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10th December 2016, 15:29
Truth Bomb - Max Igan talks with Mark Passio
Surviving the Matrix - Episode 276 - American Voice Radio
December 9th, 2016
10th December 2016, 16:10
Insights into the ongoing exploitation of a nation in crisis ...
Merci Congo
From Viceland Special
(Full Length 1 hr 22 min.)
"The Democratic Republic of the Congo has seen human suffering on a grand scale. "Merci Congo” examines this tragedy through the eyes of several impassioned activists struggling to bring peace to a nation that has known only war."
Published on Dec 10, 2016
10th December 2016, 17:54
A brief lull between storm fronts over Washington ...
Today AM ...
Trout Lake's Winter Wonderland Scenery pg?oh=a8eef3160e903727fdf92079f9b6cca6&oe=58E99D73
10th December 2016, 18:00
SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: Solar Wind Sparks Auroras (Dec 10th, 2016).
From Skyywatcher88
"SOLAR WIND SPARKS AURORAS: Earth is now fully inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a large coronal hole on the sun. The buffeting action of the stream is causing intermittent auroras around the Arctic Circle, some of them quite bright."
11th December 2016, 05:06
Every year, nearly one hundred thousand Japanese vanish without a trace. Known as the johatsu, or the “evaporated,” they are often driven by shame and hopelessness, leaving behind lost jobs, disappointed families, and mounting debts.
And yet, as exotic and foreign as their stories might appear to an outsider’s eyes ...
I sense this is only a tidbit of a much larger ongoing world phenomena.
The chilling stories behind Japan’s ‘evaporating people’ (
11th December 2016, 17:09
the great physiological change ...
Political Analysis Is Not Giving Us Hope - Morris
Published on Dec 11, 2016
11th December 2016, 18:50
Tweak/Tweak ...
Breaking Bad ...
Walter White came highly recommended
11th December 2016, 19:00
Speaking of tweaking ...
Trump: I’m smart, I don’t need intelligence briefings every day (
11th December 2016, 19:11
'He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind' ...
11th December 2016, 19:22
In & Out ...
Crossing Through The Bizarre And Chaotic Border: Brazil And Paraguay
From Brien Foerster
"One of the strangest border crossing is between Brazil and Paraguay.
No passport is required as this is not the actual border,
but entrance into a chaotic duty free zone."
Published on Dec 11, 2016
11th December 2016, 19:34
'No reason to get excited' ...
Egyptian Israeli border
All Along The Watchtower
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
11th December 2016, 19:47
5 Biggest US Government Mysteries & Darkest Undisclosed Secrets
From Top5s
__________________________________________________ __________________
"From the thought that the government is run by a handful of incredibly influential people in an Illuminati type scenario, to the nuclear briefcase that follows the president everywhere he goes and allows him to launch a nuclear attack at a minutes notice. Here are five things you probably didn't know about that government that are rarely shared with the public" .....
__________________________________________________ __________________
Published on Dec 11, 2016
11th December 2016, 23:20
I love ghost stories, so sharing a set of TV ghost tales.....
Shades of Darkness (TV Series 1983–1986)
One of the most intriguing mysteries is whether or not there is another plane of existence beyond our own. Shades of Darkness delves into the world of the supernatural with bizarre, inexplicable and frightening ghost stories as told by some of the greatest mystery authors of all time. (Elizabeth Bowen, C.H.B. Kitchin, May Sinclair, Edith Wharton)
12th December 2016, 00:53
the latest ...
Super Collider
"Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back for part 2 of his most important interview to date. They examine the unusual links between the obscure ancient technology that Farrell has researched in his Giza Death Star books and explore the deep connections it has with the futuristic dimensional doorway that the mysterious scientific organization CERN has created under the auspices of its controversial Hadron Collider experiments. Farrell sees the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland as shrouded in secrecy and finds that its Hadron Super Collider, ostensibly set up to unlock the 'Higgs Boson' or 'God Particle’ by the use of a particle physics experiment, is actually a public cover for a far different activity to covertly deploy a dimensional doorway developing super weapons for the 21st century that would be a modern version of the Manhattan Project with a massive military style budget of over six billion dollars!
Strangelets Intrigue
He cites the massive disturbances in the magnetosphere of the earth when the Hadron Collider is turned on and outlines that it may have serious consequences for physical life on earth and a major impact on the rotation of the planet itself. We also discover that voices in the scientific community have raised objections that CERN is unsafe due to the potential development of "Strangelets" a distorted potential byproduct of the matter smashing experiments that have been compared to mini black holes that suck in all dense matter and energy. He also shows the undeniable similarity between the CERN Hadron Collider and a Nazi Physics project called The Bell" that was an underground Torsion Physics project built by slave labor and overseen by the top Nazi Paperclip Scientists to give them a master weapon to rule the world!
Deep State Nazi Connections
Dark Journalist and Dr. Farrell investigate the history of CERN and demonstrate clear links of a post-war Nazi International through the figure of John J. McCloy , lawyer for notorious German corporate conglomerate IG Farben. McCloy was also the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and became the American High Commissioner for post World War II Germany. In a controversial action, McCloy helped clear and vet over 70,000 Nazis, helping to utilize their intelligence networks to set up the CIA.
One of the major figures that he cleared was top Nazi legal theorist and prisoner of war Dr. Walter Hallstein who was eventually responsible for helping to set up CERN and who was also a key architect for developing the the Nazi plan for a European Federation that was eventually adopted as the blueprint for the European Union. McCloy, in a strange twist, also served on the Warren Commission to whitewash any Deep State connections to the JFK Assassination. JFK was famously committed to "Smashing the CIA into a thousand pieces" as a way to root out the Nazi infiltration of the agency and regain control over the government from suspected Nazi collaborators like CIA director Allen Dulles."
Published on Dec 11, 2016
12th December 2016, 01:09
From Up at the Ranch ...
James Gilliland ~ As You Wish Talk Radio, 12/3/2016
Published on Dec 9, 2016
Length 60 min.
12th December 2016, 03:53
Dirty tricks don't always assure the fix... (
Clif High - dec2016wujo - Deep Woo,
Energy Universe
Deep Woo
spirit cooking
and You.
clif high
majic magic
A discussion of why some people think 'spirit cooking' works.
i lay out the framework of the energy universe and how it pertains to and supports some aspects of what we call 'majic'.
A few hints as to how to protect yourself from vibration disturbances such as majic.
That is 'fulvic' below,
Products to help you overcome the mineral depletion conditions affecting humanity. (
Published on Dec 11, 2016
12th December 2016, 19:58
Time Travel: The Story of John Titor - Interview with a real time traveller
From The Moore Show
Does the U.S. military have the ability to time travel? Will the world as we know it end sooner than we think? Has our timeline been changed without any of us knowing it? Is there at least one off world Earth colony in existence? Does the U.S. military have signed treaties with the Greys, the Reptilians and the Tall Whites? Does the U.S. military have an elite group of genetically- engineered cloned super soldiers? John Titor II served as commander of the 177th Time Travel Division at Area 51 from the years 2030 to 2036. He has traveled beyond and back. His life story is told here for the very first time as he reveals the hidden truths behind humanity’s biggest cover-ups.
Published on Dec 12, 2016
12th December 2016, 21:01
It was only a matter of time ...
Emoji translator wanted - London firm seeks specialist (
13th December 2016, 14:33
Getting harder to keep up with all this insane stuff ...
The Abnormalization of Dissent
"The spin, lies, manipulation and deceptions are coming so fast and thick it's increasingly difficult to document them all, let alone analyze them. But in the broad sweep of recent events we can see a common theme emerging: the abnormalization of dissent. And when political ideology boils down to nothing more than "real" and "fake" the control of political discourse through language itself is almost complete. Can outright censorship be far behind?"
Published on Dec 13, 2016
13th December 2016, 15:02
Jeff Rense & William Tompkins - Underground Tunnels & New UFO Physics
Referenced material:
From William Tompkins
UFO-ET Disclosure
Astonishing Technology (
Clip from December 09, 2016 / Published on Dec 12, 2016
13th December 2016, 22:52
Perhaps - if one's got the money ...
Macbook Pro with Touch Bar Review! Worth it?
Published on Dec 13, 2016
"MacBook Pro with touchbar: Worth living the dongle life?"
13th December 2016, 23:03
Clown envy ...
13th December 2016, 23:09
Anything you want ...
Back in the U.S.A.
Edgar Winter & White Trash
13th December 2016, 23:18
Speaking of living in the USA ...
Kanye West Details Donald Trump Meeting (
13th December 2016, 23:42
In a blink of an eye ...
Google unveils a 3-decade timelapse of the Earth.
Click screen to watch
14th December 2016, 00:08
Some Vintage Hollywood ...
The James Dean Story
Documentary by Robert Altman (1957)
Length 1 hr 19 min.
14th December 2016, 13:40
From Joseph P. Farrell
14th December 2016, 13:53
Hello June ...
Before the Fall
'A song written and performed by June Shellene ('
14th December 2016, 14:51
A fav video/vlogger from Downunder ...
Matthew Vandeputte
Slow motion waves and golden light
"We went instagramming (read: taking photos) at Queenscliff and Bradley's Head
on Noel Alvarenga's final day in Sydney.
Shot on a 1DXMkII at 100fps. Edited in Premiere Pro and AE."
Hi! My name's Matthew, I'm a Belgian living in Sydney (Australia).
I work as a timelapse & hyperlapse photographer. Because I visit a lot of fun places I decided to start vlogging on the side.
This channel ( mainly consists of my timelapse edits, travel vlogs, social media banter, timelapse tips and tricks and other random things I deem worthy uploading and sharing.
If any of these things interest you feel free to subscribe and leave a comment or a question :)
Thanks for stopping by and reading the description of this channel. I wonder how many people actually do that.
PS It's pronounced Matt-Joe-Z and it's what my great grandmother used to call me when I was a baby.Published on Dec 13, 2016
14th December 2016, 20:04
Some Vintage Hollywood ...
The James Dean Story
Documentary by Robert Altman (1957)
Thanks for the link and finding more docs from the uploader The Documentary Network (
I watched this one
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
He looked for instances of manifest unfairness and developed software to remedy it. Discovering that the provision of court transcripts in the US was essentially a commercial racket, he teamed up with other activists to right an obvious wrong: that the law was only readable by those with money.
He was similarly exercised at the fruits of taypayer-funded scientific research being monetised by a few ruthless publishing firms which charge outrageous fees to access the resulting academic papers. His first foray into this field involved downloading a trove of medical research papers and then data-mining them to uncover hitherto-undetected links between pharmaceutical firms and the authors of articles in prestigious journals.
His downfall came when he turned his attention to JSTOR, a digital library of academic articles hidden behind a paywall. He devised a method of downloading large numbers of articles from JSTOR, using a computer hidden in a closet at MIT. He was arrested in January 2011 and pursued by federal prosecutors with a vindictive zeal, eventually being indicted on a raft of charges which carried a potential jail sentence of 35 years. Ground down by this, he hanged himself on 11 January 2013. News of his death left countless people saddened and enraged. What had made the Feds so vindictive? Sure, he had broken the law. But it wasn’t as if he’d hacked a bank. What came to mind was Alexander Pope’s rhetorical question: Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?. “The act was harmless” wrote Tim Wu, a law professor at Columbia. “There was no actual physical harm, nor actual economic harm. The leak was found and plugged; JSTOR suffered no actual economic loss. It did not press charges. Like a pie in the face, Swartz’s act was annoying to its victim but of no lasting consequence.”
One explanation for the vindictive prosecution puts it down to a politically ambitious federal attorney anxious to make a name for himself. But there is a darker, interpretation – that the authorities had noted how effective Swartz had become as an activist (he had, after all, mobilised the net community to stop the internet censorship legislation of the SOPA bill), and they were determined to make an example of him pour décourager les autres. Which, if true, would mean the Obama administration has taken a leaf out of the Chinese book on internet control: people can say more or less what they like online; but the moment they look like mobilising people, then you come down on them like the ton of bricks that crushed Aaron Swartz.Aaron Swartz stood up for freedom and fairness – and was hounded to his death
John Naughton (
14th December 2016, 23:03
A quickie ...
Sebastian Maniscalco
From Whole Foods Market
"I can't see you"
Click screen to watch
15th December 2016, 08:33
Kerry Cassidy w/ Walter Bosley: Encounter
"I will be interviewing Walter Bosley, for AFOSI officer about his new book SHIMMERING LIGHT ( regarding
his father's close encounter of the third kind, mind control and the underground base in Arizona"...
Walter Bosley's speculations on a strange tale his father shared about a USAF project somewhere in Arizona with connections to the Roswell UFO crash legend. The author presents the connections between his father's military service, Operation Paperclip scientists and CIA mind control programs. Was there a classified underground facility serving a secret USAF manned space program in the 1950s? Walter Bosley offers his best educated guesses and far out speculations on a scenario involving the otherworldly account his late father shared over the course of forty years. A personal analysis by the researcher of breakaway civilization legend and historical occult intrigues.
