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16th February 2017, 21:35
Need some help ... :frantic:


A Zen Master’s Advice On Coping With Trump (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/zen-and-the-art-of-activism_us_58a118b6e4b094a129ec59af)

17th February 2017, 00:32
Buckle up folks ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/336543.gif


NASA, heeding Trump, may add astronauts to a test flight moon mission (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/02/15/nasa-heeding-trump-considers-adding-astronauts-to-a-practice-moon-mission/?utm_term=.6b0d93d8aa4f)

17th February 2017, 00:50
Ep. 609 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ Anaiis Salles : Earth 2.0

Published on Feb 16, 2017

Anaiis Salles is engaging deeper and direct communion with our Mother Planet. She experiences Gaia giving birth to 5D Earth as a reality here and now.

Through Rise and on her own website livinglessonslibrary.com, Anaiis has developed online educational environments focused on replicating her multidimensional skills for all who feel called to co-create the New Earth with Gaia.

One of her practical tools explains the Mandela effect, and how we can consciously quantum jump into multidimensional shifts through which rebirth ourselves in alignment with our planet’s transformation. One by one, two-by-two, we are liberated from the heart/mind/body/soul suppression of the control grid.

Air date: February 15, 2016

Anaiis Salles segment starts at the 31 minute mark


17th February 2017, 05:44
Ep. 609 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ Anaiis Salles : Earth 2.0

Anaiis Salles segment starts at the 31 minute mark


I am loving this so much and staying up past my bedtime.
Here are pictures Jimmy Church talked about.



17th February 2017, 12:26
Yes indeed ...

Zealandia: Is there an eighth continent under New Zealand? (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-39000936)

17th February 2017, 13:40
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Forget SNL satire ... This is some real comedy ...

Donald Trump Wows At First Solo Stress Conference

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Published on Feb 17, 2017


17th February 2017, 14:02
OMG. I watched a video recently on the subject of NLP and how the media uses it. It was a Fox news show with Hannity, another host and a 911 truth professor. The maker of the video did a good job of pointing out all the elements and how they're used and how they are working.

And at the end, almost as an afterthought, he brings up Stephen Colbert and how he's the master at this and no-one is better than him. And I thought, does this guy understand that Colbert has been satirizing these guys from the beginning and his whole schtick is showing what they do in the media?

I seemed pretty obvious that when Stephen was first invited to that prestigious dinner during the Bush Administration they kinda thought he was one of them and were surprised to find out something different.

There comes a point where people need to look up from where they're focused and see the bigger picture, imo.

17th February 2017, 14:03
"A-a-a-h" ...

Girl From Ipanema

Astrud Gilberto With Stan Getz


17th February 2017, 14:42
It's all a big distraction folks ...

Trump Chaos Deep Yiddish State Putin Reportedly Says Cool It - Morris

"All the discussions about Trump ignore the elephant in the room" ...

Published on Feb 17, 2017


17th February 2017, 15:02

Major Pacific Storm Lucifer Impacts Southern California On Friday (http://www.southerncaliforniaweatherforce.com/2017/02/16/major-pacific-storm-lucifer-impacts-southern-california-on-friday-upgraded-to-category-five/)


17th February 2017, 15:14
:rolleyes: ...


17th February 2017, 17:51
His Arrival Was Foretold

17th February 2017, 20:12
What could go wrong ...

The driverless MEGADRONE big enough to carry a passenger could be
flying around Dubai in July ... Read the rest here (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4219994/Chinese-firm-says-self-flying-craft-flying-July.html)


17th February 2017, 20:27
How The CIA Lets In The Terrorists - J. Michael Springmann
on The Corbett Report

Published on Feb 17, 2017

SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=14061

J. Michael Springmann of MichaelSpringmann.com joins us to discuss his new book, Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts that rocked the world. We discuss Springmann’s experience at the U.S. consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and the ongoing CIA program to illegally provide US visas for their terrorist operatives that he discovered there.


17th February 2017, 20:39
James Gilliland ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 2/11/2017

"James interviews Kauilapele, host of the popular Kauilapele's Blog...today's energies from Hawaii https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/

James and KP recently had the chance to meet in person for the first time on Maui and tonight they discuss the awakening of the planet, the changing energies of Hawai'i and Trump's continued shaking up of old paradigms."

Published on Feb 17, 2017


18th February 2017, 01:04
I recall a couple of months ago kind of rebuffing an article Aragorn posted on the leading health causing deaths in rural Midwest America ... After seeing this sad video report below, I now apologies for my most indifferent reaction ... Looking back his article report was not too fair off its mark ... And unfortunately the situation appears to be even much worse in Appalachia ... :(


'Deaths of despair' are cutting life short for some white Americans

Published on Feb 16, 2017

8:19 minutes


Also here's a very revealing though not surprising video report of the current divided U.S.A. ...

Between this vegan cafe and a ‘Trump’ cafe in Texas, a political chasm

"Four months since the election and a few weeks into the new Trump administration, recent public opinion polls show we live in a deeply divided country. So what are voters saying about the new president? William Brangham has a tale of two cafes in Texas, where he found strikingly different views and emotions about the state of politics."

Published on Feb 17, 2017

7:27 minutes


18th February 2017, 02:30
Will share this here ...

The Deep State's Dramatic Emergence Is Proof Our Elections Mean Nothing

Truthstream Media

Published on Feb 17, 2017


18th February 2017, 03:14
A metaphor ... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albatross_(metaphor))

http://independent.md/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/%E2%95%A8%C3%AD%E2%95%A8%E2%95%9C%E2%95%A8%E2%95%9 5%E2%95%A8%E2%95%9D%E2%95%A8%E2%95%9B%E2%95%A8%E2% 95%911.png


Peter Green with The Splinter Group


18th February 2017, 03:42
'Deaths of despair' are cutting life short for some white Americans

I wonder how many were on antidepressants?

Increase in Both Suicide Rate & Antidepressant Use Among Middle Aged White Adults
Tuesday, October 21st, 2008
Paragraph 5 reads: "The study didn't address whether an increase in anti-depressant prescriptions — from 154 million prescriptions in 2002 to nearly 170 million in 2005 — may have contributed to the rise in suicides. The Food and Drug Administration has linked anti-depressant drugs to increased suicidal behavior in teens and young adults."

Paragraph 3 reads: ""While it would be straightforward to attribute the results to a rise in so-called mid-life crises, recent studies find that middle age is mostly a time of relative security and emotional wellbeing," study author Susan Baker said in a statement. The study, she added, didn't explore why more middle-aged Americans were taking their lives."


18th February 2017, 03:50
The latest ...


MKULTRA Survivor Cathy O'Brien
"In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes United States Government Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien the author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. The book was based on Cathy's groundbreaking testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight in 1995.

Cathy's fascinating journey through the world of Deep Political Corruption and Covert CIA Programs began when her abusive father sold her into MKULTRA Mind Control Programs at an early age in Michigan through his political connections with local politicians, including future President of the United States Gerald Ford.

Through systematic torture and well documented trauma-based mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do shocking acts as a sex slave and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. During this period she interfaced with high-level political figures including Hillary and Bill Clinton, former President George Bush Sr. and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Breaking free of her mind control programming and Dissociative Identity Disorder with the help of intelligence insider Mark Phillips over the course of a decade, Cathy exposed the insidious world of criminal covert operations happening inside Black Budget operations connected with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, including human trafficking and extensive drug running programs.

Deep State efforts to suppress her testimony culminated in the National Security Act being invoked to silence her and continue right up to the present. Nonetheless Cathy's latest venture was to create a new workbook, PTSD: Time to Heal that actually allows trauma and sexual abuse victims to reclaim conscious control and deep connection to their inner memories.

Her story has touched thousands of survivors of mind control programming and dark political manipulation and given the public a transparent and shockingly honest vision of the hidden worlds of covert intelligence operations that exist and thrive behind a wall of National Security State secrecy."

Published on Feb 11, 2017


Update ...

Part 2


Cathy O'Brien MKULTRA Survivor
In this exhilarating and highly informative part 2 interview with MKULTRA Survivor Cathy O'Brien, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into her CIA MKULTRA mind control programming and the methods employed to keep her in a robotic state in order to carry out top secret black budget missions and sexual favors to politicians against her will.

Project Monarch
Cathy outlines some of her fascinating and disturbing experiences in the Project Monarch program and reveals how it targets young people through the music industry by creating zombified recording acts and electronic forms of brain entrainment via suggestion and hidden overtone harmonics that effect the brains neural pathways.

CIA Mormons and the Osmonds
She describes how Senator George Romney, the father of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, was involved and how the Monarch programming was deployed to help the Mormon Church gain acceptance in the 1970's through the music phenomena of the Osmonds and how other musical groups like the Jacksons were deeply involved as puppets of the program.

She also reveals how high level figures like Senator Robert Byrd, who was Cathy's owner in the program and a strong mentor to Bill and Hillary Clinton, got her involved in drug running operations out of Mena Arkansas as a Sex Slave and Robotic Courier of implanted messages and sexual favors to the Criminal Political Figures involved.

On a deeply personal note, she describes the bitter battle with the Justice Department to free her daughter from corrupt social services and how she feels now about her depraved father who sold her into the horrid MKULTRA mind control effort at an early age. Cathy's father is still alive today and protected from prosecution due to reasons of 'National Security."

Published on Feb 17, 2017


18th February 2017, 14:51
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


A most recent very nice loving gesture ...

Teen hands out 600 Valentine’s roses to every girl at his high school

HOLMEN, Wisc. – A Wisconsin teen wanted to make sure that every girl in his high school got a remembrance on Valentine’s Day, so he decided to buy every single one of them a rose.

He wound up buying 600 roses.

Zack Peterson told WKBT that he knew that a lot of his female friends would be sad if they didn’t get flowers.

So he went into action to make sure they all got a rose. It took weeks of planning and prep and cost $450, but he did it.

The flowers were ordered directly from Ecuador and given out at the school to the delight of all the girls. And Zack didn’t stop at students – every lady in the school, from lunch workers to guidance counselors also got a rose. Oh, and his mom got a bouquet too.

“He’s got the biggest heart,” his mom, Rachel Peterson, said. “He doesn’t do things for a reaction, he does them because he’s truly, truly kind.”

Published on Feb 15, 2017


18th February 2017, 14:57
Good Morning!

Was spring cleaning today and ran into my collection of Tarot Cards. Made me think of this while sipping my morning brew...

The Path

The Path makes no real distinction between body and soul. Body simply extends into the invisible world radiating out in every direction of the Universe.

Life on the Path is a craft, the aimless wandering of the Fool.

The only unnumbered card; The master of the descending Path, Mastering life.


Living the Path is finding the energies identified with. Weaving them together in a tapestry by way of the psyche and life's experience.


Beginning the journey with the eyes of youth.

Everything a mystery.


If you've seen a winters snow through a child's eyes; you've seen freedom.


Wonders abound the new path to find the perfect.

"Histories of ages past
Unenlightened shadows cast
Down through all eternity
The crying of humanity..."


Start gazing eyes upon the fresh fallen snow

The path is covered to reveal only the now of a fresh and fallen.

One day we wake up and the snow has melted and gone...what happened to that simple joy of a fresh and clean? Where do we find the freedom that time stole away?


Forage a new path in the fresh and fallen snow ...till the time comes and the wonderment of the journey continues.

Make it a good one.

Observe the wonderment with the eyes of a child.

Find your freedom.



Have a great weekend!

18th February 2017, 15:02
Will ... :Bump:

The latest ...


MKULTRA Survivor Cathy O'Brien
"In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes United States Government Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien the author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. The book was based on Cathy's groundbreaking testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight in 1995.

Cathy's fascinating journey through the world of Deep Political Corruption and Covert CIA Programs began when her abusive father sold her into MKULTRA Mind Control Programs at an early age in Michigan through his political connections with local politicians, including future President of the United States Gerald Ford.

Through systematic torture and well documented trauma-based mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do shocking acts as a sex slave and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. During this period she interfaced with high-level political figures including Hillary and Bill Clinton, former President George Bush Sr. and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Breaking free of her mind control programming and Dissociative Identity Disorder with the help of intelligence insider Mark Phillips over the course of a decade, Cathy exposed the insidious world of criminal covert operations happening inside Black Budget operations connected with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, including human trafficking and extensive drug running programs.

Deep State efforts to suppress her testimony culminated in the National Security Act being invoked to silence her and continue right up to the present. Nonetheless Cathy's latest venture was to create a new workbook, PTSD: Time to Heal that actually allows trauma and sexual abuse victims to reclaim conscious control and deep connection to their inner memories.

Her story has touched thousands of survivors of mind control programming and dark political manipulation and given the public a transparent and shockingly honest vision of the hidden worlds of covert intelligence operations that exist and thrive behind a wall of National Security State secrecy."

Published on Feb 11, 2017


Update ...

Part 2


Cathy O'Brien MKULTRA Survivor
In this exhilarating and highly informative part 2 interview with MKULTRA Survivor Cathy O'Brien, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into her CIA MKULTRA mind control programming and the methods employed to keep her in a robotic state in order to carry out top secret black budget missions and sexual favors to politicians against her will.

Project Monarch
Cathy outlines some of her fascinating and disturbing experiences in the Project Monarch program and reveals how it targets young people through the music industry by creating zombified recording acts and electronic forms of brain entrainment via suggestion and hidden overtone harmonics that effect the brains neural pathways.

CIA Mormons and the Osmonds
She describes how Senator George Romney, the father of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, was involved and how the Monarch programming was deployed to help the Mormon Church gain acceptance in the 1970's through the music phenomena of the Osmonds and how other musical groups like the Jacksons were deeply involved as puppets of the program.

She also reveals how high level figures like Senator Robert Byrd, who was Cathy's owner in the program and a strong mentor to Bill and Hillary Clinton, got her involved in drug running operations out of Mena Arkansas as a Sex Slave and Robotic Courier of implanted messages and sexual favors to the Criminal Political Figures involved.

On a deeply personal note, she describes the bitter battle with the Justice Department to free her daughter from corrupt social services and how she feels now about her depraved father who sold her into the horrid MKULTRA mind control effort at an early age. Cathy's father is still alive today and protected from prosecution due to reasons of 'National Security."

Published on Feb 17, 2017


18th February 2017, 15:11
From Teal Swan

The Next Step In The Game (The Secondary Enlightenment)

"In this episode, Teal Swan gives a revolutionary teaching about the next step in the game. Teal Swan explains that there is a primary enlightenment, which is individual and a secondary enlightenment, which is collective and then explains that for the secondary enlightenment to occur, many of the principals that we came to understand in the primary enlightenment must be discarded."

Published on Feb 18, 2017

19:50 minutes


18th February 2017, 15:41
Oh California ...

Weather Explainers
8 Reasons Why Rain Is a Big Deal in Southern California (https://weather.com/science/weather-explainers/news/los-angeles-rain-why-its-a-big-deal)

"LOS ANGELES: Intense rain, heavy snow and strong winds lashed California and southern Oregon on Friday, prompting the evacuation of more than a hundred homes threatened by mudslides near Los Angeles, officials said.

As much as 10 inches (25 cm) of rain could fall at a rate of 1 inch (3 cm) per hour in parts of Southern California on Friday, said the National Weather Service, raising the risk of mudslides.

The severe storm could bring California's heaviest rainfall in six years, after months of wet weather that has dramatically eased California's years-long drought. The heavy rain and melting snowpack threatened to undermine a spillway at one of the largest dams in the country, which prompted the evacuation of 188,000 residents earlier this week.

The city of Duarte, about 20 miles (32 km) east of Los Angeles, said it ordered residents of 180 homes to evacuate given the potential for mudslides.

A forest fire charred an area above their homes last year, prompting concerns that heavy rain could trigger mudslides where there is no vegetation.

Alberto Moreno, 34, piled sandbags outside his home on Friday after refusing to leave the area.

"The neighbours are here so we're all basically going to help out each other if it comes down to it," Moreno said.

Heather Malone, 44, another Duarte resident, said she was prepared to escape by car if she saw "half the mountain coming down" near her home.

The downpours in other heavily populated areas of Southern California, including parts of Santa Barbara and Ventura counties also recently hit by wildfires, could create the risk of mud and debris flows there too, the weather service said.

Authorities have warned residents of an area west of Santa Barbara, where another wildfire ravaged vegetation last year, to prepare to leave their homes quickly if ordered to evacuate.

Rain also battered parts of Northern California and southern Oregon and the weather service had flood warnings in effect in both regions on Friday afternoon.

In higher areas of eastern California and western Nevada, as much as 2 feet (60 cm) of snow could cause whiteouts, forecasters said.

Southwest Airlines Co said it had cancelled more than 250 flights in California, as the storm caused disruptions.

Airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other parts of California had dozens of cancelled or delayed flights, according to tracking website FlightAware.com."

(Additional reporting Brendan O'Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Lisa Shumaker and Mary Milliken)
© Thomson Reuters 2017[/I][/B]


Who'll Stop the Rain

Creedence Clearwater Revival


18th February 2017, 16:13
Self application ...


18th February 2017, 17:47
Gio and all,

I want to spread news about someone with musical and other genius.
Thomas Schoenberger and his channel Sophia Musik is a new discovery for me.
I have been spending time on his channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/thomasschoenberger)

This one is for Shadowself especially (her expected black cat)

From the video

Published on Apr 6, 2015
Curiosity can enlighten or kill......

A ghost, though invisible, still is like a place
your sight can knock on, echoing; but here
within this thick black pelt, your strongest gaze
will be absorbed and utterly disappear:

just as a raving madman, when nothing else
can ease him, charges into his dark night
howling, pounds on the padded wall, and feels
the rage being taken in and pacified.

She seems to hide all looks that have ever fallen
into her, so that, like an audience,
she can look them over, menacing and sullen,
and curl to sleep with them. But all at once

as if awakened, she turns her face to yours;
and with a shock, you see yourself, tiny,
inside the golden amber of her eyeballs
suspended, like a prehistoric fly.


