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19th June 2024, 17:08
Meanwhile ...

"The Footage Wasn't Supposed to be Released"

Richard Dolan

June 12, 2024

34:20 min.


Just saying ...


19th June 2024, 23:29
#Most Probable

It's all about one's vibration ...

Charles Hall worked with The Tall Whites


This is a story based on the book series "Millennial Hospitality" by Charles James Hall, who claims that he was living with extraterrestrials for two years. Charles was scared to death during his first encounters with the "Tall Whites" as he called them, but after some months, he overcame his worst fears and started to communicate with the extraterrestrials, and slowly getting to know them.

The documentary is a portraying of Charles and is built on element of the three books he published, here you can hear Charles and Marie talking about the experience from his past, in the 60s.

With more than a million unique streams on Amazon Prime this documentary polarize opinions regarding us humans being alone in the universe!

Charles James Hall was born and raised in rural Wisconsin, USA, near Madison. He enlisted in the United States Air Force on July 20, 1964. He was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base outside Las Vegas, Nevada, for over two years. While there, he served for extensive periods of time as a weather observer in the desert on the Gunnery ranges at Indian Springs, Nevada. Following this, he served a year in Vietnam in the Mekong Delta. Charles received an award for surviving more than 35 communist attacks. A year after receiving an honorable discharge in May 1968, Charles married Marie, on the condition that he would go to college. In record time, he earned both a Bachelor's Degree in Thermal Physics and a Masters degree in Applied Nuclear Physics at San Diego State University in San Diego California. Charles did Ph.D. level post graduate work at the University of Maine at Bangor. Later, he earned a Masters in Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University at Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

When Charles and Marie had been married about three months, Charles decided to risk telling her about the extraterrestrials he had encountered at Indian Springs. Marie wasn't terribly interested in whether or not ETs existed. She only said that if she met one, she hoped she would behave properly. That might just be another way to describe the current buzzword, 'Exopolitics'.

Raising a family pushed memories of the terror and unprecedented experiences on the Indian Springs gunnery ranges into the background, but they couldn't be forgotten. In his spare time, Charles began writing his memoirs for his children and grandchildren. Eighteen years later, when Marie discovered what he had been doing, she convinced him to publish them. She found it easy to come up with a title, cover design and helped edit what eventually became the Millennial Hospitality series, which is now four books. Marie particularly liked Charles' memoirs because they did not attempt to prove the existence of extraterrestrials, but rather, could be read and enjoyed by anyone. They read like a novel and the reader can learn about how to be a better human being. Because of the nature of the material, and to protect the innocent, it seemed prudent to change the names of friends, places, a few distances and directions. The Millennial Hospitality series is without precedent, a truly groundbreaking account of one man's actual experiences with extraterrestrials in the Nevada desert. It is already being hailed as a classic.


1:18:12 min.


20th June 2024, 06:36
Topic: Are hostile E. T.s based deep below Earth oceans and lands?

From Earthfiles

April 20, 2022


New Unclassified FOIA documents reported by Motherboard
- “Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks”
- warp drives, extra dimensions, anti-gravity

Interview with experiencer Adam Burns after hypnotherapy session
- HealingsAcrossTime.com
- “humans are working off-world with advanced beings”
- “the most malevolent towards us…the reptilians”
- “massive underground bases”
- “some of these ancient aliens want to help us”
- “mantid being…loving and hyper intelligent”
- “humanoid with the head of a snake”
- “our future…we make it…we transcend!”

103:10 min.


20th June 2024, 07:18
#People Forget

Eminence Front

The Who

5:42 min.


20th June 2024, 16:58
Did Humanoid Beings Invade a Nuclear Weapon Storage Unit in 1971?


Richard Doty, a retired agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, recounts the compelling story from eyewitness reports involving a UFO, beings in space suits, and nuclear bombs.

This is an excerpt from Gaia’s Cosmic Disclosure series entitled Humanoid Nuclear Intervention.

June 18, 2024

11:26 min.


20th June 2024, 23:37
Will share this here ...

Ross Coulthart (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Coulthart): Aliens on earth more likely than real Dyson spheres

NewsNation's Ross Coulthart discusses the history of Dyson spheres, which are hypothetical megastructures that could signal alien life. Coulthart also shares why he believes evidence of Dyson spheres further represents that there's other life in the universe.

Jun 20, 2024

4:44 min.


21st June 2024, 01:53
Changing things up ...

How Do Out of Body Experiences Happen While the Brain is DEAD?

| Jeffrey Long

Danny Jones Clips

Jeffrey Long is a medical doctor specializing in the practice of radiation oncology, using radiation to treat cancer. Jeff has conducted the world's largest study of Near-Death experiences (NDEs) which includes over 4,000 experiencers.

Jun 20, 2024

9:11 min.


More below ...

Full interview podcast here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIEGOmwJJxk&t=0s)

Best Evidence for Life After Death: World's
Largest NDE Study Revealed | Jeffrey Long

00:00 - Scientific evidence of near death experiences (NDEs)
08:56 - The problem with researching NDEs
20:46 - Near death experience vs. fear death experience
23:19 - Are NDEs religious?
34:54 - Scientific evidence of reincarnation
42:10 - How NDEs change people
47:11 - NDEs give people superpowers
52:58 - DMT vs. NDEs
01:05:19 - consciousness during cardiac arrest
01:11:09 - Blind people regaining vision during NDE
01:21:00 - Remembering NDEs
01:25:07 - Death bed visions
01:31:14 - Shared higher consciousness
01:35:23 - Hellish NDEs

Octopus Garden
22nd June 2024, 21:55
I love these little historical clips! The short clips are on youtube and they are fantastic.


23rd June 2024, 07:24
You don't say ...


23rd June 2024, 07:58
♪ I can see you're lonely down there ♪


Harry Styles

4:15 min.


25th June 2024, 08:45
A Sci-Fi Short Film

"Out of This World"

by Elia Petridis

Fate brings a teenage alien and a waitress with musical dreams together for one unforgettable night on Earth. In this sonic Space Opera, the two learn that sometimes you need someone out of your world to recognize the unique you.


15:28 min.


27th June 2024, 06:55
And speaking far out ...

"Light My Fire"

by Wild Child
Featuring Dave Brock as Jim Morrison
-Live at Campus JAX 3-9-24

Wild Child is a Los Angeles based band with 20 solid years of performance in the competitive L.A. Music Scene. Faithfully re-creating a live Doors Concert on stage, this is not a typical Doors tribute band! Wild Child's music is painstakingly reproduced and combined with the voice, look and essence of Jim Morrison live on stage. They mirror the depth, energy and emotion of The Doors concerts as they were live back in the late 1960's. Wild Child also utilizes the same musical instruments live as The Doors did over 35 years ago.

Wild Child is Dave Brock’s Doors Experience and he was a former vocalist for Manzarek-Krieger of the doors from 2010 to 2013, Wild Child lead singer Dave Brock fronted the touring act “Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger of The Doors.” Being selected by these two Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame musicians was a huge honor for Dave. This was the ultimate compliment of his talents and speaks volumes for his credibility as a Doors style front man and vocalist.

8:05 min.


27th June 2024, 22:13

A Comedy Sci-Fi Short Film

You Eat Other Animals?

Vegan Aliens

A sci-fi comedy in which two happy-go-lucky men are being taken to an alien planet and untold wonders when their vegan hosts learn a stomach-churning truth about humans.


4:58 min.


29th June 2024, 06:11
hmm ...

Meet The ‘Alien’ That Believes She Is Sent From Outer Space

| This Morning

Kelly Tyler is part of a growing number of people called ‘Starseeds’, who claim to be extraterrestrials sent from space to help humankind heal the world. Kelly says she was healed from long-term sickness, after she swapped souls with a ‘walk-in alien’ when she was just a child. Since then, she says, she's been able to 'astral travel' - and can leave her earthly body on command, transporting herself to a galaxy far away, where she meets up with blue aliens. And, it's not just other aliens she can converse with... Kelly says she can also telepathically communicate with animals and trees too.

Broadcast on 17/06/2024

11:23 min.


30th June 2024, 02:32
It's all about consciousness ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fec%2Ff 6%2F93%2Fecf69307fe09ee8e471d99365e7e0643.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f2c81245289191b55b363e76c784534de10a3ce4dd26ea 21f74cb29a989cc235&ipo=images

The Odyssey of Timothy Leary

by Airbaja

Music by
The Doors &
Moody Blues

In halls of strict conformity, where cadets marched in line,
A restless soul took its first flight, defying place and time.
From West Point’s rigid structure to the realms of mind’s expanse,
Timothy Leary danced his path, in a most transcendent trance.