Live 7:PM PT - 12/15.2016
15th December 2016, 09:17
Oh what a time ...
Jimi Hendrix 'Voodoo Child'
"I didn't mean to take you up all your sweet time
I'll give it right back to you one of these days
I said, I didn't mean to take you up all your sweet time
I'll give it right back to you one of these days
And if I don't meet you no more in this world
Then I'll, I'll meet you in the next one
And don't be late, don't be late
Cause I'm a voodoo child
Lord knows I'm a voodoo child." 6609a15a60e7c87301b96fa6&oe=58AF08F4Took this pic (2011) just south of Seattle - Jimi Hendrix ( Memorial Grave, Renton, Washington
15th December 2016, 10:28
Moving on ...
Morocco Travel: How Expensive is MARRAKESH? Food, Shopping & More
Gabriel Traveler
Published on Dec 14, 2016
15th December 2016, 12:05
15th December 2016, 17:54
Reminder to always check previous page
for missed posted items ...
2 Quickies ...
For December 15, 2016
A monkey and a rooster clean windows in Tokyo
Clowns march through Mexico City to honour Virgin
15th December 2016, 18:08
An art for saying goodbye ...
How David Bowie, Leonard Cohen and Phife Dawg Reinvented the Musical Farewell (
15th December 2016, 18:17
While using animal friendly adhesive cloth ...
15th December 2016, 18:29
Are the elites really a different species ...
Leaked Hollywood Manual Breaks Open NWO Agenda -
Leak Project's Rex Bear with Jay Dyer
Tonights guest is Jay Dyer, from
On the forefront of Hollywood Esoterica - Jay has been decoding the symbology and subliminal programming imbedded in many Films and TV shows. From Age of Ultron to the Shining Mr Dyers astute approach toward deciphering codes in Hollywood is unmatched and second to none.
Published on Dec 13, 2016
Length 54:54 min.
15th December 2016, 18:44
"I asked your name, not the history of your misfortunes."
I'm Your Captain/Closer to Home
Grand Funk Railroad
15th December 2016, 20:07
Thanks again for the heads up from fellow member Exit 0
Monday nights just got funnier !
Now ongoing and already renewed for season two ...
People Of Earth | Trailer | TBS
An ensemble comedy about an alien abductee support group revolves around a journalist's investigation of the members' supposed extraterrestrial experiences. As seasoned writer Ozzie Graham delves further into oddball claims made by members of StarCrossed, his initial skepticism begins to turn when he hears their stories firsthand and realizes he might have a story to tell, too. Though Ozzie struggles with the notion that life could exist beyond our world, StarCrossed leader Gina Morrison tries to get him to accept his possible otherworldly experience.
Up close ...
Ken Hall & The "People Of Earth" Aliens On Their Costume Woes - CONAN on TBS
15th December 2016, 20:27
To an individual on another forum and you know who you are ...
hint/hint ...
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
wink/wink !
15th December 2016, 20:31
To an individual on another forum and you know who you are ...
hint/hint ...
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
wink/wink !
I will let the smiley speak for me. :ha:
15th December 2016, 20:33
From UFO video photographer Charles Lamoureux
Vancouver BC in the Fog, Dec 2016
Quick edit of my early morning flight in Vancouver in the Fog, -6C
but with humidy felt a lot colder..Watch in HD,
Published on Dec 15, 2016
16th December 2016, 01:31
There's validity with real concerns to this report ...
How safe is super-concentrated marijuana?
PBS NewsHour
"Now legal in eight states, there are unanswered questions about the impact of recreational marijuana on public health. To maximize potency, pot can be purified for maximum THC, its psychoactive ingredient. But a lack of research and restrictions on these very high concentrations is raising concerns. Special correspondent John Ferrugia of Rocky Mountain PBS reports."
Published on Dec 15, 2016
16th December 2016, 02:03
And speaking of ...
Just tasted some Cannabutter ...
From Stevie Riks
Published on Dec 15, 2016
16th December 2016, 08:12
For your inspection ...
Julian Assange speaks out about US Elections & Russia's Involvement
Via Roxy Lopez/ The Truth Denied
Sean Hannity spoke with founder and editor-in-chief of Wikileaks, Julian Assange,
on his radio show today to clear up the source of the DNC hack.
Via Hannity Radio
Published on Dec 15, 2016
16th December 2016, 10:54
Things happening so fast atm, a nice listen, ta.
16th December 2016, 17:00
I dedicate this one to my young neighbor Honey ... :rolleyes:
Van Halen
16th December 2016, 17:09
From Anger To Spirituality - Morris
"After being angry everything else goes wrong."
Published on Dec 16, 2016
16th December 2016, 22:07
"Some beautiful, crazy dream"
Note "The Doors' sign above the site of the London Fog Club with the infamous Whisky A Go Go
just down the street located in the reddish building on the corner (Los Angeles circa 1966)
The Doors Reflect on Earliest Concerts, Jim Morrison's Genius (
16th December 2016, 22:22
the latest ...
Desperate Media Attacks Independent Journalists
"In this Media Attacks Special Report, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back dynamic author and the publisher of the ( Alexandra Bruce. In the wake of the desperate attempts by the Corporate Media to portray the Alternative Media as dangerous to try and stave off their own massive plunge into irrelevance, the media is now trying to hide their failed attempts to manipulate the Presidential Election and put Neocon Democrat Hillary Clinton into the White House with the help of fake polls, biased reporting, behind the scenes collusion and false memes.
Their solution, coordinated at a high level with Social Media figures like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and funded by shady covert actors, like billionaire activist George Soros, was to create a new meme called ‘Fake News’ to label independent sites and citizen journalists who expose their unethical behavior and report news in an unfiltered way to the public as a threat to democracy.
Smear Campaign
Their slanderous smear campaign has reached a new low with the publication of a McCarthyite list of Alternative Media websites in the Washington Post that were supposedly in league with Russia according to discredited website called PropOrNot (Washington Post eventually added an addendum to the article featuring the list saying they couldn’t vouch for the source). The pathetic attempt to create a conspiracy theory that paints the brave independent voices who give the real truth to their readers with minimal resources as somehow traitorous, harkens back to the red scare tactics of the 1950’s and shows that the Mainstream Media is caught in a death spiral.The shocking disinformation tactics show they are unsure of how to redeem their falling numbers, bailing advertisers, and destroyed reputation that is in tatters especially since they unabashedly lied to the American people during the election in order to curry favor with the corporate power brokers that are attempting to install a Global Government.
Alexandra sees a coordinated campaign targeting Independent Media financially, and trying to shut as many of them down as possible by blocking them on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media outlets. Whether you’re a Liberal Democrat shocked by the media character assassination of Bernie Sanders, a Libertarian repulsed by the intrusion of the CIA into the limelight with false propaganda about Russia, an Independent disturbed by the use of the Green Party and Jill Stein as puppets with behind the scenes Clinton-funded recounts to delegitimize the election, or a Republican shocked by the threatening pressure on electors and 24/7 negative coverage of President-Elect Trump, now is the time to unmask the cowardly trolls in charge of the Corporate Mainstream Media and reveal them as the true purveyors of 'Fake News.'"
Published on Dec 16, 2016
16th December 2016, 22:31
Ahh those special holiday moments ...
16th December 2016, 22:37
James Gilliland ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 12/10/2016
The latest from James from Up at the Ranch.
Published on Dec 16, 2016
16th December 2016, 23:03
No rest for the wicked ...
w/ Jon Rappoport : NMFNR Open-Lines
"Another Thursday...another FADERNIGHT with Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake News Room LIVE...followed by Open-lines...and the subject tonight was Fake News...and it got heated...and of course Pizzagate came up...and things just took off from there "...
Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake News
starts at the 32 minute mark
Air date: December 15, 2016/ Published on Dec 16, 2016
16th December 2016, 23:15
Last but not least - here's a quickie ...
This Holiday in Dance :laurel-and-hardy-da
"Ellen is spreading extra holiday cheer with this entertaining combination of holiday films and dancing!"
Published on Dec 16, 2016
16th December 2016, 23:51
Today ~ A top Mt. Spokane
8 F*/ -13.3333 C*
Note the State of Idaho east in far ground
Click screen to watch
17th December 2016, 00:08
“Is everybody in? Is everybody in? Is everybody in? ...
The entertainment for this evening is not new, you've seen this entertainment
through and through you have seen your birth, your life, your death ...
You may recall all the rest ... Did you have a good world when you died?
Enough to base a movie on??”
The Doors
The End
with lyrics
17th December 2016, 14:24
Reminder: Mercury Retrograde is coming up this Monday Dec 19 - Sunday Jan 8 - Make note.
Major Earthquake, Cosmic Ray Warning | S0 News Dec.17.2016
17th December 2016, 14:30
How The Magic Works
Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 277 - American Voice Radio,
December 16th, 2016 / Published on Dec 16, 2016
17th December 2016, 22:19
Latest ALTA Report - December 2016 - Most Shocking Web Bots Report To Date
Leak Projects Lex Bear with Clif High
In this podcast Clif High founder of we discuss the Latest ALTA Report of December 2016. I've been following Clif for over 6 years and this is one of the most incredible reports to date, IMO.
forecasts for
December 2016 through 2035
Published on Dec 16, 2016
Length 1:38:14 min
17th December 2016, 23:03
This is the reality of life – and death – inside rebel-held Aleppo’s emergency wards.
Click screen to watch
Channel 4 News
17th December 2016, 23:33
Being human ...
Patti Smith reveals why she fluffed a Bob Dylan lyric at the Nobel Prize Ceremony. (
By Patti Smith
How Does It Feel (
18th December 2016, 01:23
Netflix has interesting programming
Netflix surprised subscribers on Friday by streaming their top secret series The OA just four days after it was formerly announced.
The mysterious spiritual thriller about near-death experiences and surviving trauma centers on an adopted blind girl from Russia named Prairie Johnson.
Prairie (Brit Marling) goes missing for seven years, tangles with the FBI, and then resurfaces magically cured of her blindness after jumping off a bridge.
18th December 2016, 15:47
Happy The Man
New York Dream's Suite
18th December 2016, 15:56
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ...
Speaking of New York Dream's Suite
Donald Trump Christmas
"President-elect Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) receives a surprise visit from
Vladimir Putin (Beck Bennett) and Rex Tillerson (John Goodman)."
Published on Dec 18, 2016
18th December 2016, 16:04
1000 posts !
With my thanks to everyone who has supported me here ...
18th December 2016, 16:10
Bump ...
Happy The Man
New York Dream's Suite
18th December 2016, 16:19
A BIG CORONAL HOLE TURNS TOWARD EARTH: For the third month in a row, a large hole in the sun's atmosphere is turning toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the yawning structure on Dec. 16th. This is the same coronal hole that lashed Earth's magnetosphere with solar wind on Oct. 25-28 and again on Nov. 23-26. It is spinning around with the sun, strobing Earth lighthouse-style every ~27 days. The last two times we experienced its solar wind, intermittant G1-class geomagnetic storms and bright auroras were observed in the Arctic. A repeat performance is likely when the solar wind returns on Dec. 20-22.
Published on Dec 17, 2016
18th December 2016, 16:30
More from the tabloids ...
Scientologists hope Tom Cruise’s move to Florida will save them
18th December 2016, 17:01
Speaking of beliefs ...
This one's a no brainier for me ...!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_620/nicole-hanson.jpg
From Canada's CBC Radio
What happens when cemetery space runs out?
To Listen/Read > Go Here (
18th December 2016, 17:09
The Sworn Virgins of Albania
(RT Documentary)
"For centuries, a very unusual tradition has been practiced in Albania; women who choose to become burrneshas, or sworn virgins. They become men virtual to represent their families in this deeply patriarchal society. The ancient practice was established under a medieval code of laws known as the ‘Kanun’, which among other things set out the legal framework of everyday life, such as the rules for conducting a blood feud and the roles and responsibilities of men and women."
Published on Dec 18, 2016
Length 26:34 minutes
18th December 2016, 18:38
Sofia Smallstorm | Biological Darkness & Techno-Eugentics
From TheHighersideChats
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks biological darkness and the eugenics agenda with returning guest, Sofia Smallstorm.
When it comes to our health, and our environment, what's natural and what's synthetic- there is so much manipulation by the cabal that controls the information, education, and the entire medical infrastructure- it's harder and harder for a person born into the modern world to separate "how it is" from "how it should be".
