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15th November 2016, 19:55
hmm ...

#NotMyPresident? Take the #ClintonPledge!


"Do you have the sinking feeling that democracy is not what it's cracked up to be? Do you insist that Trump is #NotMyPresident? Well don't despair, get active. Take the #ClintonPledge, and pass it along to your friends. It may not be as scary as you think."

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=20438

Published on Nov 14, 2016


An update followup ...

Did you vote to #DrainTheSwamp? Take the #TrumpPledge!


"Do you have the sinking feeling that Trump may start backing off his promises now that he's in power. Is there the niggling doubt that the banksters, criminals and party insiders he's surrounding himself with may not follow through on that draining of the swamp? Never fear! You can show you're a person of integrity by taking the #TrumpPledge."

Published on Nov 15, 2016


An another ...

#NotMyPresident? #DrainTheSwamp? The REAL Revolution Is Already Here


"So you say you want a revolution? Well don't worry, it's already happening and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the political game that the ruling oligarchs entice you to play once every four years. As the radical decentralization transforms the economy and finance and manufacturing and the media itself, the only question is whether or not you're taking part in it. Yes, the revolution is happening, and no, it will not be televised."

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=20458

Published on Nov 16, 2016


16th November 2016, 00:05
Reopening and Updating The Doors of Perception (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doors_of_Perception) ...


Anthony Peake | Consciousness, Altered States, & The Pleroma

From TheHighersideChats

"Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks consciousness, altered states, and the Pleroma with returning guest, Anthony Peake.

While we love talking about the various brands of high strangeness out there, a major unifying component to these mysterious encounters with aspects of the other side is: us. This is because all of these experiences come through the lens of the human perception. And of course, the mainstream often uses that fact as an excuse to dismiss these strange occurrences entirely, which is wrong, but it's still a fact that shouldn't be ignored. What role does human consciousness play in these situations, or any situation for that matter?

Back in the THC saddle after four long years, today's guest Anthony Peake is one of the kings of consciousness research. He's written several books along the way, but most recently his decade plus study of reality, the mind, and altered states have all come together in his latest masterpiece, "Opening the Doors of Perception: The Key to Cosmic Awareness".

Want more Anthony Peake? Check out his website and titles such as "The Daemon: A Guide to Your Extraordinary Self" or "The Out of Body Experience: The History and Science of Astral Travel"."

Published on Nov 15, 2016


16th November 2016, 00:29
Gone wrong fishing ...


16th November 2016, 02:00
Oh Canada (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwDvF0NtgdU)...

Here's a local trending social media item ...


Canadians invite Washington and the rest of the west coast to join Canada (http://www.khq.com/story/33717320/canadians-invite-washington-and-the-rest-of-the-west-coast-to-join-canada)

16th November 2016, 02:57
speaking of Canada ...

From Linda Moulton Howe ...


What Was Large “Balloon”-Shaped Aerial Object Over Lake Ontario
That Forced Pilots to Dive Below It On November 14th? (https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2478&category=Environment)

16th November 2016, 04:01
For those of us who missed it live ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15078634_1049580778479553_3806180410342629561_n.jp g?oh=a049a278d0324f654f375678a00f67c3&oe=58D53518

16th November 2016, 13:00
For those of us who missed it live ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15078634_1049580778479553_3806180410342629561_n.jp g?oh=a049a278d0324f654f375678a00f67c3&oe=58D53518


And when you're done you can make a cheese crisp! Yum.

Exit 0
16th November 2016, 17:08
Oh Canada (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwDvF0NtgdU)...

Here's a local trending social media item ...


Canadians invite Washington and the rest of the west coast to join Canada (http://www.khq.com/story/33717320/canadians-invite-washington-and-the-rest-of-the-west-coast-to-join-canada)

With my blessing, gio.

Just don't expect the Patriots of the American Heartland to defend their sorry-asses, once those "Coasters" burn the bridge....

Note: I use the term "Coasters" allegorically, as in entitlement-driven Progressives (http://jandeane81.com/threads/10220-TRUMP-is-the-next-President-of-the-UNITED-STATES!-AP-Calling-Pennsylvania-as-a-Trump-Victory?p=841961239&viewfull=1#post841961239).

16th November 2016, 18:06
We know that psychedelics are a serious matter and are for adults.
Psychedelics made illegal causes problems.
OPEN appropriate use in a context of "mature" exploration is not possible.

"Psychedelics and Civilisation, Light and Darkness'' , investigates the possibility, that by demonising and criminalising the use of psychedelics rather than seeking out ways to harness their power for altering consciousness in safe and nurturing spaces, our society may have set itself on a profoundly negative path."

I think the sound in this one is not good but OK. The slides are good.


16th November 2016, 21:50
This is amazing as a possible future, and revelation of how our PRESENT is remembered then in 3906....

article here
Chronicles from the Future: The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach (http://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/chronicles-future-amazing-story-paul-amadeus-deinach-003121#overlay-context=searchall/chronicles%2520future)


This was a presentation that took place at the Association for Research and Enlighenment at Virginia Beach for the VB firiends of the IANDS on September 14 2013. This is an amazing experience that took place in 1921 involving a visit from someone in the future, from the year 3906 AD. Nassos Komianos summarized the whole story and insights of the Swiss teacher Paul Amadeus Dienach, who slipped in a rare state of consciousness, called narcolepsy for almost a year. When he recovered he came back with memories of another person (actually his future embodiment), a physicist named Andreas Northam, who lived in the future. The professor of the future had an accident involving an NDE and when he recovers, he has been possessed by the personality of our twentieth century teacher (or actually his own former persona). He cannot recognize any of his loved ones and speaks a foreign tongue that no one comprehends. Not only that but he suffers from another ailment, he never sleeps. The body of our Swiss teacher is constantly asleep and the body of the man of the future is constantly awake. The physicians of the future examine him thoroughly but cannot explain the phenomenon and they think it is a consequence of his momentary death. They began re-educating the new persona of their once famous physicist. During this process of re-education, Dienach is taught what took place for those two millennia. What happened in history, and how things evolved, is strikingly shocking and flaringly interesting. When the Swiss teacher came out of his narcoleptic coma in 1922, he began writing all his memories from the future. Later, he was struck by tuberculosis and left all his transcripts to his Greek student, and died at the age of 38. After 44 years, this student became the Dean of the Panteion University of Athens he published, with a lot of reservations, this unique experience.

To get to the detailed synopsis of the story, begin from 29:02
At 38:55 what is recalled about our time is shared.....

Memories from the Future:The Valley of Roses (A.R.E.)


Exit 0
17th November 2016, 00:32
Since I guess I'm the old coot on this thread (pushin' 70), perhaps a bit of nostalgia from my adolescence would be appropriate.

At the time, I was a radical youth, myself, fighting the war and the establishment. Today, I listen to Jack Webb's words with a different sort of respect....


Aw shucks, I still crave the rotary telephone....

17th November 2016, 01:15
Since I guess I'm the old coot on this thread (pushin' 70), perhaps a bit of nostalgia from my adolescence would be appropriate.

At the time, I was a radical youth, myself, fighting the war and the establishment. Today, I listen to Jack Webb's words with a different sort of respect....


Aw shucks, I still crave the rotary telephone....

I am two months short of being 64 so I will concede "old coot of this thread" to you.:ht:

17th November 2016, 01:22
Thanks Mr G ...

Most American's really never appreciate the times prior to their own generation's ... Whenever i look back now, I can't help but give thanks to all who gave and made it so real ... I am not usually nostalgic ... But it was the music of my generation that still keeps bringing me back happily smiling ... As Joe Friday's 'Dragnet' opening would always denote ... 'This Is The City' ... :)

Los Angeles/Sunset Strip back in the day ... I remember it well !

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14947815_10154130405213412_2095513544830299188_n.p ng?oh=ede9af9eea1659e93926db1905d4b162&oe=58C3126E

'The Doors at The Whisky A Go Go'

“The Doors had a transformative influence on popular culture and remain
a vital piece to the legacy of The Sunset Strip.”


17th November 2016, 01:46
And speaking of doors ...


Anthony Peake - Opening the Doors of Perception

From LegaliseFreedom1

"Anthony Peake discusses his book Opening the Doors of Perception – The Key to Cosmic Awareness. Considering the irreducible complexity of the human brain and the sense we often have of our bodies feeling more like part of the external world - a vehicle or conduit if you will – while our inner selves, our consciousness appears to reside 'elsewhere', we ask: Is mind within matter or matter within mind? What and where is consciousness? Is it merely an epiphenomenon of the brain, or is it the origin of all that is? We consider altered states of consciousness, including so-called mental illness, and ask what purpose, if any, they might ultimately serve. Under certain circumstances, such altered states seem to offer glimpses of a much wider reality beyond that normally perceived by our five senses.

Building on the ideas of Aldous Huxley and his Doors of Perception (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doors_of_Perception), we ponder notions such as past lives, reincarnation, the collective unconscious, and what happens to our world if indeed time, space, and matter are not fundamental. Do we then exist in an unimaginably vast computer simulation? Are we simply avatars in a cosmic computer game? And if so, then who – or what – is in control? Maybe you have a sense of something else – something long forgotten, only now half remembered... Are these clues left here for us to find in time? Or merely glitches in the matrix of our own minds?"

Website: https://www.anthonypeake.com/

Published on Nov 16, 2016


17th November 2016, 02:36
Some good news - But (http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/dakota-pipeline-protests/what-will-trump-presidency-mean-dakota-access-pipeline-n682746)

http://media2.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2016_45/1794511/t165128z_1233233557_tm3ecbb0z2301_rtrmadp_3_usa-election-environmentalists1_0f5fd7732f91f91e553692764480742 e.nbcnews-ux-600-480.jpg

Army Corps of Engineers Says Pipeline Construction
Can't Continue Without Tribe Input (http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/dakota-pipeline-protests/army-corps-engineers-says-pipeline-construction-can-t-continue-without-n683871)

17th November 2016, 03:11
'Watching the Hawks with Sean Stone

A Century of War, Part 1: Prometheus’ Gift

On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone premiers his brand new documentary, “A Century of War.” Interviews with Thom Hartmann, William Engdahl, Ramez Naam, and Michael Hudson among others take us through the first stages of a century of war in America: endless war, the decline of the America middle class, and a total reliance on fossil fuels.

Published on Nov 16, 2016

(length 28:03 min)


A Century of War, Part 2: Collapse at Home, Devastation Abroad

"On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone presents part 2 of his new documentary, A Century of War. Interviews with John Perkins, Nomi Prins and Mike Gravel pull back the curtain on the U.S. economy, built more for war making than the material and psychological health of its citizens."

Published on Nov 16, 2016

(length 28:06 min)


17th November 2016, 03:29
It's that time of year on Mt Adams, Washington

Last night's image of nature's paint brush putting the coat of new snow on the mountain ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15055651_10206018394733976_1982895568296417191_n.j pg?oh=330ba38ca6507bf3d179cb0f7829ae58&oe=58C26E19

This morning

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15056298_10206018337292540_8248180242012240565_n.j pg?oh=ae0489d5ad4bb8f47e2cd5a27e14acb6&oe=58908335

17th November 2016, 03:38
A new stance for this years 'Hunting Season' ...


17th November 2016, 04:13
Cultivating our afterlives ...

William Buhlman - Higher Self Now and Our Journey Into the Afterlife

From Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

"According to OBE expert, author, and researcher William Buhlman true revolutionary change will come when we change our ideas about death and dying. Right now, fear reigns supreme about so many aspects of life, including and especially death.

William joins Alexis to discuss how we can all learn to first understand who we really are as spiritual beings and how to incorporate that new understanding into life so we can better prepare for the “afterlife"."

Website: http://www.astralinfo.org/

Published on Nov 16, 2016


17th November 2016, 04:22
This just out today and already 33,000 views.
"Catastrophes are the untold story of our past."

Joe Rogan Experience #872 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson


17th November 2016, 05:22
Trending/ Mannequin Challenge Posing ...

From The Dog House

Click screen to watch

17th November 2016, 07:46
Goodnight folks ...

♫Sand Man♫

Click screen

17th November 2016, 12:24
continuing ...

Ultimate ICELAND!
Exploring the Amazing Golden Circle

Gabriel Traveler

"A tour of the beautiful Golden Circle of interior Iceland which includes mountain ranges, glaciers, gorgeous wide open scenery, the largest lake in Iceland, the Gulfoss waterfall and the Iceland geyser which spouts boiling water and steam higher than Old Faithful in Yellowstone, USA."

Published on Nov 16, 2016


17th November 2016, 12:29
the latest ...


Joseph P. Farrell

Streamed live 20 minutes ago

"There's some shake-ups going on in Germany, and some foreign policy reviews there as well,
and all in the wake of the American political referendum" ...

Referenced articles:

Steinmeier to swap German foreign ministry for presidency (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-president-idUSKBN1390V2)

Germany must detach foreign policy from US, whether Trump or Clinton wins – think tank (https://www.rt.com/news/365750-trump-election-clinton-germany/)


17th November 2016, 13:04
A quickie ...

F2B Preview/The Real Men & Women in Black/Nick Redfern (https://www.amazon.com/Nick-Redfern/e/B001IXQG7E)


"Author Nick Redfern is back with Jimmy Church to discuss his new book: The Women in Black: WIB. We are all familiar with the Men in Black:MIB...but there is another part to his recent research...and that is the reports about the WIB...and they discuss not only his recent evidence, but actual cases involving the WIB."

Published on Nov 17, 2016


17th November 2016, 13:43
Discussing Puerto Rico's future ...

Keiser Report: Making America Great Again


"In this special US Election Day episode of the Keiser Report from New York City, Max and Stacy discuss making America great again… or at least giving it a greater number of states. Will the US soon have a 51st state? Keiser Report looks at the latest election news from Puerto Rico to find out. In the second half, Max interviews Cate Long about the latest on the island’s debt crisis."

Published on Nov 17, 2016


17th November 2016, 23:18
From Forum Borealis

An A-Bomb for Herr Bormann A conversation with Carter Hydrick

"This mind-blow is the least known GAME CHANGER in modern history. We talk with Carter Hydrick, who was first to prove that Nazi Germany surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States' Manhattan Project, enabling completion of the 1st. A-Bomb dropped over Hiroshima. Why would Germany give it to their enemy? How could they, when according to mainstream history they were far behind in nuclear research? And how is it all related to the deputy Fuhrer Martin Bormann & the growing amount of evidence for his covert escape? In part 1 we explore submarine U-234's crucial events, the nuclear race, & Bormanns rise to power" ...

Book: Critical Mass:How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States' Atomic Bomb

Book (per chapter) (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/atomicbomb/contents.htm)

Note will update Part 2 here when published

Published on Nov 17, 2016

(Part 1 of 2) (Length 2 hrs)


17th November 2016, 23:49
Infamous 60 Minutes Piece on Soros Emerges Online - Here are the highlights

From Corbettreport

"You'll no doubt remember the quotes from that 1998 60 Minutes piece on Soros from Episode 113 of The Corbett Report podcast. Well guess what? That clip actually emerged online this week. Let me walk you through a few of the highlights."