Here is another example of his work

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
― Edward R. Murrow


About Thomas Schoenberger
Thomas Schoenberger is a polymath, composer, historian, entrepreneur event designer, inventor and writer. His compositions have been performed by leading musical groups, including the Moscow Chamber Orchestra and other notable artists worldwide. His historical observations are developed through his extensive travels throughout Europe, the Middle East and America.

An unusually prolific composer, he has created thousands of original compositions, from piano concerto's to symphony's and operas. His first performances were as a young child and his father was a classically trained composer before becoming a medical doctor. Schoenberger's passions includes creating nurturing neuro-environments for the autistic, elderly and babies. Schoenberger has been written about in major magazines from Billboard to Good Housekeeping.

In 1986, in addition to his classical composing, he began writing audio landscapes designed to create connections with children with cognitive disorders. He went on to compose "Music for Infants" and "The ULTIMATE Baby CD" series and both globally recognized. Using original compositions employing polyphonic melodies reminiscent of both Mozart and Bach, his CD's are sold in 20 countries.

Schoenberger turned his attention toward fundraising for international cultural institutions and projects, and has used his international contacts to help preserve and raise awareness of classical music in Milan, Vienna, London and the Middle East. An avid traveler, Thomas has developed valuable relationships with museums and music festivals worldwide and has been an adviser to festival and exhibition committees internationally.

He was also the founder of an entertainment business whose client list included: Microsoft, Intel, General Electric, Pepsi, Amfac, Apple Computers and other major corporations. He also collaborated with major Napa Valley resorts including Meadowood, Silverado and Sonoma Mission Inn; wineries such as Mondavi, Opus One, Caymus and Clos Pegase. Currently he works as a composer, cultural ambassador and with Associated Entertainment Consultants in new ventures and business development.


One night in 1982, Thomas Schoenberger heard a chilling noise outside the window of his Berkeley apartment - the sounds of a woman screaming and struggling to get away from an attacker.
"When I went outside, I thought it was a rape," he says.
Armed only with the invincibility of youth, he leaped into the middle of the fracas and almost immediately felt a sensation like getting slammed in the head with a suitcase full of hammers.
When he attempted to help the woman, the guy walloped Schoenberger with a heavy instrument. He never saw it coming, so he literally doesn't know what hit him.
He woke up in a hospital half an hour later, and spent 10 days undergoing treatment for a severe head injury. He emerged with a sensitivity to light and heard "weird vibrations." Certain sounds gave him headaches. Schoenberger, now 42 years old, still suffers from migraines, sleeplessness and other symptoms almost too bizarre to be believed, such as classical music playing constantly in his head.

"There are lots of ways into the music business," says this boyish Napa composer, who still bears a Harry Potter-like scar near his hairline. "Getting brutally attacked on a street corner isn't one I'd suggest."
Before the incident, Schoenberger played in a band covering New Wave groups like the Dead Kennedys. Today, as a result of the fallout from his injury, he is a prolific composer - he estimates that he has written nearly 4,000 pieces of music and claims that he can write four double-piano sonatas a night.
Now his attention is focused on creating award-winning music CDs for the crib and cradle set. His second effort, called "The Ultimate Baby CD," is a lively collection of sonatas, waltzes and concerti that has sold more than 10, 000 copies in Northern California - much of it through word of mouth. The CD is poised to hit the market nationally in outlets such as QVC and Wal-Mart.

Schoenberger believes the blow to his skull 20 years ago changed the wiring in his brain. It started with math.
"After I got out of the hospital, I had terrible insomnia, and I would lay in bed at night and math problems would run in my head. For hours it'd be 264 times 37 equals 9,768. One hundred twenty-two times 427 equals 52,094," he said.
Perhaps most startling was that he got the answers right.
Besides the obsession with numbers came debilitating headaches, which he sought treatment for. After medication failed, the first sign of relief came in an unexpected form.
"I noticed that when the migraines got really bad, listening to certain kinds of music alleviated this red ball of pain in my head - Haydn, Mozart, the music of the 18th century," he says. "That's when I got interested in the effect of music on the architecture of the mind."
Science is practically part of Schoenberger's genetic structure. His father, Theodore, is a psychiatrist, and an uncle is a cardiologist and former president of the American Heart Association. His brother is a microbiologist with articles in journals such as Nature and Science to his credit. With help and encouragement from family members, Schoenberger spent years poring over research on the effects of music on neural pathways and brain development and became convinced of its efficacy.
In the early 1990s, research emerged that indicated that children seemed to score better on certain tests after listening to Mozart. The media and parents around the world latched on to this so-called Mozart Effect as a way of raising children's IQs.
Schoenberger shakes his head. "Of course there was a backlash. They *******ized the science. The real truth of the original research is still valid - the rhythms and melodies of the 18th century have a positive effect on neural pathways."
Meanwhile, the nightly hamster-wheel of math drills was gradually replaced - with music.
"I hear music constantly. It's like a spigot I can't turn off," he says, adding that he can hold about 40 minutes of music in his head, storing it to write down later.
He sleeps only four hours a night, spending the rest of the nocturnal hours engaged in a process that sounds more like transcribing music than composing it.
The obsession with math, music and the mind channeled itself toward music for infants with the birth of his son, Wolfgang, in 2000. "When my wife was four months pregnant, I wrote the first half of the first CD, which was eventually called ÔMusic for Infants.' Then I wrote the second half when he was four months old, so I could get his reactions."
He produced the first CD in three days, writing and recording on a multitrack keyboard in his living room between midnight and 3 a.m.
The idea of creating a CD for a wider market than his own family came when he gave a few recorded songs to a friend with a newborn.
"She came back and said, This is great stuff; my baby loves this.' Later, I got the same reaction from another friend with an infant. They said their kids were soothed and exhibited a lot of interest and pleasure at the sound of the music," Schoenberger said.
He now has scores of testimonials ranging from a Napa woman who has given numerous copies to friends to Hollywood film producer Richard Suckle, who e- mailed to say, "It is always the very first baby gift we give to all of our friends, and now with the excitement of my wife and I expecting our first child, we've been listening to ÔThe Ultimate Baby CD' for ourselves."
The first big recommendation came last year when the Dr. Toy Web site (www.drtoy.org) named the CD one of its "Best Products of 2002." Dr. Toy is children's toy expert Dr. Stevanne Auerbach.
"There's music here for every mood and season," Auerbach says. "Lots of music for children is too loud, too jarring. This is soothing and lifting and helps create a stimulating environment."
Auerbach is not interested in the Mozart Effect, saying she's much more keen on creating home environments full of love and learning between children and parents.
Schoenberger says, "I don't say that listening to this music will raise your baby's IQ. But I do believe it helps create an environment where that can happen - the rhythms and harmonies of 18th century music offer stimulus during a very, very important time in brain development, in which trillions of neural connections are being made."
The difference between his music and a CD composed by, say, Mozart, is that Schoenberger's tunes are written specifically for the attention span of an infant. "Playing a 30- to 40-minute classical piece is too much. It's overstimulation," he says.
Schoenberger describes the songs on his CD as two-minute journeys. "I try to create micro-environments of mood, try to explore a whole palate of emotion. "
Parents tell him they can share the enjoyment of the CD with their kids, rather than grit their teeth through another performance of Chicken Dance Elmo.
"I have reservations about lots of the music out there for children," he says. "Most of it is either narcotic or manic. And it drives parents crazy. They become as purple as the dinosaur singing it."
Dr. Christine Loffler-Barry, a pediatrician with offices in Napa and St. Helena, enjoys the CD so much that she listens to it with her two children, ages 3 and 6. She also sells the CDs in her offices.
"I don't sell it with the pretense that it's going to raise a baby's intelligence. But the music is soothing and calming. It certainly promotes a balanced environment for a baby and promotes quality time with parents and children," says Loffler-Barry. "It's especially nice in the car when kids are sometimes bored or hyper."
Loffler-Barry, who believes that classical music such as this offers developmental benefits, turns the CD on in her car. As the music plays, she tells her children the story of the man who wrote the music for his own little boy.
Next up for the composer is the introduction of his baby CD to a national audience. The music has created enough buzz to be noticed by Media Corp Worldwide, which signed him to a national distribution deal in December. Schoenberger has just completed an infomercial that is the start of a national rollout for "The Ultimate Baby CD." The CD has also landed a featured review in Parenting Magazine, due out in March 2003. In the meantime, the CD is sold at Napa's Queen of the Valley Hospital.
Schoenberger has high hopes that his music, which has been dubbed as offering "the Schoenberger effect," by Internet fans, will enter the lives of more babies. He already has enough material recorded for 25 more CDs.http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/Hardly-a-lullaby (http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Hardly-a-lullaby-A-violent-attack-turned-Napa-2669136.php)

18th February 2017, 17:54
Some self/reflection on a Saturday ...

It's all about holding each other up ...:group hug:

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10505506_794889413906282_1290277854965011675_n.jpg ?oh=22ab76f8e8fc04ced6094707c48a0f11&oe=59391FFA

Never Die Young

James Taylor


18th February 2017, 18:26

Robert De Niro on vaccine safety: ‘Something’s wrong’ (http://pagesix.com/2017/02/18/robert-de-niro-on-vaccine-safety-somethings-wrong/?_ga=1.202706769.1940877003.1473634568)

18th February 2017, 18:29
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


A most recent very nice loving gesture ...

Teen hands out 600 Valentine’s roses to every girl at his high school

Published on Feb 15, 2017


Being a woman, I must say: I love this boy/man. On behalf of all of us...thank you!

18th February 2017, 19:02
Some self/reflection on a Saturday ...

It's all about holding each other up ...:group hug:

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10505506_794889413906282_1290277854965011675_n.jpg ?oh=22ab76f8e8fc04ced6094707c48a0f11&oe=59391FFA

Think this goes here. This is the second video from Sophia Musik.
Some who follow the channel say that there is a code in progression of the videos to unravel? Thus are born cults?

This song is an ode to all the insomniacs, walled off by the cyber distance of Facebook, the anonymous nature of our cyber world,a place of cyber hermits,, broken hearts and fear. This song can and will heal. Love always does. With Lenny Williams on vocals, and Thomas Schoenberger as composer, this ballad will surely be the next Al Green ballad of the cyber age.Listen to it and then share it with everyone you know who is having a rough time lately. Spread hope.... Thomas Schoenberger


18th February 2017, 21:40
Cosmic Emporium #5 will be out tomorrow/late tonight. We are having another Voice of the Forum. We will be speaking to Aianawa.

18th February 2017, 21:54
Awesome, you scored. Did he get a tux?:rolleyes::chrs::laurel-and-hardy-da

18th February 2017, 22:13
Awesome, you scored. Did he get a tux?:rolleyes::chrs::laurel-and-hardy-da

I was told we might see one. No promises.

Fred Steeves
18th February 2017, 22:40

19th February 2017, 00:38
Moving ever quickly now with 120 pages ...

Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Kratom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitragyna_speciosa)- The Miracle Plant The US Government Doesn't Want You To Know About

From The Anarchast

Anarchast Ep.345

Jeff interviews Anarchapulco speaker, Luis Mises, topics include: all about the healing plant Kratom, the perils of the US health system and Oxycontin, the history of Kratom, the types of Kratom and their uses, US government attempts to ban Kratom, illegal border confiscation, Kratom does have addictive potential with some users, using Kratom to get off harder opiates, Kratom way cheaper than chems, Luis to bring a good supply to Anarchapulco, do not take it every day, Kratom and migraines, there is still time to get to Anarchapulco 2017!

Published on Feb 18, 2017

32:29 minutes


19th February 2017, 01:39
From The Anarchast

I didn't know this channel and found this and was interested in what these gentlemen said.

"All money is a matter of belief"
"Understand the philosophy. Live the Philosophy"
"Strengthen the Community"


19th February 2017, 02:03
From ~ Alison of Vintage Los Angeles

A Hollywood Story Ending ...

The Sun Will Always Come Out Again !


It's Raining Again


(Filmed on location in Hollywood and Burbank in 1982!)


19th February 2017, 02:12
A new regular feature ...


Cuban Trogon or Tocororo (Priotelus temnurus) by Dubi Shapiro.

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16832390_1270792789666542_3812619401675220418_n.jp g?oh=0785769e2f07ca13131009c899ec126f&oe=593FE616

19th February 2017, 03:20
Austin Coppock | Astrology, Trump, & The 2017 Assessment


Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he hosts returning guest, Austin Coppock, to discuss the 2017 astrological assessment and what the stars and planets say about Trump’s presidency.

As many of us already know, the tools of astrology offered critical insight held in high regard by our ancestors. But, when we look around, it is obvious to see this knowledge has been suppressed through campaigns constructed by the elite aiming to squash this otherworldly weapon and rob us of it’s power. Fortunately, it is because of the dedicated research and painstaking practice of returning guest, Austin Coppock, this artful craft has been preserved and proliferated today.

Published on Feb 18, 2017


19th February 2017, 03:27
There's a red shouldered hawk that's decided to hunt nearby. I see it frequently. They're shy birds.



That's funny, Fred.

19th February 2017, 03:28
A new regular feature ...


Great! I love seeing new birds

Turkey vultures visited my yard just yesterday.
I wondered Why?
There were Two .... this was the first time they came.
I wondered what were they there to proclaim?
Megan ran about barking, thought she had them treed.
The chickens were wary, far from feeling glee.
"Best to hide under privets" chicks all agreed.
"Get under cover and don't declaim!"

Be still
Wide Winged Birds


If Vulture has come into your Dream;
To see this bird in your dream symbolizes purification and insight. It suggests that your past experiences will provide you with invaluable insight into a current situation or problem. Learn from your past. Alternatively, this bird indicates that you or someone is being opportunistic. Someone is watching you and is waiting for you to take a misstep. You feel that someone is taking advantage of you or is using you. Consider the metaphor of someone who is a “vulture”. This bird can also be a symbol of death, doom or rebirth.

19th February 2017, 03:36
Nice, Maggie. We see vultures often, both turkey and black. Whenever I see a group of them I always keep an eye out for birds of prey hiding and flying amongst them. I've spotted a pair of Red Tail hawks and also a Bald Eagle this way. The Eagle was pretty low down and those of us nearby got a good look.

I heard a group of black vultures take off all at once. Imagine a dozen people whipping a switch in the air all at once. It was an amazing sound.


19th February 2017, 03:47
Nice, Maggie. We see vultures often, both turkey and black. Whenever I see a group of them I always keep an eye out for birds of prey hiding and flying amongst them. I've spotted a pair of Red Tail hawks and also a Bald Eagle this way. The Eagle was pretty low down and those of us nearby got a good look.

I heard a group of black vultures take off all at once. Imagine a dozen people whipping a switch in the air all at once. It was an amazing sound.

I am sure it was an eerie sound
Red shouldered hawk...would love to see one
Here are friends hanging out


19th February 2017, 08:57
Some honest insights ...


President of Finland: Putin Not So Bad, NATO Lame,
Greatest Threats To Europe Are Terrorism And Migration (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-18/finnish-pm-pootie-not-so-bad-nato-lame-greatest-threats-europe-are-terrorism-and-mig)

19th February 2017, 09:08
Now what could go wrong ...


19th February 2017, 11:33
Aianawa is the video thumbnail because Youtube left me no choice. With that said, enjoy.

We get TOT forum member Aianawa to join us in conversation about himself and the greater environment. He speaks of the sense of serenity he experienced during the 2010 Christchurch earthquake.

Music: "Ray of Hope" by Gontiti


19th February 2017, 15:17
Proud of you guys! And Aianawa...YOU DID WELL...you're a natural! WTG

19th February 2017, 16:22
Forget the little Jimmy's on the street ...

Here's The Real Drug Pushers !


Dr. Feelgood

Mötley Crüe


19th February 2017, 17:09
Most often ...


Click screen to watch

19th February 2017, 17:56
Oh yes there is a difference, Gio....please forgive me if this is not accepted....


19th February 2017, 21:47
Will share this here ...

Growing up with War: Children of Syria

(RT Documentary)

"Since war broke out in Syria almost six years ago, a whole generation of kids has never known life in peaceful times. They’ve witnessed family members being killed and their houses destroyed. Many were wounded and war has robbed them all of their childhoods. With no end in sight to the bloody conflict, their futures remain uncertain."

Published on Feb 19, 2017

26:46 minutes ...


19th February 2017, 22:07
Will ... :Bump:

Aianawa is the video thumbnail because Youtube left me no choice. With that said, enjoy.

We get TOT forum member Aianawa to join us in conversation about himself and the greater environment. He speaks of the sense of serenity he experienced during the 2010 Christchurch earthquake.

Music: "Ray of Hope" by Gontiti


19th February 2017, 22:37
Thanks Rad ... :smile2:

In My Life

The Beatles ~ by Rob Smith


19th February 2017, 23:13
When the ground gives way......




I took my love, took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
'Til the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time made you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too

Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time made you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too
Oh, I'm getting older too

I take my love, take it down
I climb a mountain and turn around
And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Will the landslide bring you down?
And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Will the landslide bring you down, oh, oh?
The landslide bring you down

This version is from the livealbum " Soundstage Sessions" 2009


"The Ground Beneath Her Feet"

All my life, I worshipped her.
Her golden voice, her beauty's beat.
How she made us feel, how she made me real.
And the ground beneath her feet.
And the ground beneath her feet.

And now I can't be sure of anything.
Black is white and cold is heat.
For what I worshipped stole my love away.
It was the ground beneath her feet.
It was the ground beneath her feet

Go lightly down your darkened way.
Go lightly underground. I'll be down there in another day.
I won't rest until you're found.
Let me love you, let me rescue you.
Let me bring you where two roads meet. Oh come back above.
Where there is only love. Only love...
Let me love you true, let me rescue you.
Let me bring you to where two roads meet

Let me love you true, let me rescue you.
Let me bring you to where two roads meet

19th February 2017, 23:33
A deep rant ...