A lot of us know Big Pharma and the corporate overlords are lying to us, only hoping to drain us financially until our dying breath, but we struggle to track down the truths needed to feel confident with any alternative in this great "age of unknowing". Still, with autism rising to scary heights, the strange Morgellons disease receiving more and more attention, and the realization that a lot of our bodies are breaking down faster than they should be. The deck seems too intelligently stacked against us to be a mere coincidence.
Here to show us what she sees in the cards and give us her analysis of this far reaching situation is highly respected and returning guest, Sofia Smallstorm. As a meticulous researcher and exceptional speaker who has covered quite a few alternative subjects, from false flags and fluoride to geo-engineering and synthetic biology, Smallstorm is a great guest to guide us through facing the biological minefield ahead of us.
Published on Dec 18, 2016
Interview commences at the 3 minute mark ...
19th December 2016, 17:09
will share this here ...
Alien Tears: The Story of Benevolent, Omniscient Teachers from Another Place and Time
From The Moore Show
Professional photographer David W. Loomis lives in the beautiful White Mountains of Northeast Arizona, where he is surrounded by the many mysteries and treasures of nature. It is in this sublime setting that he found himself surrounded by something else, something that brought him great power, comfort, and understanding.
That "something else" was the supernatural; and for David, discovering its presence in his life was monumental. As soon as he opened himself up to the possibilities of the universe, he was filled with bits and pieces of its knowledge. The unexplainable was explained to him by benevolent, omniscient teachers from another place and time, and he was guided—by them and by his dreams and sci-fi-like adventures—to a better understanding of the world, giving him insight into its past, present, and possible future.
Having obtained an education from the universe at large, David was next tasked with a daunting assignment. He was told to share his story with others, so that they, too, could know the truth and benefit from his teachers’ lessons. Alien Tears delivers David's message to the world and tells his true, unusual, and inspiring personal story.
David W. Loomis Book:
David W. Loomis Website:
Published on Dec 19, 2016
Length 59:40 minutes on Dec 19, 2016
19th December 2016, 17:18
James Gilliland ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 12/17/2016
The latest from Up at the Ranch with James and his guest Winston Shrout (
Subscribe to ECETI News <> Sign-Up Here! (
19th December 2016, 17:47
A Tour of MARRAKESH, MOROCCO: Markets, Mosques, Monkeys & Music
Gabriel Traveler
"Exploring fascinating Marrakesh, Morocco in northwest Africa"
Published on Dec 19, 2016
Also ...
Travel Talk: Is It Safe to Travel in Muslim Countries?
19th December 2016, 18:32
From William Henry
"My new article shows just how bizarre things are (or could get) ...
"The Last Trump: Don The Freakin' Baptist and the Messiah's Space Ship." (
20th December 2016, 04:30
From the Great Northwest ...
Vancouver BC at Night in the Snow, Dec 2016
From Video Photographer Charles Lamoureux
Published on Dec 19, 2016
"4K Night video Vancouver at night , playing around with Denoise Software , was a very cold night after almost a foot of snow which is a very rare event for Vancouver..CAMEO Alert me freezing at the end brrrrrrrr!."
20th December 2016, 04:40
Careful what you buy into folks ...
Comedian Bill Burr - Scientology experience
Published on Nov 29, 2016
20th December 2016, 05:03
From The Cosmos News...
Listen to the mysterious 'alien call' coming from 36,000-feet below the Earth's surface
Listen to the mysterious 'alien call' coming from 36,000-feet below the Earth's surface
THIS chilling sound had scientists spooked after it was heard coming from the deepest part of the ocean
Researchers at the Hatfield Marine Science Centre were shocked to hear the wailing noise while monitoring deep-sea whale communications in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench.
Lasting around three seconds, the moaning noise hits super-low, and then super-high frequencies.
The experts’ best guess is that they picked up a never before heard whale call while monitoring the uncharted depths.
Published on Dec 19, 2016
20th December 2016, 05:33
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ...
Welcome to Gio's jungle ...
A Laughing Kookaburra
Click screen to enter
20th December 2016, 05:42
hmm ...
Questioning Authenticity Of Russian Ambassador's Killing - Morris
Video of event (55 seconds)
Published on Dec 19, 2016
20th December 2016, 05:47
Aleppo: propaganda video in the making
20th December 2016, 06:44
hint/wink ...
After 911, i sense anything can be staged ...
which reminds me ...
Lawyers in Love - Jackson Browne -
20th December 2016, 07:11
20th December 2016, 08:34
hmm ...
Questioning Authenticity Of Russian Ambassador's Killing - Morris
Video of event (55 seconds)
Published on Dec 19, 2016
Good to know I am not alone in questioning this.
Here is a link to the zerohedge article again. There is a Russian tweet about half-way down the page that shows the ambassadors face while being shot. I still think it looks like untrained acting.
Like Morris, I would feel bad if the man really died. Methinks we will never know. I do believe this was to be used the way we used 9/11, in a way. Russia will justify a more "robust" approach to the Syrian terrorist problem. Unlike 9/11 3,000 people didn't have to die. Not to mention the thousands of responders who came down with terminal diseases. I think a real assassin was given a gun loaded with blanks and thought he was going to murder the man. His intent would justify 'disposing' of him after his useful idiot performance. His shooting did show some signs of blood on the floor. That is, it looked like blood.:hmm:
20th December 2016, 09:01
Ironically ...
the DrudgeReport is starting to resemble this thread ... :scrhd:
Stress makes dogs go grey as well as humans - new study (
20th December 2016, 09:29
Some good ones from the last Saturday Night Live ...
When satire becomes too awfully real.
Click screen to watch
20th December 2016, 14:36
strange weather ...
Snow in the SAHARA: Desert sees snow for the FIRST time in 37 years
PUBLISHED: Tue, Dec 20, 2016 (
"ENGLAND is not set to have a white Christmas - but snow has fallen in the
Sahara desert for only the second time in living memory."
The Sahara is expected to be green in 15,000 years
"Amateur photographer Karim Bouchetata took incredible pictures of snow covering the sand in the small Saharan desert town of Ain Sefra, Algeria, yesterday afternoon.
He captured the amazing moment snow fell on the red sand dunes in the world's largest hot desert for the first time in 37 years. Snow was last seen in Ain Sefra on February 18, 1979, when the snow storm lasted just half an hour."
The Sahara Desert covers most of Northern Africa
"This time the snow stayed for a day in the town, which is around 1000 metres above sea level and surrounded by the Atlas Mountains.
Karim said: "Everyone was stunned to see snow falling in the dessert, it is such a rare occurrence.
"It looked amazing as the snow settled on the sand and made a great set of photos."
Bonus page ... (
20th December 2016, 15:15
Celebrating his 90th ...
And still touring !
Tony Bennett ( I Left My Heart in San Francisco
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
20th December 2016, 15:38
will share this here ...
From Joseph P. Farrell
20th December 2016, 21:17
Jordan Maxwell Breaks Down The Illuminati's Plan To Destroy Trump
"Secret society expert Jordan Maxwell breaks down the hidden realm of the Illuminati and how the elite use
language and other systems of control to keep humanity asleep as they tighten the noose around their neck."
Published on Dec 20, 2016
J. Maxwell's segment starts commences from 3 min. thru 44 min. mark.
21st December 2016, 00:29
Ep. 575 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ David Wilcock : Endgame 2016/2017
Air date: December 19, 2016 / Published on Dec 20, 2016
David Wilcock is the author of the bestselling books, “The Source Field Investigations” and “The Synchronicity Key”.
We have had many conversations over the years...and this was one of the best...if not the best, most open and comprehensive discussion to date.
A full 2.5 hours of David completely focused and on point.
David is a renowned filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. As a professional lecturer, his foundation lies in scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness.
He is the host of Cosmic Disclosure for Gaia, is featured on History’s Ancient Aliens, Coast to Coast AM and of course, Fade to Black…
Tonight we wrapped up 2016 and talk about his last two articles: ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal and ENDGAME II: The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient ET Ruins.
David Wilcock segment commences at the 30 minute mark
21st December 2016, 01:10
Ep. 575 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ David Wilcock : Endgame 2016/2017
Air date: December 19, 2016 / Published on Dec 20, 2016
David Wilcock segment commences at the 30 minute mark
Thanks. I have been listening to too much heavy stuff. I need a little levity.
21st December 2016, 02:14
Happy Solstice.... "Bring out those sausage bells!"
and Merry Christmas season
21st December 2016, 02:36
Happy Solstice.... "Bring out those sausage bells!"
and Merry Christmas season
Thank you. Good music from a great band. Visually appealing too.
21st December 2016, 16:01
From a xmas past ...
'God Bless Us Everyone'
Dickensian Christmas with Simon Callow
"Simon callow discusses Victorian morality and his one-man show
of A Christmas Carol, with Adam Boulton."
Published on Dec 21, 2016
21st December 2016, 16:07
21st December 2016, 16:22
"Both last year's episode and this year's spinoff movie rely on fan nostalgia –
but only one of them is trying to say something with it" ...
Why 'Rogue One' Is a Better 'Star Wars' Movie Than 'The Force Awakens' (
21st December 2016, 16:34
No pain no gain for you conspiracy folks ...
Here's a four hour yuletide marathon ...
The Real History of Christ, Christianity & Christmas
Leak Project's Rex Bear with Douglas Dietrich,
Topic's covered: Douglas Dietrich breaks down the suppressed history of Christianity, Christmas,
The Christ and Religion and everything in-between for that matter.
Douglas Dietrich is the son of a retired U.S. Navy Sailor. Douglas worked for ten years as a Department of Defense Research Librarian at the Presidio Military Base of San Francisco, where one of his major duties was document destruction. He then experienced the 1991 Kuwaiti campaign, serving in Desert Storm as a United Sates Marine.
Check out
Published on Dec 20, 2016
Note: best listened to in segments
total 3:51:27 minutes
21st December 2016, 17:09
A freeby ...
DISCLOSURE | Secret Origin of Humanity (Episode 01)
David Wilcock with Graham Hancock
Since the dawn of time, the advancement of human civilization has been guided by an invisible hand. These unseen forces are interwoven throughout the fabric of every major institution, so that nearly every aspect of our world is carefully calculated to their benefit. But their time is coming to a close.
For the first time ever, all of the information you need to free yourself is in one place. David Wilcock has amassed a team of experts to help us transcend dominating paradigms by disclosing the enigma of our origins and the extent of the intricate exploitation of humankind.
Published on Dec 21, 2016
Length 32:39 minutes
21st December 2016, 17:45
The World Today
Eric Laronda with Teal Swan ( and Lee Harris (
"In this interview, Teal Swan and Lee Harris are interviewed by Eric Laronda about the times we are currently living in, awakening, health, wellness, fear, closedheartedness and how to thrive in life at this time. Teal Swan and Lee Harris also discuss 2016 and 2017 in depth."
Published on Dec 21, 2016
21st December 2016, 17:54
will share this here ...
True or false? Test your knowledge of Russia
10 questions with only 2 options each. (
21st December 2016, 18:00
Ya think ...
Microdemocracy is the next logical step for the United States (
The evolution of democracy will depend on networked decentralization.
21st December 2016, 18:35
will share this here ...
True or false? Test your knowledge of Russia
10 questions with only 2 options each. (
Abbey Roadski?
21st December 2016, 18:53
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee–
Season 9 Trailer – Streaming Free JAN 5
"Jerry Seinfeld is joined by friends for a drive in a classic car and a cup of coffee,
sharing stories all along the way."
Published on Dec 21, 2016
Watch All Seasons Here (
22nd December 2016, 14:12
Some turkey for the new year ...
Turks Afraid Another Syria Is Being Planned There - Morris
"The Plan Is To Turn Turkey Into Another Syria
Like dominoes one country after another is targeted
And we are never told why. The story that it is for the oil is spin."
Published on Dec 22, 2016
22nd December 2016, 14:30
Looking back ___ And forward ...
New World Next Year - 2016/7
"Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."
Published on Dec 22, 2016
All news link items listed below YouTube show notes
22nd December 2016, 14:42
A reminder note to turn the video screen around with your cursor/mouse ...
Good Morning Station! Waking up in Space (360 Video)
"Waking up on the Intl Space Station is quite a unique experience.
Cosmonaut Andrei Borisenko shows us how crew members deal
with what we would consider a mundane morning routine."
Published on Dec 21, 2016
22nd December 2016, 15:24
Jerry and James should get together and do a driving, singing, comedy, coffee extravaganza.
22nd December 2016, 17:00
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ...
"Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath" ...
by Massive Attack
22nd December 2016, 17:18
From Bazzax
At (
50% of Harvard Students Can't Solve This Simple Riddle
Riddle me this, riddle me that! ( Social media is littered with conundrums to knock your brain flat! “Only a genius can solve this” and so on are constant memes many of us see on our news feeds, but below is a brain teaser that even half of Harvard students cannot solve. The puzzle is as follows:
“A bat and ball costs $1.10.