Through prisms of perception, with LSD in hand,
He spearheaded a movement, a visionary’s stand.
In the heartbeat of the sixties, where consciousness took wing,
He played the role of alchemist, transforming everything.

Captured by the system, yet his spirit never chained,
The Weathermen broke prison walls, but his legacy remained.
Subject of both scorn and song, a rebel, sage, and guide,
He beckoned minds to journey forth, and leave the known aside.

In turbulent days of change and strife, he opened doors unseen,
Inviting all to venture deep, into the vast, serene.
An icon in his era, his trip both strange and grand,
Timothy Leary’s odyssey, etched in our hearts and minds, Maan.

17:42 min.


30th June 2024, 20:33
My comment on this topic is that Ram Dass was a great being who came out of that culture, but even he too had his hang-ups and was by no means a perfect guy. As Alan Watts said about psychedelics; "Once you get the message, hang up the phone." They're a tool for expanding consciousness, they're not for everyone and they're not a shortcut to wisdom. Carl Jung also said that "beware of unearned wisdom". Not everyone is ready, not everyone is able to see hidden aspects to our so called reality. They open us up to new viewpoints, but also realms that exist. Wisdom only comes through experience, sometimes through mystical experiences and some of them can be induced by psychedelics too. There are different pathways, more natural ones too and finally chemicals too need to be discarded.



1st July 2024, 04:02

2nd July 2024, 04:06

2nd July 2024, 06:29
Things to consider ...

How Civilizations Die, According to Arnold Toynbee


Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder,” according to 20th-century historian Arnold Toynbee (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_J._Toynbee). He claimed every culture collapses internally due to a divergence in values between the ruling class and the common people…

5:17 min.


2nd July 2024, 06:49

Humans will all die in 100 years

Yuval Noah Harari and Lex Fridman

Lex Clips

Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher, and author of Sapiens, Homo Deus, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, and Unstoppable Us ... More here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mde2q7GFCrw&t=0s)

5:29 min.


2nd July 2024, 16:10
Indigenous tribes celebrate birth of white buffalo in Yellowstone



2nd July 2024, 16:50
Thanks for posting Wind ...

And yes, I've been following this rare event with some concerns with this recent update ...

Rare white buffalo sacred to Lakota not seen in Yellowstone since birth

Park staff say they have not been able to locate calf, who
fulfilled Lakota prophecy and is named Wakan Gli

A white buffalo calf born on 4 June 2024, in the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone national park.

Maya Yang
Sun 30 Jun 2024

"A rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone national park has not been seen since its birth on 4 June, according to park officials.

In a statement released on Friday, the National Park Service (NPS) confirmed that a white buffalo calf was born in Lamar Valley earlier this month, adding that the park’s buffalo management team had received numerous reports of the calf on 4 June from park visitors, professional wildlife watchers, commercial guides and researchers.

However, park staff have since not been able to locate the calf, with the NPS saying: “To our knowledge, there have been no confirmed sightings by park visitors since June 4.”

The calf is leucistic rather than albino and thus has black eyes and hooves with some pigmentation.
According to the park, the birth of the calf was a rare natural phenomenon that only occurred once prior to the near extinction of bison in the late 19th century. Describing the event, the park said the birth in the wild is a “landmark event in the ecocultural recovery of bison” by the NPS as a white calf had never before been born within Yellowstone national park.

The park added that the calf’s birth may reflect the presence of a natural genetic legacy that was preserved in Yellowstone’s buffaloes, which has revealed itself following a successful recovery of the wild buffalo population of 3,000 to 6,000 animals.

In the wild, the chances of a wild white buffalo calf being born are 1 in 1m births, if not less. According to the park, about one in five buffalo calves die each spring shortly after birth due to natural hazards. However, park officials did not disclose in their statement whether they believe the calf has died.

Earlier this month, several Indigenous nations held a spiritual ceremony near Yellowstone national park in which they honored the birth of the calf.

Those in attendance included representatives from the Colville tribes in Washington, Lakota and Sioux in North and South Dakota, Northern Arapaho in Wyoming and Shoshone-Bannock in Idaho, the Associated Press reports.

At the ceremony was a painting of a white calf on a hide with the words “Wakan Gli”, or “Return Sacred” in Lakota."

Looking Horse watches as a tarp reveals the name of the white buffalo calf during a naming ceremony in West Yellowstone, Montana, on 26 June 2024.

"According to Lakota legend, around 2,000 years ago, when food was scarce, the White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared and gave a bowl pipe and a sacred bundle to people and taught them how to pray. She then promised to return again for the sacred bundle in the forms of a black buffalo, a yellow buffalo, a red buffalo and eventually as a white buffalo calf.

Chief Looking Horse, the 19th keeper of the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe, said that the holy woman told people: “The next time I stand upon the earth as a white buffalo calf that nothing will be good no more,” the New York Times reports.

The birth of the calf marks a prophecy that “because Mother Earth is sick and has a fever … she’s going to speak to these white animals for peace and harmony”, he added."

Source page (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/30/rare-white-buffalo-missing-yellowstone)

Hopefully the spirit world will guard and protect this rare buffalo.

3rd July 2024, 03:27
And speaking sacred places and things ...

Ancient Aliens: The US Hotspot of Unexplained Disappearances (S17)

Former police detective Dave Paulides investigates a mysterious disappearance at Mount Shasta, in this clip from Season 17, "The Mystery of Mount Shasta."

July 2, 2024

4:28 min.


3rd July 2024, 04:08
Will share this here for your viewing entertainment ...


| Series Premiere | Full Episode

| Paramount+ with SHOWTIME

Episode 1 - A groundbreaking 2017 story in the New York Times reveals that the Pentagon secretly spent years studying UFOs, casting new light on decades of unexplained UFO sightings in America — like the 1997 Phoenix Lights encounters and the 2006 Chicago airport sighting. Has first contact already been made, and if so, why is the US government trying to cover it up? Series premiere.

July 2, 2024

52:09 min.


3rd July 2024, 06:52
A fascinating listen ...

Catastrophic Events Transformed Our Planet

History Drops

Randall Carlson & Shawn Ryan discuss the cataclysmic mass extinction events that occurred in various different periods on earth, leading to almost complete extinction events.

Randall Carlson (https://randallcarlson.com/) is an exciting traveler and maverick researcher ...

He is an expert manufacturer and structural designer. In addition, he is likewise perceived as an instructor, geometrician, and geomythologist. Randall Carlson has been associated with research for over forty years now. He is now perceived by The National Science Teachers Association. His well-known podcast named Kosmographia (https://www.youtube.com/@TheRandallCarlson) investigates the horrendous history of the world, and can be found on YouTube.

Jun 21, 2024

19:48 min.


4th July 2024, 03:06
A domesticated monk's life ...

#devotional celle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monastic_cell)


4th July 2024, 03:12

Jesus He Knows Me (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_He_Knows_Me)

5:17 min.


4th July 2024, 18:04

Is The Vatican Hiding UFO Secrets?

| Strange & Suspicious TV Show (https://www.youtube.com/@TMZ/videos)


July 3, 2024

4:40 min.


Also ...

Is There a Massive Mysterious Door in Antarctica?

2:56 min.


5th July 2024, 00:58
How the Human Brain Receives New Ideas from Our Future Selves

| Eric Wargo

Danny Jones Clips

About the author
Eric Wargo has a Ph.D. in anthropology from Emory University and works as a professional science writer and editor in Washington, D.C. He is the author of the acclaimed book Time Loops. In his spare time, Wargo writes about science fiction, consciousness, and parapsychology at his popular blog, The Nightshirt.

July 3, 2024



More below ...

Scientists Just Proved How Dreams Accurately Predict the Future

Full interview here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVgaVf4fmxU)

00:00 - psychology study on precognition
14:03 - precognitive dreams
30:50 - why we forget our dreams
33:16 - J.W. Dunne's precognitive dream protocol
40:40 - dreams predicted 9/11
50:35 - famous precognitive dreams
01:00:21 - precognitive day dreams & thoughts
01:03:07 - where our ideas come from
01:18:41 - remote viewing & trained precognition
01:25:18 - Retrocausality
01:36:55 - free will is a myth
01:48:12 - our 4-dimensional universe
02:02:20 - who is gifted with precognition
02:12:31 - lucid dreams & astral projections

5th July 2024, 07:19
I posted another interview to the consciousness thread, but this is a longer one and well worth the listen. Chris Bache also talks about the (possible) future and birth of a new human being. This species of ours is going through a death/rebirth healing crisis. Evolve or die.

The Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven with Chris Bache


In many Portals conversations we explore the nature and meaning of what some people describe as expanded or greater consciousness — experiencing directly higher levels of intelligence and creativity than are ordinarily accessible through physical senses; to connect and commune with the universal source of cosmic or divine inspiration and purpose.

In this conversation, we follow the unique journey of awakening and transformation of Professor Christopher M. Bache, who explored the nature of consciousness through the clinical use of LSD in a 20-year study.

Chris chronicles his experiences, perceptions, and thoughts about the future of humanity in his book "LSD and The Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven".

The Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven #PortalsofPerception


Video chapters
00:00 Introduction
8:25 A universe saturated with intelligence
18:44 What are the role of psychedelics?
33:05 On a cosmic tour of the universe
47:30 Bringing heaven to earth
1:01:00 Wake up, or lose this planet
1:18:05 Giving birth to the next form of human being

7th July 2024, 05:25
2 Sci-Fi Short Films

"The Replacement"

On election night, a janitor feels cheated out of a life he might have lived when his own clone becomes the President. He goes on a bender to seek justice, encountering new forms of prejudice, dismissal, and classism. In a society where the morality around cloning is dividing the masses, physically looking like the newly elected President has its own dangers…

Written and Directed by Sean Miller, Produced by Naz Khan


15:06 min.



"Fearfully Made"

When Arthur’s wife, Maggie, is taken into a nursing home, his daughter buys him a care robot. Frustrated by his lack of independence, Arthur is no fan of his new 'carer', but things take a darker turn when she begins to block his attempts to call Maggie. Desperate to make contact and feeling like a prisoner in his own home, Arthur plans to escape to the nursing home to be with Maggie again.

Writer & Director: Jamie Foreman
Producer: Nicholas Teslich , Samuel Taylor


19:00 min.


7th July 2024, 05:47
Inattentional blindness


7th July 2024, 18:56
The latest ...

https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AIdro_laFL5Yp1siMEfkQ7GHZ5SbmAhF25rJhXdxlYxjD3O2tK E=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj

Wandering in Wimbledon:
Exploring The Village And Tennis Championships

Joolz Guides

There's a lot more to Wimbledon than the tennis. I couldn't believe what an absolutely stunning place it is. Just head into the village and you are surrounded by parks and history. Oliver Reed has a big connection with the area and you can even do the Oliver reed pub crawl but there is also a wonderful stables from the 19th century and lots of places to hang out.

Of course we had to visit the tennis championships too at the All England Club for Pimms and strawberries with cream, but we also went to the place where it all started.

There's a windmill and a Thai Bhuddist temple too!
We had a lovely day out!

July 7. 2024

28:37 min.


8th July 2024, 06:50
For your inspection ...

#Cosmic Inflation

Brian Cox: Something Terrifying Existed Before The Big Bang

The Wind

What existed before the Big Bang ? This question has always been a challenge for scientists but now it seems they have found the answer to it ... But it has left scientists shocked as Brian Cox revealed that something terrifying existed before the Big Bang. So what existed before the Big Bang? Why has it left scientists terrified?

June 9, 2034

27:09 min.


9th July 2024, 15:50

Amazon Alexa's Unexplained Voices


People are reporting creepy noises from their Alexa devices. Are they paranormal or signs of Alexa spying on us?

July 8, 2024

4:48 min.


Also ...

Celebrity Doppelgangers From the Past


Are celebrity doppelgangers from the past proof that time travel exists? Eerie photos show striking resemblances.

2:46 min.


10th July 2024, 14:26
Wait for it ...

Human Time Travelers: New Evidence Our Timeline
Has Been MANIPULATED | Jason Jorjani

Danny Jones Clips

Jason Jorjani is a philosopher & author who received his BA , MA & PhD at State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dr. Jorjani has taught courses on Comparative Religion, Ethics, Political Theory, and the History of Philosophy at the State University of New York.

July 8, 2024

16:41 min.


Full interview below:

God, Aliens & the Secret Behind All World Religions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFg1s0QBytg)

00:00 - Blackwater intelligence & MI6
14:05 - Reverse engineered WWII UFO's
24:47 - Defamation by NY Times
39:37 - $1 billion Venezuelan oil contract
55:54 - Planned coup in Iran
01:11:59 - Jorjani's near-death experience
01:20:25 - Paranormal science
01:31:54 - Lockheed Martin's underground space tech facility
01:43:26 - Earth's timeline is being manipulated
01:51:07 - Earths pole shift; cities under Antartica
02:00:10 - Tic tac UFOs are Lockheed tech
02:14:21 - 'Angel & demon' UFO narrative
02:17:18 - Aliens engineering wars on earth
02:35:34 - Underwater 'super-human' civilization
02:41:41 - Mystery airship of 1896
02:52:07 - Alien disclosure is a farce
02:54:24 - Chris Bledsoe case
03:00:25 - Christianity VS the US constitution
03:12:19 - Plato's roots in the modern world
03:21:53 - Plato's noble lie
03:36:02 - The rise of intellect in ancient Greece
03:39:48 - Belief in GOD
03:49:11 - Prometheus = Lucifer

10th July 2024, 15:04
Wait for it ...

Human Time Travelers: New Evidence Our Timeline
Has Been MANIPULATED | Jason Jorjani

We doesn't believe it, Preciousss. Sneaky! Tricksy! False! False! :hmm: :noidea:

10th July 2024, 16:25
Wait for it ...

Human Time Travelers: New Evidence Our Timeline
Has Been MANIPULATED | Jason Jorjani

We doesn't believe it, Preciousss. Sneaky! Tricksy! False! False! :hmm: :noidea:

Yes, Mr Jorjani seems to have a bit of a speculative imagination on this and much more ...
But after years of being submersed in the conspiracy community drinking well, I'm finding
reality is far from what I once perceived it to be ... :unsure:

11th July 2024, 22:33
Human Time Travelers: New Evidence Our Timeline
Has Been MANIPULATED | Jason Jorjani

A couple notes I have as I briefly listened to some parts of the full interview of Jason Jorjani, with whom I'm not familiar with...

I don't think time travel is possible, not in the sense we would think of it anyways. Also secondly I find it interesting that in his NDE Jason saw his own death during the next civil war in USA and he said he wasn't an old man when that happened? Yet he doesn't want to believe in determinism, he wants to believe in "real" free will and somehow he concluded that God with capital G wouldn't fit into that equation, which is in my mind nonsensical. All there is One Being, that would be God's Being. It, whatever you may want to call It, has separated itself into seemingly many things to see and experience itself. When you see beauty anywhere, such as in nature then you are seeing the manifestation or language of the Divine, it is something that is supposed to touch the innermost core of your soul.

As the Sufi's in mystical Islam say, this is what that Infinite Consciousness said; "I was a Hidden Treasure; I loved to be known, so I created the creation in order to be known."

Make of that what you will, but I believe that currently humans for the most part don't have real free will. There is the divine will, but individuals have the illusion of free will. That being said, I don't think we are just mere automatons either. We do have some autonomy to make choices, because without choices good nor bad would not exist and in this universe different polarities and duality exist, you can't have the other without the other, the contrast is there for a reason. Without choices there would be no point to any of this.

As C.S. Lewis said;

"If a thing is free to be good it is also free to be bad. And free will is what has made evil possible. Why, then, did God give them free will? Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having. A world of automata--of creatures that worked like machines--would hardly be worth creating. The happiness which God designs for His higher creatures is the happiness of being freely, voluntarily united to Him and to each other in an ecstasy of love and delight compared with which the most rapturous love between a man and a woman on this earth is mere milk and water. And for that they must be free."

In religious lore as the Islamic one Angels are very close to God, but they have not been given free will so they are not really free beings even if they are high up there in the divine realms. According to Islam Iblis was once an angel who refused to bow down to the first created man, Adam Kadmon and he was cast from up high to lower astral realms and ever since that being or force has been the tempter and tormentor of people. Humans on the other hand have been given "free will", djinn and other beings have been also given it, at least to some degree. We are bound by certain laws of the universe, but we still have the individual sense and will to do as we will. We can be aligned to the divine will or go into another direction, yet eventually all roads lead to Rome. If you are not allowed to be you, then why would you (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbbKMCaOxAQ) even exist in the first place?

Real love can only exist when you allow the "other" to be themselves as they are and you love them for what they are, not trying to impose your will nor trying to own or change them to suit your needs. Love is the absence of subject and object, it is the absence of two separate beings and that's the very basis of unity and oneness. There is only one Being and love recognizes this very fact.