What Is The Deep State? Explained


"In this video, we explain the buzzword of the week, Deep State. Ever since Donald Trump has taken office this issue has come up many times with what looks like an internal power struggle in the White House. With people being compromised and leaks flowing to the main stream media we try to give you some context to this important story and what is really happening."

Published on Feb 19, 2017

4:56 minutes


19th February 2017, 23:37
Great Conversations Guys and good to SEE you and hear you Aianawa :thup:

I do believe tho' that the theatre of US politics is not for the good of the people overall................the new faction needs the support of the the people to pull this one off....................thus we are watching REAL HISTORY being made.

If they are successful in wrestling the power into their realm we will eventually see things go back to the NEW ELITE ways and doing things their way that will let eveyone know that they are in power. Cynical maybe; but more realistic than to think that sociopaths will change the world even if being led by Donald Trump :-). The only way to stop a revolution is to spend a few years appeasing the people and Mr. Trump is smart enough to get this, as he knows even Marshal Law won't stop the people from violently reacting in the long run. Most of those in power are so out of touch they have no clue what happens when one feels cornered and one's back is up against the wall!!

This US fiasco has woken up the world and for that I am grateful.....the blinders are being ripped away!!

We are in a frequency changing process and it is happening world wide with those in power trying to stop it with their manipulation and violent ways !!

We will bring this frequency into greater vibration with good intent as greater numbers of people awaken daily. I believe humanity in general is seeing more and more that we need to take care of Mother Earth, each other and all her Creations or we will be facing extinction in the not too far distant future. It is just that simple!!

20th February 2017, 01:57
Forget the little Jimmy's on the street ...

Here's The Real Drug Pushers !


I was trying to find the post about an explosion of white men committing suicide but this is a good post too.
Rick Simpson mentions feeling suicidal at one time.


20th February 2017, 04:37
This is a good video. It makes a point and provides a clear example. 4 plus minutes.


20th February 2017, 10:28
Highly recommend this interview talk ... :thup:

More aspects on this current meme ...

Jay Dyer - Behind Flynn’s Removal:
The Deep State War Against Trump, Russia & Sovereign Nations

Red Ice TV

Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay's work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history.

Jay returns to Red Ice once again for a very timely conversation on current events, globalism, the deep state, and more. We begin by discussing the recent political assassination of Michael Flynn. Jay explains that there is an internal conflict within the deep state; one faction supports globalism, whereas the other supports nationalism. This leads to a closer look at what the deep state really is, and how Trump threatens this shadowy power structure. Later, we discuss fascism, which has been used as a bogeyman to scare people from tradition, natural order and hierarchy. Our show concludes with a few thoughts on the future of the Alt-Right.

Guests Website: https://jaysanalysis.com/

Get the book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/

Published on Feb 19, 2017

59:56 minutes


20th February 2017, 11:06

20th February 2017, 11:15

Male Pyrrhuloxia or Desert Cardinal (Cardinalis sinuatus)
in Arizona, USA by Dennis Stronks.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16684353_1266631620082659_6156174502807891513_n.jp g?oh=f0f0d06af1a76242d1cff3416229d630&oe=59493911

20th February 2017, 11:33
Ketchup with the Vloggers ...

ONE DAY IN INDIA: A Strange Adventure

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Feb 19, 2017

6:29 minutes


Also ...

The Antwerp Opera House

Matthew Vandeputte

Published on Feb 19, 2017

7:50 minutes


20th February 2017, 12:03
I'm from AZ originally and the cardinals are beautiful. Also, I saw one of these in Tucson s couple years ago. Another desert beauty, a vermillion flycatcher.


20th February 2017, 12:05
Video surfaces showing Kim Jong Nam’s assassination (http://nypost.com/2017/02/19/video-surfaces-showing-kim-jong-nams-assassination/)



Kim Jong Nam assassination Full and Clear
Version Recorded by Airport CCTV Camera

Published on Feb 19, 2017


20th February 2017, 12:18
Oh yes there is a difference, Gio....please forgive me if this is not accepted....


My brother-in-law once told me that as men loose their hearing, the sound range most likely to remain in their hearing is the average range of a woman's voice.

Harcourt Fenton Mudd!

20th February 2017, 12:39
My brother-in-law once told me that as men loose their hearing, the sound range most likely to remain in their hearing is the average range of a woman's voice.

Harcourt Fenton Mudd!

Now there's a flash from the past! :D :h5:


:ha: :hilarious:

20th February 2017, 12:39
I thought you might pick up on that, Aragorn.:)

20th February 2017, 12:54
Now there's a flash from the past! :D :h5:


:ha: :hilarious:


20th February 2017, 12:56
Just desserts, that.

Someone's been playing with the cloning machine...

20th February 2017, 13:07
Just desserts, that.

Someone's been playing with the cloning machine...

Well, to be fair, they were not clones — they were androids. ;)

20th February 2017, 13:50
Right... Forgot they were more like cylons.

erratum: ...the android maker...


20th February 2017, 19:01
Will ... :Bump:

Highly recommend this interview talk ... :thup:

More aspects on this current meme ...

Jay Dyer - Behind Flynn’s Removal:
The Deep State War Against Trump, Russia & Sovereign Nations

Red Ice TV

Published on Feb 19, 2017

59:56 minutes


20th February 2017, 19:08

From Steve Bannon's - Breitbart tech editor ...


Breitbart editor says sex between a man and teen boy can be ‘life-affirming’ (http://nypost.com/2017/02/20/breitbart-editor-says-sex-between-a-man-and-teen-boy-can-be-life-affirming/)

20th February 2017, 19:16
Our world has become one big SNL ...:belief:

John Oliver - Sweden and Undercovered Stories

Published on Feb 20, 2017


20th February 2017, 19:25
Cat got his tongue ...


20th February 2017, 19:34
Amy Winehouse: Inside 'Amy's House'

- BBC News

"The Victoria Derbyshire Programme has exclusive access inside the recovery house "Amy's Place", the UK's only facility dedicated to helping young women overcome their addictions. It was set up in memory of Amy Winehouse, who died of alcohol poisoning 5 years ago, and only accepts women under the age of 30 who've already been through rehab, but aren't ready to live on their own."

Published on Feb 20, 2017

16:14 minutes


20th February 2017, 20:12
Coming to a continent near you real soon ...


Official Trailer (2017)

In the near future, when communications go offline at a remote nuclear power plant isolated in the desert, a young safety inspector, Abby Dixon, is forced to fly out to bring them back online. Once inside the facility, mysterious clues and strange behaviors cause Abby to have doubts about the sanity, and perhaps identities, of the two employees onsite.

Published on Feb 20, 2017


20th February 2017, 20:18
Breaking ...


Trump Picks Retired General McMaster As Next National Security Adviser (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-20/trumps-picks-retired-general-mcmaster-national-security-adviser)

20th February 2017, 22:28
Today ...
Distant view of Cabezon Peak, New Mexico, U.S.A.....

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16807579_10211676809986994_993462238627001580_n.jp g?oh=f66b19b8c33718bd3480226c15ba4c06&oe=5934262B

America - A Horse With No Name
(Breaking Bad) ft. Bryan Cranston


21st February 2017, 09:08
Pay to play ...

Pence gives NATO members until end of 2017 to pay defense bills

"The US is committed to partnership with NATO and the EU, but expects its allies to live up to the promise of paying for their own defense by the end of 2017, Vice President Mike Pence said during a visit to the NATO headquarters in Brussels. RT America's Manila Chan has the story."

Published on Feb 20, 2017


21st February 2017, 09:26
And speaking of perhaps all just meant metaphorically ...


American flag has 51 stars during Mike Pence’s EU visit (http://nypost.com/2017/02/21/american-flag-has-51-stars-during-mike-pences-eu-visit/)

21st February 2017, 10:07
Give/Laugh/Learn ...

I Will

Alison Krauss


21st February 2017, 10:22
Globalism began as a vision of a world with free trade, shared prosperity, and open borders ...
But sadly it has gone so wrong ...

The U.S.-Canada Border Runs Through This Tiny Library (http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-us-canada-border-runs-through-this-tiny-library?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=atlas-page&utm_medium=am)

21st February 2017, 10:34
And sadly the saga finally came to an end ...


Snoopy and the Red Baron

21st February 2017, 10:39
Globalism began as a vision of a world with free trade, shared prosperity, and open borders ...
But sadly it has gone so wrong ...

There's an old saying that goes something like...

"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

The U.S.-Canada Border Runs Through This Tiny Library (http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-us-canada-border-runs-through-this-tiny-library?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=atlas-page&utm_medium=am)

There's a similar situation over here with the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. There's a town which was cut right in two by the border — the Belgian side is called Baarle-Hertog and the Dutch side is called Baarle-Nassau — and the border actually runs straight through somebody's house. So if they're in the kitchen, then they're in Belgium, and if they're in the bedroom, then they're in the Netherlands — or something like that. :p

I don't know whether they have the Belgian nationality or the Dutch nationality, though. Hopefully they don't have both, because then they would have to pay taxes twice. :rolleyes:


21st February 2017, 11:15

Golden Palm Weaver (Ploceus bojeri) in Kenya by Nik Borrow.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16807687_1271864372892717_7933141082112626724_n.jp g?oh=350cde931dd1dd4df53c93849b7a2548&oe=5929B37F

21st February 2017, 12:30
Weavers are amazing.

When these ones return, spring is here for real. The chipping sparrow.


21st February 2017, 15:56

21st February 2017, 17:41
That's gorgeous. My kind of blue avian.

21st February 2017, 19:00
One of my fav's ...
And still on the market ...

The Alan Dwan Estate at 355 South Mapleton Drive in Holmby Hills
listed at $22,850,000

From Christophe Choo

355 South Mapleton Drive
Los Angeles, California 90024
Holmby Hills

6 bedrooms 6 baths
6,055 square feet of living space
1.66 acres
Street to street lot
APN: 4359-013-019

Click here for the property website: http://bit.ly/2cJkaLi

An exceptional and rare opportunity to re-design or build your dream estate on one of the most coveted streets on the West Coast, Mapleton Drive. 1.66 acres of park like grounds and a street to street lot across from the world famous Playboy Mansion. Re-design this exception 1930's Colonial style home to your personal taste or build your own spectacular dream estate. A once in a lifetime opportunity.

Published on Feb 21, 2017


21st February 2017, 19:07

Truth Hunter with Linda Moulton Howe “Revelations From Alien Encounters”

Free episode/From Gaia

The truth really is out there, for those daring enough to seek it. It will take a bold investigative reporter to penetrate through all of the lies to expose what the governments of the world know about the alien presence on Earth.

Linda Moulton Howe has spent her life hunting the truth about alien activity and government cover-ups. And now in her new series, Truth Hunter, she brings to light details you may have never heard about prominent UFO cases and extraterrestrial contacts.

Gaia: http://bit.ly/Ali3nEncounters
Series Home Page: http://bit.ly/TruthHunteronGaia

Published on Feb 21, 2017

56:00 minutes


21st February 2017, 19:56
I lived in New Mexico for four years, in Lovington and Roswell. It is a beautiful state.

Today ...
Distant view of Cabezon Peak, New Mexico, U.S.A.....

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16807579_10211676809986994_993462238627001580_n.jp g?oh=f66b19b8c33718bd3480226c15ba4c06&oe=5934262B

America - A Horse With No Name
(Breaking Bad) ft. Bryan Cranston


21st February 2017, 21:44
Also will share this here ...

Interesting talk with some on site video for your inspection ...
And please note i am impartial to this presented material ...
Though it all is very compelling to view and take in.


Searching for the Crucifixion Site of Jesus - By Bob Cornuke

This video will challenge your understanding as to where Jesus Christ was crucified. Known for his detective approach to Bible archaeology, Bob Cornuke sets aside the emotionally held traditions of the past that may have obscured the pathway to truth and opens the door to a whole new way of finding the Biblical site of the crucifixion. By using the compass of solid evidence, Bob Cornuke charts a course for discovery that will thrill the willing Bible explorer who is on a quest for truth. Don’t let tradition get in the way of truth. A must-read for the serious Bible student.

Where was the world’s most infamous murder committed? Using eyewitness testimony of the gospels and the discovery of some ancient tombs just east of Jerusalem, Bob Cornuke’s Golgotha makes a captivating case that Jesus didn’t die where tradition tells us he did ... More information/pics here (https://forthtell.wordpress.com/2015/10/30/breaking-has-bob-cornuke-discovered-the-site-of-the-crucifixion/)

Recorded August, 2015/ Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit Colorado Springs, Colorado

Published on Feb 21, 2017

108:56 minutes


21st February 2017, 23:54
Some scary/wild stuff ...

Jeff Rense & Dana Durnford - Fukushima, - Nine Years till end of life on Earth?


Clip from February 20, 2017 - Published on Feb 21, 2017

44:42 minutes


22nd February 2017, 05:18
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Livin' La Vida Loca

Ricky Martin (http://pagesix.com/2017/02/21/ricky-martin-has-a-crazy-foot-fetish/?_ga=1.232629087.1940877003.1473634568)


22nd February 2017, 05:27
Uh-oh ...

Kim Jong-nam killing: Malaysia seeks North Korea embassy official (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-39048658)

22nd February 2017, 05:45
:shocked: ...


22nd February 2017, 05:56
Gravity in the Electric Universe | Space News


Where does gravity fit in the electric universe? Contrary to a fairly common misperception, the electric universe does not deny gravity’s existence, nor its role in the cosmos and our own world. Rather, the electric universe theory, as proposed by physicist Wal Thornhill, suggests that the fundamental mysteries of gravity may be explained by the electrical structure of matter.

In this episode of Space News, Nicholas Sykes further explores the query he first posed in his previous episode, What is the Speed of Gravity, and elaborates the explanations for gravity that the electric universe proposes.

Nick Sykes Space News, "What is the Speed of Gravity?":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73mZMcV-OgU

Published on Feb 21, 2017


22nd February 2017, 07:25
hmm ...


U.S. Air Force deploys WC-135 nuclear sniffer aircraft to UK
as spike of radioactive Iodine levels is detected in Europe (https://theaviationist.com/2017/02/19/u-s-air-force-deploys-wc-135-nuclear-sniffer-aircraft-to-uk-after-spike-of-radioactive-iodine-levels-detected-in-europe/)

22nd February 2017, 14:30
The Morning ... https://imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/187111.gif

Joe Scarborough Says The GOP Will Be Judged For The Next Fifty Years

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Published on Feb 22, 2017


Also ...

Joe Scarborough: There Are Some Lines Trump Can't Cross


22nd February 2017, 14:34
I used to watch Morning Joe. That was many years ago, when it was new. I had to stop after a while 'cause Joe would say things that would make my eyes roll backwards in my head and Mika is just confusing. I don't know what's going on in that cranium.:ok:

OMG. Joe can rock and roll. And he understands the value of peace, love and understanding. There's hope for us yet.

22nd February 2017, 14:36
Speaking snakes ...


22nd February 2017, 14:45
Watch Me Commit A Heinous Thoughtcrime!

From James Corbett

"That notorious thought criminal, James Corbett of corbettreport.com, is at it again, recklessly endangering the public with another wanton act of brazen criminality...Wait, what? Drinking coffee isn't illegal? But that's not what the talking heads on tv implied. If they deceived us about this, what else could they be manipulating us into believing?" ...

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=21914

Published on Feb 22, 2017


22nd February 2017, 15:38
Bringing new meaning to its logo ...


UPS begins testing drones for package delivery

"Who said logistics couldn’t be cool?!

UPS began testing the use of drones for residential package delivery for the first time ever this week.

The shipping company deployed a multi-rotor “octocopter” on Monday from the top of one of its hybrid electric vans, which was parked on a blueberry farm outside of Tampa, Fla., according to TechCrunch.

It successfully delivered a package to the doorstep of a nearby home, then returned to the truck — now at a new location down the road — and got pulled back in via robotic arms, the site reports.

Dubbed the HorseFly drone, the GPS-controlled devices are made by the Ohio-based Workhorse Group, which is already a UPS technology supplier.

Each one weighs 9.5 pounds and is powered by a proprietary lithium 18650 battery pack — allowing for a 30-minute flight time at tops speeds of 45 mph.

They can carry a package weighing up to 10 pounds, the company says.

“We looked at what it’s likely to have to carry. It’s not going to have to carry a 50-pound TV, or something like that,” Workhorse CEO Steve Burns told TechCrunch. “We looked at what’s the average package they’re carrying, and built it around the best use case.”

In order to know where it’s going, the HorseFly drones use a guidance system that draws from online databases containing info on local airspace, topograhpic, weather and wind conditions. They also receive data from sensors aboard the specially-made UPS electric van, such as a GPS Compass, LIDAR and infrared camera — which aids in landing.

The truck used in Monday’s test was custom-built to accommodate the launch from its roof, TechCrunch reports.

The HorseFly was outfitted with a cage, which was suspended underneath the drone. When picking up a package, the cage is lowered down into the truck — where the driver can load it with another package.

“The toughest thing, technically, is having the HorseFly drone re-mate with the electric truck,” Burns said. “There’s a small portal…we basically have to have a robotics system up on the top that grabs it, picks it up, and puts it in the hole.”

UPS ultimately wants to use the drones to deliver packages to homes in areas where their trucks cannot easily reach and to speed up their delivery time. The company hopes to one day install a touchscreen in their truck’s to send the devices off without having to control them, themselves."

source page (http://nypost.com/2017/02/21/ups-begins-testing-drones-for-package-delivery/)

Published on Feb 21, 2017

"UPS tested the use of drones for residential delivery for the first time in Tampa, Florida. The company demonstrated an octocopter launching from the roof of a hybrid electric delivery van, making a delivery, then returning to re-dock on the van which had moved to a new location further down the road."


22nd February 2017, 15:56

UFO And Paranormal Experiencer [RECAP]


Full 37 minute interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9M4adue1Kw&t=881s

Published on Feb 22, 2017

5:00 minutes


22nd February 2017, 17:00
Starting to wonder ...


The Great Pretender

The Platters


22nd February 2017, 18:29
Speaking of for those interested ...