The bat costs one dollar more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost?”
The knee jerk response is to reply that the ball costs 10 cents. However, the answer is that the ball costs 5 cents. The answer is exemplifies a process called “The Cognitive Reflection Test.” In a related You Tube video by Yale Professor, Shane Frederick, Cognitive Reflection is explained as a way to exploit a division in our natural methods of thinking. Our thoughts are divided into two systems, system 1 thinking denotes the kind of rumination based on instinct and assumption and the kind of thought that leads many minds to jump to the conclusion that the ball is 10 cents, with the bat $1 more, at $1. Although system 2 prompts the brain to adopt a more analytical thinking approach and glean the right answer: that the ball is 5 cents and the $1.05 bat is a dollar extra than the ball.
Professor Frederick maintains that more system 2 type thinking can easily be adapted and tests back up his assertion. By utilizing a simple change, such as altering the size and font of text to a more difficult one, it forces the brain into a more analytical mode and doing so increases student marks greatly. The practice also helps with proofreading, because needing to concentrate more on a harder to read font, allows readers to ferret out more mistakes. So next time you need to do some revision, perhaps copy and paste your source and change the size and font, you may get an A by looking at a differently shaped letter A."
22nd December 2016, 17:27
Bill Burr - Alien Conspiracy theory
please note contains colourful descriptive words
Published on Dec 17, 2016
22nd December 2016, 18:08
hmm ...
North Korea: Credible threat?
Sky News
"Does North Korea pose a credible threat to the rest of the world? Sky's Asia Correspondent Katie Stallard,
who travelled to the country in May, has this special report."
Published on Dec 22, 2016
Length 24:27 minutes
22nd December 2016, 18:17
Sylvie’ Ivanowa | Mysterious Megaliths & Hidden History
From TheHighersideChats
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks mysterious megaliths and hidden history with returning guest, Sylvie' Ivanowa.
We know the parasites of the Vatican and the Holy Roman Empire are responsible for quite a few crimes against humanity, but one of the most interesting manipulations that has been suggested is the vast alteration of the human timeline. It seems a very good case can be made that during the Reformation period of the 1500's a campaign was launched to install new royals across Europe and restructure history to justify their rule, and obscure a past that wasn't under their control.
As far fetched as it might sound, the facts remain that most of our official chronology was written by a handful of Jesuit monks and in the introductions of their own work, they fully admit to "translating, recording, and correcting" the documents they synthesized before the convenient destruction of the source material. So do we just blindly trust these deceptive authorities or do we work to undo the damage and reexamine the human story with what little we do have?
Well, that has been the noble goal of today's returning guest, Sylvie' Ivanowa- who has been examining the world's megaliths and ancient ruins to try and reconstruct picture of the past that gets closer to the truth and allows us to rely on what we can see with our own eyes rather than what's written in the corrupted history books.
Want more Sylvie' Ivanowa? Check out her Youtube channel NewEarth or her website cataloging megaliths worldwide.
Published on Dec 21, 2016
22nd December 2016, 19:57
hmm ...
North Korea: Credible threat?
Sky News
"Does North Korea pose a credible threat to the rest of the world? Sky's Asia Correspondent Katie Stallard,
who travelled to the country in May, has this special report."
Published on Dec 22, 2016
Length 24:27 minutes
I'm terrified.:nails::ha:
22nd December 2016, 20:09
Yesterday i was out and about going to the eye specialist having my vision check. For years i've struggled with glaucoma, and lately it has progressively been getting worst ... Note i live fairly close to the eye clinic, so i walked to and fro ... And upon leaving my doctors office with my eyes fully dilated, noticing it was now quite sunny out with the glare of snow and lots of ice on the ground ... Walking home became a very surreal experience for me ... It was like everything was upside down ... I truly felt myself feeling old and vulnerable.
It was quite humbling ...
It all reminded me of this song ...
Downside Up
Elizabeth Fraser and Paul Buchanan
22nd December 2016, 20:57
Speaking of local ice ... ca3021fecba2b47792abfe
Ice climbers test nerves of Palouse Falls State Parks staff (
22nd December 2016, 21:23
Stirring the global fragmented pot ...
Jeff Rense & Jon Rappoport - The Death Throes of The NWO
Clip from December 20, 2016 / Published on Dec 22, 2016
22nd December 2016, 21:53
Remember this guy ...
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
And now he's back at 50 !
Rick Astley - Dance
23rd December 2016, 02:09
Alien UFO 'sprayed radioactive green chemicals' over homes in California
The Cosmos News
"AN ALLEGED flying saucer snapped over people's homes was "spraying chemicals into the air",
it has shockingly been claimed."
Published on Dec 22, 2016
23rd December 2016, 02:38
Looking back ___ And forward ...
New World Next Year - 2016/7
"Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."
Published on Dec 22, 2016
All news link items listed below YouTube show notes
I see 21 21 as the new 11 11, so loved the time stamp or duration time 21.21.
23rd December 2016, 04:01
An interesting young man ...
Ep. 577 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ Micah Hanks : The Skeptical Thinker
"Micah Hanks ( is a writer, podcaster, and researcher whose interests cover a variety of subjects. His areas of focus include history, science, philosophy, current events, cultural studies, technology, unexplained phenomena, and ways the future of humankind may be influenced by science and innovation in the coming decades.
Micah has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells, the History Channel’s Guts and Bolts, CNN Radio and of course, Fade to Black.
He is author of several books, including The Ghost Rockets, Mysticism and the Molecule: The Search for Sentient Intelligence from Other Worlds, Reynolds Mansion: An Invitation to the Past and The UFO Singularity.
Micah currently hosts The Gralien Report on KGRA the Planet" …
Air date: December 21, 2016/ Published on Dec 22, 2016
Micah Hanks segment starts at the 30 minute mark
23rd December 2016, 04:51
HyperNormalisation is a 2016 BBC documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis (creator of "Century of the Self"). The film was released on 16 October 2016 on the BBC iPlayer.[2] In the film, Curtis argues that since the 1970s, governments, financiers, and technological utopians have given up on the complex "real world" and built a simple "fake world" that is run by corporations and kept stable by politicians.
(A review from Reddit) (
This movie is about post-politics, or a new way of ruling where politics just simply means how do you most efficiently run the economic and political system, and less about debating ideas and having real citizen involvement. This new method of governing has many "wings" associated with it
One wing of this has existed since the 1980's when US politicians have used theatricality over facts in getting themselves elected and when they would describe complicated problems to the American people in misrepresentations and downright lies. Curtis uses the US' relation to Syria and Libya as a case study.
Another wing of this has to do with financialization, when city governments just surrendered their power to bankers as bankers just straight up fund the cities now.
Another wing is the development of computers and big data to try to predict the future, and astonishingly there's a computer called Aladdin that tries to safeguard investments from bad trends in the world and it manages 15 trillion dollars, 7% of the world's economic output.
Also there's a new method of public relations pioneered in Russia under Vladimir Putin where the story the media tells is always one step behind the actors, and the ones in power guide the story along by feeding this group here some money, and then a group there some money, and then declaring that they were the ones who were behind the trend, which just confuses the hell out of everybody and makes the scenario very hard to grasp.
All of this deception creates working class anger at home and Muslim anger abroad, and makes people so confused that they don't know what's real any more and this stumps people from acting politically. To use more metaphorical language, the deceptions of the past 40 years stack on top of each other, congealing together, making it very hard for anyone to trust any information really. And because the past 40 years have been just a stack of lies, it makes room for people like Trump who know that the people's anger is certainly real but know that they don't know where to direct that anger.
Full Doc
Interview with Adam Curtis 12/12/2016 about Hypernormalization (
23rd December 2016, 06:44
:shocked: ...
23rd December 2016, 10:09
Is the alternative community heading towards an inevitable inquisition ...
The Targeting of Conspiracy Research - The David Icke Videocast
Published on Dec 23, 2016
23rd December 2016, 10:16
Ohh boy ...
23rd December 2016, 10:20
I will post this video here as it may not get seen in The Tent. A woman masquerades as a man for 18 months and does man things with men. This 18 minute video is informative and touching. Well worth ones time.
Feminist Pretends To Be Male.. And Learns Important lesson.
23rd December 2016, 10:34
Its called rocket science ...
Steaming Pipes
Happy The Man
23rd December 2016, 14:13
I will post this video here as it may not get seen in The Tent. A woman masquerades as a man for 18 months and does man things with men. This 18 minute video is informative and touching. Well worth ones time.
Feminist Pretends To Be Male.. And Learns Important lesson.
I've never dressed as a man. I doubt I could pull it off, though I am tall.
I hang around with men a lot and after a bit of time they relax and relate in their 'normal' way. It's not all that different than women in my opinion. The one big plus for me is that when I'm hanging with men I never have to talk about clothes, hair and nails, or fashion. They're not my conversational subjects of choice.
Men often look at women as foreign creatures. It's good for them to spend time with women to see that they're regular people too.
I listened to a woman interviewed who was going through hormonal change to become a man. She literally saw her sexuality change from, "Oh, I want to get to know her," to "Oh, I want to get her in bed." That testosterone is some powerful stuff.
I really like the conclusion to the video. I love the compassion Nora shows.
And the part about identity is so crucial. How many people are not truly themselves? It could be a source of much disease.
Thanks for sharing that, Modwiz.
23rd December 2016, 17:38
Home for Christmas ...
Young adults living with their parents hits a 75-year high (
23rd December 2016, 17:45
Obviously - "people are making this decision not because of gas prices but as a positive act to improve wellbeing ... This is a change in consciousness."
There have now been over 540,000 electric vehicles sold in the U.S. (
23rd December 2016, 17:56
Worth the mention ...
Colo the oldest gorilla in the US celebrates her 60th birthday
"The first gorilla ever to be born in a zoo celebrated her 60th birthday with
some cake at Columbus Zoo in Ohio. . Report by Charlotte Brehaut."
Published on Dec 23, 2016
23rd December 2016, 23:42
with Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake News Room
"LIVE...followed by Open-lines...and this is our last show before Christmas weekend...
so, lots of holiday cheer going on"...
Air date: December 22, 2016/ Published on Dec 23, 2016
Jon Rappoport segment starts at the 30 minute mark
24th December 2016, 04:36
Interview with Adam Curtis 12/12/2016 about Hypernormalization (
From the interview with Adam Curtis
What would it look like to imagine a different world? Do you have a vision of it How would we know if we were beginning to imagine a different world? Even within this hyper-real one?
ADAM CURTIS: You ask what real change might look like, and I think that’s a really interesting question for liberals and radicals, because there is a hunger for change, out there - millions of people who feel sort of insecure, uncertain about the future who DO want something to change. I think that change only comes though a big imaginative idea. A sort of picture of another kind of future which gives people - which connects with that fearfulness in the back of people’s minds. And offers them a release from it. That's the key thing. But I think the question for liberals and radicals is - they are always suspicious of big ideas. That's what lurks underneath the liberal mindset.
And the reason is - and they are quite right in a way - is look what happened last time when millions of people got swept up in a big idea! Look up the last hundred years - what happened in Russia, and then in Germany. The point is , Is that Political change is frightening. It's scary — it's thrilling because it is dynamic and is doing something to change the world but it is scary because it can change things in ways where nothing to secure. Its like being in an earthquake. Even the solid ground beneath you begins to move. And things dissolve that you think are solid and real. And I think the question liberals are left have to face at the moment is a really sort of difficult question which is: “do you really want change? do you really want it?” Because if you do many of them might find themselves in a very uncertain world where they might lose all sorts of things.
What we were talking about, in many cases, is people who are at the center of society at the moment, they are not out in the margins. They would have a lot to lose from real political change because it really would change things in the structure of power. Or - and this is the brutal question: Do you just want things to change a little bit? Do you just want the banks to be a little bit nicer, or for people to be a little more respectful of each other's identities - All of which is good - but basically you carry on living in a nice world where you tinker with it. That’s the key question. But you can't just sit there forever worrying about big ideas because there are millions of people out there who do you want Change. And the key thing is: they feel they’ve got nothing to lose. You might have lots to lose, but they feel they’ve got absolute nothing to lose. But at the moment they're being led by the Right. So things won't remain the same.
But society may go off in ways you really don’t want. SO in answer to your question, what you need is a powerful vision of the future. With all its dangers. But it is also quite thrilling. It will be an escape from the staticness of the world we have today. And to do that, you’ve got to engage with the giant forces of power that now run the world, at the moment. And the key thing is that in confronting those powers, and trying to transform the world you might lose a lot. This is a sort of forgotten idea. Is that actually you surrender yourself up to a big idea and in the the process you might lose something but you’d actually gain a bigger sense, because you change the world for the better. I know it sounds soppy, But this is the forgotten thing about politics. Is that you give up some of your individualism to something bigger than yourself. You surrender yourself - and it’s a lost idea.