*The 60 Minutes Interview Segment - George Soros Tried To Bury! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8Ux5b6YM9A)

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=20466

Published on Nov 17, 2016


18th November 2016, 00:29
for your inspection ...

Structures on and by the Moon filmed August 2016 by Bruce Swartz

From The Truth Denied

Published on Nov 17, 2016


18th November 2016, 00:39
‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah turns an outside
perspective into funny observation

PBS NewsHour

"As “The Daily Show” host, South-African born comic Trevor Noah offers a different, outsider’s perspective from Jon Stewart, the man he succeeded. Noah speaks with Jeffrey Brown about how the show is handling the election of Donald Trump and how his personal experience, detailed in his new memoir “Born a Crime,” informs his understanding of struggles in the U.S."

Published on Nov 17, 2016


18th November 2016, 01:08
An hour into this podcast talking about creativity, how to induce state of flow, animal consciousness, technophysio evolution (massive speed up of evolution).... and is uplifting pleasantness...

Steven Kotler is a bestselling author, journalist, entrepreneur, and co-founder and Director of Research Flow Genome Project.


18th November 2016, 01:16
Note always check previous page for missed posted items ~ http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif


Black Sabbath ~ War Pigs


18th November 2016, 02:03
'Watching the Hawks with Sean Stone

A Century of War, Part 1: Prometheus’ Gift

On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone premiers his brand new documentary, “A Century of War.” Interviews with Thom Hartmann, William Engdahl, Ramez Naam, and Michael Hudson among others take us through the first stages of a century of war in America: endless war, the decline of the America middle class, and a total reliance on fossil fuels.

Published on Nov 16, 2016

(length 28:03 min)


A Century of War, Part 2: Collapse at Home, Devastation Abroad

"On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone presents part 2 of his new documentary, A Century of War. Interviews with John Perkins, Nomi Prins and Mike Gravel pull back the curtain on the U.S. economy, built more for war making than the material and psychological health of its citizens."

Published on Nov 16, 2016

(length 28:06 min)


Update ...

A Century of War, Part 3: Harnessing Technology for What Ends?

"On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone presents part 3 of his new documentary, A Century of War. Interviews with Michael McKubre, Ramez Naam, and William Gough delve into whether or not we will use the technology of the future for life-affirming or life-taking ends.

Published on Nov 17, 2016

length 28:16


18th November 2016, 02:21
The Day after ...

The Cometh Of The Mamón (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mam%C3%B3n&defid=3561965)

Click screen
Note no Mexican's were harmed in making this film.


18th November 2016, 02:30
Wink/Wink ...

The KFC Chicken

Will Win Every-Time !


18th November 2016, 03:05
Coming to a country near you ...

Economist Who Predicted Brexit & Trump Brilliantly Explains Capitalism's Collapse

The Jimmy Dore Show

"Mark Blyth, who accurately predicted Brexit and Trump explains in clear language how globalization and capitalism are failing people throughout the world and why that means more Brexits and Trumps are on the way."

Published on Nov 17, 2016


18th November 2016, 03:20
I believe that's enough posting for today folks ...
More Ketchup Tomorrow ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15094430_717502201738742_3339270172509934511_n.png ?oh=30bc334f1e1eb40ffb40f068e8f208b0&oe=58BD3F34

18th November 2016, 04:00
I believe that's enough posting for today folks ...
More Ketchup Tomorrow ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15094430_717502201738742_3339270172509934511_n.png ?oh=30bc334f1e1eb40ffb40f068e8f208b0&oe=58BD3F34

Thank you for a great day of posts, Giovonni.:thup:

18th November 2016, 10:22
It's never too late if you're so inclined ...

Blue Collar Bunkers - Cheap Survival Shelters w/Food & Water - Living Off Grid in Comfort

From Leak Project

Published on Nov 17, 2016

"Are you looking for a security blanket that could offer solutions in a SHTF scenario? Tired of being stuck inside the beast like system, reliant on the Utility companies to provide the energy that lights up your home? Fed up with the GMO’s and poison infesting the food you buy at the store and the restaurant? Looking for a cheap, efficient way to get off the grid and make a difference? How much is a security blanket that could offer warm shelter, healthy food, clean water and medicinal support for you and your family worth?

Bank Holiday, Mass Food Shortages, Martial Law, EMP’s, Terrorist Attacks, False Flags, Planet X, Civil War, UN Round ups, WW3 are more extreme possibilities. But what if you were just looking for an alternative to the typical grind inside the borg? The Tiny House Movement is in full effect right now as many people are looking for ways to downsize and take care of themselves without the restrains of living in a big city paying a big mortgage and having big bills. Jeff founder of my ozark homestead has revolutionized the industry of Survival. with the help of several key players and professionals within Security, Engineering, Healthcare, Farming, N.B.C. solutions that have worked for the government and military My Ozark Homestead offers turn key solutions to long term survival. Most people can’t afford tens of thousands of dollars and thats where my ozark homestead comes in.

Jeff takes us on scene showing Leak Project audience the bounty of clean water, wild edibles, farm animals and self sustainable food sources the Ozarks offer. Also different floor plans of shelters, the “Chaos Bunker” options and images of My Ozark Homestead location.

If you are interested check out http://www.myozarkhomestead.com for more information."


18th November 2016, 10:34
The deal man ...
Always was always will be.


18th November 2016, 12:35
My People ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15037226_980956508674817_2161131160431371902_n.jpg ?oh=a284a44229d0366e1744106a2d431713&oe=58D45288

18th November 2016, 12:41
hmm ...

3,048,593 views in just four hours ...

Jon Stewart on President-elect Trump, hypocrisy in America

With Charlie Rose

"After Jon Stewart left "The Daily Show" last summer, much of the presidential campaign went on without his unique and satirical point of view. Charlie Rose met with Stewart to discuss his new book about the more than 16 years he spent at the Comedy Central program. Stewart was quick to give his post-election analysis."

Published on Nov 17, 2016


18th November 2016, 13:04
An oldie but goodie ...

Pass the brownies/I think were dead ...

"This is the 911 tape of the Michigan police officer who confiscated marijuana from suspects,
used it to make pot brownies with his wife, and called 911 believing they were dying."


18th November 2016, 13:46
Spread the Love ...

Cartoon Trump And Cartoon Putin Make First Joint Public Appearance

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

"In this revealing Late Show interview, the two world leaders make
abundantly clear their feelings for each other."

Published on Nov 17, 2016


18th November 2016, 14:12
Meanwhile in Merry OL' England ...

A refitting for purpose ...

Buckingham Palace to undergo £369m refurbishment

"Buckingham Palace is to undergo a 10-year refit at a cost of £369m.
Report by Conor Mcnally."

Published on Nov 18, 2016


Which brings us to a musical interlude ...
From one of its finest ...

Jethro Tull Live ~ Bouree


19th November 2016, 05:03
Clif High

Wujo 11/18/2016

Apologies for the blurry video. FStop stuck. Used camera.

Pie is blended apples, Braeburn, Rosa, Yellow Delicious, Pippin, with a coconut oil crust.

Bonds turned in July
Then USA bonds took the largest 1 day move ever the day after Trump elected.

American Federal Reserve Note empire meltdown continues:
dollar up which means trade down;
jobs down;
healthcare costs up, delivery of services down;
largest amount of out of country medical services levels ever in last two years by USAPop.

JIT supply system under huge stress. Further shipping problems and collapses underway.

Next up:

USAPop 2017

halfpasthuman.com November ALTA report WUJO

Published on Nov 18, 2016

(Length 12:05 min.)


19th November 2016, 05:18
'Watching the Hawks with Sean Stone

A Century of War, Part 1: Prometheus’ Gift

On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone premiers his brand new documentary, “A Century of War.” Interviews with Thom Hartmann, William Engdahl, Ramez Naam, and Michael Hudson among others take us through the first stages of a century of war in America: endless war, the decline of the America middle class, and a total reliance on fossil fuels.

Published on Nov 16, 2016

(length 28:03 min)


A Century of War, Part 2: Collapse at Home, Devastation Abroad

"On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone presents part 2 of his new documentary, A Century of War. Interviews with John Perkins, Nomi Prins and Mike Gravel pull back the curtain on the U.S. economy, built more for war making than the material and psychological health of its citizens."

Published on Nov 16, 2016

(length 28:06 min)


Update ...

A Century of War, Part 3: Harnessing Technology for What Ends?

"On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone presents part 3 of his new documentary, A Century of War. Interviews with Michael McKubre, Ramez Naam, and William Gough delve into whether or not we will use the technology of the future for life-affirming or life-taking ends.

Published on Nov 17, 2016

length 28:16


The Conclusion ...

A Century of War, Part 4: Looking to the Stars & Ending the Century of War

"On this episode of “Watching the Hawks” Sean Stone presents part 4 of his new documentary, A Century of War. Interviews with Michael Hudson, Peter Hagelstein, and Steven Dean ask whether we can successfully adapt our energy and economy for the peaceful future of our planet."

Published on Nov 18, 2016

length 28:28 min


19th November 2016, 06:08
Hey have a great weekend Everyone ...:group hug:

Song Kitchen: “Peg” by Steely Dan (http://flypaper.soundfly.com/write/song-kitchen-peg-steely-dan/)

Steely Dan


The Making Of ...


Track 4 off of their 1977 album "Aja" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4VySdxoJw0&list=PLA_hai_a3w0aC_Urc4jnYtGdpqcNnVvUl)


19th November 2016, 07:16
Quickies ...

from Motorweek

First Look: 2017 smart fortwo electric drive

Lauren Morrison gets charged up and cruises the streets of Miami in the 2017 smart fortwo electric drive.

================================================== ======
MotorWeek is television’s longest running and most respected automotive series. MotorWeek debuted in 1981 and launched a new television genre by becoming the first weekly series to offer consumer-oriented car and truck reviews, do-it-yourself car care tips, and the latest auto industry news.

Published on Nov 18, 2016


Also ...

First Look: 2017 Chevrolet Bolt - EV Rider


19th November 2016, 07:28
Meanwhile in Merry OL' England ...

A refitting for purpose ...

Buckingham Palace to undergo £369m refurbishment

"Buckingham Palace is to undergo a 10-year refit at a cost of £369m.
Report by Conor Mcnally."

Published on Nov 18, 2016


Been waiting for this one ... Let'em eat cake

The Queens Buckingham Palace £369 Million Makeover?!?
You What?!? Wondering why you have no money?

The artist taxi driver

Published on Nov 18, 2016


19th November 2016, 07:37
FADE to BLACK w/ Jon Rappoport : No More Fake New Room

Another Thursday...another FADERNIGHT Open-Lines w/ Jon Rappoport and his No More Fake New Room...
and tonight Jon discusses the conspiracy of Education...as only he can.

Then we open up the phone lines...

Air date: November 17, 2016 / Published on Nov 18, 2016

Jon Rappoport segment starts at the 32 minute mark


19th November 2016, 07:46
Parroting and very well ...


19th November 2016, 07:52
Preaching to the choir ...

Trump Election 2016: Fake News, Division, & Espionage Flipped Reality

From WeatherWar101

"Media / Tech failure is incalculable. 8 years of denial and obliviousness has allowed a dozen countries (including the United States) to be toppled by weaponized fake news, has allowed factless Social Media to become New source for 62% of U.S., and rendered themselves impotent."

Published on Nov 18, 2016


19th November 2016, 09:53
Nature loves her little surprises ...http://static.skaip.org/img/emoticons/v2/ffffff/kiss.gif


Life Of illusion

Joe Walsh


19th November 2016, 12:08
One of my Fav's ... For your weekend entertainment :popc:


Sebastian Maniscalco

He's currently one of the hottest touring standup's in the USA ...
This was his big premiere show in his hometown of Chicago in 2014 ...

(Full Show - Length 1:02:13)


19th November 2016, 12:50
the latest curious find ...

What Is This Strange Skull Like Specimen In Peru?

From Brien Foerster

"This interesting specimen was supposedly found in a cave, along with many others, in the southern desert of Peru. The caretaker does not want personal publicity for himself, nor does he want to sell it" ...

Published on Nov 19, 2016


20th November 2016, 00:35
psst psst ... :ninja:

Who is the new boss? Same as the old boss! - John Kaminski

From Morris


President-elect Donald Trump’s claim he is reinvestigating 9/11 is just so much meaningless hot air — more neocon crapola — if he intends to solve the greatest crime in American history by including two of the event’s participating perpetrators — Rudy Giuliani and Lewis Eisenberg — on his team of detectives.

What kind of truth can we expect from this kind of sandbagged scrutiny? None at all. Once again our government is investigating itself with predictable results. It will do no better than the first time — which was a total whitewash, because it is the very system itself that all these political functionaries are trying to defend which bears responsibility for this event and its impact on history.

Hiring the people who played minor supporting roles in the 9/11 bloodbath to identify its architects and actors may yield a few sacrificial scapegoats like Cheney and some generals, but the top of the line power structure will remain solidly in place, hidden from view and utterly in control of world events.

That Trump has surrounded himself with the tainted players who have carried out all these wars for Israel augurs for a dark future in which the militarization of America will further shrink individual rights, and the harsh crackdown on legitimate dissent — which will soon be banned — plainly signals the end of free speech as we have known it in the United States.

Recall Thomas Jefferson’s dictum: “Freedom of the press cannot be limited without being lost.” Today, it is long gone. The press prints only what the government allows it to print. .............................. Cont.

Website: http://www.therebel.is/news/kaminski

Published on Nov 19, 2016


20th November 2016, 06:29
Very nice original music ...

From Rachel Collis (http://rachelcollis.com/)

click screen to listen

20th November 2016, 08:54

Alec Baldwin surely has a certain job security for the next four years ...

Too bad he really doesn't want it ...

SNL/ President-elect Trump finds himself learning what the job really entails.

Click to watch

22nd November 2016, 02:56
will share this here ...

Clif High at the Web Bot Forum Roundtable 11-21-2016

Published on Nov 21, 2016


22nd November 2016, 05:06

22nd November 2016, 05:18
An escape from the madness
tis the season ...

Lost in a day dream

Composed by Claude Debussy


22nd November 2016, 06:44
Politically Correct Thanksgiving Pageant

Jimmy Kimmel Live

"Most of us are familiar with the “traditional” story of the first Thanksgiving – the one we learned in school – which is a heartwarming tale. But since today is 2016, not 1621, some of that story feels a bit out of date. So Jimmy thought it might be a good idea to update the story of Thanksgiving to reflect our modern sensitivities. Tonight, he proudly presents the students of Edward James Olmos Elementary School in the first-ever "Politically Correct Thanksgiving Pageant."

Published on Nov 21, 2016


22nd November 2016, 10:07
Far out ...


The spaceship Starship Avalon on its 120-year voyage to a distant colony planet known as "Homestead II" and transporting 5,259 people has a malfunction in two of its sleep chambers. As a result, two hibernation pods open prematurely and the two people that awake are stranded on the spaceship, still 90 years from their destination ... More here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passengers_(2016_film))

Release date Dec 21, 2016


22nd November 2016, 11:51
Happy the Man ...