WATCH LIVE: Press secretary Sean Spicer holds daily White House news briefing

Feb 22, 2017 - Started streaming 29 minutes ago

President Donald Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer holds the daily White House news briefing ...

Prompt start at the beginning for full video event.


22nd February 2017, 21:44
Maybe the radiation is making folks go insane, this world is nuts.

Some scary/wild stuff ...

Jeff Rense & Dana Durnford - Fukushima, - Nine Years till end of life on Earth?


Clip from February 20, 2017 - Published on Feb 21, 2017

44:42 minutes


22nd February 2017, 23:03
Becoming (or just playing) god ...
Expanding the life human life span ...


Doug Lain - Can Human Beings Live Forever?


Douglas Lain discusses Advocate for an Indefinite Human Lifespan, a new Zero Books title exploring the life extension techniques and technologies of Aubrey de Grey and the SENS Research Foundation.

Human beings are perhaps unique among Earth's sentient beings in that, from a relatively young age, we know that we are going to die. Despite this knowledge, and the fact that life and death are but two facets of the great cycle of creation and destruction, as a species we live in dread and denial of death, which remains one of the last great taboos. Some say we need to set death aside in order to live, while others claim that only acceptance of death allows us to truly come alive. Whatever the case, most of us are consciously or subconsciously terrified by the thought of our own annihilation. The religious cling to the hope held out by the promise of an afterlife, while the secular place their faith in a life well lived, free from comforting delusions.

Medical and material advances have extended human life expectancy well beyond what it was in centuries gone by, but de Grey's radical vision is of humans living longer – much longer – and in good health. Beyond the contested limits of sometimes controversial medical interventions, de Grey's plans have already drawn many moral and ethical objections: What would we do with a thousand year life? How would it affect love, family, work, and culture? And what of population and natural resources on an already groaning planet? Technology, we are assured, offers answers to all such doubts, and if the transhumanist wing of the life extension lobby have their way, a millennium of existence may one day seem like the blink of an eye. Augmented, upgraded, downloaded – for the man machine of the future, death may be but a distant dream. But are we becoming God or merely playing God?


Published on Feb 22, 2017

1:19:16 minutes


23rd February 2017, 03:52
"How can we be from the future?" you might ask. Let us explain. Plants harvest light with near perfect efficiency. You may not realize it, but this is impossible under classical physics. Along the way to the photosynthesizing core - photons of light should collide with other particles, but they don't. A photon succeeding in reaching the core is as likely - as you sprinting blindfolded through a dense forest - reaching the center without striking a single tree.

Plants are engaged in a kind of miracle. The plant puts the photon into a state of quantum superposition, multiplying it by every route that photon could possibly take. Imagine - blindly sprinting through a forest - being multiplied into every one of the billions of possible paths. If any one of your possibilities were observed hitting a tree, the superposition would collapse - and that would be your final outcome, but the plant patiently refuses to observe any of these casualties - while at it's heart it sings..."Let there be light."

When any of the possibilities finally reaches the core without fail, only that winner is observed. All the other possibilities disappear. The winner is transmitted back through time - from the future - and becomes the only possibility that ever existed. This is how photons reach the plant's core with impossible precision. This is how you - and every organism in existence - overcame the massive improbabilities of life. -- This is how we are from the future. This is how you will become the light of the world ... as we invoke the sacred imperative together ... "Let there be light."

"Quantum mechanics explains efficiency of photosynthesis"
"Energy transfer in light-harvesting macromolecules is assisted by specific vibrational motions of the chromophores," said Alexandra Olaya-Castro (UCL Physics & Astronomy), supervisor and co-author of the research. "We found that the properties of some of the chromophore vibrations that assist energy transfer during photosynthesis can never be described with classical laws, and moreover, this non-classical behaviour enhances the efficiency of the energy transfer."
"The negative values in these probability distributions are a manifestation of a truly quantum feature, that is, the coherent exchange of a single quantum of energy," explained Edward O'Reilly (UCL Physics & Astronomy), first author of the study. "When this happens electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom are jointly and transiently in a superposition of quantum states, a feature that can never be predicted with classical physics."
See more at: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/news-articles/0114/090114-Quantum-mechanics-explains-efficiency-of-photosynthesis#sthash.PI8wmqRk.dpuf




23rd February 2017, 05:06
The Rust Belt ... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_Belt)
Life from within the in-between ...

Outside coastal cities an ‘other America’ has different values and challenges (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/feb/21/outside-coastal-bubbles-to-say-america-is-already-great-rings-hollow)

23rd February 2017, 05:18
Standing Rock and the Struggle Against Corporate Power


"Even if oil ultimately begins to flow through the pipeline, the movement has learned how to resist
in spite of corporations’ endless money and political influence, says journalist Desiree Kane" ...

Published on Feb 22, 2017


23rd February 2017, 05:30

Red-eared Firetail (Stagonopleura oculata) in Australia by Laurie R B on flickr.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/s720x720/16804267_1273991229346698_4069678952104936044_o.jp g?oh=9f42c73fb985b92ac5ad8ec7bb4e6128&oe=5925660F

23rd February 2017, 05:38
Ketchup with the Vloggers

Gokarna, India: Walking From Gokarna Town to Om Beach

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Feb 22, 2017

16:10 minutes


Also ...

Rooftopping in Brussels

Matthew Vandeputte

Published on Feb 21, 2017

9:47 minutes


23rd February 2017, 05:45
Ep. 612 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ Dr. Michael Salla : Exopolitics and Antarctica

Published on Feb 22, 2017

Dr. Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics’, the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship to an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or even senior military officials.

Dr Salla’s groundbreaking Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence was the first published book on exopolitics and explained the political implications of extraterrestrial life.

His other works include: In Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET, Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK’s Assassination and Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances...

Dr Salla’s forthcoming book is the US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance, due out in 2017.

Air date: February 21, 2017

Dr. Michael Salla segment starts at the 31 minute mark


23rd February 2017, 05:54
The stand out ...


23rd February 2017, 13:36
I used to watch Morning Joe. That was many years ago, when it was new. I had to stop after a while 'cause Joe would say things that would make my eyes roll backwards in my head and Mika is just confusing. I don't know what's going on in that cranium.:ok:

OMG. Joe can rock and roll. And he understands the value of peace, love and understanding. There's hope for us yet.

She's still at it...


23rd February 2017, 14:03
She's still at it...


We've got that sort of thing here in Belgium as well. Certain newspaper editors and columnists are commonly (and shamelessly) referred to as "opinion makers" in the mainstream media, and they are both regarded as intellectuals and treated as (minor) celebrities.

As if creating people's opinions for them is both good and normal. It's disgusting. :ireful: :vom:

23rd February 2017, 14:30
Good Morning!

Wow! Was I surprised to see a MSM video today on an alternative news forum!

Look...this whole "fake news" thing is really quite disturbing to me and many for that matter. First of all the free press and open press is not only protected by the first amendment... in the beginning of this country news outlets were actually quite divided by party with titles such as a new paper called the Chicago Democrat and big surprise...media outlets today are divided into left and right! But to hear people tell it...it's some big conspiracy! When in fact it's actually part of that first amendment right to express those views.

I digress on that and so should the POTUS! Get over it Trump! This is America and those views are going to be expressed based on that very amendment!

I'm not a huge Morning Joe fan...but I do go out of my way to listen to this reporter because she has been reporting on fracking for a very long time...long before Trump entered the arena. But you might not know that because you've been told MSM does not report such things. On most of these forums you'll hear this kind of thing is never reported on the MSM....Well listen up. I reported on this on a past post...and here it is on a MSM news source...so don't believe everything you hear...there are reporters on MSM that are very concerned as I am about the new trend to turn this country backward. Instead of creating jobs with new and improved energy sources and mover forward...we are going backward and in a very destructive way as shown here. Mind you the jobs created by these pipelines are also temporary! Will only create 30-40 permanent jobs after the things are built. Big job increase for the time being. But really good for the Oil companies. Where is that oil slated for? Is it for US consumption? The majority of it will be exported.

Money money money...


Since this report...executive order to remove protection to streams (water) was removed so coal mining can essentially go forward [...]

And now direct to you from the White House...stop the costly “Stream Protection Rule” from further harming coal workers and the communities that depend on them.

It was a campaign promise for "clean" coal and damned the water ways to hell!



One thing is certain...we are leaving our mark on this world and it's rather ugly if you ask me.

While Flint MI is still drinking bottled water...do you really think this administration cares about your health? Repealing Obamacare? ACA will fix it! Riiiiight!

Do yourself a favor and be surprised that this video talks about pipelines and earthquakes involving our new EPA man in the house.

On the day following the eviction at Standing Rock....listen to what a MSM source says from a month ago.


Scroll down to 2017...and ask yourself is it worth it?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipeline_accidents_in_the_United_States_in _the_21st_century

Have a great day!

23rd February 2017, 17:22
Rachel Maddow is one that has always impressed me. She's very smart and she's good at picking things apart and bringing in differing perspectives. I haven't been watching her recently mostly because I'm not turning the TV on.

The criticisms directed her way can be quite vile and lacking in substance.

It's super easy to find her show online...

It's important to realize that the Cree fellow doesn't actually need to pick anyone first. He can haunt everyone all at once 'cause he'll be outside the bounds of space and time. He can come back and back again.

23rd February 2017, 17:27
When it comes to discerning what's currently being reported as 'news' ...
All bets are off regarding both the MSM and the Alternative news blitzkrieg ...
Noting both have their own agenda's, and it involves separating the monies from your wallets.

23rd February 2017, 18:27
Joe Scarborough made a couple comments on Stephen's show that were very interesting.

He talked about Stephen Miller saying that the President can't be questioned. Joe said, "I'm sorry. That's a little frightening. Well actually that's very frightening, that's scary as hell."

He continued, "It hit me how grave the situation was this past weekend when the President said what he said about the press." Ben Sasse, Nebraska republican, tweeted the First Amendment. Joe said, "And I was excited. And I retweeted it....Wait a second. In 2017, it seems a subversive act to simply tweet the First Amendment....That tells you where we are right now."

It sure does.

23rd February 2017, 19:52
White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon
were interviewed together today ...

Watch Live: Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus live at
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Political_Action_Conference)

Feb 23 2017 - Streamed live 55 minutes ago

25:14 minutes


23rd February 2017, 21:38
Bye bye ...


China Prepares For "Regime Collapse" In North Korea (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-23/china-prepares-regime-collapse-north-korea)

23rd February 2017, 23:18
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Brand new ...


Part 1

Changing History Forever!
"In this earth-shattering episode full of historic revelations, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Pyramid expert Dr. Carmen Boulter back to the show for some History Changing Revelations about the shocking discovery of a secret site unearthed in Turkey of an Ancient Egyptian chamber that bears a strong resemblance to King Tut’s tomb and that contains a wealth of Egyptian treasure and lifelike statues of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten along with exotic antiquities of the Amarna period. Exclusive PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE provided in this Part 1 episode to substantiate the claim makes this the most important Dark Journalist episode to date and represents an earthquake for our understanding of the ancient past, Changing History Forever!

Amazing Akhenaten Discovery Dates Egypt Back to 10,000 BC
This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But this historic find has even more secrets to reveal. The early testing of the artifacts reveals the extraordinary data that carbon dating tests put the age of the artifacts at approximately 10,000 BC, which throws a completely new light on the age of royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal like includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. It raises all kinds of important questions about our ancient history and strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from Royal Atlantis and is linked with advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.

Queen Nefertiti and The Pharaoh Akhenaten
The story of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti has been portrayed by mainstream Egyptologists in a way that suggests that the Amun Priesthood was heroic, in deposing the heretically monotheistic "mad king", says Boulter. According to her, the real story is much more intriguing and it relates to Akhenaten's esoteric knowledge about the founding of Ancient Egypt. Why did the Priesthood attempt to strip Akhenaten and Nefertiti from history? Was Nefertiti able to escape, to conceal ancient knowledge of Egypt's Atlantean past and exotic origins in a secret sacred tomb in Turkey? The newly released Bombshell Photographs answer that question with a resounding YES!

In this stunning episode, Dr. Boulter she explains that her new discoveries, inspired by her intuitive sense as well as her expertise as a researcher, reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to Turkey and escaped their vicious treachery. She also explores the possibility that Akhenaten and Nefertiti were Atlantean supernatural beings that were giving humanity a new mystical philosophy of peace and spiritual attunement.

Dr. Boulter also discusses her five-part documentary series, 'The Pyramid Code' that explores the esoteric wisdom the Egyptians used to build the incredible monuments at Giza. Her new documentary series called 'The New Atlantis' will unveil her cutting edge and exciting research of an Atlantean culture that existed before recorded history, which formed the basis of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan, and Inca Civilizations!"

Published on Jan 26, 2017


Updated ...

Part 2


"New Explosive Archaeological Discovery Shows Egyptian Royal Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti Deep Connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis in Ancient Artifacts dated to 10,000 B.C.!

In this stunning Part Two episode with Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter she explains that her new and historic discoveries at a remote site in Turkey of an extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal a connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The evidence of an Atlantean Princess found among the ruins of the Secret Tomb opens up all kinds of questions for our dating of Ancient Egyptian as well as Atlantean history. As Dr.Boulter explains, 'this is history in the making and the stunning discovery will forever change the story of early humanity and the rise of civilization!'

Atlantis, often scorned by academics as a myth, was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato to have been an advanced culture located somewhere in the Atlantic that sank into the ocean due to its spiritual demise. Later, during the 20th century, the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce predicted that ruins of this lost continent would rise in modern times near what is now Bimini off the Coast of Florida. When a huge structure known as the Bimini Wall was seen by researchers near Bimini in 1968 it sparked a new wave of interest in the reality of the legendary Atlantis that continues through to the present.

A great deal of intrigue, controversy and excitement hangs over these amazing findings that were excavated in Turkey inside a concealed mountain vault tomb. Dr. Boulter is a leading expert on Ancient Egypt and her classic five-part Netflix series 'The Pyramid Code' changed the way we look at the level of technological and spiritual development in ancient times. Her deep involvement in this amazing find has not only given it great credibility, it has also resulted in rigorous scientific testing being done on these objects. The explosive initial results give an earth shattering date of 10,000 B.C. to these classically Dynastic Egyptian artifacts. That predates the historic Egypt by 8,000 years!

Atlantis Royal Family: Atlantean Princess
The groundbreaking discovery throws a completely new light on the age of the royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal lineage includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. With the discovery of an Atlantean Princess at the site with the Ancient Egyptian Amarna Artifacts, It raises all kinds of important questions about humanity's early history.

It strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from the Royal Adepts of Atlantis and is linked with legends of their advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities."

Published on Feb 23, 2017


24th February 2017, 00:32
Andrew Collins: From The Ashes Of Angels [RECAP]


Full 22:03 interview/talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FQ6JmV9lIs

Published on Feb 23, 2017

6:28 minutes


24th February 2017, 03:20
Glad it's finally being acknowledged/academically that this can be reversed with diet ... (https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-02-fasting-mimicking-diet-reverse-diabetes.html)

Fasting diet 'regenerates diabetic pancreas' (http://www.bbc.com/news/health-39070183)

24th February 2017, 04:37
Glad it's finally being acknowledged/academically that this can be reversed with diet ... (https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-02-fasting-mimicking-diet-reverse-diabetes.html)

Fasting diet 'regenerates diabetic pancreas' (http://www.bbc.com/news/health-39070183)

That is really exciting to hear.
Let's celebrate with a delicious high fat snack!!!



What can I eat on a fat fast?

Both fatty acids and protein are excellent macronutrients for weight loss. But if you’ve plateaued with your weight loss goals, a low carb fat fast plan can help. You’ll need to cut down on protein during a fat fast. This is another reason fat fasts should be limited to a handful of days at most. Protein is a macronutrient that provides a feeling of satiety. You need to feel satiated so you don’t get tempted by carbs, especially quick-burning junk carbs like white flour.

Meat has both fat and protein. Does that make meat an excellent choice for a fat fast? No. The reason is that meat has a lot of protein. One serving of chicken or beef can have 30 grams of protein. Remember, during a fat fast, you need to limit your intake of protein.

Dairy products also contain both fat and protein. But they make for better choices on a fat fast than meat. Cheeses are an excellent food to eat while on a fat fast. Here are some others:

High-fat nuts like Brazil or Macadamia
Eggs, whole
Coconut oil
Other smart fats

Final thoughts on the fat fast plan
Following a fat fast diet menu is an excellent short-term hack for weight loss. You may feel tired at first, though. That’s because you’re temporarily depriving your body of protein and carbs. If you’re already on a low-carb diet, you’re lowering the amount of carbs even more for a few days. Try to limit your carb intake to less than 10 grams (roughly 5% of calorie total). And even though this is a temporary high-fat diet, you should still limit your intake of polyunsaturated fats that are high in Omega-6s.http://allnaturalideas.com/low-carb-fat-fast-plan-weight-loss/

24th February 2017, 07:16
A quickie ...
Some eye candy for the masses ...

The official trailer for ORIGINS!
Coming to National Geographic on March 6th - hosted by Jason Silva and created by Melodysheep ...

Two years ago I conceived of ORIGINS as a new kind of series that tells the story of how humankind came to be. The journey to create this show has been the most epic one of my life.

We are giving viewers a chance to relive moments in history that changed humanity - from the discovery of fire to the space race. 30,000 years of history in 8 one-hour episodes: Fire, Medicine, Communication, Money, War, Transportation, Shelter, and Exploration.

I had the honor of being creator, composer and editor for the series. Extremely stoked to share what’s in store.

Follow me on twitter for more updates: @musicalscience
Follow Jason Silva: @jasonsilva

Published on Feb 23, 2017


24th February 2017, 07:22
Someone for everybody ...


24th February 2017, 08:18
From 1963 ... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_Shack)


Sugar Shack

Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs


24th February 2017, 09:28
Updated ...