And I think really in answer to your question: You can spot real change happening when you see people from the liberal middle classes, beginning to give themselves up to something. Surrender themselves for something bigger. And at the moment, there is nothing like that in the liberal imagination.
I think that the logical next step is like this in facing limits but seeing this as a positive. I am using my creation technology to attract the kind of community that is capable of living in a really different way. Models do exist like this one. So my visoning is that simple, smaller and more directly connected to nature and DOING something like this is beautiful:
24th December 2016, 16:25
Mystic Brew: SJW's - I Never Knew
From Radagast
I share my recent exposure to a phenomenon that had previously escaped my purview.
Hope no one gets triggered by this video. Also hope it isn't an epic fail. LOL
This is the channel that pokes of the SJW movement. Trigger warning given.
A sample: This is your brain on Social Justice: Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
Published on Dec 23, 2016
24th December 2016, 17:45
Who's getting gold or the coal in their xmas stockings ....
Keiser Report: 'We are all in Trump world now' (E1010)
"In this episode of the Keiser Report from a beach in Florida, Max and Stacy review the year that was Donald Trump as markets rally the most since Herbert Hoover in 1928 but is a 1929 like crash in the cards. In the second half, Max interviews Karl Denninger of about whether or not Trump is, indeed, ‘draining the swamp?’ Or is he repopulating it with bigger, more terrifying swamp creatures?"
Published on Dec 24, 2016
24th December 2016, 19:56 05db316304b586e876f11f5&oe=58E18369
25th December 2016, 01:04
The Way of the Templar ...:thup:
Zain Khan & Timothy Hogan | Inside Freemasonry
"For the first time in history, Freemasons share their secrets. Zain Khan interviews Timothy Hogan, one of the world's most high ranking Freemason and best selling author. They discuss secrets of freemasonry, never before discussed in any interview ever recorded."
Timothy Hogan is an author and lecturer within the Western Mystery school tradition. He is a Past Master within several different spiritual and initiatic traditions, including many bodies in Freemasonry (AF&AM) and of Rosicrucian lineages. He is a Grand Master for multiple Knight Templar lineages. Timothy Hogan has lectured all over the world in both public and private venues, and has appeared on numerous television programs world wide, as well as multiple pod cast and radio interviews. He is author of The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual; The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon; Revelation of the Holy Grail (written under the pen name of Chevalier Emerys); Entering the Chain of Union; The Way of the Templar; and he is author of the limited edition release of Novo Clavis Esoterika, as well as a general distribution of the same book. Timothy Hogan has written for several periodicals over the last decade, including L'Initiation, Ariadne's Web, Livings Stones Magazine, the New Equinox Journal, The Scottish Rite Journal,and Heredom. Timothy Hogan's books have been translated into Spanish and German.
Published on Oct 4, 2016
Length 31:50 minutes
25th December 2016, 02:30
Punishing us with love ... 5_courtesy_TravelPortland-652x521.jpg
Keep Christmas Weird | Pacific NorthWEIRD Christmas Special 2016
Featuring Clyde Lewis and many others ...
"Four strange ways that Portland, OR keeps Christmas weird - Krampus Night with Clyde Lewis, the Bad Santa Bash at the Kenton Club, Christmas lights at Peacock Lane, and some eerie Portland holiday conspiracies are profiled."
Published on Dec 24, 2016
25th December 2016, 16:31
Always check previous pages for possible lost posted item presents ...
As i was saying ...
25th December 2016, 16:40
From yesterday here in Spokane ... g?oh=e3bbdb839e2c8a450a709d05c5716843&oe=58DDED49
That Indeed ...
White Christmas
Andrea Bocelli
25th December 2016, 17:00
Meanwhile from the other side of the world ...
A Tour of ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCO: Hippie Surfer Beach Town
Gabriel Traveler
"Exploring the fascinating beachside village of Essaouira, Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean."
Published on Dec 24, 2016
25th December 2016, 17:09
Holy Wood: Exploring Ancient Russian Churches
(RT Documentary)
"Fall in love with Russia's wooden churches like the architectural photographer Richard Davies has as he takes you on a journey exploring the north of Russia. For whom do the bells of the old churches toll? What's been shaping the Russian way of life for hundreds of years? What influenced the spirituality of Russian people? Could it be that the key to the phenomenon of Russian soul lies in the curves of ancient Russian wooden churches?"
Published on Dec 25, 2016
Length 26:13 minutes
26th December 2016, 00:47
Life is only a matter of time ... (
George Michael - Everything She Wants
Exit 0
26th December 2016, 15:09
Life is only a matter of time ... (
George Michael - Everything She Wants
....and the time we spend in this particular reality is modified by the lifestyle choices we make.... [no particular judgement intended]
Merry Christmas to all those members perusing the Emporium !
26th December 2016, 16:31
....and the time we spend in this particular reality is modified by the lifestyle choices we make.... [no particular judgement intended]
Merry Christmas to all those members perusing the Emporium !
Amen ...
Everything happens by intent and one has to keep choosing in every moment what they wish to experience. George 'Kyriacos Panayiotou' Micheal's apparently suffered with depression throughout his life, and sadly like many living in these (Sodom and Gomorrah) times chose often harmful and erratically throughout his adult life ... But in all fairness, it is the music and love he created and shared with us all - that is most remarkable of his shortened though very commendable time spent here.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ~ To you and yours Mr G (Exit 0)
26th December 2016, 16:40
Born to Heal - Heal Yourself, Heal The World,
How To Reverse The Disease Process By Looking Within
The Moore Show with Luke Adler
Until you discover the wellspring of love within, you will endlessly seek love from the outside world. You were born to heal. The power to heal and feel whole resides within you. With seventy-five exercises and meditations, illustrations, case studies, and personal stories, Born to Heal will inspire courage and help you develop and trust your inner guidance. You’ll learn to examine stuck places in your life, to own your part in creating that stagnation, and become skilled with new ways of healing yourself and your world. If you’re ready to move past the beginner stages of healing and spirituality, and invest in the evolution of your soul, you’ve found the right tool. All beings on the planet want to heal, and that the desire to restore health is deep and persistent, even if it is suppressed by life traumas. The physical body demonstrates this beautifully. Witness a scrape on your knee systemically mend itself over a period of days—the skin now stronger than before. Emotional, mental, and spiritual healing is another story. Like the physical body, these systems also have an automatic healing sequence. Upbringing and societal conditioning have taught us to suppress our emotions, our truth, and the voice of our hearts. Born to Heal helps unpack that suppression and encourages the growth of stronger clarity, intuition, and a focus on healing. Born to Heal uses the lens of ancient Chinese medicine, enhanced by Luke’s diverse exploration into his own consciousness and that the thousands of people he has served. His goal is to help patients and readers bring to light the systematic way we suppress our inner guidance and the physical effect of that suppression. Born to Heal teaches how to reverse the disease process by looking within, learning to love what you discover, taking up daily meditation practice, and using breathwork to increase your ability to see life in all its nuanced beauty. Born to Heal is an engaging discovery of insight and courage that can become a guide to transform your life.
Luke's Book:
Luke's Website:
Published on Dec 26, 2016
26th December 2016, 17:54
One of my fav's ...
A Mt Adams (daylight incoming) Scout Ship g?oh=fccb61e39b79fe42d1c8cad70335c2dd&oe=58EFD9B1
Service With A Smile
Happy The Man
26th December 2016, 18:20
Sensing this might become a realty soon ...
Separatist State
Vice News
The simmering war in east Ukraine saw a large-scale escalation last weekend, with five Ukrainian soldiers killed and more than 20 wounded, after separatist militants tried to take over army positions.
While fighting is picking up on the front, Jake Hanrahan visited the separatist Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) to see how the breakaway region is trying to establish government, and to meet the people living under their rule.
This segment originally aired Dec. 19, 2016, on VICE News Tonight on HBO.
Published on Dec 26, 2016
26th December 2016, 18:47
The new reality of the coming corporation state ...
Trump’s Cabinet, the Church of Neoliberal Evangelicals
Published on Dec 26, 2016
"Professor Henry Giroux says the appointments signal a future of more war
and violent military interventions, and an embrace of Islamophobia."
26th December 2016, 19:52
Going inward/out ... 1wbGFuZQ--/
Hallucinogenic plant ayahuasca gains foothold in US (
27th December 2016, 03:26
Posted Dec 23, 2016 ...
Is the alternative community heading towards an inevitable inquisition ...
Published today Dec 26, 2016 ...
Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law (
27th December 2016, 07:25
Will share this here ...
TriUnity Series: Randy Maugans with Dr. Shmuel Asher-
Episode 5: The False Heaven Matrix
We continue the series examining the concept of the false heaven matrix, or soul traps, used to keep human souls in the reincarnation/recycling syndrome. Covers mater from the book, "Soul Revolution", ppg. 196 – 204; and the research on Near-Death-Experiences (NDE) on the 8 main stages of the 'trip':
~Immediate capture into a light tunnel
~Meeting a 'soul greeter'
~Past life review
~"Soul classes"
~Meeting "soul guides"
~A council of "elders".
~Told they can stay indefinitely
~Prodded to 'return' to fulfill a 'destiny', mission, or complete a cycle.
Other interesting connections:
Battlestar Galactica-Resurrection Ship
The false construct of “space”, heavens, stars, moon
The moon “soul catcher”
Buddhist concept of the “two lights”
Star Trek Voyager - “Coda” (Ep. 57)
Breaking the life review paradigm/false narrative...and more.
This series from Randy Maugans is based on the works of Dr. Shmuel Asher, and specifically, "Soul Revolution The Trinity of Humanity". Dr. Asher is a trained Hebrew scholar, coming from an uninterrupted family lineage of Karaite Torah scholars whose family ties originate in the Galilee area of Northern Canaan; he studied under the rabbinical order in Israel, and has since abandoned both his Karaitie and traditional roots.
THIS IS NOT RELIGION. It about the Creator which mankind has not known and the ancient knowledge which is converging with modern technology and quantum physics. Embracing subjects such as Near-Death-Experience, reincarnation, advanced consciousness, the Holographic Universe, DNA, and artificial intelligence; it cover all aspects of human life from a unique perspective.
There still exists yet one major gap in all of man’s understanding concerning our living-soul; a consciousness gap to our true identity; A “Metaphysical Missing Link!”
Dr. Asher's website:
Soul Revolution, The Book:
Please note previous episodes in the series:
The TriUnity Series with Dr. Shmuel Asher - Episode 1 (
TriUnity Series with Dr. Shmuel Asher- Episode 2: A.I., Archons, and the Flat Plane Creation (
TriUnity Series with Dr. Shmuel Asher- Episode 3: Bots, Codes and Inside The Fishbowl (
TriUnity Series with Dr. Shmuel Asher- Episode 4: The Ancient Roots of Spirit Cooking (
Published on Dec 26, 2016
27th December 2016, 07:30
I've listened to the first three. Very interesting. The next two should be good. Thanks.
27th December 2016, 21:08
While the vast majority in the country are basking in the mild weather ...
It's just another snowy day here in the Great Northwest ...
With storm after storm flowing in.
Very close to my home ...
Click screen to watch
Meanwhile ...
Oh Deer Me
I Love You Man ! g?oh=acc35e9c61149de35dd8bbb7d62c5554&oe=5921C67A
"John was working outside in Sandpoint when this deer came up behind him and started licking his neck!
John wisely seized the opportunity to take a selfie with a deer and for that, we thank him!" g?oh=38b966eed1095e0ca74bb6a23b8540f5&oe=58D6C6AB
27th December 2016, 21:23
27th December 2016, 21:44
Ep. 579 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ Damon T. Berry : The Black Knight Satellite
Damon T. Berry, is an American film director, screenwriter, and producer best known for writing and directing “The Knowledge Of The Forever Time”. A riveting documentary film series that has completely rewritten the history of mankind… it explores and reveals ancient knowledge in a way that no one ever has before.
Damon began his professional career as a radio broadcaster. His voice became his trademark and he became one of the most sought after voices in the business.
Berry then accepted a position with The Walt Disney Company where he would learn the art of script writing and movie making.
While visiting the ancient pyramids in Egypt he experienced a powerful transformation of psyche and self, and this experience was so life altering that he returned to the United States and began writing.
He created an amazing film series that never leaves you with questions and instead it leaves you with unforgiving answers.
Published on Dec 27, 2016 / Air date: December 26, 2016
Damon T. Berry segment starts at the 30 minute mark
27th December 2016, 21:56
Stunning ...
Seattle pictured from Alki pg?oh=a22944924afe7be85e77e0d7284e33ec&oe=58EE241A
27th December 2016, 22:40
James Gilliland ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 12/24/2016
James reflections on Christmas and other timely events.
28th December 2016, 14:07
Not a member ...