Madman of the Cathedral ~
Former monk dedicates 50yrs to build house of God

(RT Documentary)

A cathedral founded on pure faith, and its creator who has dedicated more than 50 years of his life to building it. 91-year-old Don Justo, of the small Spanish town of Mejorada del Campo, is a former monk. On a whim and a dream, he decided to build a monumental house of God, and since 1961, he has been doing just that – using junk, recycled building materials, and as much good will as he can find. For his single minded determination, some say he’s a madman, and others, a saint.

Published on Nov 22, 2016

(Length 27:24)


22nd November 2016, 13:04
the eminence front ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTdjz_6Hrkk)

Zero Point Classified Anti Gravity Craft UFO

Full Documentary
by James Allen - 1964-2014

How are the governments installing and maintaining all this gigantic equipment in outer space.

This video provides some very important insights into who,what,when,where and how.

The creative director behind this amazing documentary is dead.

"He was killed in a very similar fashion as Dr. Robert Harrington (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Sutton_Harrington)who tracked Planet X Nibiru for
the US government and met with Zachariah Sitchin instigating his death shortly thereafter."

Published / 2016


22nd November 2016, 13:31

Global Surveillance System
"In this powerful part two episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Geoengineering author Elana Freeland for an exclusive preview of her controversial new book due out in early 2017 on the mysterious and obscure covert program for a massive Global Surveillance System that can track the population down the to DNA level named 'The Space Fence!'

Space Fence Predicted?
Although the Space Fence is a highly technological project that combines elements of HAARP and SDI Star Wars Technology along with a complete program to Ionize the Atmosphere to mutate the human immune system, there are also psycho-spiritual aspects embedded in the project as it represents a deep level of esoteric understanding and manifestation.

As early as 1907 Austrian Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner had envisioned an ominous spirit of technology invading the human soul and psyche via a deep dependence in culture on emerging scientific trends that bears an exceptional resemblance to modern Artificial Intelligence. He named the force ‘Ahriman’ from the dark lord of Persian Mythology that battled the fabled hero of humanity Ahura Mazda. Steiner eventually set up a center for Spiritual Science to teach Anthroposophy in order to combat the effects of an overwhelming bombardment of scientific materialism upon a society further and further removed from its mystical and cosmic religious roots.

The UFO Surveillance Factor
The presence of UFOs in Earth’s orbit and flying in our skies has caused the National Security State to implement measures to monitor and control the situation while keeping the presence of these mysterious craft from the public.

One of these programs was the SDI Star Wars Program set up in the 1980’s under President Reagan. Ostensibly set up as a missile defense program against the threat of incoming Russian missiles, it has been rumored to have been constructed with a dual purpose of defending the planet in the event the massive numbers of unidentified flying craft were hostile or unpredictable. Now the Space Fence program, set up under the auspices of a Secret Space Program, is the fully realized version of the original, but with one special addition: it can be used to surveil and catalog the entire globe and the physical life upon it down to the DNA level" ...

Note: Part 1 - of this controversial subject matter interview - from January 6, 2016 -

Published on Nov 20, 2016

Part 2


22nd November 2016, 14:03
Could this man be most responsible for getting Donald Trump elected ...


Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House (http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenbertoni/2016/11/22/exclusive-interview-how-jared-kushner-won-trump-the-white-house/#cd3a2e72f50f)

22nd November 2016, 15:04
I've never been into tribute bands ...
But having seen the original back in 1972 ...
I'd have to agree this one comes close ...

Via my friend Daryl /GM /Bing Crosby Theater...

Coming soon to Spokane ~

https://385e281c53d80c958c4a-d460ce610c7fad6b3cb1da8c31b5ee8e.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.c om/photos/Spokane/9wyPtYmZJAfKuF6D1GTzBbholqUxacCv.jpg

The Led Zeppelin Experience


22nd November 2016, 15:40
A very good spillful ...

Also check out the interview video image cuts of Christine Lagarde (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Lagarde) Wow !

Nomi Prins Explains The Central Bankers' Game of Thrones


"Today James talks to Nomi Prins, author of books like All The Presidents Bankers, about her recent article "The Central Bank Power Shift from West to East, Game of Thrones Style." We talk about the changing economic and monetary landscape and how the locus of central bank power is shifting to the East, with players like the People's Bank of China gaining in prominence and former US/EU lapdogs like the IMF becoming brokers for these new power players in the new world financial order" ...

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=20523

Published on Nov 22, 2016


22nd November 2016, 16:07
Giddy-up World ...
Now that we have battery technology.

One Hundred Years Later...
We are now returning to the Electric Understanding.
Notice not much has changed?

A women rides an electric scooter 1918


22nd November 2016, 16:22
Just love me some Zeppelin. I'd heard these guys were good. I've never seen them live.

22nd November 2016, 16:40
Oh so real ...

The hidden war over grocery shelf space

"When considering a late-night carton of cookies-and-cream ice cream, most people aren’t thinking about how it got on the shelf. But behind each freezer door is a secondary market that determines what you have the option to buy.

“Slotting fees” (or “slotting allowances”) are fees that manufacturers pay retailers to appear on their scarce shelves. It can cost millions of dollars to launch a product in the nation’s groceries, and through that cost, these fees shape our supermarkets and diets long before we’re able to make a purchase decision ourselves ... Read the article here (http://www.vox.com/2016/11/22/13707022/grocery-store-slotting-fees-slotting-allowances)

Published on Nov 22, 2016


22nd November 2016, 20:12
Umm ...

Currently my fav's a Pumpkin/Chocolate Chip ...http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/eating-cookie.gif

Click screen to watch


23rd November 2016, 03:14
Gabriel Traveler

A Walking Tour of Reykjavik: Iceland's Cool Capital

"Exploring the beautiful city of Reykjavik, capital and largest city of Iceland."

Published on Nov 19, 2016


Continuing ...

How is Flying So Cheap?? Iceland to Spain for $100

"My experience flying on Norwegian Airlines from Reykjavik, Iceland to Madrid,
Spain for just $105 including taxes and luggage."

Published on Nov 20, 2016


23rd November 2016, 05:03
I think Laird Scranton is brilliant.

Published on Nov 22, 2016
Laird Scranton is an independent software designer from Albany, New York who writes about ancient mysteries, cosmology and language.

Tonight we discuss his new book… The Mystery of Skara Brae: Neolithic Scotland and the Origins of Ancient Egypt...similarities between Skara Brae and the traditions of pre-dynastic ancient Egypt as preserved by the Dogon people of Mali...how megalithic stone sites near Skara Brae conform to Dogon cosmology and the similarities between Skara Brae and Gobekli Tepe and how Skara Brae may have been a secondary center of learning for the ancient world.

Laird is one of the great researchers in the world...he connects the dots like no other...pay attention and take notes.

Air date: November 21, 2016


24th November 2016, 02:03
🌱 Happy Holiday Season Folks 🌱

The Girl and The Cloud ~ The Perfect Surprise

From Three


24th November 2016, 02:30
And with the tear comes the laughs ...

Mrs Brown's Boys

Click screen to watch

24th November 2016, 02:45
:ttr:That one's gonna stick with me...

24th November 2016, 03:14
[B][I] Happy Holiday Season Folks

On that note, this is a swell Christmas tradition and must watch for any child who has not ever seen it.

Expecting to spend Christmas alone at his boarding school, Toseland (Tolly) is told he is to spend Christmas with his elderly grandmother in her isolated castle. He meets his ghost children relatives from long ago and finds a long lost treasure to save the day. A wonderfully uplifting and nostalgic 4-part TV series for children and those fortunate adults who can still see the world through the eyes of a child.

The Children of Green Knowe, BBC, 1986


24th November 2016, 05:30
The latest gobble gobble ...

https://s.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/nDb3zvwDcOwzubR882zCTg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3NfbGVnbztjaD0zMjY0O2NyPTE7Y3c9NDg5Nj tkeD0wO2R5PTA7Zmk9dWxjcm9wO2g9NDIwO2lsPXBsYW5lO3E9 NzU7dz02MzA-/http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/news/2015-11-26/af3097b0-9475-11e5-a0e0-23eddee45304_C41G5101.JPG

World’s worst traffic jam? Cars stuck in Thanksgiving getaway 'gridlock' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/23/worlds-worst-traffic-jam-cars-stuck-thanksgiving-getaway-gridlock/)

[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2016/11/23/JS112790821-thanksgiving-traffic-large_trans++piVx42joSuAkZ0bE9ijUnGH28ZiNHzwg9svuZ Lxrn1U.jpg
Cars stuck in a traffic jam: Motorists moved slowly along the LA 405 in southern California.

24th November 2016, 05:36
Despite current soaring consumer confidence polls ...
Are Americans happy it's Trump, or just happy it's over?

Jeff Rense & Jon Rappoport - The Not-So-Good State Of The Nation

Clip from November 22, 2016 / Published on Nov 23, 2016

(Length 30:53 min.)


24th November 2016, 05:54
Ya think ...


24th November 2016, 06:00
American Nostalgia ...

Notice writer Cameron Crowe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Crowe)'s 1982 hit movie 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Times_at_Ridgemont_High)
has been looping the channels lately, and i can see why ...

Always enjoyed revisiting this tasty slice of past Americana ...
Especially hearing the inherited theme song 'Somebody's Baby' ...

http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/328423/3072350/1242055909967/greg2kortchmarbrowne.l.jpg?token=u63nJJVYnJd2GhKOQ PSajMcycuA%3D
Song writers - Jackson Browne & Danny Kortchmar

Somebody's Baby

(Fast Times At Ridgemont High)


24th November 2016, 07:55
If you haven't noticed by now, I no longer focus my posting shares on all things 'alternative media stuff' ... After almost ten years of covering the so called 'awakening call' I decided a while back to get on with doing what i do best and that's sharing with others my daily finds ... And who knows the next step might be vlogging (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_blog) on Youtube myself ... http://static.skaip.org/img/emoticons/v2/ffffff/wonder.gif

And speaking of You-tube here's another vlogger i follow ~ Josh Evans (born April 5, 1984) ... He was born and raised in Macon, Georgia. He is a middle child between his brother Jeremy and sister Erin, born to parents Lisa and Greg Evans.

Recently returning to vlogging (after a bittersweet/brief one year marriage/breakup in September 2016 with
fellow Youtube star Colleen Ballinger (Miranda Sings (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miranda_Sings)), Also currently (Netflix star Hater's back off (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haters_Back_Off))... Josh has now returned to vlog posting again and sharing his always positive take on life ...

And this is why i admire him and will share this here now ...

The Journey // CineVlog Ep. 1 // Coming Home


The Dance // CineVlog Ep. 2 // Breaking it Down (feat. Megan Batoon)


The Evolution // CineVlog Ep. 3 // Everything Has Changed (feat. Julien Solomita)


24th November 2016, 08:26
Your threads are like artwork, Gio, and I have always liked your style. Take us where you will.:chrs:

24th November 2016, 08:27
Sums it up very well ...


From Foster Gamble

Election Reflections and an Open Letter to Donald Trump (http://gffreepages.blogspot.com/2016/11/foster-gamble-election-reflections-and.html)

24th November 2016, 11:03
In a stellar summation of what a real corporate ‘cacotopia’ (https://www.google.com/search?q=cobbacoppia&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=define+cacotopia) nation we are obviously becoming ...

The Late Show's Post-Election Thanksgiving Survival Tips

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

"Tip number three: Just because dinner's not ready yet doesn't mean you shouldn't be eating.
Remember, an idle jaw is the devil's playpen."

Published on Nov 24, 2016


24th November 2016, 22:03
Sums it up very well ...


From Foster Gamble

Election Reflections and an Open Letter to Donald Trump (http://gffreepages.blogspot.com/2016/11/foster-gamble-election-reflections-and.html)

Great article....thanks so much.

This was really not what I expected to read as I thought the whole thing was hooey?? Foster Gamble to Trump:

I personally have contacts among the Dragon Families of the far-east who are offering to distribute vast troves of stored, off-market gold to reboot the global economy, erase national debts and empower the world’s best humanitarian projects — as long as it is not stolen by the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking cabal. (I understand this is risky. It is what JFK was working on with Indonesian President Soekarno and their signed Green Hilton Agreement, just weeks before he was assassinated. But it is also the quickest route to global prosperity and cooperation of which I am aware.)

25th November 2016, 13:15
Here's a crucial point from the letter:

"Clearly, most would characterize you as an “Alpha.” You are strong, talented and athletic. You are drawn to lead. You’re capable of creating wealth. You attract beautiful and capable women, and you have clearly enjoyed the influence that can come with that. But there is a personal transformation that awaits you to become what researchers are now calling a “Gamma.” A Gamma has those same potentialities, but has transcended the need to dominate by force, to brag, to sacrifice integrity for profit, and the need to react in petty and volatile ways to affronts. A Gamma is dedicated to win-win, to peaceful resolution, and to the empowerment of all those around him."

(Let us pray)

26th November 2016, 02:23
Ross Hamilton explains that the mound builders of North America were using energy out of the earth and sky to produce a "medicine".





EP. 009 - Giants & Star Mounds of North America w/ Ross Hamilton


26th November 2016, 05:03
Note, i took brief break away from posting to spend some special time with family and friends yesterday -
And today 'Black Friday' i needed to get my license permit renewed, so i could keep my practice going ...


26th November 2016, 05:12
Good listen ... from August ...

Bases2016 Peter Paget & Kerry Cassidy Live

From Miles Johnston

The finale to Bases2016, with Peter Paget in his second presentation of the 3 day event, with a last minute live stream on the Project Camelot Portal. This has been available for some time from Project Camelot, but the final edit in situe, at the venue is now available. Miles is off camera, and re-reads the statement from Max Spiers's mother. It has greater significance based on subsequent events. Max's statement that we are close to extinction, match's Peter Paget's statement the year before at Warminster2015.

Petert holds true to the Moon Landings, and adds "we had help", but acknowledges they really screwed up with the ';nice perfect well lit' photos.

Thanks to Kerry for supplying her version to complete this edit. This was originally a pay to view event via Vimeo, in the Project Camelot portal, as this is now free, so is this edit.

The Bases Project will not continue unless it can sustain itself from donations, or some kind of funding. There are no further international events planned, due to the free edits and those who steel the edits for profit.

The is the closeout of Bases2016, which had over run by over an hour and half. I have included Kerry's end statement after the conference closed, as it is a Remote view situation, about another false flag like 911, so as it could save lives it is included.

With many thanks to Kerry for the live stream, (which we had made attempts to do , but due to a locale computer company failure to supply the computer specified, the Bases live stream was a no no.

Published on Nov 25, 2016


26th November 2016, 05:45
For your inspection review ...

Dr. Steven Greer: The Cosmic False Flag,

Recorded Sunday November 13th, 2016


Dr Greer proposes how covert interests are laying the foundation for a 'False Alien Threat' and a 'Potential Militaristic Takeover of the Earth. 1940's - to present'... And how we can go forward to create a civilization on Earth founded on the principles of Universal Peace."