Part 2


"New Explosive Archaeological Discovery Shows Egyptian Royal Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti Deep Connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis in Ancient Artifacts dated to 10,000 B.C.!

In this stunning Part Two episode with Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter she explains that her new and historic discoveries at a remote site in Turkey of an extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal a connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The evidence of an Atlantean Princess found among the ruins of the Secret Tomb opens up all kinds of questions for our dating of Ancient Egyptian as well as Atlantean history. As Dr.Boulter explains, 'this is history in the making and the stunning discovery will forever change the story of early humanity and the rise of civilization!'

Atlantis, often scorned by academics as a myth, was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato to have been an advanced culture located somewhere in the Atlantic that sank into the ocean due to its spiritual demise. Later, during the 20th century, the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce predicted that ruins of this lost continent would rise in modern times near what is now Bimini off the Coast of Florida. When a huge structure known as the Bimini Wall was seen by researchers near Bimini in 1968 it sparked a new wave of interest in the reality of the legendary Atlantis that continues through to the present.

A great deal of intrigue, controversy and excitement hangs over these amazing findings that were excavated in Turkey inside a concealed mountain vault tomb. Dr. Boulter is a leading expert on Ancient Egypt and her classic five-part Netflix series 'The Pyramid Code' changed the way we look at the level of technological and spiritual development in ancient times. Her deep involvement in this amazing find has not only given it great credibility, it has also resulted in rigorous scientific testing being done on these objects. The explosive initial results give an earth shattering date of 10,000 B.C. to these classically Dynastic Egyptian artifacts. That predates the historic Egypt by 8,000 years!

Atlantis Royal Family: Atlantean Princess
The groundbreaking discovery throws a completely new light on the age of the royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal lineage includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. With the discovery of an Atlantean Princess at the site with the Ancient Egyptian Amarna Artifacts, It raises all kinds of important questions about humanity's early history.

It strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from the Royal Adepts of Atlantis and is linked with legends of their advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities."

Published on Feb 23, 2017


Thanks Gio! :tiphat:

24th February 2017, 15:30
~ Trump becomes president ~

NASA: Crap!

~ a few months later~

NASA: we've found 7 planets, 3 we can live on and there's enough room for everyone [...]


~ NASA: We found 7 Earth-sized planets just 40 light years away ~




24th February 2017, 15:55

Pres Trump: "We're going to deregulate to help the ecomony"

((( Screw the environment! )))

Meanwhile...The results of coal ash from 2014 in NC


Bed of Dan River is Poisoned by Coal Ash for 70 Miles: Turtles Emerging & Dying

As arsenic laced coal ash continues to pour into the Dan River from the Duke Energy waste dump, turtles are crawling out of the poisoned river bed and dying on the banks. Duke Energy has been ordered to stop polluting the Dan River but a second pipe continues to discharge suffocating coal ash into the water following the massive failure of the first pipe under the waste pond. The river bottom is poisoned by toxic ash all the way from the waste dump in Eden to Kerr Lake 70 miles downstream. Federal officials say that the coal ash is suffocating animals that live in the riverbed.

Water treatment authorities say that they have successfully treated and filtered the river water to remove toxins and that Danville's water is safe to drink. However, arsenic levels in the river continue to exceed federal safe limits. Heavy rains will wash the toxic waste further down the river over the coming weeks spreading the contamination over an increasingly large area.



And now...

February makes 3rd anniversary of Dan River coal ash spill

GOLDSBORO, N.C. (WNCN) – It’s been exactly three years since the coal ash spill at the Dan River.

In February 2014, an underground pipe burst at a Duke Energy steam station, spilling nearly 39,000 tons of coal ash into the river.

It led to North Carolina lawmakers requiring the Utility to close all of its coal ash ponds by 2029.

Those who live nearby the H.F. Lee Power Plant in Goldsboro are calling for faster cleanup of coal ash ponds statewide and stricter rules for the process.

Neighbors are concerned about the potential health risk the coal ash could have on their drinking water.

Contaminants commonly found in coal ash showed up in nearby wells.

“The wrong has been done, there’s no question about that. Correct that wrong. Let’s start this all over again,” said Goldsboro resident Bobby jones

Duke Energy provides an alternative water supply to those living next to coal ash ponds across the state.

The company maintains coal ash is not the source of contamination found in nearby wells.


But...then....there was this a year later....separate from the spill....What!


Those crimes and regulations are now zip nada gone!

And you wonder why stocks are at record highs?


24th February 2017, 15:57
Bug Out! Water on planets around a cold star? Hmmm...

Thanks for sharing, Shadowself. I just go cry for a while now...

24th February 2017, 17:17
Trump does not scare me. Ideological dissociation that takes over all in human nature scares the ever loving out of me. Hate of strangers, a murderous imperative to defend some cause, some abstract notion. The ability to dehumanize people, devalue everything but one's designated "kin".

https://aos.iacpublishinglabs.com/question/aq/1400px-788px/trespassing-law-private-property_4fdeb1791ce3f1d2.jpg?domain=cx.aos.ask.co m

Slave driver and ethnic cleanser, but populist?

Most vicious president in U.S. history is Trump’s new role model
Trump’s populism, pulled from shadows of racism, sexism, economic jealousies and grievance politics, is ugly enough
STEVEN ROSENFELD, ALTERNET (http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/most-vicious-president-american-history-donald-trumps-new-role-model)

He was vain, brash, intolerant, impulsive, an unrepentant speculator, a literal slave driver and eager warmonger. And now, according to Trump’s White House advisers and President Trump himself, he’s the role model for what they hope a Trump presidency will be like.

News arrived Wednesday that Trump had a portrait of Andrew Jackson hung in the Oval Office. In his first televised address from the office on Wednesday, Trump compared his election to Jackson’s. That followed Trump’s boasts to 500 GOP donors last week: “There hasn’t been anything like this since Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson! What year was Andrew Jackson? That was a long time ago!”

Right-wingers in Trump’s orbit, from chief strategist Stephen Bannon to ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich have been talking up the seventh president to Trump and the press for months, emphasizing Jackson’s anti-establishment populism that is best known for his breaking up northeast bank cartels in his day.

“Like Jackson’s populism, we’re going to build an entirely new political movement,” Bannon declared in November. “The only president remotely like Trump is Andrew Jackson,” Gingrich told Breitbart last March, adding that Trump had the mental fitness for office. “Sure. I mean, he is at least as reliable as Andrew Jackson, who was one of the most decisive presidents in American history.”

“What Mr. Trump borrows from Jackson is not an issue, but a way of thinking about the world,” wrote Steve Inskeep, NPR’s “Morning Edition” host and author of Jacksonland, in The New York Times. “Mr. Trump promises to fix his supporters’ problems, no matter who else is hurt. He’s a wealthy celebrity always ready for a fight, a superpatriot who says he will make America great again. He vows to attack government corruption and defend the common man. All this could be said of Jackson.”

There’s quite a bit more that could be said of Jackson. To hear suggestions that he is the role model for the Trump White House’s internal compass, political instincts and willful aggressions is revolting. Trump’s populism, pulled from this century’s shadows of racism, sexism, economic jealousies and grievance politics, is ugly enough. Are the new president’s men also aglow about Jackson’s less-known traits — perhaps as the only president who drove trains of naked slaves shackled by their necks? The frontier soldier whose ethnic cleansing emptied the south of Native Americans and launched the era of plantation slavery?

This powerful video, written and edited by Floyd Red Crow Westerman, documents the forces that destroyed Indian cultures in California: The Mission Period, the California Gold Rush, and the following flood of settlers determined that manifest destiny gave them to right to lands that had been tended by native peoples for centuries.


24th February 2017, 19:45
I Put a Spell on You ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwXai-sgM-s)


Are You Going To Cast A Spell On Trump? (http://www.elle.com/culture/career-politics/news/a43285/casting-spell-donald-trump/)

25th February 2017, 00:50
Ep. 614 FADE to BLACK FADERNIGHT w/ Jon Rappoport

Published on Feb 24, 2017

Another Thursday, another FADERNIGHT with Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake News Room Live...followed by open-lines...and tonight we take back to back to back calls...and this was one of those magical nights...UFOs, abductions, ghosts...and two of the most emotional calls about NDEs that you will ever hear...all live...very cool night on the show.

Air date: February 23, 2017

Jon Rappoport segment starts 31 minute mark


25th February 2017, 05:02

25th February 2017, 09:55
Back to regular the Cosmic Emporium format. We discuss a few stories that caught our attention and weave them into a discourse. Gio has decided to stay out front and Rad needs to be mindful of extended beard stroking. It was a lively show and the chemistry is taking a good form.


25th February 2017, 11:33
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Thanks Rad !

As always ...

And for the record ...

Note that long running third party candidate's name 'I couldn't remember'

Was ...

Lyndon LaRouche (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche)


25th February 2017, 11:45

Black-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher a.k.a. Oriental Dwarf-Kingfisher (Ceyx erithaca) in India by Raj Dhage.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16832304_259668414473893_4562935401541866930_n.jpg ?oh=80eb30943cbb07339964690a95e6c93f&oe=5943DE33

25th February 2017, 11:51
Speaking of ...

Voices In The Sky

Justin Hayward


25th February 2017, 14:17
I love seeing all of the beautiful birds Gio

The Pileated Woodpecker was the inspiration for "Woody Woodpecker"'s laugh I think.


They live in my neighborhood too, and I see them everyday. They are as big as BlueJays


25th February 2017, 16:00
Good morning!

Birds are beautiful Gio and Maggie!

Ya know I had this dream last night and I just can't shake it.


So speaking of birds...I had a birds eye view as if I was a bird viewing a city. That city was of all places....Mexico City. Twice in this dream state I viewed the expanse of this city and the second time I saw it in the dream...I asked myself why am I seeing this...which made me wake up. Now from experience past when I have dreams like this it usually has a certain connotation. and not a good one which if this is the case and it has any meaning at all in the future I will share further. But strange to say the least because I rarely remember my dreams unless it has some meaning. Again what that might be eludes me at the moment.


But speaking of birds...ya gotta have a sense of humor eh? You know I could not resist right?

The glorious golden pheasant


Where have I seen that bird before?


Birds of a feather flock together

Continuing to fill the nations cabinet and white house staff, given on the heels of six picks marched out of the White House because they could not pass FBI background checks... even thought they were already on staff:

The Turkey in Chief cries


You do know...The Bird is the Word?


25th February 2017, 19:56
One of my Fav's ... :victorious:

With now having a liniage of former president's hailing from the Movie and Realty TV sectors ...
Perhaps its time to consider one from the World of Wrestling Entertaiment ...

My choice ...

Ric Flair 'The Nature Boy'


25th February 2017, 20:03
Which leads me to ...

Spirituality: The Great Coping Mechanism - Teal Swan

"In this episode, Teal Swan exposes the shadow side of spirituality. She proves that most
spiritual practice is nothing more than a coping mechanism."


26th February 2017, 00:23
A serious topic ...

Kongpop U-yen: A Natural Disaster Forecasting Technique
Based on Space Weather Data | EU2016


A natural disaster forecasting technique was presented by Dr. Kongpop U-yen. It is based on the understanding of physical and electrical interactions between Earth and its surrounding space. Using this technique, natural disasters, e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and storm formations, can be forecasted. Several practical case studies will be presented to verify this theory.

Kongpop U-yen obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. As an electric universe enthusiast, he has conducted an independent research on topics related to space weather and solar activities predictions.

If you see a CC with this video, it means that subtitles are available. To find out which ones, click on the Gear Icon in the lower right area of the video box and click on “subtitles” in the drop down box. Then click on the subtitle that you would like.

Published on Feb 25, 2017


26th February 2017, 00:47

No stress night media
Documentaries of nature relax
Popcorn and slippers,
Stretched on the couch,
Flopped on pillows,
Lying back at ease,
Cranes beguile

This is that kind of documentary for me.

Bosque del Apache: Ancient Flyway of the Rio Grande

One of America's premier wildlife refuges. Every winter, this wetland in the desert becomes home to thousands of migratory birds that come to feed in the temperate New Mexico climate. this documentary features spectacular footage of the refuge's huge flocks and many other animals that life in this rich and diverse ecosystem.


26th February 2017, 06:19
Cosmic Emporium from last night where we said we would do another one tonight.


And....here is the show we said would happen, thanks to Dreamtimer.


26th February 2017, 07:52
Sweet dreams are made of these ...


26th February 2017, 08:49
Thanks everyone...great to see you ONBOARD !! (hahahha) and put a face to your avatar Dreamtimer ......love the balance you demonstrate in your communications and opinions. :thup:

26th February 2017, 09:53
A very high ...

Hitler was routinely injected with cocaine, meth and opiates (http://nypost.com/2017/02/25/hitler-was-high-out-of-his-mind-on-cocaine-meth-and-opiates/)


26th February 2017, 12:40
They're back. In February. Wow. I was in Bethesda, MD on Friday and saw three pink blossoming cherry trees. When February began, I felt spring right around the corner and I thought I was jumping the gun...


The One
26th February 2017, 13:33
Great stuff :Hopefully one day i will be able to join a conversation.I am not sure what i can bring to the table but i did have a close encounter when i was in my 20's

26th February 2017, 14:29
Good morning!

I'm hooked on a feeling while observing my cup of coffee with a different view. I absolutely loved the last Cosmic Emporium video with Dreamtimer!

I will share this rather long post regarding the waking dream state I tend to meld with on a quantum level and that which drives my cup of coffee into it's state this morning.


Then it occurred to me that the key was feeling...

Blue (Swede) is Hooked on a feeling



It is the loss of information through quantum entanglement, rather than a subjective lack of human knowledge, that drives a cup of coffee into equilibrium with the surrounding room.

Cause and effect only seem to have relation to the arrow of time.

A multitude of possibility arise in the virgin future within the Theater of the Parallel Universe.

This is not simply wishful thinking; everyday this is becoming scientific fact.

Somewhere out there I'm enjoying coffee with my family...

Remember while different yes...Artemis ( my personal guide) is still master I:



"I realized that there were future versions of myself that I could connect with, and through this connection I could enrich my present self".

"finally you have realized how I can help you/us".


Great advances in understanding how changes in time occur, they have made no progress in uncovering the nature of time itself or why it seems different (both perceptually and in the equations of quantum mechanics) than the three dimensions of space.


The Fifth Dimension


Nobody can say it better than Edgar Allan Poe


For my own part, I have never had a thought
Which I could not set down in words
With even more distinctness that which I conceived it.

There is however a class of fancies of exquisite delicacy
Which are not thoughts and to which as yet
I have found it absolutely impossible to adapt to language.

These fancies arise in the soul,
Alas how rarely, only at epochs
Of most intense tranquility
When the bodily and mental health are in perfection.

And those mere points of time
When the confines of the waking world
Blend with the world of dreams.

And so I captured this fancy

Where all that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.





Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Edgar A Poe

Thanks Gio, Rad and Dreamtimer for that enjoyable show!

~ Flying in a Sirius Blue Dream ~


Dig those sunglasses!


26th February 2017, 19:57
Ketchup with the Vloggers ...

How to Travel India SUPER CHEAP! Budget Travel Tips

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Feb 23, 2017


Traveling from one extreme to another ...

Stuck on a boat in Amsterdam

Matthew Vandeputte

Published on Feb 23, 2017


26th February 2017, 21:17
A quickie ...

Touchy-feely Steve Bannan ...

https://images.newrepublic.com/039b098b4aaecfc9a62e344227bf22c24e80ac21.jpeg?w=80 0&q=65&dpi=1&fm=pjpg&h=533

Trump Advisor's Inappropriate Touching Caught On Live TV

From The Jimmy Dore Show

Published on Feb 25, 2017


26th February 2017, 21:19
I have now done the dirty deeds that allow me to choose the thumbnail for our videos. Our Cosmic Emporium Gaia will be on all CE videos.

26th February 2017, 21:19
The blue theme continued today. In good ways.

And that Touchy-Feely Bannon bit is :hilarious:.

(I haven't actually watched TOT-CAST III yet. I want the fresh memory to be the experience for now.)

26th February 2017, 21:28
I have now done the dirty deeds that allow me to choose the thumbnail for our videos. Our Cosmic Emporium Gaia will be on all CE videos.

Consider this a bump. Dreamtimer is worth it.


26th February 2017, 21:47
The latest on the Max Spiers mystery saga ...


Police to quiz girlfriend over British UFO conspiracy theorist's
mystery death after he vomited two litres of black fluid (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/police-quiz-girlfriend-over-british-9914349)

27th February 2017, 03:47
hmm ...


Copy this: Vatican stakes out rights to Pope Francis' image (http://bigstory.ap.org/article/39592a99eceb470091aa08a3b448e686/copy-vatican-stakes-out-rights-pope-francis-image)

27th February 2017, 03:56
As above so below ...


27th February 2017, 05:08
Consider this a bump. Dreamtimer is worth it.


I agree, it was a very enjoyable chat from all 3 members and it was lovely to "meet" you Dreamtimer and now have a face to know you by.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

27th February 2017, 06:05
And the winner is ...

Moonlight wins Best Picture at Oscars after shocking La La Land mix-up (http://ew.com/awards/2017/02/27/oscars-2017-moonlight-best-picture/)


Via Neil Patrick Harris

Warren Beatty seems to be opening an envelope that says 'Actress in a Leading Role'.
He must have been handed the wrong one somehow. Yikes.

27th February 2017, 12:35
Oops. Will the real Miss Universe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XICEvwAmcKU) please stand up? Maybe Steve and Jimmy can commiserate over a drink...:ok::chrs::very_drunk:

27th February 2017, 16:04
Good morning!

I love a good mystery!

Remember the Russian dossier? Well if you don't here's a refresher...it now has a wiki page.


Well...the ace in the hole for the Trump Team hollering FAKE NEWS was in fact Michael Cohen and his denials mentioned within it. He claimed and I will quote from one and the same Wiki page...

Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, in a denial of some allegations, said "I'm telling you emphatically that I've not been to Prague, I've never been to Czech [Republic], I've not been to Russia. The story is completely inaccurate, it is fake news meant to malign Mr. Trump."[64] Cohen said that between August 23–29 he was in Los Angeles. According to RFE/RL, "A Czech investigative journal quotes local intelligence officers as saying they have no evidence that a lawyer for President-elect Donald Trump traveled to the Czech capital last year".

Well as of late Michael Cohen has been caught in a lie or two ...possibly three...maybe four!


So back to this Russian Dossier...

A mystery abounds! Where was he between August 23–29? In Los Angeles?


But through some rather interesting speculations that should probably be reviewed for further investigative journalism...or perhaps Intelligence investigation is this rather lengthy questions that probably should be reviewed.


It's a mystery novel in the making...but what if it's true? What if that dossier is in fact true? My oh my!

Not to mention that 5 Russian Diplomats have died since December...I mean well...


And the last one


I'm guessing that autopsy was never done as he is now been buried. At the very least his cause of death was.

27th February 2017, 17:56

Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Amblyramphus holosericeus) in Brazil by Lindolfo Souto.
These birds occur in pairs in large reed beds in southern Brazil, Paraguay,
Uruguay, Bolivia and northeastern Argentina.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/s720x720/16826178_1278168465595641_9022633248765505527_o.jp g?oh=a3c5cc06a30548e0596e9883c10722e0&oe=5945F93B

27th February 2017, 18:08
The goat in the house ...


Obamacare: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

"Congressional Republicans could soon vote to repeal Obamacare.
John Oliver explores why their replacement plans are similar to a thong."

Published on Feb 26, 2017


27th February 2017, 19:02
:omg: Seriously? "OK children. Alright children." These are taxpaying voters. What is wrong with this guy?

Thong, th tho tho THONG! (Think Dragnet).

By the way...Jason's pretty awesome really.

Here's a duet with Colbie,


27th February 2017, 19:11
hmm ...


Trump lays out hike in military spending

27th February 2017, 19:22
Lets make a deal ... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Minuit)


27th February 2017, 19:33

Jay Dyer | Esoteric Hollywood: Movie Magic & Reel Rituals


Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks esoteric Hollywood and movie magic with returning guest Jay Dyer.

We all know the many mediums of mass communication, from the printing press to the Internet, have regularly been used throughout the course of history as tools of culture creation, propaganda, and a multitude of programming -so it should come as no surprise that movies and films are simply yet another weapon to be wielded in said arsenal. Well, today’s returning guest, Jay Dyer, joins us to offer up his recent analysis and help us wade our way through some of that sweet sweet Hollywood weirdness.

Published on Feb 27, 2017


27th February 2017, 19:46
Wouldn't it be great to have been able to divert some of Southern California's current excessive rain runoff to this failing Southwestern water system via a strategic infrastructure repair program ...
But instead the Trump administration wants to increase defense spending ?

America's Largest Reservoir Is At Dangerously Low Levels:

Lake Mead, one of the most critical water sources in the country, is at dangerously low levels and federal employees are struggling to manage the depleted reserves.

The Las Vegas-area lake has been held in place by the Hoover Dam since the 1930s, and many thousands of homes, farms, and businesses in the Southwest depend on its water to survive. But America’s largest reservoir may be in jeopardy. Two decades ago, Lake Mead was 98 percent full, but thanks to a years-long drought, it has dropped to only 38 percent full.

VICE News went to Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam to speak with the Bureau of Reclamation, the government body that regulates and controls the water for much of the drought-stricken Southwest.

Published on Feb 27, 2017

5:10 minutes


27th February 2017, 21:08
Price Waterhouse Cooper ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svTVR3DcTvY) https://loopit.in/photo/RsQX2mkDWfc:hq/default.jpg

PWC envelope steward jinxed himself (http://pagesix.com/2017/02/27/pricewaterhousecoopers-honcho-oscars-envelopes-not-very-complicated/?_ga=1.169626593.1940877003.1473634568)


27th February 2017, 21:35
La La La La ... Land

Click screen to watch

27th February 2017, 21:56
Melissa McCarthy is killing it as Spicer and McKinnon never ceases to amaze.

27th February 2017, 23:52
Good evening!


I don't usually do more than one post in a day anymore. But I'm becoming a wee bit disturbed about what is happening in our
airports regarding people from other nations coming in.

In one week I've run into two separate stories of people who were not Muslim but detained and one nearly turned back after ten hours and some serious work to keep him from being deported. He was entering the country on a tourist visa and was being paid a stipend for the talk. The Customs and Border Protection agent was unaware that such stipends are allowed for scholars. Both were easy to look up and both were frequent visitors to the US in the past.

Needless to say I don't think we will be seeing these two anytime soon.


Accused of having an incorrect visa, Mem Fox detained by immigration officials at LA airport

AUSTRALIA’S best-loved children’s author, Mem Fox, was left sobbing and shaken after being detained for two hours and aggressively interrogated by immigration officials at Los Angeles airport.

Fox says she’s unlikely to ever travel to the United States again after being made to feel like “a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay”.

President Donald Trump had created the climate for this sort of behavior, she said, adding: “This is what happens when extremists take power.”




A leading French historian was detained for 10 hours by US immigration officials and threatened with deportation after he arrived in Texas for a conference, it has been claimed.

Henry Rousso, a pre-eminent scholar on the Holocaust, said he was held by border agents in Houston after authorities began to question his visa.

The 62-year-old, who has taught at the prestigious Sorbonne in Paris and Columbia University in New York, said officials told him he had been selected for a “random check”, which the Egyptian-born academic claims was not some "mere coincidence".


The academic claimed he was then subjected to “extensive questioning”, fingerprinting and a body search, before being told he would be deported on the next plane to Paris.

Texas A&M Professor Richard Golsan told The Eagle: “When he called me with this news, he was waiting for customs officials to send him back to Paris as an illegal alien on the first flight out."

Mr Golsan immediately contacted university officials to enlist the help of law professor and director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic, Fatma Marouf, who led the team that succeeded in securing Mr Rousso's eventual release. [...]

Mr Rousso credited a team of lawyers, university officials and immigration experts with securing his release, saying: “Without them, I would have been led handcuffed, chained, and shackled to board for Paris.”

He said he was unsure of the reasons behind his detention or the “zeal” of the officer who arrested him.

However he said his situation was “nothing compared to some of the people I saw who couldn’t be defended as I was".

“That is the situation today. It is now necessary to deal with the utmost arbitrariness and incompetence on the other side of the Atlantic. I do not know what is the worst," he said. "What I know, having loved this country forever, is that the United States is no longer quite the United States."



With that said we are quickly becoming a nation I no longer recognize. This is not good...even after 9/11 nothing like this occurred. What the hell is going on here? People are very soon not going to be coming here for fear of immigration "zeal" which in these two cases were not necessary in any stretch of the imagination! And....yet it happened. We need to start asking why.

We need to start asking why and what is next!


28th February 2017, 00:07
They turned off the spillway. Check out the damage.

28th February 2017, 01:26
Addendum to my last post:

Not to mention this guy was asked where he got his name. Are you sirius?


Muhammad Ali's Son Detained at Airport and Was Asked 'Are you Muslim?'

Returning from a Black History Month event in Jamaica, Muhammad Ali Jr. and his mother, Khalilah Camacho Ali, were pulled aside and separated from each other while going through the immigration checkpoint on Feb. 7 at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

Camacho Ali was released a short time later after showing a photo of herself with her ex-husband, the former heavyweight boxing champion, Mancini said. But Ali Jr. was not carrying a photo of his world-famous father — a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. [...]

"This has never happened to them before," Mancini said. "They're asked specifically about their Arabic names. Where they got their names from and whether they're Muslims. It doesn't take much to connect those dots to what Trump is doing."


28th February 2017, 03:53
Will share this here ...


The Lovecraft Code and the Terrors of the 20th Century

"Probably one of the most 'high-strangeness' Dreamlands ever. In the course of discussing his new book, the Lovecraft Code, Peter Levenda reveals one of the strangest and most chilling facts ever heard on this radio program.

Was there a date in 1907 that marked the beginning of the world of carnage in which we now live? Was something conjured then—released into our world by means of ritual magic—and did horror writer H.P. Lovecraft somehow pick up on it?

His entire body of work consists of stories about the "old ones," a race that existed when the laws of physics and reality were different, long before mankind appeared.

Just as Whitley Strieber's Wolfen and his character Miriam Blaylock in the novel the Hunger prefigure the Grays and the Blonds, did Lovecraft's Old Ones disclose a hidden reality?

This is among the most fascinating, chilling and revelatory editions of this radio program ever put on the air"

33:30 minutes

Listen here (http://m.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/mlatest)

28th February 2017, 06:26
Believe him ...

Jon Stewart To The Media: It's Time To Get Your Groove Back

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

"Worried that the mainstream media's breakup with President Trump has reporters feeling blue,
Jon Stewart stops by with relationship advice."

Published on Feb 27, 2017


28th February 2017, 06:56

Violet-backed Starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster) by Dean Larres on flickr.
This starling is found in subsaharan Africa. This is probably a young male.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/s720x720/16836308_1278176655594822_5377288669636594928_o.jp g?oh=f523d116163a30bde0a424a58e4115c8&oe=5938E30E

28th February 2017, 07:04
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ... http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


My favorite vlogger Julien has a new video/venture company
he just started with his new friend/partner Collin ...

Take a look !


Last Minute Trips Ep. 1 - Truth or Consequences, NM

Produced, created and directed by:
-Waffsicle Productions (Collin Duddy & Julien Solomita)

Published on Feb 24, 2017

10:20 minutes


28th February 2017, 07:43
Believe him ...

Jon Stewart To The Media: It's Time To Get Your Groove Back

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

"Worried that the mainstream media's breakup with President Trump has reporters feeling blue,
Jon Stewart stops by with relationship advice."

Published on Feb 27, 2017


John Stewart is a rare talent. His wit was so sharp you could miss some of the cuts. Two edged and he swung it both ways with extreme precision made all the more poignant by being grounded in reality. Acerbic wit without the bile.

28th February 2017, 14:23
Good Morning!

Holy crap! I wake up this morning to this and about spit my coffee out:


Trump says 'revved up economy' will pay for budget proposals: Fox

President Donald Trump said he believes the extra $54 billion dollars he has proposed spending on the U.S. military will be offset by a stronger economy as well as cuts in other areas.

"I think the money is going to come from a revved up economy," Trump said in a Fox News interview broadcast on Tuesday, hours before he was to address a joint session of Congress.

"I mean you look at the kind of numbers we're doing, we were probably GDP of a little more than 1 percent and if I can get that up to 3 or maybe more, we have a whole different ball game. It's a whole different ball game."



That's pretty frickin funny! While I work to contain the coffee in my mouth and swallow I reflect:

Last night after I made my last post and aside from Muhammad Ali Jr. who is a US citizen those two tourists who were treated like criminals will probably not come here any time soon.. So I decided to look up the effect on tourism. Want to know what I found out?

International visitors spent $246 billion in the U.S. in 2016.

This exceeds the value of exports of autos ($152 billion), agriculture ($137 billion), and petroleum products ($97 billion).

There is great concern in the tourism sector as we speak. Online booking websites reported that flight searches from international points of origin to the United States were down anywhere from 6 percent to 17 percent since Trump signed the executive order on Jan. 27. But experts say what’s more alarming is the icy message it sends to the world.

Even I was not aware of the effect of 9/11 on the tourism sector which led to a loss of $600 billion in tourism revenues in the decade post 9/11.


So essentially our brainiac president is going to recoup 54 billion for military spending and raise the economy with the hopes of 3% by decimating a 246 billion dollar business back to post 9/11 tourism which did not start to recoup until 2006 and steadily rose to 2016 numbers.

The brainiac President is using trickle down economics while essentially destroying a huge income to our country: Tourism! The chance of the economy sustaining 3% growth is roughly zero. Well that ought to work! Not!

From the Boston Globe:

travel research site ForwardKeys found a 6.5 percent drop in international flight searches to the United States after Trump signed the order, compared with the same eight-day stretch in 2016.

“The data forces a compelling conclusion that Donald Trump’s travel ban immediately caused a significant drop in bookings . . . and an immediate impact on future travel,” said Olivier Jager, CEO of ForwardKeys. The British company monitors travel patterns by analyzing 16 million flight reservation transactions a day.

The percentages may not sound large, but specialists caution that a drop in the 77.5 million international tourists who come to the United States, spending $133 billion here, could have far-reaching consequences for the economy. According to US Travel, tourism directly supported more than 8.1 million US jobs in 2015.


I got the numbers above from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewbender/2017/02/10/trump-travel-ban-experts-predict-severe-damage-to-u-s-tourism-industry/#20e59b4e6e44

They're calling it the Trump Slump: https://twitter.com/guardian/status/836567820104265729

Yep no doubt about it our prez is a special kind of stupid! He'd better think about the consequences of his actions and what he doing to America and the perceptions of other countries because they are indeed watching him stumble on his tie hoping he chokes on each word. I just can't wait to see this speech tonight!


28th February 2017, 17:08
I have had my problems with Bill Nye in the past but this is pretty sweet. (https://egbertowillies.com/2017/02/28/tucker-carlson-bill-nye-science-guy/)

28th February 2017, 17:09
Great Expectations ...


Trump on Hook to Clarify Policies With Speech to Congress (https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-02-28/trump-on-hook-to-deliver-policy-clarity-with-speech-to-congress)

28th February 2017, 17:11
A bug's eye view. Oh to be a fly on the wall...

28th February 2017, 17:18
Jeff Rense & Robert Steele -
Trump Must Clean House NOW Or It's Over...'60-40 He Won't Make It'

"Stunning conversation with Robert Steele about Trump's survival chances unless he makes MAJOR changes in this top staff, immediately, and frees himself from being surrounded by traitors and treason. Many of Trump's Senior people including VP Pence are saying nearly the opposite of many of Trump's key announced policies and positions on he world stage. Many are predicting Trump with be forced to resign or will be impeached. Here the best analysis and overview yet" ...

Recorded Feb 27, 2017/ Published on Feb 28, 2017

44:13 minutes

Note Jeff goes on a rant for 6 minutes
with Robert Steele starting at 6:09 mark


28th February 2017, 17:28
I have had my problems with Bill Nye in the past but this is pretty sweet.



28th February 2017, 17:37
The originals ...


Question Mark
and the Mysterians



28th February 2017, 18:08
Little Donny ...


28th February 2017, 19:23
Jeff Rense & Robert Steele -
Trump Must Clean House NOW Or It's Over...'60-40 He Won't Make It'

"Stunning conversation with Robert Steele about Trump's survival chances unless he makes MAJOR changes in this top staff, immediately, and frees himself from being surrounded by traitors and treason. Many of Trump's Senior people including VP Pence are saying nearly the opposite of many of Trump's key announced policies and positions on he world stage. Many are predicting Trump with be forced to resign or will be impeached. Here the best analysis and overview yet" ...

Recorded Feb 27, 2017/ Published on Feb 28, 2017

44:13 minutes

Note Jeff goes on a rant for 6 minutes
with Robert Steele starting at 6:09 mark


Robert Steele has an agenda for sure. I do not say it is a good or bad one, though I think it is well meaning for sure. I think it comes down to poor ego management and nothing nefarious.

28th February 2017, 21:53
Shamangineer | Earth Alchemy, Plant Spirits, & Engineered Abundance


Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Earth alchemy, plant spirits and engineered abundance with Shamangineer.

As a returning guest, Shamangineer is back to pick up where he left off last time. Continuing with his “elemental series” of chats, he stops by and helps us continue on our path to enlightenment of pre-colonial American, their animist outlook, use of fire, & much more.

2:40 Starting things off and surveying the landscape, Greg and Shamangineer begin by discussing the state of the U.S. when it was invaded by Europeans. Contrary to population belief, it was much more different than simply the absence of buildings, but rather a land of abundance. Reframing our understanding is crucial to furthering our education of pre-colonialist America and Native American cultivation.

10:10 Continuing with the discussion, Shamangineer provides several examples of abundance from rivers overflowing with salmon, to treelines so thick a squirrel needn’t touch the forest floor. He also elaborates on the miraculous gardeners responsible for this engineering and the techniques employed by Natives to cultivate such a bounty of available resources.

19:25 After examining the ways in which Native Americans used the element of fire as an agricultural tool and a means of increasing efficiency in synergy with other elements, Shamangineer addresses if this can be attributed to a significantly lower populous or true environmental manipulation.

25:42 Although there are many references to warring factions of Native American tribes, Shamangineer elaborates on what it was really like and whether there was a sense of cohesion and inter-connectedness or competition and contention.

32:10 Greg and Shamangineer discuss research of The Great Gordon White that indicates cultures with a stronger spiritual and magical connection enjoy more stable and refined civilizations.

37:00 A big part of ancient Native American mysticism not only involved the use of Ayahuasca, but also the employment of herbs and plants as the bedrock of medicine and healing. Shamangineer details the value of this naturalist approach and offers insight into why these native practices have been cast aside.

44:10 It wasn’t that long ago we were living in a lush land of excess; Shamangineer walks us through exactly how we got here. He also begins to touch on exactly how we dig our way out of this hole and discusses techniques such as biodynamics.


Published on Feb 28, 2017


28th February 2017, 22:11
Shamangineer | Earth Alchemy, Plant Spirits, & Engineered Abundance


Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Earth alchemy, plant spirits and engineered abundance with Shamangineer.

As a returning guest, Shamangineer is back to pick up where he left off last time. Continuing with his “elemental series” of chats, he stops by and helps us continue on our path to enlightenment of pre-colonial American, their animist outlook, use of fire, & much more.

Published on Feb 28, 2017


I like THC videos and the interviewer. Did not make it long with Shamangineer last time. Will give him a second attempt to engage me.

28th February 2017, 23:03
Ep. 615 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ James Gilliland : ECETI Ranch

Published on Feb 28, 2017

James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee.

He is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon.

James’s books include: Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. He is the host of the documentary Contact Has Begun and has been featured on His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hot-spots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special and Paranormal State.