To be clear ... Still a Scientologist ... Continuing the work ?
Bill Ryan & Kerry Cassidy Discuss Scientology
In this revealing clip from a 2 hr. Interview, Bill Ryan & Kerry Cassidy discuss Scientology, one of 7 groups that attacked Project Camelot for their controversial interviews.
Published on Dec 10, 2013
Kerry's facial expressions are priceless ...
28th December 2016, 15:02
They never left ...
Happy the Man
28th December 2016, 15:44
The city of Seattle is showing what kind of weight a large municipality can add ...
Seattle Takes Steps to Divest $3 Billion From Wells Fargo Over Standing Rock (
28th December 2016, 17:01
An ultimate reboot ...
Bill Burr - The Next Species of Humans
"Bill Burr talks about that episode of TED Talks where Juan Enriquez
speaks on the economy, cloning and the future of robots."
Juan Enriquez: The next species of human (
Published on Dec 26, 2016
28th December 2016, 17:27
the One year ...
2017: A Forecast by the Numbers with Sharon Millstein
From Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks
Numerologist Sharon Millstein ( joins Alexis for our annual New Year forecast "by the numbers."
With 2016 leaving so much in its wake, ending a nine year cycle, what will this brand new "one year" bring? Sharon weighs in on everything from the political to the spiritual and how this particular "one year" may just be a turning point unlike any we've seen before.
28th December 2016, 20:20
the One year ...
[B][I]2017: A Forecast by the Numbers with Sharon Millstein
Numerologist Sharon Millstein joins Alexis for our annual New Year forecast "by the numbers."
With 2016 leaving so much in its wake, ending a nine year cycle, what will this brand new "one year" bring? Sharon weighs in on everything from the political to the spiritual and how this particular "one year" may just be a turning point unlike any we've seen before.
I saw this as your 1,111 post at 24,000 views of the thread.
That equals 25,111 and that reduces to 10
That's a one too. That's fun
Nice sync and Happy New Era.
28th December 2016, 21:01
Xlent Maggie, your post was at 20.20 and number 1166.
With the gregorion calendar being a false time keeping, feel more numbers people would have seen the 2016=216=6X6X6, 2016 as a massive storm of change.
29th December 2016, 13:04
A tough year ...
Old Friends
By Simon and Garfunkel
(Piano Cover)
29th December 2016, 13:31
A.T.L. Carver | Meme Magic: Pepe, Trump, & The Cult of Kek
From TheHighersideChats
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks meme magick, Pepe the Frog, and Trump with guest, ATL Carver.
We have spent plenty of time in past episodes exploring the potential influence of both magick and the immortal, archetypal beings it can conjure up. And although many of us can see there's something there, the line between otherworldly influence and potential coincidence often blurs too much to be sure what's what. As much as we might want to see things as black and white- it does seem increasingly obvious that we're living in a world of gray.
So when we hear a story such as The Council of Nine, and realize that in the "oh so strange year of 1947"- prominent, influential members of the upper crust were experiencing ritual contact with beings that claimed to be ancient Egyptian gods, poised to work their will through these elite liaisons- we should probably pay attention. And when someone makes the case that, in the words of today's guest "We live in a world where a group of internet misfits meme-magicked a celebrity madman into the White House with the help of an ancient Egyptian deity", wee should definitely pay attention.
Today's guest, ATL Carver, is a thoughtful observer of mental phenomena, student of esoteric philosophy and author of the most prominent piece on today's strange subject "The Truth About Pepe the Frog & The Cult of Kek", as well as his first book on the power of personal magic called "You're Imagining Things".
Want more ATL Carver? Keep up-to date with the newest Pepe news or find him on Twitter. And if you're looking to enter the realm of magick, check out his book "You're Imagining Things" (
Published on Dec 28, 2016
Exit 0
29th December 2016, 14:18
The "Fake News" meme has suddenly gotten teeth, with a new Bill, rushed through Congress, that Obama quietly signed into law, just as his Presidency is fading into obscurity....
Exit 0
29th December 2016, 14:27
The "Fake News" meme has suddenly gotten teeth, with a new Bill, rushed through Congress, that Obama quietly signed into law, just as his Presidency is fading into obscurity....
There’s little doubt the Globalist Controlled “Swamp” (that is Washington, DC) will ever nullify this legislation, after the Republicans take control. Globalization was never derailed with Hillary’s loss, it was simply “sidetracked”.
Listen to F. William Engdahl’s analysis of the new Trump Administration:
29th December 2016, 14:33
Posted Dec 23, 2016 ...
Is the alternative community heading towards an inevitable inquisition ...
Published today Dec 26, 2016 ...
Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law (
There’s little doubt the Globalist Controlled “Swamp” (that is Washington, DC) will ever nullify this legislation, after the Republicans take control. Globalization was never derailed with Hillary’s loss, it was simply “sidetracked”.
Listen to F. William Engdahl’s analysis of the new Trump Administration:
Thanks ... an excellent analysis indeed.
Though I'm way ahead of Mr Farrell.
29th December 2016, 14:45
Will bump this excellent interview ...
A.T.L. Carver | Meme Magic: Pepe, Trump, & The Cult of Kek
From TheHighersideChats
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks meme magick, Pepe the Frog, and Trump with guest, ATL Carver.
We have spent plenty of time in past episodes exploring the potential influence of both magick and the immortal, archetypal beings it can conjure up. And although many of us can see there's something there, the line between otherworldly influence and potential coincidence often blurs too much to be sure what's what. As much as we might want to see things as black and white- it does seem increasingly obvious that we're living in a world of gray.
So when we hear a story such as The Council of Nine, and realize that in the "oh so strange year of 1947"- prominent, influential members of the upper crust were experiencing ritual contact with beings that claimed to be ancient Egyptian gods, poised to work their will through these elite liaisons- we should probably pay attention. And when someone makes the case that, in the words of today's guest "We live in a world where a group of internet misfits meme-magicked a celebrity madman into the White House with the help of an ancient Egyptian deity", wee should definitely pay attention.
Today's guest, ATL Carver, is a thoughtful observer of mental phenomena, student of esoteric philosophy and author of the most prominent piece on today's strange subject "The Truth About Pepe the Frog & The Cult of Kek", as well as his first book on the power of personal magic called "You're Imagining Things".
Want more ATL Carver? Keep up-to date with the newest Pepe news or find him on Twitter. And if you're looking to enter the realm of magick, check out his book "You're Imagining Things" (
Published on Dec 28, 2016
29th December 2016, 15:05
Speaking of ...
Strange Magic
Electric Light Orchestra
29th December 2016, 15:14
Exit 0
29th December 2016, 15:31
In the alchemy of Globalization, the most powerful tool the Globalists have is the elusive "Philosopher's Stone" of Mind Controlling the Mass Population.
29th December 2016, 20:33
The making and breaking of two legends ... :rolleyes:
What really happened to Project Camelot: an interview by Mel Fabregas
This new personal interview with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy - by Mel Fabregas from the VERITAS SHOW - lifts the veil on PROJECT CAMELOT and reveals the complex chain of events that took place in 2008-2009 that resulted in a schism in Project Camelot... a schism which which has now been healed.
The interview details how Bill and Kerry may well have made seven sets of powerful enemies during that time - as a direct result of the stand they were taking on a number of issues.
As Bill says in the interview: "It only takes one bullet to kill you. When you have seven, you have little chance."
The story of exactly what happened, and the role model the Project Camelot founders are seeking to set in resolving the differences that were exacerbated by their enemies, is fascinating and important. MUST WATCH.
As always, there is humor. Enjoy the lovely little outtake at the beginning. The rest of the interview is quite serious, and contains a LOT of important information.
Uploaded on Apr 1, 2011
Full length 102:17 minutes
29th December 2016, 20:43
:Bump: ...
A tough year ...
Old Friends
By Simon and Garfunkel
(Piano Cover)
29th December 2016, 20:58
Playing it to the hilt ...
Breaking ...
Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking (
29th December 2016, 22:34
Please note, i will no longer post on the general forum listing columns ...
My post sharing will be only here on this thread.
29th December 2016, 23:03
Ohh the humanity ...;)
When CW met Mahon
C.W. Chanter
"Please enjoy this clip of Ayin Mahon from a recent Google Hangout on my Channel. Ayin is coming out on the scene, and has already recorded interviews with Leak Project as well as Miles Johnston's Bases Project."
Published on Dec 29, 2016
30th December 2016, 02:03
Yikes ...
World's highest bridge opens in China - BBC News
"The Beipanjiang bridge in southern China has opened to traffic following three years of construction."
Published on Dec 29, 2016
Time-lapse: World’s highest bridge to open in China
"Beipanjiang Bridge, the world’s highest bridge crossing the Nizhu River Canyon located in the juncture of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, is 565 meters above the river. It was officially completed on Saturday after three years of construction. As many as 1,000 engineers and technicians worked on this high-altitude project. The bridge is expected to open before the end of this year. This aerial time-lapse shot shows the splendid scene surrounding the world’s highest bridge. Take a look."
Published on Sep 9, 2016
30th December 2016, 02:25
Trump will be 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old on inauguration day. Hmmm. That's from Regina Meredith's latest show.
30th December 2016, 03:37
Trump will be 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old on inauguration day. Hmmm. That's from Regina Meredith's latest show.
Trump will be inaugurated 77 days after being elected president by 77 electors after 7 faithless electors defected.
(original elector tally was 306 to 232 but on December 19th 7 electors became faithless making the new tally 304 to 227 a difference of 77 votes)
These 4Chan trolls shouldn't play with magic because it is real. Kek or Apepe (Pepe) is a real deity.
30th December 2016, 06:11
A new green rush ...
Budding regulation in one of California's marijuana meccas
"As more states move to legalize pot, Humboldt County, California, an epicenter of the underground marijuana industry, has begun a new, bold experiment to bring growers out of the shadows and regulate the growth, sale and environmental impact of cannabis. Special correspondent Sheraz Sadiq of KQED reports."
Published on Dec 29, 2016
Innocent Warrior
30th December 2016, 06:52
These 4Chan trolls shouldn't play with magic because it is real. Kek or Apepe (Pepe) is a real deity.
I dug into that and came to suspect a few on 4Chan know very well that's a real deity and know exactly what they're doing.
30th December 2016, 16:09
True that. I really didn't know much about Pepe and his evolution. Fascinating stuff. Chaos magic in action.
30th December 2016, 17:00
the latest ...
Russia's Hopes In Trump Folly - Morris
"Trump Is Israel's Man - And Russians are excited thinking Trump will be friendly. American democracy was anyway only ever an illusion. Roughly speaking 25% of the e4lectorate voted for Trump, 25% for Killary and 50% did not vote."
Published on Dec 30, 2016
30th December 2016, 17:11
Let the new year parties begin ...
30th December 2016, 17:18
So what happens to these cars after three years when they go off lease?,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/dluzayiofhb8rehqqf4x.jpg
Newish Electric Cars Are Coming Off Lease And Oh My God Are They Cheap (
30th December 2016, 17:27
A quickie ... ocket%252C%2Bminiture%252C%2Bart%252C%2Bmuseum%252 C%2Bfaces%252C%2Bface%252C%2Bevidence%252C%2Bdiscl osure%252C%2BRussia%252C%2BMars%252C%2Bmonster%252 C%2Brover%252C%2Briver%252C%2BAztec%252C%2BMayan%2 52C%2Bbiology%252C%2Btime%252C%2Btravel%252C%2Btra veler%252C%2Breal%252C%2BUFO%252C%2BUFOs%252C%2Bsi ghting%252C%2Bsightings%252C%2Balien%252C%2Baliens %252C%2Buniverse%252C3.png
Rod UFO Captured on Film over country of Cypress
Submitter description: "Picture was taken for the purpose of mountain and moon combination scenery. The object could only be realised right after shooted in LCD display."
"Several shootings made before this photo but no other objects were found in previous shootings."
Clip from Planet + Season 6 Episode 7
Air Date: December 29, 2016
Published on Dec 30, 2016
30th December 2016, 18:08
The true realty ... pg?oh=5edb414e8f7311345fc2d6e9e4e76904&oe=58EDAE92
Diana Buttu & Gideon Levy on Israeli Settlements, Kerry, Military Aid & End of Two-State Solution
"Secretary of State John Kerry has blasted Israel’s government, saying in a major address on Wednesday that the relentless expansion of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank threatens Israel’s democracy and has all but ended the prospect of a two-state solution with the Palestinians. "If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or Democratic; it cannot be both," Kerry said. "And it won’t ever really be at peace." Kerry’s speech followed intense Israeli criticism of the U.S. for refusing to veto a Security Council resolution last week. The measure condemns Israel’s expansion of settlements as a flagrant violation of international law. The resolution passed in a 14-0 vote. The U.S. abstained. We speak to Palestinian attorney Diana Buttu and Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, a Haaretz columnist."