Note this is a 3 hour video webinar - a seminar conducted over the Internet.
It might be best to watch in segment with breaks ...:thup:

Published on Nov 25, 2016


26th November 2016, 08:21
I sense every day is a happy thanksgiving gift for him and his friends ...:)

Click screen to view


26th November 2016, 10:09
Once upon a time in a America ...


Pleasant Valley Sunday

Carole King

(1966 Demo)
By Gerry Goffin & Carole King (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2663011/Gerry-Goffin-Carole-Kings-ex-husband-writing-partner-dies-75.html)


26th November 2016, 10:43
I've wondered about this very sensitive matter myself ...
Though found this video compellingly sad to watch ...

Is Barron Trump Autistic? #StopTheBullying

Published on Nov 11, 2016


26th November 2016, 11:45
the latest ...

Trump Suspicious Events and the Waning USA in Asia - Morris

"Trump will bypass MSM and make statements through Twitter and Youtube thanks to Bannon.
Was the Japanese Earthquake for persuading Japan to station the THAAD Missile system?
And many other topics."
Published on Nov 26, 2016


26th November 2016, 14:12
DC's Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria ... (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/technology/fact-check-this-pizzeria-is-not-a-child-trafficking-site.html?_r=0)



#Pizzagate is Real - Tearing Away the Veil

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 274 - American Voice Radio,

Referenced video: PEDO BROS. SMOKING GUN: The Podesta Brothers & Madeleine McCann (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3m87-hM96o&list=PLrHhhX64-nUSsubs9XSXHB1T2NEEyXnOW)

November 25th, 2016


26th November 2016, 14:21
makes one wonder ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15202749_687270328103147_4682602888623803567_n.jpg ?oh=e5a26fa750366994ca5a8aaa65ab1554&oe=58BB5E0D

26th November 2016, 14:36
Then there's this ...



"An open letter to the truth movement and a posing of the question, is the alternative media
using MK Ultra to ensnare the rebels and renegades among us?"

Published on Nov 23, 2016


26th November 2016, 15:19
makes one wonder ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15202749_687270328103147_4682602888623803567_n.jpg ?oh=e5a26fa750366994ca5a8aaa65ab1554&oe=58BB5E0D

This actually doesn't make me wonder at all . . . . . .

Trump (or even if it had been Clinton) being elected as president fits right in with the march to Globalism.

I would suggest some deep study on the 'philanthropy' group, The Giving Pledge that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates formed in 2010. What better way to bring in World Globalism than to unite all the billionaires around the world. Interestingly it is not just the 'run of the mill' billionaire that is allowed into this group. I followed Elon Musk's initiation into this group and it was fascinating to say the least. Oddly the thread I started on PA about Elon Musk was the thread that got me banned . . . . lol

Another angle or thought . . . . it takes a billionaire to make deals with the other billionaires.

"They' have their own agenda and WE are not privy.

26th November 2016, 20:23
How many banned or disillusioned X pa members do we have here at TOT ?.

enjoy being
26th November 2016, 21:03
How many banned or disillusioned X pa members do we have here at TOT ?.
Not sure what the question relates to but I will answer in that yes I got my PA account retired 3 or 4 years ago. But my first alternative forum membership was on the Michael Tsarion forum in 2006 or 7.

Here's an unusual addition related though. When the Rulers of the World video came out on PA, with Charles, I was sleeping, I was a sleeping non member of PA. I had a strange sleep and woke up with an instant forget on my dreamings but felt unusual. A sleep cut short to a degree. I did a few out of character things right then. While still in bed I reached for the laptop and brought up the PA page. I had but only an appreciation for some of their videos as a pair and had never ever been to either forum. So I opened the PA page and clicked play on the new video on the front page, which was the Charles vid. While it was starting I just felt this NEED to register on the forum site which I had clicked the link to.
I all of a sudden was a member of a forum I had never read and firmly glued to the proceedings. The weird thing was there was many many people like this, stating some kind of story that they feel a bit dazed to be there and just sorta found themselves there via some kind of pull.
That was quite a traumatic period, there were all kinds of representatives in the wings, an experiment on some levels and a education course on others. There was some very important examples made on how people behave and how alternative minded people are just as easy to corrale and affect into mob mentality as those considered as unawares.

Okay, so listened to the video above, these things are in many ways 101 for the course. It is very much the truth that this sort of dynamic strongly exists in the alternative field. I could type stuff, but he says it all. I do feel that we all still need to stop taking ourselves and everyone/thing else so seriously. I tend to look at all the so called bad people out there in the focus, as Mr Beans or Frank Spencers, or spy vs spys. I can't really take them seriously, I am not really that attached to my life as a bucket to fill with their ideas of treasure, so emotionally I don't really get that upset about politicals and details. But the trip in the rabbit hole is not so much like the fantasy lined tunnel of Alice, more like the dark damp maze of an actual rabbit hole, so people can get lost, stuck, or suffocate. I really don't know what the rate of survival is. I feel I have been very analytical over my whole life and always looked at all visible sides of the coin, and as a problems solver have always sought out problems. It is a wiring of the brain from birth for me.(figure of speech). The habit of looking for flaws can open a person up to dealing with contradiction, hypocrisy, cynicism, pessimism, and some other words I can't think of.lol.
It can lead to others thinking you are negative when you aren't necessarily, maybe more pragmatic and real. But yes I have an addiction to countering positivity with acknowledging the things which could go wrong. However, I feel so positive, because in recent years I have started to come out the other side ..no "false positive/everything is rainbows/never looked into the offal pit" rose tinted glasses here... and still my prognosis is all positive, I have looked at all the dark which can be found, and have seen it purpose and seen its cycle and how the teeth are cogs which fit snugly into the wheels of 'time', the employees of that mechanism, thinking they are unique devices, it is all quite absurd and yet beautiful at the same time, the pendulum and the battery. How would one propose the universe gets it energy if one wishes to remove the charge of polarity called dark and light?

26th November 2016, 21:17
I personally don't know how many there are, but I know many have come through or are members in both places.

I was never a member at PA.

enjoy being
26th November 2016, 21:55
This actually doesn't make me wonder at all . . . . . .

Trump (or even if it had been Clinton) being elected as president fits right in with the march to Globalism.

I would suggest some deep study on the 'philanthropy' group, The Giving Pledge that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates formed in 2010. What better way to bring in World Globalism than to unite all the billionaires around the world. Interestingly it is not just the 'run of the mill' billionaire that is allowed into this group. I followed Elon Musk's initiation into this group and it was fascinating to say the least. Oddly the thread I started on PA about Elon Musk was the thread that got me banned . . . . lol

Another angle or thought . . . . it takes a billionaire to make deals with the other billionaires.

"They' have their own agenda and WE are not privy.

Philanthropy and meddling. Intentional and not. The desire we have to make a difference. The benevolent dictator. Service and servitude.
We tell someone, don't do that. okay.
We make someone not do that. not so okay. it takes away the lesson they were to engage in.
How does one pick the times they are going to stunt another's development? What is going to be presented as lessons for the sickest of humanity? our leaders and 'billionaires'.

Many of these people think they are directing proceedings and are blind in a special way pertaining to their place in life. Maybe realising they were just a servant themselves could be a hard pill to swallow.

26th November 2016, 23:09
Some helpful insights ...

Fear Of The Future (How To Stop Fearing The Future) - Teal Swan -

"In this episode, Teal Swan addresses the far of the future and tells us what to do if we fear the future, fearing the future is a painful condition, but Teal Swan explains that fearing the future is actually fearing the past repeating itself."

Referenced video: THE FUTURE - Teal Swan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4NF1aWg7K0&t=323s)
Note for other videos go to: Teal Swan's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4NF1aWg7K0&t=323s)

Published on Nov 26, 2016


26th November 2016, 23:15
A review ...

What I Learned From the "PropOrNot" Propaganda List

"Yes, corbettreport.com has made this new, mysterious, anonymously-authored "propaganda list" of websites to watch out for in the era of #FakeNews and Russians under every rock. And yes, the list is as ridiculous as that sounds. Join me today as I look into the latest pathetic attempt by a flailing establishment to bolster their discredited mouthpiece media organs and counter the ascendant alternative media. (Spoiler: they're going to lose this battle as well.)"

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=20546

Published on Nov 26, 2016


26th November 2016, 23:23
Please consider the specific thread I have commenced here on The One Truth - with regard to the above visual links and Child Abuse and Crimes Against Children. After consultation with staff here I have commenced a specific thread in 'Conspiracy Documentaries' and have provided an EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING for all Victims and Witnesses.

Those of you new to my name - I am a recognised Australian Child Abuse Whistleblower and have a long running and well supported thread here in - 'Highlighted Threads' - thank you.

Please consider learning about the topic of Child Abuse and Crimes Against Children via the new thread. The opening post explains my considered critical thought to the specified thread. Thank you everyone.

Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

27th November 2016, 00:46
I think this goes here?


27th November 2016, 05:44
Not sure what the question relates to but I will answer in that yes I got my PA account retired 3 or 4 years ago. But my first alternative forum membership was on the Michael Tsarion forum in 2006 or 7.

Here's an unusual addition related though. When the Rulers of the World video came out on PA, with Charles, I was sleeping, I was a sleeping non member of PA. I had a strange sleep and woke up with an instant forget on my dreamings but felt unusual. A sleep cut short to a degree. I did a few out of character things right then. While still in bed I reached for the laptop and brought up the PA page. I had but only an appreciation for some of their videos as a pair and had never ever been to either forum. So I opened the PA page and clicked play on the new video on the front page, which was the Charles vid. While it was starting I just felt this NEED to register on the forum site which I had clicked the link to.
I all of a sudden was a member of a forum I had never read and firmly glued to the proceedings. The weird thing was there was many many people like this, stating some kind of story that they feel a bit dazed to be there and just sorta found themselves there via some kind of pull.
That was quite a traumatic period, there were all kinds of representatives in the wings, an experiment on some levels and a education course on others. There was some very important examples made on how people behave and how alternative minded people are just as easy to corrale and affect into mob mentality as those considered as unawares.

Okay, so listened to the video above, these things are in many ways 101 for the course. It is very much the truth that this sort of dynamic strongly exists in the alternative field. I could type stuff, but he says it all. I do feel that we all still need to stop taking ourselves and everyone/thing else so seriously. I tend to look at all the so called bad people out there in the focus, as Mr Beans or Frank Spencers, or spy vs spys. I can't really take them seriously, I am not really that attached to my life as a bucket to fill with their ideas of treasure, so emotionally I don't really get that upset about politicals and details. But the trip in the rabbit hole is not so much like the fantasy lined tunnel of Alice, more like the dark damp maze of an actual rabbit hole, so people can get lost, stuck, or suffocate. I really don't know what the rate of survival is. I feel I have been very analytical over my whole life and always looked at all visible sides of the coin, and as a problems solver have always sought out problems. It is a wiring of the brain from birth for me.(figure of speech). The habit of looking for flaws can open a person up to dealing with contradiction, hypocrisy, cynicism, pessimism, and some other words I can't think of.lol.
It can lead to others thinking you are negative when you aren't necessarily, maybe more pragmatic and real. But yes I have an addiction to countering positivity with acknowledging the things which could go wrong. However, I feel so positive, because in recent years I have started to come out the other side ..no "false positive/everything is rainbows/never looked into the offal pit" rose tinted glasses here... and still my prognosis is all positive, I have looked at all the dark which can be found, and have seen it purpose and seen its cycle and how the teeth are cogs which fit snugly into the wheels of 'time', the employees of that mechanism, thinking they are unique devices, it is all quite absurd and yet beautiful at the same time, the pendulum and the battery. How would one propose the universe gets it energy if one wishes to remove the charge of polarity called dark and light?

Cheers, I should try similar answers lol instead of yes or no. Yes I got the same sort of pull to here at TOT, so understand that.

27th November 2016, 09:56
Catherine Austin Fitts-2017 Destruction of the Old & Creation of the New

From Greg Hunter

Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says, “We are so overdue for a 25% correction. . . . I think 2017 is going to be a composting. In the destruction of the old, let there be the creation of the new. We’re going to be creating the new, and we’re going to be destroying the old. It’s going to be quirky. There are going to be all kinds of black swans that could hit us. So, do I think we are going to have a major correction and lots of digestive problems? Yes, I do. Now, if the new administration gets what it wants by getting tax rates down and bringing capital back into the country, then there is going to be a very exciting future and a very exciting pathway for North America.”

On gold and silver, Fitts contends, “I think we are in a long-term bull market for gold, but I don’t think the consolidation is over. I was hoping the consolidation was over given how it was trading in the first three quarters, but given how it is trading now, it looks like the consolidation may not be over. The reality is gold is a number of things. In Asia, it’s real money. I think as long as Asia is converging with per capita income, gold is going to have a floor under it, and silver too.

Published on Nov 26, 2016


breaking it down ...

UNBELIEVABLE: Michael Moore Predicted Trump In 2010 Blog Post

From The Jimmy Dore Show

"Michael Moore correctly predicts the actions of the people on Wall Street post-recession."

Published on Nov 26, 2016


27th November 2016, 11:33
Continuing ...

A Tour of Beautiful and Historic Valladolid, Spain

Gabriel Traveler

"Exploring the small, historic city of Valladolid, Spain, the former capital of Spain and
the city where Christopher Columbus died in 1506."

Published on Nov 25, 2016


Also ...

A Taste of Barcelona, Spain on the Mediterranean

"A short clip walking in the downtown area of Barcelona, Spain."

Published on Nov 25, 2016


27th November 2016, 12:05
Welcome to LA, a Third World Country ...
With a Real Third World Man ...

Click screen to watch

Story here ...
Homeless man who turned freeway underpass into a personal 'paradise'
complete with JACUZZI and a four-poster bed becomes internet hit (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3973290/Homeless-man-turned-freeway-underpass-personal-paradise-complete-jacuzzi-four-poster-bed-goes-viral-officials-try-tear-dangerous-compound.html)

27th November 2016, 12:32
Always serving up something sweet ...

Gio's Cosmic Emporium


"Ice Cream Man"


27th November 2016, 13:04
Long live punk ?


Punk protest: Sex Pistols manager's son sets fire to collection (http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-38120496)

27th November 2016, 16:22
Meanwhile in Merry OL' England ...

A refitting for purpose ...

Buckingham Palace to undergo £369m refurbishment

"Buckingham Palace is to undergo a 10-year refit at a cost of £369m.
Report by Conor Mcnally."

Published on Nov 18, 2016


Some commoners weigh in ...

Brits want to make Queen pay for the Buckingham Palace repairs

"Over 100,000 sign online petition calling to make the Queen pay for Buckingham Palace repair."

Published on Nov 27, 2016


27th November 2016, 16:40
the obvious ...


28th November 2016, 01:31
Did not see this anywhere (forgive me if it's on the forum) Rappoport co-hosting Fade to Black on Thanksgiving Eve..."an open discussion and taking phone calls..." starts at 31:15

Just now listening and he starts off talking about the matrix. He looks back at the 1980's and his discussions with a hypnotherapist. Back in the 1980's when he was studying "AIDS" asbeing a concocted story, an acquaintance Jack True
and he discussed why people cannot possibly accept ideas that they have been programmed to believe...it is too much for their minds to take in.