He is a speaker at events such as the International UFO Congress, Contact in the Desert and the Star Knowledge Conferences.

Air date: February 27, 2017

James Gilliland segment starts at the 32 minute mark


My personal pics of the Mt Adams portal ...
Viewed in inferred taken approx 11:30 pm night-time - July 2012

Referred to by James during the above interview ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/308984_398433850218509_319260845_n.jpg?oh=e8fa024f 6d5e5baa2575dbf1ec21a726&oe=592DD2DC

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/557318_398434216885139_34092296_n.jpg?oh=6dcbe0ed3 13f4158325d2481f39855e7&oe=5937A4FA

28th February 2017, 23:33
Casual Kellyanne ... (http://abc7ny.com/politics/kellyanne-conway-oval-office-photos-spark-debate/1777108/)


28th February 2017, 23:49
Casual Kellyanne ... (http://abc7ny.com/politics/kellyanne-conway-oval-office-photos-spark-debate/1777108/)


Good flexibility for a 50 year old. Apparently, some press outlets made her the focus of this meeting rather than the meeting itself, of the racist-in-chief with the presidents of black colleges. Obama met with rappers in the Oval Office some years back.

Viewing most of the faces, it looks like it was a good meeting today.

28th February 2017, 23:55
Your starting to remind me of Carol ~ over at the Mist ... :)

Hopefully i can make a post you like today.

PS ~ Just to let all know here, I'm not feeling the Trump'et !

IN PICS: German Carnival floats show Trump no mercy (https://www.thelocal.de/20170227/in-pics-german-carnival-floats-show-trump-no-mercy)

https://www.thelocal.de/userdata/images/article/eadad4c08215c276e6e10d7db0424134f9508e88d74d36be73 d1b3e7fd9a0669.jpg

1st March 2017, 00:23
Your starting to remind me of Carol ~ over at the Mist ... :)

Hopefully i can make a post you like today.

PS ~ Just to let all know here, I'm not feeling the Trump'et !

IN PICS: German Carnival floats show Trump no mercy (https://www.thelocal.de/20170227/in-pics-german-carnival-floats-show-trump-no-mercy)

https://www.thelocal.de/userdata/images/article/eadad4c08215c276e6e10d7db0424134f9508e88d74d36be73 d1b3e7fd9a0669.jpg

I enjoyed your post, Gio. I read the article and remarked on how Kellyanne was the focus of the piece rather than what might have been discussed or the reason of the meeting. Basically, fake news keeping it fake. The meeting was the news, not Kellyanne.

1st March 2017, 00:44
I purposely hide the story caption for that reason ...
Referring to the "Casual Kellyanne" ...

Come on admit she looks a bit slutty hot !

giggle :)

1st March 2017, 00:54
I purposely hide the story caption for that reason ...
Referring to the "Casual Kellyanne" ...

Come on admit she looks a bit slutty hot !

giggle :)

It is difficult for a bleach blonde to not look slutty. In fact, it might be the goal. Whether the personality admits it is another thing.:rolleyes:

1st March 2017, 01:04
It is difficult for a bleach blonde to not look slutty. In fact, it might be the goal. Whether the personality admits it is another thing.:rolleyes:

Just a regular free spirited Jersey girl ...


1st March 2017, 01:13
Gearing up for the big night ...

PBS NewsHour full episode Feb. 28, 2017

"Tuesday on the NewsHour, President Trump says the time is right for a new immigration law as he prepares to lay out his priorities in his first address to Congress. Also: White House efforts to support historically black colleges, students who live in one country and go to school in another, seeing the civil rights movement through powerful images and airlifting bison to a new home."

Published on Feb 28, 2017

54:42 minutes


1st March 2017, 01:13
Just a regular free spirited Jersey girl ...

Been there, done that.:eyebrows::love::whstl::thup::grin::ttr::Knig ht::wiz:

1st March 2017, 02:09

5 new brain disorders that were born out of the digital age

by Tammy Kennon
February 28, 2017

"It's hard to remember what life was like before we had the internet at our fingertips, smartphones in our pockets, and a laptop on every desk. Today, our brains are racing to adapt to the digital age. Cognitive neuroscientists say all that time we now spend in front of screens has changed the way we read and comprehend. Internet browsing has shortened both our attention spans and our patience. And it's doing a number on our memories.

In one recent study, researchers asked people a series of trivia questions. Half the group was allowed to use Google, the other half was not. Then, in the second half of the study, all participants were given a new round of easier questions and told they could choose whether or not to use Google to answer them. Sounds pretty standard, right? But those who used the internet in the first round really struggled to answer any questions in the second round while relying solely on their own knowledge and memories. One-third of them didn't even try, reaching for Google immediately.

"Whereas before we might have tried to recall something on our own, now we don't bother," says lead author Dr. Benjamin Storm. "As more information becomes available via smartphones and other devices, we become progressively more reliant on it in our daily lives."

Of course, the internet has done a lot of good for the world. But considering these revelations, it's worth highlighting a few of the more recent disorders that experts blame on our digital obsession:

1. Nomophobia

Some people are afraid of spiders. Others, heights. Or maybe you're unreasonably fearful of clowns. The list of phobias is long, and researchers recently added one more: In 2012, the world learned of "No-Mobile Phobia" or "nomophobia" — the feeling of panic one has upon being separated from one's phone or tablet. In one U.K. survey, 73 percent of respondents felt panic when they misplaced their phone. And for another 14 percent, that panic spiraled into pure desperation.

But the research into this new fear is so new, it's hard to say conclusively whether nomophobia is good or bad for our long-term health. "Maybe the nomophobic have higher quality relationships," Piercarlo Valdesolo speculates at Scientific American. "Maybe the nomophobic have greater life satisfaction. Maybe they have more successful professional lives. Or maybe I should admit this is wishful thinking and try to detach from my device for a while."

2. Technoference

Our digital obsession might be doing more than just making us feel a bit panicky. It could also be dragging down our relationships. In one 2014 study, more than half of the 143 participants said that tech devices interrupt their leisure time, conversations, and meals with their significant other. The researchers gave these interruptions a name: "technoference." Not surprisingly, higher technoference correlated directly with lower relationship and life satisfaction. "We would still hypothesize that when partners experience what they perceive to be an interruption due to technology, their views of the relationship are likely to suffer, especially if these interruptions are frequent," says Brandon T. McDaniel, one of the study's authors.

But it gets worse. Another study found that smartphones are getting in the way of our sex lives. A stunning 40 percent of participants said they'd postponed sex because of smartphone use. Some admitted to hurrying through sex just to answer a phone call or read a mobile notification. "I'll be on Facebook and he'll be on a sporting app while we are both in bed," one participant admitted, "then we realize that we are literally sitting in bed together, but living in different worlds."

3. The phantom ring

Fauxcellarm, phantom ringing, and ringxiety are new to our lexicon, thanks to the universal presence of our buzzing, pinging smartphones. These terms refer to the perception that one's mobile device is ringing (or, more precisely, vibrating) when, in fact, it is not. David Laramie, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles, studied this phenomenon for his dissertation. Among the 320 adult mobile phone users he polled, two-thirds of them reported experiencing phantom ringing. That is, they "heard" their phone ringing when it actually wasn't. "Phantom vibrations are this unusual curiosity that speaks to our connection with our phones," Laramie told Wired.

What causes this weird phenomenon? "What happens, I think, is that because your clothes are rubbing against your skin, you cause activity in the same receptors, and that activity is just similar enough to the activity caused by a vibrating phone that it triggers the learned association and the perception of a vibrating phone," Sliman Bensmaia, a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago, explains.

4. Cyberchondria

Hypochondria is not a new disorder, but the internet has taken it to the next level. In the broadest definition, cyberchondria refers to people who research and diagnose their own illnesses online. Sure, we've probably all done that — in fact, one in three American adults say they have used the internet to self-diagnose. But for some people who might already be prone to hypochondria, this can be detrimental. They get neurotic, and go down a Google wormhole, frantically reading about every dreaded disease that matches their symptoms. A search for abdominal pain brings up diagnoses that include everything from food poisoning to stomach cancer, and soon, the Googler is convinced they're dying.

This is a huge problem considering that online symptom checkers are wrought with inconsistencies and inaccuracies. More than half the time, the top diagnoses matching a symptom search will be wrong, one study found.

"For a number of reasons, most medical professionals aren't too happy about the self-diagnosis trend," writes psychologist Mary Aiken at Quartz. "It isn't simply a matter of loss of control or an undermining of their authority through online medical searches — it can mess with the diagnostic process, because the results can suggest rare or morbid conditions to patients, which in turn can prompt the appearance of new 'symptoms.'"

5. Truman Show Delusion

Do you ever have that spooky feeling that someone's watching you? In the 1998 film The Truman Show, Truman Burbank had that feeling too, only his turned out to be true. Although the film was intended as a sort of dark comedy, it is not funny to those suffering from the Truman Show Delusion, the false perception that their lives are being broadcast. Joel Gold, a professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine, first identified the syndrome in 2003.

Gold is co-author of Suspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness, along with his brother Ian Gold, professor of philosophy and psychiatry at McGill University. They claim the disorder is not a new diagnosis but a fresh twist on persecutory and grandiose illusions. And while it isn't directly caused by our digital devices, Truman Show Delusion is a product of our overly connected, reality-TV obsessed, social media–driven lifestyles that nurture our most narcissistic qualities.

"Shifts in technology have caused the content of delusions to change over the years," writes Colin Lecher at Popular Science. "In the 1940s, the Japanese controlled American minds with radio waves; in the '50s, the Soviets accomplished this with satellites; in the '70s, the CIA implanted computer chips into people's brains. And today's delusion fuel? Take your pick of the Kardashian sisters, then compound it with a dose of the latest NSA revelations. The resulting delusions aren't real, but they certainly aren't random: They're a half-skip past reality, a snippet of the world taken and blown out of proportion.""

Source: The Week (http://theweek.com/articles/677922/5-new-brain-disorders-that-born-digital-age)

1st March 2017, 03:50
From 1967
Back in the day ...


♪ The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde ♪ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBQ0FR_rQ5Q)


Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway couldn’t stop fighting before Oscars

Hollywood insiders say that feuding between Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway may have helped bungle the Best Picture presentation at the Oscars well before the awards show even started ... Read the rest (http://pagesix.com/2017/02/28/warren-beatty-and-faye-dunaway-couldnt-stop-fighting-before-oscars/?_ga=1.174564066.1940877003.1473634568)

1st March 2017, 03:56

1st March 2017, 03:59
From 1967
Back in the day ...


♪ The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde ♪ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBQ0FR_rQ5Q)


Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway couldn’t stop fighting before Oscars

Hollywood insiders say that feuding between Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway may have helped bungle the Best Picture presentation at the Oscars well before the awards show even started ... Read the rest (http://pagesix.com/2017/02/28/warren-beatty-and-faye-dunaway-couldnt-stop-fighting-before-oscars/?_ga=1.174564066.1940877003.1473634568)

Sounds like tense and tight situation. Tighter than the skin on Faye's face.:fpalm:

1st March 2017, 04:04
Now she was hot back in the day ...

Remember she was once married to Peter Wolf of J Geils Band

Here at the 49th Academy Awards

http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xr/106081469.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=3&d=77BFBA49EF87892102A727B1636DE2E6D6A65505798D2F97 13A254F2A8875C76B8A6D411ABCEEED0E30A760B0D811297

1st March 2017, 04:19

Woodland Kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis) in South Africa by Chris Krog.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16998770_1278463562232798_5861214435639397070_n.jp g?oh=f2368819c12e442d5269075b0f4aedb2&oe=593544B3

1st March 2017, 05:09
After all the speeches ...
What's next ...

Betting on Trump: Jobs | FRONTLINE

"What do Trump’s economic promises to the manufacturing industry mean to voters in Erie, Pennsylvania?
Manufacturing jobs in Erie have been declining since the ‘70s, and the county bet on Donald Trump to revive them -- after voting for Obama twice. One small business owner says, “We’ve never seen anything like him before and I think that scares people, but I think the people who voted for him, they are hopeful.”

Published on Feb 16, 2017

Segment: 10:17 minutes


Betting on Trump: Coal | FRONTLINE

"What do Trump’s economic promises to the coal industry mean to voters in West Virginia?
Twelve thousand mining jobs have disappeared in the state over the last few years -- and 70 percent of the vote went to Trump. One former coal miner says, “I’ve been a registered Democrat all my life, but I crossed over this year. I voted for Donald Trump, because he promised to help the coal miner.”

11:21 minutes


Betting on Trump: Water | FRONTLINE

"What do Trump’s economic promises to the farming industry mean to voters in California’s Central Valley? One in five jobs in the region are connected to agriculture, while water has been in short supply -- and most counties voted red in this otherwise blue state. One farmer says, “I think everybody, including myself, was shocked that he was elected, but I voted for Donald Trump because he does give us a better chance of getting things back on track.”

11:26 minutes


1st March 2017, 05:25
It is difficult for a bleach blonde to not look slutty. In fact, it might be the goal. Whether the personality admits it is another thing.:rolleyes:

Oh, bleach blonde thread >


1st March 2017, 05:30
Will ... :Bump:

After all the speeches ...
What's next ...

Betting on Trump: Jobs | FRONTLINE

"What do Trump’s economic promises to the manufacturing industry mean to voters in Erie, Pennsylvania?
Manufacturing jobs in Erie have been declining since the ‘70s, and the county bet on Donald Trump to revive them -- after voting for Obama twice. One small business owner says, “We’ve never seen anything like him before and I think that scares people, but I think the people who voted for him, they are hopeful.”

Published on Feb 16, 2017

Segment: 10:17 minutes


Betting on Trump: Coal | FRONTLINE

"What do Trump’s economic promises to the coal industry mean to voters in West Virginia?
Twelve thousand mining jobs have disappeared in the state over the last few years -- and 70 percent of the vote went to Trump. One former coal miner says, “I’ve been a registered Democrat all my life, but I crossed over this year. I voted for Donald Trump, because he promised to help the coal miner.”

11:21 minutes


Betting on Trump: Water | FRONTLINE

"What do Trump’s economic promises to the farming industry mean to voters in California’s Central Valley? One in five jobs in the region are connected to agriculture, while water has been in short supply -- and most counties voted red in this otherwise blue state. One farmer says, “I think everybody, including myself, was shocked that he was elected, but I voted for Donald Trump because he does give us a better chance of getting things back on track.”

11:26 minutes


1st March 2017, 05:30
:back to topic:


1st March 2017, 06:44
Thanks Rad ... :thup:

To all please note i have requested a change to the thread title ...

From - Gio's Cosmic Emporium - to - The Cosmic Emporium

Hopefully this will meet my desire to make the thread more appealing
for other forum members to post freely and often here.

With a very special thanks to all the guest who visit here regularly at ...

The Cosmic Emporium


1st March 2017, 07:31
For your inspection ...

Nassim Haramein - "Brainlessness" and Breakthroughs

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Alexis sits down with physicist and consciousness researcher Nassim Haramein to discuss the phenomenon of "brainlessness" - the ability to function normally with major part of brain matter missing!

This begs the question - If this is possible, then what is REALLY the origin of consciousness? We examine this provocative question and much more!

Filmed on-location in Los Angeles at the 15th Annual Conscious Life Expo.

Published on Feb 28, 2017

46:35 minutes


1st March 2017, 15:10
The first thing I thought of when I saw the Kellyanne picture was, does she have her shoes on? And she does.:fpalm:

I'm no slave to decorum, but I'd have to be stoned or drunk to do that.

1st March 2017, 15:20
Best Day ...
But what goes up ...


Dow surpasses 21,000 for the first time ever (http://nypost.com/2017/03/01/dow-surpasses-21000-for-the-first-time-ever/)

1st March 2017, 15:30
Good morning!

Post operative anesthetic reactions can cause nausea and vomiting. Sometimes acute confusion and dehydration: Must consume mass quantities of coffee today due to the anesthesia dispersed causing a temporary induced loss of sensation and awareness.

Awareness that the very things dispersed by the seemingly medicated version of Trump, his rhetoric and misleading facts. Trump who finally got his fix of love me praise for a speech that was indeed written and read to the letter varnished each paragraph. He would end said paragraph and then utter after reading...True...true, or Sad, really sad.

This medicated version of Trump did not veer off the written nationalist speech for which he got such praise by his constituents and republican colleagues to vow yet again to build a great great wall! Focusing on crimes of immigrants as one part theme. While completely ignoring that earlier in the day before the medication was administered his idea that hate crimes are now a false flag by his enemies which stirred controversy all the way back to Israel causing them to say wtf dude!


Lets ask the family of the Indian murder just recently in a bar in Kansas or perhaps the family's of the victims of a South Carolina kid who went into a church to murder the congregation because they were simply black. Lets instead focus on immigration crime and not hate crime while blaming them on some damned false flag.

Lets step back before he decided to even run for POTUS.

FBI data shows that the number of reported anti-Muslim hate crimes surged by 67% from 2014 to 2015 (2016 data is not yet available).

There were 78 instances of mosques being targeted — counting arson, vandalism and other destruction — in 2015. By comparison, 2014 saw just 20 such incidents.

Here is an actual break down of 2015 hate crime by the FBI


But lets give credit where credit is due. He is promising to do what he set out to do and is doing it in any way he sees fit. This has to have made his base of voters very proud.

Hay...Anathesia works! In an incredibly misleading claim they will believe that 94 Million Americans are out of workforce.

The problem with that is; there are only around 212 million U.S. adults, this would be an unemployment rate of 44%. The actual rate is below 5%. But who the heck cares! It sounds good so say it! Say it loud and proud and the only man who can fix it is you know who!

A little fact checking please:

Trump is actually using an out-of-date figure. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, relying on a monthly survey known as the Current Population Survey (CPS), shows that, as of August 2016, 94.4 million Americans 16 years and older were “not in labor force.”