"Love is not a feeling. Love is the experience that others are not others.
Love is the natural condition of all experience before thought has divided it into a multiplicity and diversity of objects, selves and others.

We consider love to be a relationship. We consider love to be a feeling that takes place between two people. Love is not a relationship. It is the collapse of relationship. In the experience of love, the self and the other dissolve. Love is the dissolution of the apparent separation between self and other, and a revelation of the prior unity of these two apparently separate selves. So love is not an experience that the separate self has. It is the dissolution of the separate self, the revelation of reality, the revelation of consciousness. Consciousness is love." ~ Rupert Spira

"Every being is a spark of the Divine or God. Look into the eyes of the dog and sense that innermost core." ~ Eckhart Tolle

https://scontent-hel3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/21272569_1651133364958467_7201582285981461283_n.jp g?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=13d280&_nc_ohc=4lfVT3SaZVAQ7kNvgGzhjeB&_nc_ht=scontent-hel3-1.xx&oh=00_AYAyqbrQzGUcg3Qsn7xSzX5wIG5gOY1qr2LqUmbbiXBQ HQ&oe=66B7B10F

12th July 2024, 19:31
Thanks Wind,

Your above post is well thought out and eloquently expressed ... :thup:

12th July 2024, 20:38

#WheresToto ...




13th July 2024, 04:43
Evil Medicine Men Secrets & Cattle
Mutilations at Skinwalker Ranch

Join Jack Osbourne and psychic medium Cindy Kaza as they delve into the one and only Skinwalker Ranch on "Jack Osbourne’s Most Haunted." The duo delve into the Ranch's notorious history, investigating baffling UFO sightings, perplexing disruptions of technology in photographs, and unsettling incidents of cattle mutilations that defy logical explanation. Drawing on authentic Navajo perspectives, they unpack the legends of skinwalkers and their role in Navajo tradition, offering a nuanced exploration of the cultural beliefs intertwined with the Ranch's paranormal phenomena. Jack shares intimate accounts of his experiences in the Uinta Basin, where he first encountered the unexplained, coinciding with the onset of his MS. Together, they confront the mysteries of the Ranch's Triangle of Death, contemplating whether the Ranch is truly haunted by skinwalkers or if it serves as a front for deeper, more ominous secrets.

Chapter Codes:
00:00- Show Intro
01:55- Join Jack’s Patreon @JackOsbourne
04:25- Could Skinwalker Ranch be a time portal
05:40- Why we love History Channel’s Show “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch”
06:55- The true Navajo meaning of a Skinwalker
11:00- Jack saw a Skinwalker!
12:24- Check out these Ads, ZocDoc and BetterHelp!
15:10- Jack’s experience in the Uinta Basin
16:50- The story behind Jack’s MS diagnosis
19:30- Insane experiences- Cattle cored out like apples, dogs incinerated by laser-like beams
21:00- The history of the owners of the Ranch
25:00- Skinwalkers, Bigfoot, Pukwudgies, ExtraTerrestrials and more
31:00- Skinwalker Ranch and it’s Triangle of Death
35:45- A REAL account of a Skinwalker Attack via Cindy’s friend of Navajo descent
39:00- Evidence at Skinwalker Ranch via History Channel’s Show “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch”
43:00- Want to see exclusive footage of Jack’s Skinwalker encounter? Well you can’t unless you join Jack’s Patreon @JackOsbourne
45:00- Jack & Cindy final theories on Skinwalker Ranch
46:45- Show Outros & Closing

July 12, 2024

47:39 min.


16th July 2024, 17:19
The latest ...

Jack The Ripper Murder Locations - Then and NOW


Join us as we explore the Jack the Ripper Murder Locations in Whitechapel London.

July 16, 2024

37:03 min.


18th July 2024, 01:44
Do Psychic Mediums Really Talk to the Dead?


Many people believe that psychic mediums can speak to spirits, but just as many remain skeptical. Are people connecting with the afterlife, or getting scammed?

"Strange & Suspicious” digs deep into the world of unexplained, unsolved, downright weird stories from across the globe ...

July 17. 2024

5:58 min.


Also ...

Coma Patients Fluent in New Languages

Some people who emerge from comas can suddenly speak new languages. Are they tapping into secret knowledge or merely remembering something they heard before?

6:36 min.


19th July 2024, 19:27

While being book-smart might help you pass tests, emotional intelligence prepares you
for the real world by being aware of the feelings of others as well as your own feelings.

A Short Sci-Fi Film

"E.I: Emotional Intelligence"

The story of an AI unit who is anything but artificial.

A film by Dennis Sung Min Kim
Narration by Adam Parham
Music composed and arranged by Nicholas Escobar


8:25 min.


20th July 2024, 00:54
Somewhat related, an interesting discussion from the World Science Festival. 46 minutes.


20th July 2024, 04:00


21st July 2024, 14:53
A New Doc Looks Inside Kubrick’s Overlook Hotel —
Watch the Trailer for ‘Shine On —
The Forgotten Shining Location’

The documentary, endorsed by Stanley Kubrick's family estate,
premieres on the filmmaker's official YouTube channel on July 26.


JULY 19, 2024


"Few movie sets in Hollywood history have generated more interest than the Overlook Hotel from Stanley Kubrick‘s “The Shining.” The fictional Colorado hotel provides the backdrop for Jack Torrance’s (Jack Nicholson) descent into madness, and Kubrick devotees have spent countless hours analyzing symbolism in the production design and the disorienting effects created by the hotel’s impossible floor plan. The hotel sets, hailed by many as some of the defining craftsmanship of Kubrick’s filmmaking career, now get their moment in the spotlight in a new documentary set to be released on the late director’s birthday.

Produced in partnership with the Stanley Kubrick Film Archive and the director’s estate, “Shine On — The Forgotten ‘Shining’ Location” dives into Kubrick’s process of scouting locations for the film and working with his design team to bring his vision to life. Narrated by Martin Sheen and directed by Paul King, the YouTube documentary features interviews with the film’s art director Les Tomkins, producer Jan Harlan, and Stanley’s daughter Katharina Kubrick. The film will see the collaborators revisiting some of the last remaining studio sets from “The Shining,” which were thought to have been destroyed years ago.

“There have been so many rumors about some of the sets from ‘The Shining’ still existing at Elstree Studios, but to actually find them and walk around them was like discovering a holy grail of film history,” King said in a statement announcing the film.

More than four decades years after its initial release, “The Shining” continues to fascinate film scholars of all stripes. “Room 237,” Rodney Ascher’s controversial documentary about various interpretations of the film, was released in 2012. And in 2023, Pixar veteran Lee Unkrich released a massive three-volume book about the making of the film titled “Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining.'”

“Shine On — The Forgotten ‘Shining’ Location” will be released on Stanley Kubrick’s official YouTube channel on Friday, July 26. Watch the trailer below."

Source (https://www.indiewire.com/news/trailers/shine-on-trailer-new-kubrick-the-shining-documentary-1235027780/)

Shine On - The Forgotten Shining Location
| Trailer

1:52 min.


21st July 2024, 16:33
The Biggest City on Earth You've Never Heard Of


With population of 32,000,000, Chongqing, China is the biggest city on Earth. Its unbelievable area makes it also the largest city in the world. Why is this Chinese futuristic megacity so special and what makes it so weird, but fascinating?

22nd July 2024, 08:03
From another place in time ...


Taxi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxi_(TV_series))Compilation

Some of Reverend Jim Ignatowski's best scenes.

Reverend Jim Iggy Ignatowski / Christopher Lloyd

With fellow cast members
Judd Hirsh
Marilou Henna
Jeff Conaway
Danny Devito
Tony Danza
Andy Kaufman
Carol Kane

18:26 min.


Bob James - Angela
(theme from 'Taxi')

6:53 min.


26th July 2024, 16:06
Mysterious Universe

Voices from the Other Side: Unraveling the Mystery of EVPs

MU Podcast

Jul 26, 2024
Encounters with entities from the "other side" have occurred for as long as humanity has existed. However, as technology has advanced over the years, so have the methods these entities use to communicate with us. We discuss the unusual topic of telephone calls from the dead and explore how such encounters have evolved, from strange Morse code and telegraph messages to peculiar TV transmissions. Are these really the spirits of deceased loved ones, or could unscrupulous entities be masquerading for their own purposes?

1:21:00 min.


27th July 2024, 17:20

Dr. Wayne Dyer Life Advice Moving Forward & Letting GO ...