Also, His friend informed him that people are already hypnotized so he was working to dehypnotize people and give their mind a "rest" from the programming. Jack True discovered interesting phenomena. When the mind is relieved of the programming, the capacity to delve into "the really big questions" opens up.

JR talks about mind explorations with his friend and the early books he wrote on the Matrix and what he found....


28th November 2016, 05:27
Via Norio Hayakawa


The mysterious Jason Bishop III
(a.k.a, Tal Levesque, a.k.a., TAL),
the illusive personality behind the “Dulce Base ” story (https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2016/11/27/the-mysterious-jason-bishop-iii-a-k-a-tal-levesque-a-k-a-tal-the-illusive-personality-behind-the-dulce-base-story/)

28th November 2016, 05:36
Trending ...

From Jimmy Church ...

BREAKING: UFO seen over Turkey on November 27, 2016!!!


enjoy being
28th November 2016, 06:29
408 views so far, so not long up. *Starts taking notes* Attack? Rumourise. Wait and see, but extra eyes in noting how it expands if it were to, would be a good idea. Not much to go on from that report so wait and see. But some hair is tickling for a bit on this one for me.

deletes link to the videos going around, and adds (lol) ..Sounds like it is a hoax and social media has turbo'd it?

28th November 2016, 07:11
Wonder if it is similar to the Washington thingy post ww2 ?.

enjoy being
28th November 2016, 07:26
I think the attack reference was a good trigger. There were a few things giving possibilities for it to fit into a few different time lines. Suppose it could still fit into a defame the web agenda.

28th November 2016, 07:52
Trending ...

From Jimmy Church ...

BREAKING: UFO seen over Turkey on November 27, 2016!!!


Thought it looked familiar ...
Appears to be internet hype using older captured footage ...


UFO over Rome, Italy Jan-2010

Uploaded on Jan 9, 2011


PS ~ Kind of disappointed with Mr. Church hyping his show tonight ... :)

29th November 2016, 03:11
Note took a day off for some repose and meditation ...

While getting my bearings back, here's a musical interlude.

Click screen to watch

29th November 2016, 03:23
Some ketchup with ...


From Kerry Cassidy

Started streaming 7:00PM/PT November 28, 2016

Started streaming 16 minutes ago

"Richard Alan Miller - Black Project Physicist, Magician, Magus."

Prompt start button at beginning to start


29th November 2016, 05:03
For your inspection and review ...

From Red Ice Radio

Reality Calls - #PizzaGate: The Elite are Involved with Pedophilia

First hour


Tara, also known as Reality Calls, is a British YouTuber. Although she originally created her channel to discuss veganism, she has since transitioned to covering politics and unpopular truths.

We begin by diving into #PizzaGate. We discuss the origins of the scandal, which lie in John Podesta’s leaked emails. These emails were found to contain strange references to pizza and hotdogs. Eventually, internet sleuths were able to determine that these were actually codes for something else. This led to the discovery of Comet Ping Pong, a pizza shop in Washington D.C. with intimate connections to The Democratic Party. We discuss how this pizza shop, despite appearing normal from the outside, was discovered to be the front for an elaborate pedophile network. The first hour also covers Satanism, spirit cooking, and whether or not Podesta and friends are serious occult practitioners ...

Guest's website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vwJXx7DR-3zSub4mwQNFg


Published on Nov 28, 2016


29th November 2016, 14:06
A 'clear' intervention ...


'Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath': TV Review (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/leah-remini-scientology-aftermath-review-950854)

29th November 2016, 14:21
The normalization has already begun ...

'The United States just elected a man who a few days ago paid $25 million to settle a lawsuit
over massive educational fraud. Stealing people’s dreams as well as their money' ...


Via The Daily Beast
Already Happening: Media Normalization of Trumpism ...

"His polls numbers will...improve. The international community will...come around.
Melania and Ivanka will be...unorthodox but charming. Brace yourselves for a huge media fail ... Read the rest (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/11/27/already-happening-media-normalization-of-trumpism.html)

29th November 2016, 15:23
I had to look up the instrument, a photoplayer. I learned some new things. What an instrument. Thanks for sharing.

Richard Allen Miller cracks me up. I like listening to him, you never know what he's going to say. He flirts with Kerry, probably will this time too.

29th November 2016, 15:38
Will you heed their master's call ...


Houses of the Holy

Led Zeppelin


29th November 2016, 16:21
a quickie ...

Zero interaction

You eat dinner in a private booth at this ramen restaurant ...

"Ichiran (https://www.ichiran.co.jp/english/) is a famous Japanese ramen chain that just opened its first US location in Brooklyn."

Published on Nov 8, 2016


29th November 2016, 17:21
Trending/Fascism ...



The capital's paper of record crashes legacy media on an iceberg ...

The 'Washington Post' 'Blacklist' Story Is Shameful and Disgusting

30th November 2016, 06:22
From Linda Moulton Howe


Part 1 & 2: E.T. Retrieval Team and “Alien War” in Greenland

Go here (https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2482&category=Environment)

30th November 2016, 07:19
An uptick ...

Sunspot Popping With M-Flares (Nov 30th, 2016).

Also note: Transitioning into 2017 - Mercury Retrograde coming up Dec 19th - Jan 8th !

From Skyywatcher88/ Published on Nov 29, 2016

AN UPTICK IN SOLAR FLARE ACTIVITY: Two new sunspots are rapidly emerging on the solar disk, and one of them (AR2615) is crackling with C- and M-class solar flares. So far the eruptions are minor. However, they do represent a noteable uptick in activity compared to the absolute quiet of recent months.


30th November 2016, 07:25
The Coming ...


30th November 2016, 07:33
just dancing with myself ...



Eyes Without A Face


30th November 2016, 07:52
Weighing in ...

Paul Jay and Abby Martin on Trump and ‘Fake News’


"Paul Jay and Abby Martin discuss Trump’s cabinet appointments, the Green Party
effort to vote recount, and who’s really producing the fake news."

Published on Nov 29, 2016

Length 24:57


30th November 2016, 10:16
Time to be very concerned ...

Path From Hollywood to Treasury ... (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/inside-steven-mnuchin-s-hit-miss-path-hollywood-treasury-secretary-pick-951232)


Trump's Potential Treasury Secretary Headed A 'Foreclosure Machine'

Listen/with story here (http://www.npr.org/2016/11/29/503755613/trumps-potential-treasury-secretary-headed-a-foreclosure-machine)

30th November 2016, 10:25
Will bump ...

From Linda Moulton Howe


Part 1 & 2: E.T. Retrieval Team and “Alien War” in Greenland

Go here (https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2482&category=Environment)

30th November 2016, 11:03
Here's to creating a real banana republic ...

The Coup d'état is complete.


Life During Wartime

Talking Heads



Viva la Revolution !

30th November 2016, 20:45
From Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Is The "Trump Factor" Our Key to Evolution? A Conversation with Penney Peirce

"What's really happening behind all of the "ugly" that the 2016 presidential election brought to the surface?

Is there a universal call for humanity to finally address the fear, hatred, and egocentric behavior that was stirred during this most contentious race?

Intuitive expert and author Penney Peirce weighs in with Alexis about what we can all learn from such a critical period in our evolution. Some of what she says may just surprise you!"

Original Record Date" November 17, 2016 / Published on Nov 30, 2016

Length 58:31 min.


30th November 2016, 22:07
Buzzing ...



"Maybe you're thinking the last thing you want to see is a TV-movie–ish take on the life of Jacqueline Kennedy. Good news. Jackie is not a damn thing like that. There's hardly a conventional biopic minute in it. Instead, you get a spellbinding look at one of the planet's most famous women through the prism of what happens right after her husband is assassinated and she cradles his bullet-shattered head in her lap. Let me mention right of the gate that Natalie Portman, in a performance that tops her Oscar-winning role in Black Swan, will floor you with her tour de force as the former First Lady. The iconic look, the breathy voice and the strictly correct posture are suggested but never crassly imitated. Still, if you ever wondered about the steel that Jackie forged through personal tragedy and intense public scrutiny, it's on display here in an electrifying portrayal that nails every nuance.

Directed by the Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín (Neruda, No), in his first English-language feature, Jackie is a mesmeric conjecture on an intensely reserved woman pushed to the limit by politics, family, grief and her own conflicted sense of self. In the film's one significant flashback, a TV tour of the White House that Jackie hosted two years before JFK was shot in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, we see a woman passionate about preserving the legacy of art and décor in the Presidential residence but anxiously reluctant to let the camera (or anyone) get too close. From the first unnerving strains of the hypnotic score by Mica Levi (Under the Skin), the film thrusts us into a world out of balance, offering mosaic-like glimpses that speak to her state of mind under unbearable pressure.

There is killing, the hospital, the flight out of Dallas when Lyndon Johnson takes the oath, the pink dress and pillbox hat she finally sheds to shower away her husband's blood but without ridding her of hard, painful memories. It's then that the First Lady goes into action, comforting her two young children, stalling the Johnsons' desire to hustle her out of the White House, and organizing a funeral march on the streets of D.C. to rival Abraham Lincoln's. When LBJ's special assistant, Jack Valenti (Max Casella), offers resistance, her takedown is satisfyingly lethal. It's not just vodka, pills and that watchdog social secretary Nancy Tuckerman (a very fine Greta Gerwig) who get her through it, though they help. It's determining never again be a pawn in someone else's game.

Jackie's friend and brother-in-law Robert Kennedy (an outstanding Peter Sarsgaard) worries that his family will just be remembered now as "the beautiful people." Not if Mrs. Kennedy can help it. In an interview she gives to an unnamed journalist (Billy Crudup, alert and vivid), modeled on Theodore H. White, the President's widow demands editorial control "in case I don't say exactly what I mean." Demanding the reporter read her back what he's writing, Jackie – freely indulging her cigarette habit – coolly announces "I don't smoke." As for her words about her last minutes with her husband (Caspar Phillipson), she snaps, "Don't think for one minute I'm going to let you publish that."

In giving us impressions carved out of Jackie's grief, brush strokes that prize feeling over fact, Larraín – working from a risky, riveting original screenplay by Noah Oppenheim – offers a fuller picture than any standard biographical drama ever could. During private talks with a Catholic priest (John Hurt), the First Lady discusses the intimate problems in her marriage that neither she nor the priest can reconcile. But the Kennedy legacy will endure in her hands. Bet on it. More than once, Jackie references the Broadway musical in which Richard Burton as King Arthur sings of "one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot." Did she believe it? No matter. She made sure we all did. This is a woman will not be denied, and neither will this potent cinematic provocation. Powered by a transfixing Portman, Larrain's film – one of the year's best – is appropriately hard to pin down and impossible to forget."

by By Peter Travers
source page (http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/reviews/peter-travers-jackie-movie-review-w452462)


Published on Nov 14, 2016


30th November 2016, 23:42
hmm ...

Via Mel Fabregas

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15267955_10208155415944831_8163002307983164741_n.j pg?oh=e09b36ea2752c61daa1c038d9d76ce1d&oe=58B71AA6

On Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau sounds like his father's son

1st December 2016, 05:56
the latest ...


The Ancient and Future Death Star
"Prepare for a fantastic exploration of the antediluvian past and the looming, ominous high tech future as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back for his most important interview to date.Together in this part one of three episodes. they examine the unusual links between the obscure ancient technology that Farrell has researched in his Giza Death Star books and explore the connections it has with the futuristic dimensional doorway that the mysterious scientific organization CERN has created under the auspices of its controversial Hadron Collider experiments.

The Great Pyramid
Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defense system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure. It’s an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical patterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.

Farrell sees the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland as shrouded in mystery and finds that its most well-known project, the Hadron Super Collider ostensibly set up to unlock the 'Higgs Boson' or 'God Particle’ by the use of a particle physics experiment, is actually a public cover for a far different activity to covertly deploy a dimensional doorway accessing super weapon for the 21st century that would rival its counterpart the Giza Death Star.

CERN has been mired in controversy since moving forward with its particle collider experiments over the objections of distinguished scientists who have observed unusual changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere when the collider is turned on. Some of these independent scientists have warned the public that hazardous by-products of the experiments called ’Strangelets’ pose a serious potential danger for the public at large and may damage the environment for centuries to come. CERN has also been accused of organizing occult rituals and being highly secretive during its scientific research with a public and private purpose for its vastly complex work. Attempts to sue CERN for its practices have fallen flat due to its unusual status as a 'sovereign entity."

Published on Nov 30, 2016


1st December 2016, 08:36
A very real break down ...


Here Are the Real Boundaries of American Metropolises, Decided by an Algorithm (http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/here-are-the-real-boundaries-of-american-metropolises-decided-by-an-algorithm?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=atlas-page)

1st December 2016, 11:51
Cool kids never have the time ...



The Smashing Pumpkins


1st December 2016, 13:25
the latest ...


The Ancient and Future Death Star
"Prepare for a fantastic exploration of the antediluvian past and the looming, ominous high tech future as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back for his most important interview to date.Together in this part one of three episodes. they examine the unusual links between the obscure ancient technology that Farrell has researched in his Giza Death Star books and explore the connections it has with the futuristic dimensional doorway that the mysterious scientific organization CERN has created under the auspices of its controversial Hadron Collider experiments.

The Great Pyramid
Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defense system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure. It’s an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical patterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.

Farrell sees the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland as shrouded in mystery and finds that its most well-known project, the Hadron Super Collider ostensibly set up to unlock the 'Higgs Boson' or 'God Particle’ by the use of a particle physics experiment, is actually a public cover for a far different activity to covertly deploy a dimensional doorway accessing super weapon for the 21st century that would rival its counterpart the Giza Death Star.

CERN has been mired in controversy since moving forward with its particle collider experiments over the objections of distinguished scientists who have observed unusual changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere when the collider is turned on. Some of these independent scientists have warned the public that hazardous by-products of the experiments called ’Strangelets’ pose a serious potential danger for the public at large and may damage the environment for centuries to come. CERN has also been accused of organizing occult rituals and being highly secretive during its scientific research with a public and private purpose for its vastly complex work. Attempts to sue CERN for its practices have fallen flat due to its unusual status as a 'sovereign entity."

Published on Nov 30, 2016


Thanks Gio. I Listened to the interview this morning.
I will use this one in my Cern Thread.


1st December 2016, 15:14
#NewWorldNextWeek - EU Admits It Would Dissolve If People Had A Choice

And more ...

"Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy
that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."

Published on Dec 1, 2016

All news items links listed below YouTube show notes


1st December 2016, 23:18
Jeff Rense & William Tompkins -
Cosmic Top Secret Propulsion Documents Leaked!

Clip from November 30, 2016 - Published on Dec 1, 2016

UFO-ET Interstellar Spacecraft Propulsion Tecnology Disclosure (http://www.rense.com/general96/deepspaceexmp4.html)


1st December 2016, 23:36
Kama Kazi ...


1st December 2016, 23:42
Crazy Ferry Journey from Barcelona to Ibiza, Spain

Gabriel Traveler

Published on Dec 1, 2016


2nd December 2016, 00:25
Live now ...