How is this number developed? Well, there is a civilian noninstitutional population of 253.9 million people, and 159.5 million are in the labor force. The difference yields the 94.4 million figure.

But the unemployment rate is only 4.9 percent because just 7.8 million people actively are looking for a job and cannot find one. They are considered part of the overall labor force. In other words, you have to be seeking a job to be counted in the labor force.

Who are the 94 million not in the labor force? The BLS has data for the year 2015.

It turns out that 87.5 million — 93 percent — do not want a job at all. About 40 percent of the 94 million were 65 years and over (including about 19 percent age 75 or older), indicating they were retired. About 12 percent were between ages 16 and 19, indicating they were still in school. About 25 percent had a disability, though just over half of the people with a disability who were not in the labor force were 65 years and over.

Of the 41 million people ages 16 to 54 who were not in the labor force, roughly a third were enrolled in school in 2015. People ages 16 to 24 account for a large majority—about 85 percent—of these 15 million students not in the labor force.

Finally, of the people who were not in the labor force in 2015, about 14 percent (13 million) were parents of children under age 18. This includes about 4 million people not in the labor force with a child under 3.



But hay 94 million sounded so good! And worth fighting for! Give them enough anesthesia and they will not know the difference.

Damn those fake news agencies to hell for telling facts when I sounded so good last night!

One small thing that just won't go away...and was not mentioned once!


On that note I could go on but need to consume more mass quantities of Coffee to alleviate post anesthetic reactions. I leave you with this on that....it's really worth a listen and I'm starting to see why Russia and Trump are becoming synonymous.

The western version King of fertilizer? Or the Amityville Horror? Entertainment at it's finest. Don't forget a little Amytal for your coffee!


have a great day!

1st March 2017, 15:41
Speaking of ...


Commerce secretary wears $500 slippers to Trump’s speech (http://nypost.com/2017/03/01/commerce-secretary-wears-velvet-slippers-to-trumps-speech/)

1st March 2017, 16:13
But lets give credit where credit is due. He is promising to do what he set out to do and is doing it in any way he sees fit. This has to have made his base of voters very proud.

A little fact checking please:

Damn those fake news agencies to hell for telling facts when I sounded so good last night!

One small thing that just won't go away...and was not mentioned once!


The western version King of fertilizer?


have a great day!

But what goes up ...

Will surely come down ...

Thanks Brook !

1st March 2017, 17:03
Earlier today ...

Eric Burton down in Jamaica ...

Click screen to watch

Still Spilling The Wine

And Digging That Pearl !

Eric Burdon & War


1st March 2017, 17:11

1st March 2017, 17:43
Will surely come down ...

Thanks Brook !

Arigato to you Gio.

One thing I did want to mention since he did bring up AFFORDABLE care and the ACA repeal:

Common sense regarding the stock market watch is that the pricing of drugs would come down right? Makes sense no? He's even mentioned the incredible cost of drugs in America as has Bernie Sanders. Prices come down through some kind of mandate...and logic would be so goes the stock?

Well if that's the case....why in the last three months of stock pricing have the drug stocks steadily been rising?

Here is a list of the major drug stock symbols:


Take that stock symbol...any one of them and plug it in here. Than look at the three months graph:


Here is a market watch article which concludes: Trump plan...Raise prices outside the U.S., and lower prices in the U.S.

This seems to be his fix for everything he wants to do...Does he realize these moves on other countries can and will have a repercussion? Tit for tat I just saw recently somewhere...LOL (inside joke)


Well bottom line...it's not an easy fix...and would be a long time coming for such a fix while prices here would remain high...just like they are now and the stock prices are reflecting that very thing. Worth noting unless there is something I'm missing big time.

In the meantime Jeff Sessions made a statement that violent crimes are caused by marijuana and wants to kick down a potential gold mine and billion dollar industry in jobs and income for states like Colorado and California and where ever else it's legal! Go figure...

Jeff Sessions Issues Ominous Warning On State Marijuana Legalization


Are you Sirius? What are they doing in Colorado...beating up people with a barrage of Pizza and donuts?


Colorado Topped $1 Billion in Legal Marijuana Sales in 2016


1st March 2017, 17:54

Go "Evergreen State" ...

Washington state will resist federal crackdown on legal weed, AG Ferguson says (http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/marijuana/washington-state-will-resist-federal-crackdown-on-legal-weed-ag-ferguson-says/)

1st March 2017, 19:07
Up at the Ranch

Late summer 2012

My buddy Artemus & Myself
with James in the background ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/577407_10151245480410730_1609773578_n.jpg?oh=745d1 ce7f21fc2a8e0c4b7d66fc50b51&oe=593E7D14

The Green Yurt/ Blue Elephant...
UFO's Elementals and Bigfoots ...
From the infamous porch !

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/388997_503143283035725_1408402437_n.jpg?oh=0506ac7 065bc1f32047482357e42c18f&oe=5934AAC8

With JG (Mr Spaceman) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaj0MQaf55Q) ... giggle :)

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/283642_503145296368857_353117138_n.jpg?oh=2b717773 a5709c7661ffbcc39013757c&oe=5938CA40

Bump ...

Ep. 615 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ James Gilliland : ECETI Ranch

Published on Feb 28, 2017

James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee.

He is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon.

James’s books include: Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. He is the host of the documentary Contact Has Begun and has been featured on His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hot-spots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special and Paranormal State.

He is a speaker at events such as the International UFO Congress, Contact in the Desert and the Star Knowledge Conferences.

Air date: February 27, 2017

James Gilliland segment starts at the 32 minute mark


1st March 2017, 22:28
Jeff Sessions Issues Ominous Warning On State Marijuana Legalization


Are you Sirius? What are they doing in Colorado...beating up people with a barrage of Pizza and donuts?


Colorado Topped $1 Billion in Legal Marijuana Sales in 2016



84% support NO JAIL TIME for MARIJUANA



I read this article and it seems to me that one good reason to keep marijuana illegal is so "someone" can make large amounts of money on the black market?

The rise of the homegrown weed industry has come at a cost, though: In 2016, U.S. Border Patrol reported that "marijuana seizures along the southwest border tumbled to their lowest level in at least a decade," The Washington Post reported. Between 2011 and 2015, seizures dropped 39 percent, according to Fortune.

"Cracking down on licensed retailers isn't going to make marijuana go away," Tom Angell, founder of the advocacy group Marijuana Majority, told ATTN:.
"Many people consumed cannabis before legalization," Angell said, "and they will continue to do so regardless of the law. I'm sure cartels and gangs would love the opportunity to take back some of the market share they lose every time we end prohibition in another state."

During Thursday's press conference, Spicer seemed to suggest that cracking down on marijuana could stem the country's deepening opioid crisis.

"When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states across this country," he said, "the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people."

However, history suggests that the opioid crisis is not a product of people using marijuana as a gateway drug, but rather follows a crack down on prescription painkillers and the introduction of harder-to-abuse pills that appears to have pushed drug abusers to heroin. Nor does the rise abuse correlate to marijuana legalization; in fact, a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Public Health "found an association between a state legalizing medical marijuana and a reduction in testing positive for opioids," U.S.. News reported.


https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16806765_615305555260764_9102144145719737985_n.png ?oh=c7ff79f9fc5caa2c6dbec83fff58ce81&oe=592C6171

and deprive states of revenue


I listened to Rick Simpson and a couple of other active participants for/in medical marijuana in the Netherlands. I liked what Rick Simpson suggested. The Oil form is the most effective for many issues. It takes a large amount of base material. The need that people have is also an avenue to help spread both information about hemp/cannibis/marijuana and the plant itself.

The Indica strains are the ones that RS encourages as they help with sleep and relaxation. If someone needs the oil, he suggests they receive it from the community of MM supporters BUT with the caveat that they will then grow the plant. Thus spreads the plants far and wide and IMO this is real resistance....so many plants in the world that the weed overwhelms the attempt to suppress.

I have been learning a great deal about the hemp family. the breeding ofcannibis hasrefined certain characteristics of the "landrace" originals but the growing is just as important for defined purposes. The male plant is often destroyed and the female cloned which is because of the THC content wanted (when the market is such that this is the prize). If one were growing at home, there would be a whole different relationship. The plant is full of good in so many ways. I am sure this crowd is aware of the symbiosis that once existed between us and this beauty. That most have no clue can be changed and the MM benefits are a hook.

I enjoy the ideal of mass surges of "flower power" overwhelming all obstacles.
Actually some will cringe at this vision since "my"male plant would send pollen out to females within a couple of miles and this would convert the female flowwer from resin making to be a seed producer. And Indica strains and sativa strains will all cross willy nilly and then the "non THC"plant for fiber would mix in and OH NO!!

YES,regulation is GOOD but not as the troglodytes think of such. And YES, it becomes very interesting looking at the idea of APPROPRIATE restraints.

Despite the swirling torrent of Dis and Mis Information on the subject, the World’s relationship to a subject that has been taboo for over a hundred years is about to change forever. The reason for the global prohibition on Cannabis and Hemp is a very simple and surprisingly benevolent one. No NOT because smoking pot gives you cancer or makes you sterile or rots your brain, NOR is it because NYLON fiber is better than HEMP. Or that Petroleum based fuels are better then Hemp-based cellulosic ETHANOL. Not because Pharmaceutical synthetic drugs are better than solid (HEMPSEED Based) nutrition and exercise, none of these.

The simple truth is that the human global economy and culture has been tooling up to RUN THE WORLD using this wondrous resource, as predicted by JACK HERER, the man who devoted his life to exploring and publicizing the amazingness of the Cannabis Plant. Prohibition has allowed for the global segregation of the various industrial production possibilities inherent in the plant. As the genetic variations of the plant provide multiple useful products, it follows that it would make sense to structure the system that would deliver this production geographically, so as to maximize the ability to prevent strain degradation by cross pollination between the various strains bred for the various production needs. Now that it is all but over, and the ramp up of the global hemp economy set to begin, this information is important for those who have found their way to this article, and that is the reason that it has been cleared for public knowledge.

Watch as Cannabis Hemp comes into the mainstream, bringing great relief, but NOT only in the goofy way that all of you imagine… It’s much much Larger than that, seriously VERY COOL.

thanks to the group (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) that worked diligently across time and space to bring this forth, we are all eternally grateful.http://www.majik.org/cruxenrose/?tag=agribusiness

2nd March 2017, 04:31
'Did you ever wonder why things are the way they are' ...

Ep. 616 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Tom Edison : Connecting the Dots Theory

Published on Mar 1, 2017

Tom Edison, a dedicated writer and author, has completed his most recent book “Connect The Dots Theory”. It is an eye-catching and in-depth investigative look at the extremely complex multidimensional reality that we exist in on Planet Earth.

"Connect the Dots Theory" correlates the underlying mechanics of physical reality and other hidden factors to solve many classic riddles of life.

From revealing to the world the first view of the most magnificent looking unidentified hovering spacecraft ever captured on 35mm film, to the perfect “light/energy” manifestations of the famous Twin Towers that automatically appear within any two adjacent clear crystal pyramids; the many 35mm photos and their enlargements substantiate the numerous conclusions within “Connect The Dots Theory”.

Air date: February 28, 2017

Tom Edison segment starts at the 32 minute mark
Cut to the chase start at 42 minute mark


2nd March 2017, 05:09
From England ...
The beginning of the end of mobile madness ...

19, becomes the first to lose his licence for using a gadget
at the wheel since penalties doubled this morning (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4271246/Drivers-caught-using-mobile-phones-wheel-again.html)

2nd March 2017, 05:36
Fuhgeddaboudit ...

229 House Republicans just voted to keep Trump’s tax returns secret (https://thinkprogress.org/229-house-republicans-just-voted-to-keep-trumps-tax-returns-secret-a6843e9a6260#.o9u5nf2j4)

2nd March 2017, 05:45

Black-throated Tit (Aegithalos concinnus) in Jiangxi, China by Phillip Edwards.

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/17021483_1280728828672938_242165609847765905_n.jpg ?oh=c4a3b3c90f24306721bfee441e6a25d1&oe=59278333

2nd March 2017, 05:54
And speaking of birds ...

GoPro: Eagle Hunters in a New World

"On the Western plains of Mongolia a nomadic group of Kazakhs continue the ancient practice of hunting with golden eagles. The Burkitshi are a small and dwindling community, eager to pass on their traditions in the face of growing modernization in Mongolia."

Published on Mar 1, 2017

15:40 minutes

Best watch in full screen


2nd March 2017, 06:05
'Take me back to the place i know' ...


Andros Island, Bahamas

On The Beach - Chris Rea


2nd March 2017, 06:53
I shall rise again ...

Tomorrow !


2nd March 2017, 07:09
Breaking tonight....Jeff Sessions might want to take up smoking weed after this news...

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose

Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Justice Department officials said, encounters he did not disclose when asked about possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow during Sessions’s confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

One of the meetings was a private conversation between Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that took place in September in the senator’s office, at the height of what U.S. intelligence officials say was a Russian cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential race.

The previously undisclosed discussions could fuel new congressional calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 presidential election. As attorney general, Sessions oversees the Justice Department and the FBI, which have been leading investigations into Russian meddling and any links to Trump’s associates. He has so far resisted calls to recuse himself.


Now listen to this:


I did not have international relations with that Russian!


What was Sean Spicer working a few days ago to get the FBI to tell the public that those stories are fake news?

FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories


This came from "Justice Department Officials....the same department that Jeff Sessions is AG for. Whoa!!!!!!!!!!

He lied under oath and mind you...this is the same diplomat who's conversations were recorded when Flynn got busted lying to the VP about speaking to one and the same.

2nd March 2017, 07:11
Olfactic perception ...

Joshua Cutchin | A Smell Based Exopse’ of Alien, Crypid, & Spirit Encounters


"Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he and returning guest, Joshua Cutchin explore the smells and scents associated with aliens, spirits and cryptid encounters.

While we are all familiar with the lore of Greys, ghosts, and Bigfoot, one aspect we may not be as well-versed in, is the scents and smells that can accompany these entities. Today's returning guest, Joshua Cutchin, has researched the olfaction phenomena associated with these interactions and joins The Higherside to discuss his recent work, "The Brimstone Deceit (https://www.amazon.com/Brimstone-Deceit-Depth-Supernatural-Otherworldly/dp/1938398645)"" ...

Published on Mar 1, 2017

1:01:39 minutes


2nd March 2017, 12:52
I love these tiny unassuming little birds with songs so complex that they are being compared to "Mozart in the bird kingdom". I discovered it by chance and that it's my animal sign in Celtic Astrology. It made me laugh as it is giving me a bit away....;)

Here's a comment from youtube:

mike adkins5 months ago
THE GOOD LORDS MESSENGER a wren got in my basement somehow so i walked down the steps i said to the tiny wren follow me i`ll let you out back up the steps i go with the wren close behind me over by the back door a counter top the wren lands just very close to my hand i open the door and the screen door out the tiny birds go`s it seems the bird understood every word i said. so now it seems the tiny wren was trying to tell me something like you lucks about to change and it did , thank you holy GOD for these beautiful birds. mikee


2nd March 2017, 14:03
I didn't know Teal Swan's background. I've stumbled across a video here on the forum (http://jandeane81.com/threads/1562-Disturbing-Child-Abuse/page9?highlight=Jay+Parker) which is quite eye-opening for me.

2nd March 2017, 14:52
I didn't know Teal Swan's background. I've stumbled across a video here on the forum (http://jandeane81.com/threads/1562-Disturbing-Child-Abuse/page9?highlight=Jay+Parker) which is quite eye-opening for me.

Perhaps you should be more explicit on this post - By referring to Teal Swan's connection to this interview subject matter ... I have much respect for Teal Swan and am very well aware of her troubled/disturbing past - Note Bill Ryan's PA forum have tried to basically assassinate her character (referring to her as a hoax) and I do take issue with that kind of labeling.

Bottom line she was an abused victim !

With respect

2nd March 2017, 15:05
Perhaps this is a good time to make this announcement ...

I will be taking an extended hiatus at the end of March from posting.
This is due personal family matters and just plain exhaustion.

So enjoy it while you can folks ... :)

2nd March 2017, 15:16
I'll enjoy your offerings until then and hope you will be well rested and return from your hiatus renewed and refreshed.

The Emporium will remain Cosmic.:magic:,

*edit I did not understand "Perhaps you should be more explicit on this post" as a question or request.

2nd March 2017, 15:25
I'll enjoy your offerings until then and hope you will be well rested and return from your hiatus renewed and refreshed.

The Emporium will remain Cosmic.:magic:,

Again you need to answer my post.

What is your point?

Perhaps i will start that hiatus right now.

Tke care all ... :)

2nd March 2017, 15:33
I think I'm missing something here. I linked to the other thread rather than embedding the video here because I thought her current videos were more appropriate as that is what you have been posting.

I've watched all three of the original news segments from Idaho and am in the process of posting about it on a more appropriate thread.

Honestly, the only reason I brought it up here is because you have posted her videos and I know you understand her story and I'm only just learning it.

Fred Steeves
2nd March 2017, 15:47
I think I'm missing something here too. Gio my man, whatever's on your mind today you're taking it out on the wrong person.

2nd March 2017, 15:57
I think I'm missing something here. I linked to the other thread rather than embedding the video here because I thought her current videos were more appropriate as that is what you have been posting.

I've watched all three of the original news segments from Idaho and am in the process of posting about it on a more appropriate thread.

Honestly, the only reason I brought it up here is because you have posted her videos and I know you understand her story and I'm only just learning it.

I asked you to be more explicit and you finally responded on my prompt.

Don't turn this into something it isn't.

Regarding my hiatus/starting now.

2nd March 2017, 16:01
Perhaps this is a good time to make this announcement ...

I will be taking an extended hiatus at the end of March from posting.
This is due personal family matters and just plain exhaustion.

So enjoy it while you can folks ... :)

Be sure to rest a lot, Brother. It is the same advice I have just given to another friend — one whose health is also dwelling in dire straits, as are yours and mine. The importance of rest is highly underestimated in this adrenaline-driven world.