13:36 min.


28th July 2024, 04:26
The latest ...

John Fogerty & Creedence Clearwater Revival.
The 15 Essential Locations

Rock Essentials With Tim

Jul 27, 2024 SAN FRANCISCO
John Fogerty & CCR Essential Locations San Francisco/Oakland & Los Angeles. Tour the secret places that helped shape the music of one of America's most storied songwriters, John Fogerty and Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Proceeds from this video go to Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles. If you would like to donate please go to: https://bbbsla.org/

Special Thanks To:
Bill Chisholm
San Francisco Mime Troupe
Hyde Street Studios, San Francisco

16:24 min.


♪ Have you ever seen the rain ♪

#Cosmo's Factory

2:43 min.


28th July 2024, 21:23
Fourteen years ago this month I first landed here ...
Via my friends Mike & Amy (the MapMakers) ...

ECETI Ranch: Enlightened Contact with
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

ECETI Ranch represents a microcosmic reality of a world-wide collective phenomenon.

The owner of the ranch, James Gilliland, maintains to have experienced UFO related phenomena, including contact with extra-terrestrials, for over 30 years. In addition to his experiences, thousands of guests gravitate to the ranch every year and attest personal accounts of seeing ships, meeting off-world visitors, and healing parts of themselves in a place they call "home".

This film is a candid look at the people and the place that create Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. After spending several months at ECETI sharing with James, ranch staff, and guests -- the MapMakers reveal new insights about a rapidly expanding universe in an era of global uncertainty.

Dec 6, 2011

1:33:44 min.


28th July 2024, 23:37
Yeah i left it in plain sight ...

But ...


31st July 2024, 06:36
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. _so3eaRDtb62uEgXvxchkgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=c14b79a1c2bf04ac60fd2028d88c6a9c4ef77305dcf332 dda9e8a1b3b8815742&ipo=images

A most fascinating place in time ...

Friar Park (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friar_Park)

A Magical Journey Through George Harrison's Estate

Strange History X

Friar Park is a magical place and we were lucky enough to have a journey through it thanks to this video. From the gardens to the lakes, this video is a beautiful tribute to one of the Beatles' most iconic members. If you're ever in the area, be sure to stop by Friar Park!

1:05:47 min.

Note: click below Watch on Youtube


31st July 2024, 18:13
A Hitchcock Presents short ...

"Summer Shade"

My Daughter's Ghostly New Friend?

Directed by Herschel Daugherty
Parents living in modern Salem, think their lonely 9 year old daughter might need an evil spirit driven from her, when she seems to have made up a girlfriend with a witchcraft ancestry.

11:41 min.


1st August 2024, 02:16
Getting way high ...

Billy Idol ^ Steve Stevens

Rebel Yell – Live From the Empire State Building

Jul 30, 2024
Performing “Rebel Yell” live from the secret balcony on the 103rd Floor of the Empire State Building to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the iconic ‘Rebel Yell’ album.

5:11 min.


3rd August 2024, 03:02

Jack Osbourne Investigates: The Top 5 UFO Theories

In this thrilling new episode of Jack Osbourne's podcast, Jack steps out of the haunted realm and into the cosmic unknown as he dives into the mysteries of UFOs! Join Jack for a captivating voice-over storytelling session where he unpacks the top five theories that could explain those elusive flying objects in our skies.

From the mind-bending Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to the tantalizing possibilities of Interdimensional Beings, Jack explores it all. He delves into the fascinating idea of Time-Traveling Future Humans and investigates the notion of Man-Made Top Secret Tech. And of course, he wraps up with his favorite—Simulation Theory, where reality itself might just be a cosmic game. Tune in for an out-of-this-world discussion that blends Jack's signature deep dives with a fresh, intriguing perspective on UFO phenomena


Chapter Codes:
00:00- Show Intros
03:06- The Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis
04:03- The Interdimensional Hypothesis
09:00- Check out this Ad Read!
10:14- Back to The Interdimensional Hypothesis
13:45- Time Traveling Humans Hypothesis
18:47- Reverse Engineered Alien Technology Hypothesis
23:31- The Simulation Theory Hypothesis

Aug 2, 2024

28:12 min.


4th August 2024, 15:38
#Future Human Collective Consciousness

Elon Musk on telepathic communication between humans

Lex Clips

Guest bio: Elon Musk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk) is CEO of Neuralink, SpaceX, Tesla, xAI, and CTO of X.

Aug 2, 2024

7:34 min.


Full interview link below
Lex Fridman Podcast #438
Note: this is a lengthy multiple guest combined interview:

Elon Musk is CEO of Neuralink, SpaceX, Tesla, xAI, and CTO of X. DJ Seo is COO & President of Neuralink. Matthew MacDougall is Head Neurosurgeon at Neuralink. Bliss Chapman is Brain Interface Software Lead at Neuralink. Noland Arbaugh is the first human to have a Neuralink device implanted in his brain.

0:00 - Introduction
0:49 - Elon Musk
4:06 - Telepathy
10:45 - Power of human mind
15:12 - Future of Neuralink
20:27 - Ayahuasca
29:57 - Merging with AI
34:44 - xAI
36:57 - Optimus
43:47 - Elon's approach to problem-solving
1:01:23 - History and geopolitics
1:05:53 - Lessons of history
1:10:12 - Collapse of empires
1:17:55 - Time
1:20:37 - Aliens and curiosity
1:28:12 - DJ Seo
1:36:20 - Neural dust
1:43:03 - History of brain–computer interface
1:51:07 - Biophysics of neural interfaces
2:01:36 - How Neuralink works
2:07:26 - Lex with Neuralink implant
2:27:24 - Digital telepathy
2:38:27 - Retracted threads
2:44:01 - Vertical integration
2:50:55 - Safety
3:00:50 - Upgrades
3:09:53 - Future capabilities
3:39:09 - Matthew MacDougall
3:44:58 - Neuroscience
3:52:07 - Neurosurgery
4:03:11 - Neuralink surgery
4:22:20 - Brain surgery details
4:38:03 - Implanting Neuralink on self
4:53:57 - Life and death
5:03:17 - Consciousness
5:06:11 - Bliss Chapman
5:19:27 - Neural signal
5:26:19 - Latency
5:30:59 - Neuralink app
5:35:40 - Intention vs action
5:46:54 - Calibration
5:56:26 - Webgrid
6:19:28 - Neural decoder
6:40:03 - Future improvements
6:48:59 - Noland Arbaugh
6:49:08 - Becoming paralyzed
7:02:43 - First Neuralink human participant
7:06:45 - Day of surgery
7:24:31 - Moving mouse with brain
7:49:50 - Webgrid
7:57:52 - Retracted threads
8:06:16 - App improvements
8:13:01 - Gaming
8:23:59 - Future Neuralink capabilities
8:26:55 - Controlling Optimus robot
8:31:16 - God
8:33:21 - Hope

6th August 2024, 04:53
A psych concession ...


6th August 2024, 05:29
American Sci-Fi on Television - the first 10 years: 1949-1959

Sci-Fi Zone

Premiered Jul 29, 2024
It's a fascinating and unique aspect of history which very few people know anything about. Just how did Science Fiction find its way onto American TV?

In this special retrospective study, we look back upon the first ten years of Sci-Fi on 'the tube' to not only recall these ground breaking shows, but to discover how just much changed in the genre within a single decade.

19:43 min.


6th August 2024, 15:38
The latest ...

Mysterious Universe

Unmasking Alien Abductions: The Grays’ Dark Secrets Exposed

MU Podcast

Aug 2, 2024
Alien abductions often exhibit a recurring pattern, but occasionally some cases are so extraordinary that they stand apart dramatically. One such case involves Kim Carlsberg. Her diary entries recount an unusual and sudden connection with extraterrestrial beings that began following a close encounter in Malibu, California. These entities attempted to alert her to impending earthly disasters and emphasized the importance of sharing the message of them being cosmic saviors. However, beneath this alien veneer lies a more sinister agenda that persists in the world of abductions.

1:20:21 min.


6th August 2024, 21:15
#End of an Era ...



It was 1970 when a spark of inspiration became Aerosmith. Thanks to you, our Blue Army, that spark caught flame and has been burning for over five decades. Some of you have been with us since the beginning and all of you are the reason we made rock ‘n’ roll history.

It has been the honor of our lives to have our music become part of yours. In every club, on every massive tour and at moments grand and private you have given us a place in the soundtrack of your lives.