Started streaming 14 minutes ago

"This may be the first case of a "you tell me" News and Views in quite a while, because rather than talking about President-elect Trump, or Pizzagate, or any of that, we're going to be talking about Antarctica and the VERY strange goings on there, this time, with former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin" ...

Referenced articles:

‘Ailing’ Buzz Aldrin in Emergency Evacuation from South Pole (http://time.com/4587138/buzz-aldrin-south-pole-evacuation/)

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Medically Evacuated From South Pole (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/astronaut-buzz-aldrin-medically-evacuated-south-pole-n690616)

Prompt video at the start to begin


2nd December 2016, 00:44
A look into the star/cards ...

Tarot, Trump, Terror: Interview w/ Robert Phoenix (http://www.robertphoenix.com/content/)

From Media Monarchy

"Astrology for the now age" is how Robert Phoenix describes what he does - as the host of 'The 11th House' joins Media Monarchy for the first time to talk about assassination, astrocartography, the Trump/tarot nexus and more."

Published on Dec 1, 2016

Referenced Links below YouTube show notes


2nd December 2016, 01:04
…'And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
that her face at first just ghostly
turned a Whiter Shade of Pale'…

The Fresco Portrait of a Pale Lady

A Whiter Shade of Pale

Procol Harum (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Whiter_Shade_of_Pale)


2nd December 2016, 08:57
From TheHighersideChats

John McMurtry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McMurtry)| The Cancer Stage Of Capitalism

Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, discusses "The Cancer of Capitalism", with philosophy professor and author, John McMurtry.

We have watched the disease that is Private Fractional Reserve banking and the "profit or bust" mindset slowly erode and infect nearly every aspect of life- from the exhausted environment, to the march of the military industrial complex, to the lives spent in unfulfilling jobs just to pay off the debt that got them there. Our societal and personal motivations are so warped by this green monopoly money that people regularly debate what behaviors truly reflect human nature and what can be credited to the crack-like addiction we have to this cycle of greed, debt, and consumerism.

While it is a lot to unpack, and may of us recognize this destructive and sociopathic system cannot continue, we need the communal equivalent of a full medical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment plan, before much can be done.

Today's guest, John McMurtry has authored several books including, "The Cancer Stage of Capitalism", is a retired professor of Philosophy, expert in Value-theory, physician of finance and doctor of the debt based system of rule.

2:12 To kick things off, John begins by expanding on the metaphor of cancer he often uses to diagnosis the current conditions of our economy and society. As he explains, Fractional Reserve banking is likely the original disorder and very much a key part of the cancer system. According to McMurtry, the cancer system is the disease, and the disease is: transnational money sequences, which have escalated to superseding all life needs.

12:01 With transnational money sequences acting as a cancer to society, and their ability to metastasize being aided through Fractional Reserve banking and trade treaties, Donald Trump's ability to capture the attention of disenfranchised victim's of this cancer is due in large part to the mainstream media's blackout of this topic. A dispossessed society, feeling unheard has witnessed the corporate media's refusal to acknowledge their fight against a cancer system that will ultimately, by it's very nature kill them. Along with a defeated society, another tentacle on this cancerous octopus is the military industrial complex. Acting as a means to commit eco-genocide, this faction of the cancer equation, spearheaded by among others the hawkish Hillary Clinton, has been a constant blemish bankrupting society and negating all life needs, as cancer does.

20:01 John elaborates on the dichotomy that "The most suppressed issues of our epoch is the war between life capital on one hand and money capital on the other." After covering how the money system operates, what it's achieved and how it's come to form as this cancer stage, McMurtry explains there is a deeper question to be examined. The concept of rationality itself, or self-maximizing choice and preference, comes into play in these philosophies and is the foundation for understanding the the complex web of life and money capital.

26:42 In John's book, he refers to economics as a pseudo-science and has a section with the heading: Methodological Censorship in the Academy. Listen as Greg and John discuss the ways the school system has been set up to influence our thoughts on economics and how the teachings are skewed to hide a lot of critical points of McMurtry's work. He also describes the deeply entrenched systems in place throughout our government to allow this corporate corruption and cancer to continue to metastasize throughout our society using treaties and transnational money sequencing.

38:47 While many of us can see the things that need in order to preserve life capital above all else, but the real question is how do we get there? As a philosopher, McMurtry is able to see the things that ultimately decide what's happening with our principles. As John explains, his work is based on understanding the regulating principles, or in scientific terms the laws, the governing aspects of society and the economy such as the life and money sequencing values.

Book: The Cancer Stage of Capitalism (https://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Stage-Capitalism-John-McMurtry/dp/0745313477)

Published on Nov 30, 2016


2nd December 2016, 12:45
Did you know ...

Why all world maps are wrong ...

"Making accurate maps is mathematically impossible."

referenced link site: The true size of (http://thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTQxMTYxMjI.NzMzMzYxMg*Mjc5NjU3OTE(OT UyNjMzOA~!CONTIGUOUS_US*MTAwMjQwNzU.MjUwMjM1MTc(MT c1)MA~!IN*NTI2NDA1MQ.Nzg2MzQyMQ)Mg~!CN*OTkyMTY5Nw. NzMxNDcwNQ(MjI1)MQ)

Published on Dec 2, 2016


2nd December 2016, 14:21
When everything old is new again ...

"Il Duce" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini)

Mussolini's Speech - in English! (1929)

Very rare footage of the infamous Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini. In his Fox movietone newsreel footage from March 1929, he speaks in English (!) - Not so many people don't know, but Mussolini could speak English, French and German fluently, although he had very strong accent when speaking English.

Mussolini says (Roughly transcribed);

"I am very glad to be able to express my feelings to the American nation. Friendship which Italy looks to millions of citizens who from..... from Pacific to Atlantic..... United States is very deeply rooted in our hearts.

This feeling created by mutual interest in preparation of an even brighter era in the life of both nations. I agree - the wonderful energy of the American people and I feel....... my fellow citizens who are working to make America great.

I salute the great American people, I salute the Italians of America who unite in the love of the nation."


2nd December 2016, 15:02
New release ...

Reinvigorate the Blues on 'Blue and Lonesome' (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/albumreviews/review-the-rolling-stones-blue-and-lonesome-w453332)

The Rolling Stones/ Hate To See You Go

"Taken from Blue & Lonesome, the Rolling Stones' first new studio album in over a decade,
out December 2nd."

Published on Nov 8, 2016


2nd December 2016, 15:21
In the US, now cell phones get inundated with telemarketing.
Turning the tables on telemarketers could also hone our improvisational skills.

Do your part to stop telemarketing!

Here are a few ideas for wasting a telemarketers time.
Try one of these next time you get a call.

1 – Pretend the connection is bad and you can’t hear them. You can even say things like “I think…. connect…for to….wanted a big…always pay…charge my battery…Can you hear me?” pretending the line is a bad line. Since they’re calling from overseas anyways, this is fairly common. If you can play this game for 3 minutes, you’redoing pretty good.
2 – Talk over them like there’s a delay in the line. As soon as they start to speak, talk over them and tell them there’s a really bad echo on the line. See how long you can keep going that before they hang up on you.
3 – Pretend you’re someone else, like characters from your favorite TV show. Tell them about your day and pretend you’re in the last episode you watched. Most of the people in overseas call centers will have never seen the show, so they’ll have no idea.
4 – Pretend you know the person calling. Act like you were expecting the call and that you think the other person is your friend playing a practical joke on you. “Come on Joe, I know it’s you. Stop with the crazy accent.”
5 – Pretend you’re a telemarketer too. Tell them that this call may be recorded for training purposes. Try to sell them the latest in headset equipment for call centers.
6 – Pretend there are 3 or 4 different people in the house and after they talk for a few minutes, tell them they need to talk to your dad, or your sister or your psychiatrist, or your lawyer. See how many times you can pass the phone to the “next person”.
7 – Pretend you’re at the office and tell them that a customer just walked in, but you are interested in what they just said. Then put the phone down for 2 minutes.
8 – Just keep asking questions about what they’re trying to sell.
wasting a telemarketers time. (http://no-more-calls.com/how-to-waste-a-telemarketers-time-2/)




2nd December 2016, 20:21
A quickie ...

Sebastian Maniscalco Stand-Up




3rd December 2016, 09:11
Very timely and important in all its considering (s) ...

PizzaGate - The Psyop Aspects - Watch The Misdirection

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 275 - American Voice Radio,

December 2nd, 2016 / Published on Dec 2, 2016


3rd December 2016, 09:38
5 National Park Disappearances & Deaths That Remain Unsolved

From Top5s
__________________________________________________ _________________

Disappearances that take place in forests or National Parks often leave investigators with many challenges, because searching miles and miles of dense woodland makes finding a missing person almost an impossible task. But when they disappear under extremely mysterious circumstances and leave virtually no clues behind, things get even harder. Here are five cases where that is exactly what happened, and although somewere found, there are still many unexplained questions surrounding their death...
__________________________________________________ __________________

5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps ►► https://youtu.be/VJmrajqwVXk
If you want to learn about more disappearances, check out this article...
5 Mysterious Unsolved Family Disappearances: https://www.top5s.co.uk/five-unsolved...

Published on Dec 3, 2016


3rd December 2016, 15:14
Unblockable Wireless Emergency Alerts ...

Trump Will Soon Acquire Mass Text Capability

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

"The only person we'd trust less with this technology is Anthony Weiner."

Published on Dec 2, 2016


3rd December 2016, 16:28
Interesting item/ Via Brook ...:thup:

http://static2.politico.com/dims4/default/c50a07d/2147483647/resize/1160x%3E/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2F8e%2F23%2F 0ddd766f4c65ab57ff0662fda62b%2F161202-sarah-palin-getty-1160.jpg

Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism' (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/sarah-palin-donald-trump-carrier-deal-crony-capitalism-232139)

4th December 2016, 04:31
From TheHighersideChats

Chris Knowles (https://www.blogger.com/profile/09676425268231171924)| The Trump Coup & Lucifer’s Tech

Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Lucifer's Tech and Trump coup with returning guest, Chris Knowles.

"We've all heard the Arthur C. Clark quote that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", but maybe they're linked by more than just appearance. It seems that most people who study the smattering of crumbs the deep state has dropped over the past few decades will find a few curious connections between: occult practices and technological advances, strange phenomenon and secret experiments, and let's not forget the curious resurrection of ancient Babylonian names from companies on the bleeding edge of things we'll probably never see.

It's true that odd pieces that seem unrelated, often times come together when you dig deep enough to find the ties that bind.

Although, what can be overwhelming and often glossed over, is the vast amount of knowledge a person need to put these odd pieces in the proper context. What good is a NASA investigator who knows nothing about ancient Egyptian mythology? How valuable is a Ufologist who's never studied the occult? And can a person really decode Hollywood symbolism accurately without opening up a book on Kabalah?

The point is that true "conspiracy" research is a vast and inner-disciplinary undertaking that few people are willing to follow through to it's deepest depths; but Chris Knowles is one of the respectable few who is. He's back and the saddle with an epic 2.5+ hour podcast,Chris is an author of several great books including "Our Gods Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes" and "The Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll: The Mysterious Roots of Modern Music". He's been decoding the esoteric themes of pop culture and para-politics for years culminating in the catalog of work is on his blog, The Secret Sun."

Blog link: http://secretsun.blogspot.com/

Recorded Nov 11, 2016 /Published on Dec 3, 2016


4th December 2016, 05:03
With the traditional Chirp/Hal ...


4th December 2016, 05:18
Thanksgiving from down in Mexico ...

James Gilliland ~ As You Wish Talk Radio ~ 11/26/2016

"Spilling it out the way he see's it."

Published on Dec 2, 2016


4th December 2016, 05:27
hmm ...

Tennessee Wildfires, Tornados, & Flood: Proof they are Manmade

Bloomberg is reporting that scientists are "stumped" at the increase in "Tornado Outbreaks." All scientists have to do to understand, is watch this video. Given the fact that I've been opely proving this reality for years, the fact that the evidence is irrefutable, and given that the process can be witnessed every single day, it's had to quatify how ifuriated this lack of understanding in the scientific community really is.

In the last 24 hours, the south has been hit with sudden raging wildfires, followed by a sudden swarm of 22 tornadoes, followed by Flash Flood alerts. Entire communities have been devastated by this sequence of events, and the Governor of Tennessee has declared this the worst fire even in the State’s history.

Surely this mayhem must seem like the wrath of God to the poor people devastated by this assault, by as my long-time viewers know – it has nothing to do with God. Although the meteorological community refuses to acknowledge the glaring reality of how and why these events occur, the real reasons are very easy to illustrate and prove. “Mother Nature” is certainly not the cause.

Detailed explanation and background on the realities I’m about to show, I strongly suggest reading my eBook. In a succinct 40 pages it give the background and history for why this global weather system exists in the first place, but here I’m just going to point out the highlights.

1. Wildfire smoke produces the best CCN: Carbon ash from fire provides the best ‘natural’ Cloud Condensation Nuclei available. As has become quite commonplace, these fires (just like the fires all month) suddenly ignited, just before this tornadoswarm system materialized. I say ‘materialized,’ because it didn’t ‘come in’ from anywhere. It “fired up” in place, as illustrated below.

2. Massive in-place Water Vapor Generation (timed to fuel the incoming Heterodyne Wave / Gravity Wave – Storm Front) “fires up” and incorporates the smoke CCN, to create the ‘storm system.’

3. Additional converging Heterodynes Waves and Generated Wind Sheer creates the Tornado Swarm, all along the front end of the storm system.

4. The massive Water Vapor Generation that was shot into the air to create this multi-state storm front, comes back down as Flash Flood Rain (3-6 inches in 6 hours in Tennessee).

To the initiated of course, this sounds like insanity. However, after you have watched it happen on GOES satellite imagery a hundred times in exactly the same manner, it’s about as shocking as watching the Sun rise. l Although I’m putting together a video to illustrate this yet again, the fact is I have already thoroughly documented this exact process. The two videos below fully explain and illustrate the wildfire smoke generation, the Water Vapor Generation, and the Heterodyne Wave Generation that repeatedly create these systems and cause this tremendous devastation. This isn’t something that can be dismissed as wild conspiracy theory. I can easily be documented, every single day, by anyone willing to look with their own eyes. As always, I invite any meteorologists or climate scientists (with a name, face, and reputation to stake), to comment on or challenge this reality.

No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101


Published on Dec 2, 2016


4th December 2016, 05:54
Let him take you by the hand ...



Featuring Donald Trump

by Steely Dan


4th December 2016, 06:31
hmm ...

Tennessee Wildfires, Tornados, & Flood: Proof they are Manmade

No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101


Published on Dec 2, 2016


I took the time to watch the video. I did not need to as the processes are well known to me but, I wanted make sure.

This kind of terrorism is initiated by the globalists. Since all major media, including weather reporting, falls under globalist control it is no surprise that what should be easy to recognize patterns are not and meteorologists pretend to be "stumped". The suspicious nature of the fires is not even mentioned. They are suspicious not only because of the time of day but also becuse of the number of simultaneous ignitions. British Columbia has even stated, on their media, that arson was suspected. Now what would be the motive, beside human suffering which is definitely a motive of the anti-human globalists?

