that we aim higher than that. No disrespect intended toward any of the other social media venues, but most of them are businesses that are sponsored by advertising, whereby the actual content of the forums is only the honey by which new members are drawn in and exposed to the advertising that funds the platform itself.
By contrast, The One Truth is a platform funded and run by unpaid volunteers, and our aim is to provide a home to an online community of people from all over the planet who wish to feed their minds with information and research regarding all kinds of different subjects, ranging from mainstream topics such as geopolitical affairs, geological and meteorological changes, scientific and historical research, all the way over to philosophical discussions of all kinds, and even topics that the mainstream media and social media consider to be "fringe", such as UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence, spirituality, inexplicable and/or paranormal events, and so on — the list is endless.
As a community, we maintain an openness to all kinds of new information, but at the same time, we also retain a healthy skepticism toward those who profile themselves as alternative researchers, insiders, whistleblowers and/or experiencers. We are open-minded, but we will not be blinded by the light of wannabe-gurus, "alt media" celebrities, or for that matter, anyone else with an agenda. Extraordinary claims do after all require extraordinary evidence.
We are all individuals in search of the various truths behind all different kinds of phenomena, but we are not a cult, nor do we wish to become one — there's enough of that going round already. Instead, we encourage our members to think for themselves, and we expect them to be responsible. Nevertheless, we will also not censor or ridicule anyone for positing honest questions, nor for expounding strange and/or inexplicable experiences they've either had themselves, or that they may have been a witness to. We endeavor to create a safe venue for those whose stories might get them ridiculed and/or bullied elsewhere.
So then what is this "One Truth" in the name of the forum?
Well, that one is actually very easy... One person cannot change the world, but if we all wish for it to change and work toward that goal, then at least we stand a chance of creating an environment where we can all thrive — we ourselves as well as our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
is that
All of us, together, are co-creating a reality, a civil community where life can be explored, where voices can be heard, where even disagreement does not have to get ugly, and where the heart is more in evidence than the head. As the late Mahatma Gandhi said, "You must become the change you wish to see in the world."
If the above appeals to you, then we invite you to become a member of our community, and to bring with you any friends who have been shut out and/or ridiculed elsewhere for their beliefs and experiences.
A message for all of humanity — a message of Hope...