We’ve always wanted to blow your mind when performing. As you know, Steven’s voice is an instrument like no other. He has spent months tirelessly working on getting his voice to where it was before his injury. We’ve seen him struggling despite having the best medical team by his side. Sadly, it is clear, that a full recovery from his vocal injury is not possible. We have made a heartbreaking and difficult, but necessary, decision - as a band of brothers - to retire from the touring stage.

We are grateful beyond words for everyone who was pumped to get on the road with us one last time. Grateful to our expert crew, our incredible team and the thousands of talented people who’ve made our historic runs possible. A final thank you to you - the best fans on planet Earth. Play our music loud, now and always. Dream On. You’ve made our dreams come true.

Same Old Song And Dance

(Live From The Office Depot Center,
Sunrise, FL, April 3, 2004)

5:57 min.


7th August 2024, 01:33
I had my brief Aerosmith phase when younger, while not being a huge fan I recognize their importance to the rock scene, I think Steven indeed had a unique voice and I think their guitarist has been pretty good. One traditional rock band which surely won't be forgotten. Oh and Steve's pretty daughter Liv Tyler played Arwen too in the Lord of the Rings. :p


7th August 2024, 20:03
Earth is home to 10 quintillion insects. In cultures throughout the world,
insects have been honored, feared and even revered as gods.


Ancient Aliens: (S7, E7) | Full Episode

Aug 3, 2024

44:17 min.


8th August 2024, 20:06


The War for Laughs: Why Streamers Are Battling for Stand-Up Comics

What industry contraction? Platforms from Hulu to Amazon are spending wildly to woo comedians like Nate Bargatze and Bill Burr and put a dent in Netflix’s dominance.

AUGUST 8, 2024

"At the tail end of June, Bill Burr took the stage at Seattle’s Moore Theatre, where he filmed his eighth stand-up special. His last few specials had been with Netflix, where he’d been part of an illustrious roster that includes Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Ali Wong and Jerry Seinfeld.

But those who know Burr say he wanted to feel important — or at least less like a cog in the wheel at a streaming behemoth, which now spits out specials on a weekly basis and largely relies on internal algorithms to get them seen. Plus, there was an excitement about being on the ground floor of something new. So Burr inked a deal with Hulu, the latest entrant to what’s quickly become an arms race for stand-up specials, one of few bright spots in an otherwise bleak entertainment landscape. The same companies that have slashed budgets and cut back on series orders are now ponying up as much as eight figures for stand-up comedy. In fact, Hulu is said to have shelled out roughly $15 million for Burr’s hour, the result of an increasingly common, multiplatform bidding war.

Before the rash of streamers elbowed in, the landscape had been dominated by HBO and, later, by Comedy Central and, to a lesser extent, Showtime. “But no comedian did it to make money back then,” recalls Mainstay Entertainment’s Derek Van Pelt, whose clients include Trevor Noah and Roy Wood Jr. “It was just an advertisement for the tour, and then Netflix comes along, and all of a sudden, it’s like, ‘Wait a minute, this can be a huge, huge source of income.’ ” The platform, led by a dedicated stand-up executive, Robbie Praw, and his comedy fanatic boss, co-CEO Ted Sarandos, had identified an opportunity, then swiftly cornered the market — Rock, Chappelle, Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Schumer — all but eliminating the competition, one eight-figure check at a time. By 2017, execs including HBO chief Casey Bloys had raised the white flag. “It’s hard for me to pay exorbitant prices,” Bloys acknowledged at the time.

Now, nearly a decade later, Netflix remains the preeminent buyer, paying anywhere from a $200,000 license fee, which it considers its starter tier for comics like Hannah Berner, to some $20 million at the Chappelle level. But the streamer no longer has the same stranglehold on the industry’s output, in part because the latter has grown considerably in that time. (One report pegged the total number of comedy specials released in 2023 at more than 150, roughly triple what it was a decade before.) Even those who prefer to sell to Netflix believe having options, be it Amazon Prime Video, YouTube or Live Nation’s Veeps, is a boon for the business. “There’s now the opportunity for every artist to get what market value is,” says WME co-head of comedy Mike Berkowitz, “and it’s no longer one company that’s setting that price.”

For comics and their reps, the decision of where to sell a special typically comes down to a combination of money and eyeballs, though other sweeteners include awards potential, turnaround time and the opportunities beyond the hour itself. As for the various platforms, all eager to boost and retain subscribers, the appeal is largely the same: It’s relatively cheap, prepackaged content that’s already been tested on the road. Plus, notes UTA partner and head of comedy touring Nick Nuciforo, the comedians not only bring their own fans but also do the heavy lifting in marketing through their social media and podcasts. “Unlike most other talent, comedians have this direct relationship with their audience,” he says, “and they can grab that audience and bring it with them, which plays a big role in the ability to promote a special.”

The growing interest in televised specials mirrors the appetite for live comedy, which has seen grosses nearly triple over the past decade, to more than $900 million in 2023, according to Pollstar. At the top, comedians now rival rock stars, with more stand-up acts, from Sebastian Maniscalco to Matt Rife, touring major arenas than ever before. Levity Live founding partner Judi Marmel, whose roster includes Taylor Tomlinson, Bert Kreischer and Leanne Morgan, attributes the explosive demand, in part, to a lack of comedy alternatives. “They’re not making funny movies the way that they used to, so people no longer have that relief,” she says. “So, they’re coming to live stand-up and specials because that desire to laugh is still very much there.”

From left: Kevin Hart, Nikki Glaser, Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, Nate Bargatze and Ali Wong.

"Sure, some balk at Netflix’s saturation or its clubby vibe, a tone allegedly set by Sarandos, but it’s still the only platform that’s consistently proven it can transform comics like Wong or Kreischer into massive global touring acts. In fact, Kreischer, who grossed more than $30 million on the road in 2023, enough to land him at No. 2 on the annual Pollstar chart, joked recently that he’ll have a short list of people to thank at his funeral, “and Netflix is at the top.” Berkowitz is quick to praise the newer players, all of whom have shown promise, but, at least for now, he sees Netflix as the destination of choice: “Those other places are going to have to prove that they can compete with Netflix in terms of eyeballs and artist relations,” he says, “or it won’t matter how much they’re willing to pay.”

By all accounts, it’s taken Amazon a few years to settle on a definitive strategy, but that hasn’t stopped it from outbidding the competition on multiple occasions — though given Netflix’s track record, many comics have opted to stay there, even when it’s offering less. (Exceptions include Kevin James, who jumped from Netflix to Amazon earlier this year.) Still, plenty of the town’s top sellers say Amazon is a strong option for a certain type of artist, as it is for a certain type of show, from Reacher to Jack Ryan. At least a few describe it as “Main Street America,” whether it be James, Jim Gaffigan (who released Amazon’s first special, in late 2019), or Nate Bargatze, who dropped Hello World there in early 2023. Amazon’s head of content acquisition, Chris Mansolillo, doesn’t argue with that assessment, though he points to Jimmy O. Yang and Tig Notaro as recent successes.

According to Nuciforo, the touring agent for Gaffigan and Bargatze, who were both previously at Netflix, the former served as a test case for Amazon’s viability. “And from what we learned on Gaffigan, we knew that Nate’s sensibility and his humor could really thrive there,” he says of a move that initially raised eyebrows given Netflix’s positioning in the marketplace. But by any platform’s standards, Bargatze’s “clean comedy” hour was big, racking up 2.9 million viewers in its first month alone. Soon after, he jumped from theaters to arenas, where he now routinely smashes records at 19,000-seat venues like the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. Thus far this year, he’s said to have grossed nearly $90 million on the road, also boosted by a Saturday Night Live viral hosting gig. “To date, Nate’s the most undeniable example that Amazon has had,” says Marmel, “and the industry’s watching really closely to see if it was a one-time thing or if it can happen with other artists.”

Mansolillo is certainly optimistic, telling THR, “We believe it can continue to happen with other comedians.” So, too, is Sam Morril, who dropped a Prime Video special in July: “Because everyone has Prime, right? Who’s not a lazy piece of shit American here, come on,” he jokes. Gaffigan was content enough with the Amazon experience, and the new viewers it brought in, to return with another hour in 2023. “There is some overlap between Netflix and Amazon, obviously, but there were also audiences sampling me that either didn’t have Netflix or, because of Prime, they automatically got Amazon,” he says, adding that the exposure in the U.K., Germany and India was also significant. Mansolillo calls the global reach “another arrow in our quiver.”