That motive would be trying to make a false claim, that would be climate change formerly known as global warming but, changed to be ambiguous because said warming is getting hard to prove. Especially at the rate claimed by scientists around 20 years ago. A solution would be provided by throwing more CO2 into the air via fires and removing the trees that remove CO2, thereby aggravating a condition while reducing the remediation.

World War lll has already begun and it is the anti-human globalist faction against the humans.

4th December 2016, 06:38
WW3 has been and gone, the mopping up process is in action and will continue for a few years yet as this karmic transmutation process steadily continues, imo. The war was of the mind, ancient, collective and thyself.

4th December 2016, 06:44
Thanks Rad ...

Couldn't of said it better ... :thup:

The Ongoing Weather Terrorism


4th December 2016, 09:08
Into the woods of Chappaqua New York ...

The Hunt for Hil

Saturday Night Live

Published on Dec 4, 2016


4th December 2016, 09:35
Speaking of Steely Dan ...

The Making Of "Home At Last" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1IXr5FQpJU)


4th December 2016, 10:16
Via Giza Death Star


TURKEY’S INVASION OF SYRIA ACCOMPANIED BY UFO FLAP (https://gizadeathstar.com/2016/12/turkeys-invasion-syria-accompanied-ufo-flap/)

4th December 2016, 11:51
From 2001 ...

More Antarctica Abnormalities ... (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tierra_hueca/esp_tierra_hueca_14.htm)


4th December 2016, 18:34
I really really really believed in Santa Claus and when I found out the truth, I was shocked. Then somewhere I realized that Christmas is a Spirit. It is real and flows overcomes what is in its way for us when we let it be known.

Christmas in my family used to start on December 24 and go until the 6th of January. It was a time of year that saw the best of us. I love Christmas. Everyone around me is already having Christmas and their celebration will be exhausted on December 25. I have a hard time getting used to that because I like the other tradition.

I am making some cards and I see a good insert inscription here

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave new year

All anguish, pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear

They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth

Hallelujah, Noel be it heaven or hell
The Christmas we get we deserve.

Greg Lake performs his 1975 classic "I Believe in Father Christmas" filmed live at St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street, in the City of London with Jethro Tull' s Ian Anderson on flute, David Arch on keyboards, Florian Opahle on acoustic guitar and the church choir.


I believe in Father Christmas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPm6C...

They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
But instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the virgin birth
I remember one Christmas morning
A winter's light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that Christmas tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire

They sold me a dream of Christmas
They sold me a silent night
And they told me a fairy story
'Till I believed in the Israelite
And I believed in father Christmas
And I looked to the sky with excited eyes
'Till I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And I saw him and through his disguise

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave new year
All anguish, pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there'll be snow at Christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
Hallelujah, Noel be it heaven or hell
The Christmas we get we deserve

5th December 2016, 05:02
Let him take you by the hand ...

Giovanni, I appreciate this go-to place for new information, but if it's meant to be a thread for a cornucopia of just fun things besides latest news, interviews, documentaries please keep in mind that your constantly posting disdainful, disrespectful, mocking posts about Trump is being disdainful, mocking and disrespectful to the many of us here who are very supportive of him and very well informed about how criminal Hillary was and what a big bullet this country dodged by preventing her from continuing the corrupt and criminal downward spiral well underway. If you keep posting msm level sore loser garbage about Trump, I'd be glad to just as constantly contribute the opposing view if you want this thread to turn into a contentious political opinion thread, but hopefully we both prefer to take it elsewhere.


5th December 2016, 05:03
Insights from Clif High ...

"Warning to Woo-Woo! Google's War against Words!"

Warning to woo-woo! Google aiming at Alt-right has hit woo-woo square in jaw!
All alternative media may be at risk!
Be aware of what is going on in your search engine results!

Published on Dec 4, 2016


5th December 2016, 05:18
la perfection ...


5th December 2016, 05:30
Touring Ibiza

Gabriel Traveler

Are you guys ready for my movie?? And travel update ...

I finished an awesome 75-minute movie that I'll be posting soon. The title is: "Broken Down:
An Adventure in the Wilderness". And I talk about my upcoming travel plans.

Published on Dec 4, 2016


5th December 2016, 05:54
Some very good news to share regarding my friends
Brittany, Giles and the miraculous recovery of Eli ... :)

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15267860_10154825727826383_1716711935494277679_n.j pg?oh=e558269099e2240a3501e2dcc9c311d9&oe=58F80DC2
photo courtesy of Blake, with Eli, Giles and Brittany

He can see!' Boy, two, feared blind after being bitten
by a deadly taipan makes a miraculous recovery (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3998518/Queensland-boy-bitten-taipan-snake-continues-recovery.html)

5th December 2016, 06:00
Good wins a Day ...


Pharrell Williams


5th December 2016, 06:23
Interesting tidbit/note below via Westworld's 1st season conclusion episode 10 ...

Did you know Michelangelo painting encapsulates the image of God the Father
within the brain/shell vessel of a Human Being.


5th December 2016, 07:11
Indeed ...

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/f/w/d/3/n/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620x349. 1fwd3d.png/1480793152988.png

Bizarre "Fog Dome" Phenomenon formed above north Wales Pictured

The Cosmos News

"Cold weather alerts have been issued for much of the UK as temperatures
plummet to -4 °C on the coldest weekend of the season."

Published on Dec 4, 2016

Rare ‘fog dome’ photographed near Tremeirchion, Wales

5th December 2016, 07:49
Softy ...

Killing The Blues

Alison Krauss & Robert Plant

From Raising Sand (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG_rArV84iY&list=PL8g0bTbJueB0vtsY-hTSPYPtKrE22K68Z)


Always reminds me of beautiful Shenandoah, Virginia


5th December 2016, 08:16
Giovanni, I appreciate this go-to place for new information, but if it's meant to be a thread for a cornucopia of just fun things besides latest news, interviews, documentaries please keep in mind that your constantly posting disdainful, disrespectful, mocking posts about Trump is being disdainful, mocking and disrespectful to the many of us here who are very supportive of him and very well informed about how criminal Hillary was and what a big bullet this country dodged by preventing her from continuing the corrupt and criminal downward spiral well underway. If you keep posting msm level sore loser garbage about Trump, I'd be glad to just as constantly contribute the opposing view if you want this thread to turn into a contentious political opinion thread, but hopefully we both prefer to take it elsewhere.


Are you serious? You have 47 posts in 3 years and this is one of them. You have thanked one post in your three years. Please stop acting like a butt-hurt Hillary supporter and try to find something useful to contribute to the forum.

5th December 2016, 08:36
Giovanni, I appreciate this go-to place for new information, but if it's meant to be a thread for a cornucopia of just fun things besides latest news, interviews, documentaries please keep in mind that your constantly posting disdainful, disrespectful, mocking posts about Trump is being disdainful, mocking and disrespectful to the many of us here who are very supportive of him and very well informed about how criminal Hillary was and what a big bullet this country dodged by preventing her from continuing the corrupt and criminal downward spiral well underway. If you keep posting msm level sore loser garbage about Trump, I'd be glad to just as constantly contribute the opposing view if you want this thread to turn into a contentious political opinion thread, but hopefully we both prefer to take it elsewhere.

Looks like it's going to be a tough four years for ya ...

And don't make threats you can't keep.

giggle :)

5th December 2016, 08:52
Looks like it's going to be a tough four years for ya ...

And don't make threats you can't keep.

giggle :)

Disrupting proceedings one disagrees with is just so......safe space. I find it hard to believe this person is a Trump supporter because the behavior is so reminiscent of the progressive entitled Left. I will harp on the one thanks in 3 years and feel comfortable saying this is a thankless member. :ha:

5th December 2016, 08:57
Disrupting proceeding one disagrees with is just so......safe space. I find it hard to believe this person is a Trump supporter because the behavior is so reminiscent of the progressive entitled Left. I will harp on the one thanks in 3 years and feel comfortable saying this is a thankless member. :ha:

I will leave it to management to deal with this member ...

Should he/she reappear here.

Noted every member is free to start their own threads.

5th December 2016, 12:46
Good point Giovonni. There is also the ignore feature for those who wish to use it.

As far as I can tell there are Trump supporters here and also those who are concerned about his impending presidency. Both can post on the forum and read others' posts as they chose.

Dialogue is more important than division, imo.

And this thread is awesome, so keep it up.:chrs:

PS "Raising Sand" is a phenomenal recording, and I don't think that's hyperbole.:thup:

5th December 2016, 14:30
Back when devices were just pieces of furniture ... http://r29.imgfast.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/30846.gif

An old Magnavox commercial.

Click screen to watch

5th December 2016, 14:36
Speaking of devices ... http://www.myemoticons.com/images/hobbies-leisure/phone/multitasking.gif

Giving China The Finger ...


Trump attacks China in Twitter outburst (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-38167022)

5th December 2016, 15:05
Blessed Be The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

And All The Water Protectors ...:group hug:

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15253442_10210040579962694_7589486343359712846_n.j pg?oh=04ab535d1c9ac0b010e80af081734882&oe=58B35C47

5th December 2016, 15:20
Young Simon Parkes ...


5th December 2016, 15:29
Had to stop by and say thanks Gio for the thread which I visit daily now....and to those who disagree...well such is life.

On that note I awoke to some great news and hope the trend continues! Rock on Standing Rock! Never dismiss the power of prayer for something that should just be common sense!

Much love to all of you and especially Gio!

Edit to add:

I was smack in the middle of those fires in North Carolina...it was so dry it was a tinderbox here which is quite unusual for this area period. Rain had now come and the free burn ban is lifted. Tenn sure took the brunt of it and that is not far from me either...just an hour and a half drive from me.

As for Trump....just don't get me started! And to those with inquiring minds...I was a Bernie Supporter and still am. Again such is life....to those who are too sensitive to understand the freedom of speech and objection to the current president elect...get over it...there are four years you're going to have to deal with it. Be prepared for a lot more where that comes from.

5th December 2016, 15:44
Doctor doctor ...


Bibliomania, the Dark Desire For Books That Infected Europe in the 1800s (http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/bibliomania-the-dark-desire-for-books-that-infected-europe-in-the-1800s?utm_source=Atlas+Obscura+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=7975212eb3-Newsletter_12_5_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f36db9c480-7975212eb3-63041445&ct=t(Newsletter_12_5_2016)&mc_cid=7975212eb3&mc_eid=57314563a1)

5th December 2016, 15:50
Thanks Brook ... :smiley hug:

Every Kinda People

Robert Palmer


5th December 2016, 16:15
Good to see you, Shadowself. Glad you're enjoying Gio's cosmic thread. I have from even before it's reincarnation.;)

Bibliomania. I've heard of that. It's not quite as bad as pathological cat rescuing. Books don't get mange, and produce copious amounts of ammonia once out of control. Pet rats could also be a problem...

5th December 2016, 16:21

DIY Gingerbread Cookies for dogs: The Pet Chef Rocky Kanaka (http://blog.dogfordog.com/our-mission/dog-for-dog-team/rocky-kanaka-keever-president-founder/)

"In this DIY make your own dog treats I show you on of my Gingerbread cookies for dogs recipes. I often get people asking me questions like Can Dogs Eat Gingerbread Cookies or Will Gingerbread Cookies Hurt Dogs? I am here to tell you they can and that Gingerbread cookies are good for dogs! As long as you are using my recipe. Stay away from human cookies as they often have ingredients dog can’t or shouldn’t have. Enjoy this step-by-step gingerbread cookies for dogs recipe (and you!) for Christmas dessert. And if you are asking questions like Is Ginger Safe for Dogs or Is Ginger Good for dogs the answer is in this video!"

Order a bag of pre made Gingerbread Cookies from The Dog Bakery: http://bit.ly/2fYznMD

Make them on your own! See recipe below YouTube show notes.

Published on Dec 5, 2016


5th December 2016, 16:36
Interesting tidbit/note below via Westworld's 1st season conclusion episode 10 ...

Did you know Michelangelo painting encapsulates the image of God the Father
within the brain/shell vessel of a Human Being.


I didn't know that.
Oh William, William, William.


5th December 2016, 16:54
It's all in your mind...


Get your mind together.

5th December 2016, 17:36
Note i lived in Silver Spring ...


Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are moving the family to DC (http://nypost.com/2016/12/05/ivanka-trump-and-jared-kushner-are-moving-the-family-to-dc/)

5th December 2016, 18:21
I used to go to Silver Spring occasionally when I lived in DC. My sister-in-law lived there many decades ago, before I even knew her. I just drove through Silver Spring Saturday evening.:)

5th December 2016, 19:00
I used to go to Silver Spring occasionally when I lived in DC. My sister-in-law lived there many decades ago, before I even knew her. I just drove through Silver Spring Saturday evening.:)

Wow ...

I lived off University Blvd near the Connecticut Ave split ...
Close to Kensington ... Were you visiting the Metro area?


5th December 2016, 19:13
We went all the way downtown to see a show at The Hamilton, just a couple blocks from the White House. It's a really interesting venue where you go into the restaurant and then down stairs into a wide open area with up and downstairs bars and tiered floors for tables. No bad views and a dance floor up front. It's pretty new.

I used to work for a Montessori oriented tutoring company based in Silver Spring. Trust Tutoring. They're still there.

The phrase 'a little birdy told me' has so much new meaning now... But just what is the omen?

5th December 2016, 19:21
We went all the way downtown to see a show at The Hamilton, just a couple blocks from the White House. It's a really interesting venue where you go into the restaurant and then down stairs into a wide open area with up and downstairs bars and tiered floors for tables. No bad views and a dance floor up front. It's pretty new.

I used to work for a Montessori oriented tutoring company based in Silver Spring. Trust Tutoring. They're still there.

The phrase 'a little birdy told me' has so much new meaning now... But just what is the omen?

Ah yes that's a fairly new venue, at first i thought you were referring to the Hamilton Hotel - up a few blocks on 14th Street ... I miss my hometown this time of year. Did you get to see the National Christmas Tree ?

5th December 2016, 21:04
Actually we didn't, but I was driving. We did go right by the Hamilton Hotel. The venue is right across the street from the Willard.

I used to work in the building where the Old Ebbit Grill is. And we have some friends who live in Kensington.

6th December 2016, 04:30
Go Amazon Go ...

"The new Amazon Go convenience store will be opening soon at Seventh Avenue and Blanchard Street in Seattle (http://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/amazoncom-unveils-self-driving-brick-and-mortar-convenience-store/). Customers will be able to scan an app on their phones, grab what they want and walk out. Charges will show up on customers’ accounts."


Amazon introduces next major job killer to face Americans (http://nypost.com/2016/12/05/amazon-introduces-next-major-job-killer-to-face-americans/)

6th December 2016, 04:40
False Flag Alien Invasion and UFO Disclosure -

Freeman Fly with Richard Dolan (http://freemantv.com/extraterrestrial-disclosure-richard-dolan/)

"#UFOAttacksToTurkey has caused quite a stir. Before Ancient Aliens and After Disclosure what False Flag Alien Invasion can we expect? Will there be Asteroid Attacks, Clones and Drones, or Disclosure in Your Lifetime? Let's look into Animal Mutilations, MILAB, ET and Remote Viewing, Psychic UFOs, Sentient Computers, ET and Religion with Richard Dolan."