Published on Dec 30, 2016
30th December 2016, 18:26
Everyday Hero's ...
Firefighters rescue 14yo Labrador from frozen lake in US
"A 14-year-old dog was rescued from the frozen White Lake in Muskegon County, Michigan, by the local fire authority. Three firefighters, linked together by rope, rescued the Labrador which had fallen into the water 100 yards from shore."
Published on Dec 30, 2016
30th December 2016, 18:32
Make a resolution to be a real hero in 2017 ... 1gf2w8.png/1483074931203.jpg
by David Bowie
30th December 2016, 19:37
Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher: Joint service planned, reports in US say (
30th December 2016, 23:57
w/ Jon Rappoport's No More Fake News Room
Published on Dec 30, 2016
This is our last show for 2016... it's Fadernight w/ Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake News Room, Live...followed by open lines...taking calls from all around the world...we'll see you next week and next year...2017.
Air date: December 29, 2016
Jon Rappoport segment starts at the 31 minute mark
31st December 2016, 01:08
I did not see this posted anywhere?
Strange Three-Fingered Alien-Looking Hand Found in Peru
Less that two months after the revelation of the discovery in Peru of a tiny humanoid head comes another strange finding that is less humanoid and more alien-like. The hand has only three long fingers – no thumb – and has other strange characteristics that make its identity difficult. Does it belong to an alien who can no longer give its buddies a high-three? Are elongated fingers a sign the being also had an elongated skull?
As with the tiny skull revealed in November, details on the odd hand are minimal. Hidden Inca Tours has some information on its website. The site claims the hand was brought to them by the same person in Cusco, Peru, who brought them the skull and a very small action-figure-sized mummy. X-rays of the hand show fingers that are much longer than a human’s, with six bones and five knuckles per finger instead of three and two. What would be a palm of the hand shows multiple fractured bones.
A close-up of the skin-covered outer side of the hand shows what appears to be a manicured nail on one finger. There’s also a small piece of metal either in or on the hand. One thought is that the metal is from some sort of implant.
As with similar strange artifacts found in Peru and other South American countries, the government is strict about removing them or even studying them in detail or even in person. As a result, the site says DNA testing of the giant hand will not take place in the U.S. until 2017. The cultures that manually elongated the skulls of individuals weren’t known to also elongate fingers. Anyway, the site claims that local physicians examined it and determined it was not from a human but could be from a mammal.
That narrows it down to … well, it doesn’t really narrow it down to anything. The hand doesn’t resemble that of any known three-fingered (koalas have three but also have a thumb) or three-toed (the sloth) Earth creatures.
Eliminating humans and known mammals, we’re left with the hand being a hoax or from an alien. If it’s a hoax, it’s so far good enough to fool a few people who have examined it, although they’re tour vendors with an obvious interest in keeping the mystery alive. If it’s from an alien, will anyone actually confirm it?
What do you think it is?
Also posted on Brien Foerster's Hidden Inca Tour's website (
49EyifA_WrM may not show up though they are on the raw post?
31st December 2016, 01:14
Way back when ...
We double dare you Drumpfsky ... g?oh=fd3fd7ba0b56877a4b4483046a21f93e&oe=591EBE55
Note the real family name is Drumpf
31st December 2016, 01:24
Make a resolution to be a real hero in 2017 ...
I love that ideal and the story you posted. Thanks Gio.
One of the movies I really liked in 2016 was Tom Hanks in "Sully". It was an amazing event in 2009 and everyone survived because of all the heroes who stepped up. Can't always be a HERO like Sully but can celebrate heroic people and step up to what comes our way?
31st December 2016, 01:31
The year that was ...
Man who slept through 2016.
Click screen to watch
31st December 2016, 02:23
What an ending lol.
31st December 2016, 03:02
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ...
Will share this here ...
USB-C ALL the Things!
From Marques Brownlee (
* Links to all accessories below YouTube video show notes
31st December 2016, 03:08
31st December 2016, 03:17
Looks like New England Finally Got The Snow ...
Happy Holidays From James Taylor g?oh=a14fc5aa789b56900ff0002e1df014e5&oe=58F02158
James and Ting: for Auld Lang Syne ?oh=b7bf3978c9364f47d13fd01ff15749e8&oe=58D8DD8A
"May all your Christmases be white." g?oh=6b46213b244d088be073b7efc8a1a17c&oe=58D702C4
Winter Wonderland
31st December 2016, 03:26
Will be taking a few days off ~ Back on January 2
Happy New Year Everyone !
2nd January 2017, 12:50
But it's not over till the fat lady sings ...
Or is it ...
Mariah Carey New Years Eve
2nd January 2017, 13:04
The Year Of Chaos
2nd January 2017, 13:22
Welcome ...
The Great Unknown
Rob Thomas
2nd January 2017, 13:43
If the levee breaks ...
Worse than ISIS & nuclear bomb?
Mosul dam at risk from ongoing military offensive
"French president Francois Hollande has arrived in the Iraqi capital Baghdad to meet French troops helping government forces battle Islamic State. And it came just days after the resumption of a large-scale offensive on Mosul, which remains a key ISIS stronghold. However, experts fear the military operation could lead to a problem even bigger than Islamic State itself."
Published on Jan 2, 2017
2nd January 2017, 14:12
"Maybe this world is another planet's hell."
Aldous Huxley ( - Who Are We?
Published on Jan 1, 2017
(Lecture - 58:19 minute)
2nd January 2017, 14:36
:pc: ...
Trump says no computer is safe from hackers (
2nd January 2017, 14:45
Another Fav ...
Fools Rush In
Ricky Nelson
2nd January 2017, 16:01
2017 the year of going hermit ...
Why Americans Believe Federalized Lies —
Russian Hacks, Alt-Left Fake News, Obama’s Parthian Shot
Lionel Nation
"I wanted you to understand what happens to the mind when the suspicion levels are allowed to evaporate. Americans know nothing. And there's a reason for that. Our media. As a friend of mine notes: "The ghosts of Hearst and Pulitzer must be banging their heads against the spectral bars of their infernal cages at the terminal stupidity of their modern counterparts. Assuming they get 24/7 CNN in hell. Which is a fair assumption, since no greater torture could be imagined. Anyone delayed in Atlanta Airport can attest to this."
Published on Jan 2, 2017
2nd January 2017, 16:16
the latest ... a764e30dae8eb798f68368c75&oe=58E02CDC
James Gilliland's ~ As You Wish Talk Radio
December 31, 2016
James Gilliland and Peter Maxwell Slattery. They discuss the immense wave of energies hitting 3-D and our consciousness, the newest rash of sightings down under, and Peter's newest book on Pleiadian contacts& messages ...
Listen here (
2nd January 2017, 22:19
Money for nothing ...
Or is it ...
Basic Income Arrives: Finland To Hand Out Guaranteed Income Of €560 To Lucky Citizens (
3rd January 2017, 03:32
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ...
Does the word appease come to mind ...
For those who might not be old enough to remember here's some deja vu for you ...
One should not forget what happened to him via his paranoia ...
Richard Nixon Hated the Presidential Daily Intel Brief, Too (
3rd January 2017, 04:31
the original ...
3rd January 2017, 06:47
"The corruption in America has risen to levels where even certain areas of science are not to be trusted, as this report describes. The sad truth is that even scientists who are supposed to be committed to facts are all too easily corrupted — when it comes to integrity or funding all too many are willing to make a Faustian bargain." Stephan A. Schwartz
New York Times confirms GMO industry ties at National Academies of Sciences
A groundbreaking investigation profiles Food & Water Watch’s research into conflicts of interest at the National Academies—and highlights the outsize role industry plays in GMO science and policy ... Read the rest (
3rd January 2017, 14:51 ...
With Rule 41 the FBI Is Now Officially the Enemy of All Computer Users
"Rick Falkvinge, founder of the original pirate party and head of privacy at, joins us to discuss his recent article, "Today, the FBI becomes the enemy of every computer user and every IT security professional worldwide." We dissect the new "Rule 41" that gives American law enforcement unprecedented leeway to break into any computer in the world, the implications this has for a world in which privacy is increasingly a thing of the past, and what people can do to protect themselves from the New Online Order of global FBI operations."
Published on Jan 3, 2017
3rd January 2017, 15:32
Life after coal ...
Revitalizing America's Post-Coal Country
"For years, politicians have promised to bring jobs and prosperity back to America’s depressed coal-producing regions. But that won’t be so easy to pull off, because in many places the industry didn’t so much decline as vanish. Josh Hersh went to a coal town in West Virginia where the way forward doesn’t lead back to the mines."
Published on Jan 3, 2017
3rd January 2017, 16:37
When everything old becomes new again ... g?oh=04b5ecd3b3f173f5f601788205d556d7&oe=58DCF945
I Go To Rio
Peter Allan
3rd January 2017, 17:03 g?oh=6ba6fb02066425bcf29e1048d9023efe&oe=58D89BA8
It should be noted this thread is now also being shared over here (
In which resides some of my very best Original Avalon friends !
3rd January 2017, 18:05
Continuing ...
How to Travel Morocco SUPER CHEAP!!
Budget Travel Tips
From Gabriel Traveler
Published on Jan 3, 2017
3rd January 2017, 20:54
Trump 1 - Congress 0
New Republican Congress reverses ethics move after outcry (
3rd January 2017, 21:35
A quickie smile ...
Bill Burr's Solution To Environmental Problems -
From Conan O'Brien
"Bill's got a surefire way to make sure there's enough natural resources for all."
Published on Jan 3, 2017
4th January 2017, 02:00
Peter Levenda | Lovecraft, The Yaziti, & Middle Eastern Magic
"Join The Higherside Chat podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Lovecraft, Crowley and Yazidi with returning guest, Peter Levenda.
We know the world is a stranger place than it might seem on the surface, with unknown depths few people dare to explore- and when the stakes for spending too much time looking behind the veil are madness and paranoia, who can blame them?
But there is a rich history of artists, musicians, writers and creative types feeling as though they are being compelled to do what they do, that they find themselves being more conduit than creator. More vessel than virtuoso. And fans of H.P. Lovecraft's work have even battled over this very point for years. Are there hidden truths or unconscious insights woven throughout the work of the father of “supernatural horror fiction?”
Today's returning guest Peter Levenda thinks so, and by the end of today's show you might be inclined to agree. Peter, of course, is the author of many books including the great Sinister Forces series discussed in his last appearance, which explores the possibility of supernatural influence in some of America's most trying times; from a deeper exploration of the Salem Witch Trials and the potential influence of ancient Indian burial ground on a young Charles Manson, to the alchemical interests of Americas founders, and that infamous seance to channel the Council of Nine in that old farmhouse in Maine. Yes, Peter Levenda has helped us understand the significance and synchronicities between places, names, dates that really make you wonder about this idea of ethereal puppet masters and how much influence they might really have. Luckily, the surgeon of synchronicity is here to discuss his latest book, his first published novel entitled "The Lovecraft Code", it branches off of the infamous “Call of Cthulhu” and uses a fictional narrative as the means of exploring what may be some profound truths."
Books (
Published on Jan 3, 2017
About/ H.P. Lovecraft
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” —H.P. Lovecraft
H.P. Lovecraft was born on August 20, 1890, in Providence, Rhode Island. The horror magazine Weird Tales bought some of his stories in 1923. His story "The Call of Cthulhu" came out in 1928 in Weird Tales. Elements of this story would reappear in other related tales. In his final years, he took editing and ghostwriting work to try to make ends meet. He died on March 15, 1937, in Providence, Rhode Island.
Early Life
A master of fantastical horror stories, H.P. Lovecraft was born Howard Phillips Lovecraft in 1890, in Providence, Rhode Island. Lovecraft had an unusual childhood marked by tragedy. His traveling salesman father developed a type of mental disorder caused by untreated syphilis when he was around the age of three. In 1893, his father became a patient at the Butler Hospital in Providence and there he remained until his death in 1898.
A sickly child, Lovecraft spent many of his school years at home. He became an avid reader, devouring works on a variety of texts. Lovecraft loved the works of Edgar Allan Poe and developed a special interest in astronomy. As a teenager, he did attend Hope High School, but he suffered a nervous breakdown before he could earn his diploma. Lovecraft became a reclusive figure for several years, choosing to stay up late studying and reading and writing and then sleeping late into the day. During this time, he managed to publish some articles on astronomy in several newspapers.
Writing Career
Lovecraft started out as a would-be journalist, joining the United Amateur Press Association in 1914. The following year, he launched his self-published magazine The Conservative for which he wrote several essays and other pieces. While he had reportedly dabbled in fiction early on, Lovecraft became more serious about writing stories around 1917. Many of these early works were influenced by the writings of Lord Dunsany, an Irish author of fantasy tales, as well as Lovecraft's early favorite Edgar Allan Poe.