Neither Gaffigan’s next special nor Bargatze’s will be with Amazon, however. Bargatze is returning to Netflix, where he’s now said to be getting recognition as a top-tier comic (both in compensation and Sarandos’ attention), and Gaffigan will soon shift to being Hulu’s guinea pig, with his latest hour kicking off the “Hulu’s Laughing Now” brand in November. Gaffigan, who’s also released his work directly and through Comedy Central, believes wholeheartedly that moving from one platform to another is advantageous for a comedian, as it gives new audiences and demographics an opportunity to sample his work. Others, like Van Pelt, would prefer to keep a comic’s library all together. “I love the idea that if you want to go see Trevor Noah, there’s one place,” he says, referring to Netflix.

Over at Hulu, Billy Rosenberg, who ran the streamer’s comedy division until this spring, had identified what he believed was a hole in the market for a more curated approach that hinged on just 12 specials a year. And despite the squeaky-clean image of corporate parent Disney — which, frankly, still gives certain sellers pause — he and his team began lining up major names, including Maniscalco, who’s close to a deal, and Burr. “What I sold up the chain was for the cost of one midsize television comedy series, we could program a year’s worth of specials,” says Rosenberg, whose team was willing to pay a premium to break into the market. Externally, he pitched Hulu as “Target to Netflix’s Walmart.” Some still have doubts over whether the platform can convert series viewers into stand-up ones, an area in which Netflix has a distinct advantage. “Sure, Hulu is willing to pay more,” says a rep, “but does it end up costing me [touring revenue] because not as many people see it?”

In the meantime, Hulu has licensed older specials and remains committed to making noise with its upcoming roster, which, pending deals, also includes Atsuko Okatsuka and Jessica Kirson. (Multiple sources say it made plays for Jamie Foxx and Andrew Schulz, too, but both opted for Netflix.) What’s more, Hulu head of scripted content Jordan Helman notes that they’re “being really thoughtful about how to leverage relationships throughout the larger Disney ecosystem,” which includes introducing its comics to the folks at the film and TV studios. Of course, that plays better with some comedians than others. “I know that the intention is really good, but also just because I’m doing a special for Hulu, I don’t have any expectation that I’m going to be in, like, The Mandalorian,” says Gaffigan, though he admits he was hugely impressed by the sheer number of Disney execs who turned out for his April taping.

HBO, for its part, is playing a slightly different game — smaller and more niche, with a max of eight specials a year. “And when we’re doing eight specials, the difference is our specials really feel special,” says HBO’s exec vp Nina Rosenstein, who has similarly leaned into the ways in which the brand can distinguish itself, apart from reach and money, where multiple sources say its compensation won’t exceed seven figures. Instead, the allure of HBO is a sense of importance, artistry and prestige, which often comes in the form of a real awards campaign. “I just wish more people were watching,” says one seller, voicing a common Max refrain. (Per a recent Nielsen report, Netflix now accounts for 8.4 percent of all TV viewership, followed by Prime Video at 3.1 percent, Hulu at 3 percent and Max, which doesn’t include those who watch linear HBO, at just 1.4 percent.) Still, Alex Edelman, Ramy Youssef, John Early and Nikki Glaser each brought recent hours to HBO, and all four were rewarded with Emmy noms.

Glaser, whose profile has since exploded, thanks in part to her standout performance at Netflix’s Tom Brady roast (see page 52), says it was largely Rosenstein’s enthusiasm that sold her on HBO for her 2024 hour, Someday You’ll Die. Glaser wasn’t yet igniting the kind of bidding war she does now, nor was she particularly interested in being a big global artist — the result of a self-proclaimed phobia of airport customs that she’s only recently gotten over. (“I always feel like I’ve somehow accidentally put heroin in my asshole or something,” she jokes.) That desire to stay stateside proved fortuitous; she recalls many warning her that “if you do HBO, you probably won’t get that many opportunities to perform overseas.”

Comics have other options, too, be it Paramount+, which houses Showtime and Comedy Central, or Peacock, which released Kevin Hart’s most recent special, Reality Check (though neither is in the volume game), as well as membership platforms like Veeps and Patreon. There have been whispers that Apple TV+ might dip a toe in, too, for the right project, though nobody seems clear on what that might be. Still others see a DIY option like YouTube as arguably the best alternative thanks to its vast reach as a platform. What it can’t offer in the form of a big paycheck, it makes up for in exposure and ownership. Plus, many, including Morril, have parlayed a hit YouTube special into lucrative deals at Amazon or Netflix for future hours. (Netflix also uses YouTube, posting clips from its specials to help boost viewership on its own service.)

What excites industry vets like Marmel is that there are no longer gatekeepers, in part because comics are better equipped than ever before to produce (and thus own) their work, and, in part, because there’s no shortage of deep pockets, whether production companies or outside investors, eager to step in to help. “The number-one phone call I get every week is, ‘We’ve got money, who wants to make a special?’ ” says Marmel. “Like any business that’s really booming, there’s this feeling of, ‘Gosh, it seems like they’re printing money over there — how do we become part of that?’”

Additional reporting by Nicole Fell.

The Pitch: How Streamers Lure Comics

Amazon Prime Video

Pitch Paychecks and eyeballs, at least for “Main Street America” comics. Chris Mansolillo says it has eight specials lined up for 2025, as it looks to be more selective than rival Netflix.

Comedians Nate Bargatze, Kevin James, Jim Gaffigan, Tig Notaro, Jimmy O. Yang


Pitch A curated approach: just 12 a year. “The mantra is very much quality over quantity,” says Jordan Helman. Plus, real money, marketing muscle and opportunities across the Disney portfolio. Eyeballs, however? TBD.

Comedians Gaffigan, Bill Burr, Sebastian Maniscalco, Roy Wood Jr.


Pitch Prestige plus awards potential. Less clutter: eight a year, tops. It doesn’t engage in bidding wars or guarantee reach, but it does offer high-end production and will throw in overall deals.

Comedians Nikki Glaser, Ramy Youssef, Jerrod Carmichael, Alex Edelman


Pitch The category leader with a big footprint (some say too big) and weekly output and a giant comedy festival. Also: the only platform that consistently transforms comics into global touring acts.

Comedians Joe Rogan, Matt Rife, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Ali Wong


Pitch Exposure via a massive global audience and a strong algorithm that can feed comedy fans set after set after set. “But,” as Sam Morril says of its drawback, “it’s also nice to get paid a nice sum of money for your work.”

Comedians Ali Siddiq, Sal Vulcano, Sasheer Zamata

Source (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/streaming-battle-stand-up-comics-1235967155/): This story first appeared in the August 7 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.

8th August 2024, 22:16
And speaking of ...

Jim Gaffigan (https://www.youtube.com/@jimgaffigan)


4:22 min.


9th August 2024, 00:29
Will share this here ...

Alan Parsons: From The Dark Side of the Moon to
The Alan Parsons Project

Rick Beato

Aug 8, 2024
In this episode, Alan Parsons shares insights from his prolific career, including his engineering work with legendary bands like The Beatles and Pink Floyd as well as his evolution into a headlining artist and producer with The Alan Parsons Project. Alan recalls his contributions to iconic albums such as "Abbey Road" and "The Dark Side of the Moon," shaping the sound of a generation.

53:04 min.


12th August 2024, 02:47
♪ Did my crime ~ Enjoyed my time ♪


(Live from the Hoover Dam)

Billy Idol, making history by playing the first ever live concert in front of the world famous Hoover Dam. Performing two unique sets in front of only 250 fans: an electrifying full band concert at sunset with special guests that illuminated the surrounding Black Canyon of the Colorado River


7:03 min.


12th August 2024, 04:30
His latest while visiting his mother in Germany ...

Sightseeing Tour during the Paris Olympics 2024

German in Venice

Aug 11, 2024

Today I did a great sightseeing tour to the world famous church Sacre Coueur it’s all the way on top of the hill and you can see all Paris, right in front of you. You saw the Eiffel tower and many other famous landmarks. They also happen to have the cycling Road race for the golden metal in street cycling thousands of people showed up one in a lifetime opportunity. Afterwards, I went to the famous Moulin Rouge.


Michael aka German in Venice (https://www.youtube.com/@germaninvenice/featured)was born and brought up in Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. He started his career as a digital content creator on YouTube in the year 2019 ...

As a German living in America, Michael has been traveling across the state of California and making videos on historical landmarks, going to famous events like LA art show, bodybuilding competitions, and Abbot Kinney Festival. Michael’s dedication has often landed him the opportunities to meet and greet famous Hollywood celebrities like Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson, Christopher Lloyd, Rihanna, and many more. Furthermore, his channel has been growing significantly in the past couple years and his videos have been earning millions of views each. Apart from his travel videos and videos about famous celebrities of Hollywood, Michael is also famous for his homeless videos which have earned the most number of views and subscribers to his channel.