[This show originally aired Nov. 16, 2010 on American Freedom Radio]

Published on Dec 5, 2016


6th December 2016, 05:03
Trending ...

https://ca.news.yahoo.com/sy/ny/api/res/1.2/8gHytkCXxy1VOmPVvmV_jw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9NDUwO2g9MzAyO2lsPX BsYW5l/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2016-12-05T235718Z_1_LYNXMPECB41L2_RTROPTP_2_TWITTER-FACEBOOK.JPG.cf.jpg

Web giants to cooperate on removal of extremist content (https://ca.news.yahoo.com/giants-cooperate-removal-extremist-content-235718358--finance.html)

6th December 2016, 05:09
fly "me" to the moon ...


Rocket men: why tech’s biggest billionaires want their place in space (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/dec/05/tech-billionaires-space-exploration-musk-bezos-branson)

6th December 2016, 05:30
The Pigeon ...


6th December 2016, 06:32
Apparently it's the thought that counts ...

TRUMP Threatens Prison For Burning Flag- So Does HILLARY!

The Jimmy Dore Show

"Everyone is going crazy because Donald Trump is against burning the US flag,
but did you know Hillary Clinton is also against burning the US flag."

Published on Dec 5, 2016


6th December 2016, 14:03
Knowing ones ABC's ...



"Fake News is Newspeak! Mainstream Media, especially under the NDAA, is the REAL Fake News. Citizen journalists can be flawed, but some are quite frankly, excellent. They are filling a vacuum because the 4th Estate has become a propaganda arm of the Pentagon. Just like the New York Times famously declared "God is Dead" on a headline, I would say "News is Dead" at least the mainstream variety. How about that classic fake news story "Weapons of Mass Destruction" by the way?

Fake News is right out of the pages of George Orwell's 1984. It is more timely and accurate than ever. Just a 5 minute video pondering the question of "Fake News" and the NDAA and how it is NOW LEGAL to purposefully use propaganda on the American people under the law. And oh my is it happening folks."


Published on Dec 6, 2016


6th December 2016, 14:12
Note this all took place in October 2016 ...


Gabriel Traveler

BROKEN DOWN: An Adventure in the Wilderness

[Full Movie]

My incredible backpacking experience after my truck breaks down in the wilderness of northern California.
NOTE: There is no paid product placement or intended product endorsement in this movie.

Published on Dec 6, 2016

Length 1:11:11 minutes


6th December 2016, 15:29
The keep going ...

GoPro Cause: Firefighter Stuck Indoors for a Year - ROMP Revival Story

"After a devastating motorcycle accident, Luisa did not go outside for more than a year. Thanks to the Range of Motion Project, she now feels whole again and can walk and run, and has even returned to serving her community as a firefighter."

To donate, visit https://gopro-romp.charity.org/

Published on Dec 6, 2016


6th December 2016, 15:47
Oh The Joy ...

Cazekiel and The Crystal City. This Photo was Taken By Master Kan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsS6XlPlACs) During The Last Night
of His Stay at the ECETI Ranch With a Cell Phone in Complete Darkness (May 2010)


Let's Groove

Earth, Wind & Fire


6th December 2016, 17:03
For your inspection ...

Tom Campbell: My Big TOE's (https://www.my-big-toe.com/) - Most Controversial Questions

Who are we really?

Some of the most difficult questions for the readers/listeners of Tom Campbell's My Big TOE theory concern ourselves as a free will awareness units interacting in this reality. Step up to the concept of virtual reality, and not only are those questions more easily understood, but quantum mechanics is no longer "weird science".

Those whose life's work supports Tom's theory are Dr Bruce Greyson, director of the UVA division of perceptual studies, and Dr Donald Hoffman, U C Irvine who has stated, "There is no brain." (referring to Tom's comments in this video on brains and consciousness.

Published on Dec 6, 2016

Length 40:30 min


6th December 2016, 17:21
Martin Scorsese’s Passion Project ...


Silence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silence_(2016_film))

Official Trailer (2016) - Paramount Pictures

In limited theaters December 2016 / General release January 2017



Martin Scorsese interview on Trump and the Pope

"Full Martin Scorsese interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, where the film director talks about
America's future under Donald Trump, meeting the Pope in Rome and his new film Silence" ...

Published on Dec 6, 2016

Length 21:43 min


6th December 2016, 17:54
The Mysterious Floating Islands Of Lake Titicaca In Peru

From Brien Foerster


"At Lake Titicaca in Peru there are more than 80 floating islands on which people live,
and have done so for perhaps more than 3000 years."

Published on Dec 6, 2016


6th December 2016, 18:35
A quickie ...

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15356673_10154249787273215_132847638223816540_n.jp g?oh=1bcdbbdea2ab24c0c9acbed7411575d7&oe=58BA8054

Sebastian Maniscalco ~ On the road
Waiting around for weekend shows like...

Chipotle | Aren’t You Embarrassed?


7th December 2016, 06:44
An important timely economic discussion ... :thup:

Shaun Chamberlin Surviving the Future

From LegaliseFreedom1

Host Greg Moffitt opens up with a inspiring descriptive, as he welcomes Shaun Chamberlin (http://www.darkoptimism.org/)
Who expands upon the past and into today's Western societal economic future possibilities?

Surviving the Future is a story drawn from the fertile ground of the late David Fleming’s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Fleming_(writer))extraordinary Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It. That hardback consists of four hundred and four interlinked dictionary entries, inviting readers to choose their own path through its radical vision.

Recognizing that Lean Logic’s sheer size and unusual structure can be daunting, Fleming’s long-time collaborator Shaun Chamberlin has selected and edited one of these potential narratives to create Surviving the Future. The content, rare insights, and uniquely enjoyable writing style remain Fleming’s, but are presented here at a more accessible paperback-length and in conventional read-it-front-to-back format.

The subtitle—Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy—hints at Fleming’s vision. He believed that the market economy will not survive its inherent flaws beyond the early decades of this century, and that its failure will bring great challenges, but he did not dwell on this: “We know what we need to do. We need to build the sequel, to draw on inspiration which has lain dormant, like the seed beneath the snow.”

Surviving the Future lays out a compelling and powerfully different new economics for a post-growth world. One that relies not on taut competitiveness and eternally increasing productivity—“putting the grim into reality”—but on the play, humor, conversation, and reciprocal obligations of a rich culture. Building on a remarkable breadth of intellectual and cultural heritage—from Keynes to Kumar, Homer to Huxley, Mumford to MacIntyre, Scruton to Shiva, Shakespeare to Schumacher—Fleming describes a world in which, as he says, “there will be time for music.”

This is the world that many of us want to live in, yet we are told it is idealistic and unrealistic. With an evident mastery of both economic theory and historical precedent, Fleming shows that it is not only desirable, but actually the only system with a realistic claim to longevity. With friendliness, humor, and charm, Surviving the Future plucks this vision out of our daydreams and shows us how to make it real.

Published on Dec 6, 2016


7th December 2016, 07:34
Always check previous pages for missed posted items ~ http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/kat2/smileys-free-download-2610.gif

Here's a excellent historical perspective synopsis ...

U.S. Planned to Go to War with Japan and Germany Before Pearl Harbor Attack

"On the 75th anniversary, historian Peter Kuznick says the Trump administration likely
won’t wait for a ‘New Pearl Harbor’ to pursue war with Iran" ...

Published on Dec 6, 2016

Length 18:41 min.


7th December 2016, 08:12
It's only water folks ...
An environmental unfriendly news item ... :(

http://media.spokesman.com/photos/2004/07/18/TRAVEL_MONTANA_MINING_07-18-2004_D321HU0_t1200.jpg?298603a24e8d51915fce203907f f2746e482a5a6

Thousands of snow geese perish in Butte’s Berkeley Pit (http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/outdoors/2016/dec/06/thousands-snow-geese-perish-buttes-berkeley-pit/)

7th December 2016, 08:21
A real concern ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UteO_sruug)


7th December 2016, 08:54
Happy Holidays Folks !
From Pacific NorthWEIRD ... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/christmas/santa-buddy-icon-smiley-emoticon.gif

https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15327413_696133087229900_9023640481123926427_n.jpg ?oh=46840126c38aa32bd56d1efb2eb29342&oe=58B9C82F

7th December 2016, 17:54
Making media great again ...


7th December 2016, 18:08
Speaking of big chills ...


... polar plunge sweeps across the country ... (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4006994/Polar-plunge-sweeping-country.html)

7th December 2016, 18:26
Some background ...

Trump Fills the Swamp With Steven Mnuchin


"Trump has named Steven Mnuchin as his Treasury Secretary. So who is Mnuchin, and what does his background tell us about his ideology and what kind of administration Trump is assembling? Today we talk to Michael Krieger of LibertyBlitzkrieg.com about Mnuchin's career, his Goldman Sachs and Soros ties, and his shady business practices, as well as the other people being appointed to helm the Trump White House."

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=20697

Published on Dec 7, 2016


7th December 2016, 19:47
Jeff Rense & William Tompkins - The Moon is an Alien Command Center

Clip from November 30, 2016 /Published on Dec 7, 2016


7th December 2016, 20:03
Way up there at Takhlakh Lake
Mt Adams - Washington

♪ Where the big foots and andromedans play ♪

https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15267883_10211019278422663_4715823632424544363_n.j pg?oh=c6414411e68fe17aa03779ad85b4ace1&oe=58BB8DD3

7th December 2016, 21:17
Baby boom baby ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mx_ESUF_N0)


More White Americans Are Dying Than Being Born In One-Third Of US

7th December 2016, 21:35
In The Raw ...


Trump picks wrestling magnate Linda McMahon
to lead Small Business Administration (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/07/trump-picks-wrestling-magnate-linda-mcmahon-to-lead-small-business-administration.html)

8th December 2016, 13:46
Podesta, Pizzagate, Basset & Greer

From C.W. Chanter


Published on Dec 7, 2016

Length 31:30 min.


8th December 2016, 14:03
Get it while you can ...

Click screen to watch

8th December 2016, 14:30
I recall ...

On the evening of December 8, 1980, i had just flown back to the States from a job on Andros Island, Bahamas ... Arriving at my motel in West Palm Beach (International Airport) ... I turned the TV on to catch the score of the Monday night football game ... The game was unceremoniously interrupted to announce the tragic news. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n73GFvAyIjs)


"Three days before he died, John Lennon talked with 'Rolling Stone' for nine hours.
For the first time, we present this extraordinary interview."


John Lennon: The Last Interview (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/john-lennon-the-last-interview-20101223)

8th December 2016, 15:51
Also...one year ago today...

From the coyotes lair


transcending time
the approaching light
calls him by name

into the realms of before
the present waits to let go
of the past

readying him for the return
to his place with the stars
in the circle of dreams



he woke up in a familiar high
knowing it was time
to change dream worlds

waiting at the station
for his ride
enjoying the colors
in awe of the swirl and blur
in between dimensions

where dying to live
is different than dying to die
and continuation has no use
for beginning and endings
that traumatized lives
devote to fear


"My ride showed up."

"Celebrate Love. Celebrate Life."

John Trudell

February 15, 1946 - December 8, 2015

flying with the clouds
tracing the blue in the sky
out of reach
of within reach

distant trails of distant trials
dissolving in long forgotten tears
while the moon kissed the sun
and he was next in line

the stars threw him fire
knowing he loved the heat
pulsing from magic light
bringing him out of the shadows


9th December 2016, 04:34

From Kerry Cassidy

Started streaming 1 hour ago

Dec 8, 2016

"I will be talking with David Sereda about his new ebook: Gods Great Pyramid
and the power of crystal technology."

From his Fund Me site:
My name is David Sereda. I have appeared on hundreds of radio shows for 16 years now, from Art Bell, George Noory, Jimmy Church, Shirley McLaine, Alan Handelman, John B. Wells, Dr. J Live, and too many to count. The phone has not stopped ringing for 16 years. I have also appeared on CNN Anderson Cooper, TLC, History Channel, Fox News, Fox TV, and numerous TV networks. Why? What is it that I talk about and have discovered? My education is a self design and self study in various fields from science, religion, philosophy, paranormal, fringe science, fringe physics, and beyond boundaries of traditional education. I have offered viewpoints that are not bound by educational standards. My films have had millions and millions of free views on youtube by stolen users. These users have changed the name of my films so they can monitize them such as "Quantum Communication " being changed to Mind Science Kept Hidden, etc. That film of mine has had over 35 million views and it is almost 3 hours long. My other titles include "Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs," "Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFO," "THE VOICE," "Hope for Humanity," and here is my recently released film on youtube, but made several years ago, Mona Lisa's Little Secret:

Part 1 Mona Lisa's Little Secret (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYhJ-CduwZ4)




9th December 2016, 12:17
Eyes wide open ...

Earthquake Forecasting Works for Cascadia | S0 News Dec.9.2016


9th December 2016, 12:25
Making media great again ...


Weighing in ...

Greg Hunter Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.09.16

"Greg Hunter from USAWatchdog.com gives his take on the week's top stories
in the Weekly News Wrap-Up."

Published on Dec 8, 2016


9th December 2016, 12:50
Some Ketchup with Darin Crapo up in Medicine Hat Canada ...
Examining the latest UFO sightings from around the world.

UFO Planet TV - UFOs, Alien Interview; John Glenn Tribute, Holiday Train

With a wink/wink (includes a response to ProJect Avalon's mojo's previous conspiratorial comments at 13:52 mark)

Published on Dec 8, 2016


9th December 2016, 13:04
Smile if your dad was a dentist ...


9th December 2016, 13:13
Winter has arrived in the Great Northwest ...




9th December 2016, 14:24
During the off season ...


How Expensive is IBIZA, Spain? and Tour of Ibiza Town

Gabriel Traveler

"In this video I explore Ibiza town on Ibiza island and show how much things cost."

Published on Dec 8, 2016


9th December 2016, 15:02
Paying to Play ...

Welcome to the Internet of the Real...

From with truTV.

Click screen to watch

9th December 2016, 18:27
Finally reaching his full escape velocity ...

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15285036_10154682440361772_6236728402683797273_n.j pg?oh=b2c8f56c7fbee939328af78c55ff7e71&oe=58B79AB5

Very saddened by the loss of Sen. John Glenn, the first American to orbit Earth. He also became a U.S. senator and later, at the age of 77 when he flew on the space shuttle, he became the oldest person to fly in space. With deepest condolences to his dear wife Annie, his children, and the people who were inspired by him and loved him around the world. A true American hero. Godspeed, John Glenn.

10th December 2016, 02:53
Ep. 570 FADE to BLACK FADERNIGHT w/ Jon Rappoport

"Another Thursday...another Fadernight with Jon Rappoport
and his No More Fake News Room ... followed by Open-Lines."

Air date: December 8, 2016/ Published on Dec 9, 2016

* No More Fake News Segment Starts 32 Min. Mark