The horror magazine Weird Tales bought some of Lovecraft's stories in 1923, giving him his first taste of literary success. The following year, he married Sonia Greene. The couple lived together in New York City for two years before splitting up. After his marriage failed, Lovecraft returned to Rhode Island and began work on some of his best stories. "The Call of Cthulhu" came out in 1928 in Weird Tales, and it perhaps best illustrated Lovecraft's efforts at creating an otherworldly type of terror.
Lovecraft introduced readers to the first of many supernatural beings that would wreak havoc on humankind. Elements of this story would reappear in other related tales—collectively known by many as the "Cthulhu Mythos." These later stories reflected Lovecraft's own philosophical ideals. According to American Heritage magazine, Lovecraft once wrote, "all of my tales are based on the fundamental premise that common human laws and emotions have no validity or significance in the cosmos-at-large."
Death and Legacy
In his final years, Lovecraft was barely able to support himself. He took editing and ghostwriting work to try to make ends meet. Lovecraft died of cancer on March 15, 1937, in Providence, Rhode Island. He left behind more than 60 short stories and a few novel and novellas, including The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. Lovecraft's passing was mourned by his devoted following of colleagues and aspiring writers with whom he corresponded and collaborated. Two of these friends, August Derleth and Donald Wandrei, formed a publishing company called Arkham House to promote and preserve Lovecraft's work.
Since his death, Lovecraft has earned greater acclaim than he enjoyed during his lifetime. He has been an inspiration to such writers as Peter Straub, Stephen King and Neil Gaiman. His stories have also served as the inspiration for numerous films, including 2011's Hunters of the Dark and 2007's Cthulhu. As Stephen King explained to American Heritage magazine, "Now that time has given us some perspective on his work, I think it is beyond doubt that H.P. Lovecraft has yet to be surpassed as the twentieth century's greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale."
4th January 2017, 05:03
For your inspection ...
With all the alternative community's hype and speculation lately surrounding 'what's going on in Antarctica' - this YouTuber's recent video has come to my attention ... I have no verification's of his validity - Just passing it along folks ...
Note - MrCati has been making videos for over ten years, I don't know much about him other than this presented self described bio from Before It's News ( contributor's page ...
About/ MrCati
I dont have any desire for all the social trappings that others embrace. Social trappings are to me simply an "Albatross" of life that I choose to do without. I live outside of the box and think there often of new ideas and theories. I relish a good forensic investigation methodology and love to apply my thought process to problems and riddles and mostly, codes. Codes of all types, simple to complex. I hobby in video production and use video as a tool to communicate in manners different from how others usually communicate in their videos. I love the outdoors, know how to camp and hunt and have spent a few nights in the wild with the animals of the jungle. Geophysics, science, music, film cinema, forensic investigation, strategic military studies along with military weapons systems and ritualistic occultism are my main focus.
MrCati's -
Youtube Channel (
Antarctica and the Lost Ancient Civilization Discussion
Published on Dec 30, 2016
"FYI-This video is a 3rd generation copy of a copy, because I have been unable to resolve a sophisticated computer virus issue I am experiencing, that does not allow me to render or finish any of my videos into a format that allows for uploading. Only by copying the unfinished original video, was I able to produce a finished video format, that allows me to upload to You Tube. Your patience and understanding with this issue are appreciated. I will continue to attempt to resolve this technical computer issue, as we come into the 2017 New Year.
This Antarctica report discusses recent media reports regarding Antarctica and combines the recent material with my previously reported on Norway 323 Dead Reindeer Line, that runs into New Zealand, the site of two recent major earthquakes. Many other Antarctica topics and related subject matters, will be included in this discussion, but only so that a larger picture can be painted, which I hope will allow others to consider, the recent Antarctica reports in a new and different manner. This report is a discussion necessary to explain the many complex elements that reside in Antarctica."
Background Sources and Links - Below youtube show notes
Length 55:44 minutes
4th January 2017, 13:43
It's been freaking freezing ...
U.S. Weather Alert ...
2017 to start with heavy rain, snow over much of Northwest (
4th January 2017, 14:12
Did someone forget to pay the bill ...
Washington Monument goes dark, officials investigate (
4th January 2017, 14:46
The Washington Monument is closed 'til 2019 due to a faulty elevator. I didn't know that.
4th January 2017, 21:56
Ep. 583 FADE to BLACK
Jimmy Church w/ Richard Dolan : 2017 UFO Disclosure
Published on Jan 4, 2017
This is our first broadcast of 2017 and our guest is Richard Dolan...he is here to discuss UFOs, world governments and what we can expect in the new year.
Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time
Richard completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Before that, he had studied at Alfred University and Oxford University and had been a finalist for a Rhodes scholarship.
He is the author of UFOs and the National Security State, he co-authored with Bryce Zabel, A.D. After Disclosure and his latest book is: UFOs and the 21st Century Mind.
Richard hosts a weekly radio show, The Richard Dolan Show, on KGRA radio, is a frequent guest on Coast-to-Coast AM. He is currently featured on several television series and documentaries, including Ancient Aliens, Hangar One: The UFO Files and Close Encounters.
In addition to his research, his company, Richard Dolan Press, actively publishes innovative books by authors from around the world and he will be speaking next month right here in Los Angeles, CA at the Conscious Life Expo…
Tonight we will be taking a look to the future…2017, UFO’s and world government.
Air date: January 3, 2017
Richard Dolan segment starts at the 32 minute mark
4th January 2017, 22:07
5th January 2017, 00:28
Missing Links with Gregg Braden | Episode 01
Published on Jan 4, 2017
The biggest questions concerning who we are, where we come from and where we are going have captivated scientists and mystics for centuries. Gregg Braden connects the missing links between science and spirituality to complete our understanding of humanity’s history, the origins of civilization and our interconnectedness with all things.
Explore the deep truths of our origin, history, destiny and fate, with Missing Links.
5th January 2017, 02:03
Via friend Pam / Bend, Oregon ...
Nice Rack ! pg?oh=a9b169918c7a15f4742efd10013b1418&oe=58D65E45
5th January 2017, 03:14
From last night ...
Watch it while it's available ...
President Trump | FRONTLINE (2017)
"An examination of the key moments that shaped President-elect Donald Trump. Interviews drawn from The Choice 2016 with advisors, business associates and biographers reveal how Trump transformed himself from real estate developer to reality TV star to president."
Published on Jan 4, 2017
5th January 2017, 03:56
Released 50 years ago today ...
The Doors/First Album-1967 (
Full Album
5th January 2017, 04:07
A tidbit from the above RollingStone article ...
Before recording their debut, the Doors provided backing music
to a Ford Motor Company training film ...
"In the early spring of 1966, the Doors' were dropped from a preliminary Columbia Records contract with little warning – and little to show for it. Lacking representation and struggling financially, the band took an unglamorous gig at Parthenon Pictures providing incidental music for a Ford Motor Company customer service training film titled Love Thy Customer.
The Doors piled into a cramped screening room at Los Angeles' Rampart Studios, where they viewed the 25-minute clip on a small monitor. They composed a soundtrack largely on the spot, jamming live as the scenes flickered past. Fragments of what later became "I Looked at You," "Build Me a Woman," and "The Soft Parade" can be heard in the finished product. Though they played only instrumental passages, Morrison is said to have contributed percussion and additional sound effects. The day of work earned them $200.
Believed to be lost for decades, Love Thy Customer was discovered in the UCLA film vaults in 2002 and released on the 2014 Doors rarities DVD R-Evolution. However, the original soundtrack session tapes have yet to be located."
5th January 2017, 19:04
the latest ...
Ancient Wisdom and Cosmological Defense System
In this exciting conclusion to their wildly informative and groundbreaking three-part series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Dr. Joseph Farrell separate fact from fiction about the traditions of secret knowledge, ancient high-technology wonder weapons and the modern race to discover them.
Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defense system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure. It’s an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical patterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.
Modern Archaeology Wars
From the Nazi obsession with ancestral elemental rituals and the ruins of early mystical cultures to the controversial disappearance of ancient artifacts and tablets in the looting of the Baghdad Museum during the Iraq War, Farrell sees an ongoing pattern on the parts of major world governments to discover secret prehistoric knowledge through covert modern archaeological warfare. This lost wisdom may have outlined the construction details for a super-powered resonance weapon which the peoples of the forgotten past used to wage a Cosmic War that brought great devastation during a forgotten chapter in Earth's history and is remembered now only in faint echoes of a massive battle among the gods in ancient legends.
One of these legends, about a hidden Atlantean Hall of Records suggests a lost culture and their advanced technology are yet waiting to be discovered. This secret structure was said by the famous Sleeping Prophet psychic Edgar Cayce to be buried in a pyramid in Egypt and could be entered through a hidden passageway underneath the right paw of the Spinx. interestingly enough, two leading Egyptologists were actually sponsored in their early careers by Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Edgar Cayce Foundation, and one of them even wrote a book about Cayce's readings on the deep links between the development of Egypt by the survivors of Atlantis. Were they secretly looking for the Ancient Hall of Records using the Cayce readings while publicly disavowing their former sponsor and keeping in line with the official academic story?"
Published on Jan 5, 2017
Also note:
5th January 2017, 20:03
Dakota Access Pipeline in the news ...
No DAPL Hits Rose Parade in Big Numbers to Welcome New Year (
5th January 2017, 20:18
hmm ...
US Navy-trained dolphins are trying to save their brethren from extinction (
5th January 2017, 20:33
"Few of us really understand the weird world of quantum physics –
but our bodies might take advantage of quantum properties" ...
Organisms Might be Quantum Machines (
6th January 2017, 02:54
happening ... 863a3a374723bbc21d3ce43ace4c%2F170105-james-woosley-ap-1160.jpg
Trump Splits With 'Senior Advisor' Former CIA Chief Woolsey (
6th January 2017, 13:13
his latest tweet ...:rolleyes:
Trump on border wall: Mexico will pay us back (
6th January 2017, 13:31
Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released By Chilean Navy
An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO displaying highly unusual behavior, studied by Chilean authorities for the last two years, is now being released to the public. The CEFAA - the Chilean government agency which investigates UFOs, or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), has been in charge of the investigation. Located within the DGAC, the equivalent of our FAA but under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force, CEFAA has committees of military experts, technicians and academics from many disciplines. None of them have been able to explain the strange flying object captured by two experienced Navy officers from a helicopter ... Story here ( 6r)
Chile Helicopter UFO - FULL
Uploaded on Jan 3, 2017
6th January 2017, 15:22
New season ...
Comedians In Cars Having Coffee
With Jerry Seinfeld
Kristen Wiig
S9 E1 “The Volvo-ness”
"Jerry is ready to partay this week with comic goddess Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids, Saturday Night Live) in the Season 9 premiere. The pair are taking a 1964 Volvo 122S Amazon to LA's iconic House of Pies" ...
Watch this episode and all seasons here (
6th January 2017, 17:03
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ...
Around & Around ...
6th January 2017, 17:09
Children In Norway Can Sign A Form To Change Their Gender:
VICE News Tonight on HBO (Full Segment)
"Until this summer, Norway was one of 19 European countries that required transgender individuals to undergo surgery and sterilization before they could legally change their gender. Now, all people — including children as young as 6 — need to do is sign a form, thanks to legislation passed in June. Argentina and Malta are the only other countries that allow minors to transition, but they require them to go to court first."
Published on Jan 6, 2017
6th January 2017, 19:07
As a diabetic - I can relate ...
6th January 2017, 20:56
Judee Sill is a new discovery for me. Lots of people have pointed out that "Laurel Canyon" was the scene of an orchestrated psychological operation. So many people died so young of murder and "suicide">>>> The story is all so full of weird coincidences And undoubtedly something uncanny was at play.....?
This artist is an example of an amalgam of genius and tragedy. She remind me of Nick Drake (almost missed but newly discovered) and I hope her music will be remembered.
Judee Sill: Soldier of the Heart (
Ruth Barnes delves into the extraordinary story of the musician Judee Sill.
The first act signed to David Geffen's Asylum Records in the early 1970s, Judee Sill produced two astonishingly beautiful albums in her lifetime.
Seemingly emerging from the Laurel Canyon scene, her music wove a diverse tapestry of influences - from gospel piano to Bach, rhythm and blues to country, forty-part vocal harmonies blending into piano ballads...
So why did Judee Sill disappear from view? Ruth Barnes traces Judee's peculiar life story - hearing tales of armed robberies, reform school and addiction, alongside musical invention and heartstopping songs.
Fred Steeves
6th January 2017, 23:27
Lots of people have pointed out that "Laurel Canyon" was the scene of an orchestrated psychological operation. So many people died so young of murder and "suicide">>>> The story is all so full of weird coincidences And undoubtedly something uncanny was at play.....?
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