23:32 min.


15th August 2024, 03:11
The latest ...

The Hollywood Wall of Death - Secret Los Angeles


Aug 13, 2024
When people die...an obituary is often written about their life and is posted in the newspaper. Celebrities are no different. Hidden in an often overlooked hallway in Hollywood is what we like to call The Hollywood Wall of Death. A haunting collection of obituary clippings that are on displays for people like Vincent Price, Heather O'Rourke, Lucille Ball, Alfred Hitchcock and More.

31:11 min.


15th August 2024, 04:20
Perhaps too late ...


16th August 2024, 05:51
A Rare Look ...

FIRST DESILU STUDIOS | Special Tour of Iconic Studio

Scott On Tape

Sunset Las Palmas Studios, formerly General Service Studios and Hollywood Center Studios, is an American independent entertainment production lot located at 1040 North Las Palmas Avenue in the Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles. It has stage facilities and provides filmmaking services to clients in the film, television and advertising industries. Founded in 1919, it is one of the oldest production facilities in Hollywood and has been the host of many notable video productions for over a century.

In 1919 John Jasper, a former associate of Charlie Chaplin, built exterior sets, three production stages, and several bungalows on a 16.5-acre site in Hollywood; he named it Hollywood Studios Inc. The first stages resembled hot houses with steel frames, cloth walls, glass roofs, and clerestory windows. Outdoor sets included an "Americana" residential street, a massive New York street, and an elegant Spanish villa. Among the first tenants was comedian Harold Lloyd who produced some of his most successful films on the lot.

The lot changed ownership and name several times during its early years continuing to evolve and grow. In 1926, Metropolitan Studios began construction of one of the industry's first sound stages. A few years later, Howard Hughes moved production to the lot used and shot the World War I epic Hell's Angels (1930), known for its innovative use of sound and for the screen debut of Jean Harlow.

Dozens of films were produced on the lot during the 1930s and 1940s including the Mae West vehicles Klondike Annie and Go West, Young Man (both 1936); the 21-picture Hopalong Cassidy series, the Bing Crosby classic Pennies from Heaven (1936), and the Marx Brothers’ A Night in Casablanca (1946). Douglas Fairbanks Jr.; Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy; Fred Astaire, Cary Grant, Glenn Ford, Fredric March, and Erich von Stroheim were among the stars who worked on the lot in the pre-World War II years. James Cagney made several films on the lot while his brother William was a part owner.

With the advent of television production on the lot changed dramatically. In 1951, the lot made history when Stage 2 became home to I Love Lucy, the first prime-time comedy shot on film and produced before a live audience originating from the West Coast.
From 1951 to 1953, it was the home of Desilu Productions, owned by Lucille Ball and her husband Desi Arnaz. The television version of actress Eve Arden's radio series Our Miss Brooks produced its first season on the stage adjacent to I Love Lucy. Both stages were known as the Desilu Playhouse seeing that a common entrance had been created at the rear of each sound stage. After the second season of I Love Lucy, Desilu moved to what is now Red Studios Hollywood. Our Miss Brooks and other Desilu produced and filmed series moved with them.

The floodgates soon opened and the lot became the center of television's Golden Age. In the 1950s, General Service was the home of George Burns's McCadden Corporation (The Burns and Allen Show, The Bob Cummings Show, Panic, and The People's Choice); Ozzie Nelson's Stage Five Productions (The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet) and Jack Chertok Productions (Private Secretary). It later hosted a number of classic CBS comedies including Petticoat Junction, Green Acres and The Beverly Hillbillies. The Lone Ranger, Perry Mason, Mr. Ed, The Addams Family and Get Smart were also produced on the lot. George Burns maintained his office on the lot until his death.

In 1980, director Francis Ford Coppola purchased the lot, naming it Zoetrope Studios; he intended to use it to produce a slate of films. Among them was the ambitious movie musical One from the Heart. For the film, Coppola transformed the entire lot into a giant set that included a replica of part of Las Vegas’ McCarran Airport. During this time Mel Brooks's Brooksfilms also rented a stage on the lot to film Frances, starring Jessica Lange. Cost overruns on One From the Heart combined with its poor box-office performance caused Coppola to fall into financial difficulties and the lot was sold again, this time to Canadian real estate developers, the Singer Family.

In 1984, The Jacksons used this lot to rehearse for the Victory Tour.

Aug 12, 2024

35:57 min.


17th August 2024, 17:32
For those wondering ...

Bald and Bankrupt (https://www.youtube.com/@baldandbankrupt)
Exclusive Q&A - Bald and Bankrupt Reveals All...


Feb 2024
Exclusive Q&A with YouTube Legend ‪@baldandbankrupt‬ on his UK tour. In this interview with Bald and Bankrupt, we discuss his UK Tour, time in a Russian Jail, travels across the Darien Gap and so much more...

9:41 min.


18th August 2024, 15:12

dire straits
A difficult position.
A state of extreme distress.

The Professor Banned From Speaking Out: "We Need To Start Preparing
Before It's Too Late!” - Dr Bret Weinstein

The Diary Of A CEO

Aug 15, 2024
Dr Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist and former professor at Evergreen State College. He is the co-host of the podcast, ‘DarkHorse’, and the author of the book, ‘A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life’ ... more here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bret_Weinstein)

00:00 Intro
02:27 Why Humanity Will Be Extinguished
04:39 Bret's Top Existential Concern for Our Planet
08:04 Solar Flares and Their Potential Impact
11:36 Understanding EMP Effects & The Catastrophic Effects
13:48 The Earth's Magnetic Poles Are Switching!
17:01 The Inversion of Earth's Poles: Is Humanity Prepared?
18:57 What Does Anthropogenic Mean?
21:16 The Two Major Disaster Scenarios
28:11 How to Prepare for Global Catastrophes
35:57 Should You Become a ‘Prepper’?
42:31 Is Society on the Brink of Collapse?
51:33 Are Institutions Woke or Not?
52:36 The Evergreen College Incident: What Really Happened
01:04:47 The Decline of Mainstream Media
01:12:46 We SHOULD Be Worried About AI
01:16:50 Are Governments Ignoring AI's True Impact on the Planet?
01:20:31 The Critical Role of Language in Human Survival and Evolution
01:28:22 How AI Will Transform Human Communication Forever
01:30:19 Why Regulating AI Might Be the Worst Idea Ever
01:32:14 Brain Chips: Are We Turning Into Cyborgs?
01:36:23 AI Is Coming for Your Job: What You Need to Know
01:39:11 The Safest Careers in an AI-Dominated Future
01:45:02 Universal Basic Income: Hidden Consequences You Should Know
01:52:48 The Failures of COVID-19
01:56:50 What Is Gain-of-Function Research
01:58:59 What Really Happened in Wuhan: The Untold Story
02:00:54 Anthony Fauci's Involvement in COVID Origins
02:05:58 How We Should Have Handled COVID-19 Differently
02:12:53 Why Lockdowns Might Not Work in the Next Pandemic
02:16:23 Life-Changing Advice for a Happier, Healthier You
02:23:35 The Hidden Dangers of Pornography
02:32:38 What Parents Are Getting Wrong
02:38:52 The Guest's Final Question

2:50:31 min.


18th August 2024, 15:22
Oddly, this happened to me yesterday...
Without the commentary ...


20th August 2024, 07:06

Rise of the Automatons 1913

| A Brief Overview |

Astral Infernum

Aug 7, 2024
Join us as we delve into the fascinating alternate history concept. This special report covers the rise of automatons, the conflicts that ensued, and the eventual victory of humanity. Learn about the key battles, the role of loyalist robots, and the aftermath that shaped our modern world. Don't miss this compelling story of resilience and innovation.

7:32 min.


21st August 2024, 07:06
A Sci-Fi Dramatic Short


An unnamed, anonymous woman works in an empty, authoritarian society in a menial job. One day, she sees a vision of a young woman in a world of color. This woman is smiling and radiant, tempting the worker to join her.

After this sighting, the worker is promoted by her boss to a new position, where she is entrusted with the most valuable item in this society. She asks about what she saw but is told to ignore it and focus on the job.

Directed and written by Maxfield Cooper Smith, starring Katie Mumford, Tom Martin, and Anastasiia Bannikova - this stylized sci-fi dramatic short evokes the stories of Franz Kafka in its juxtaposition of the mundane and the surreal. Its visual style is minimalistic, stripped down to a set of simple yet potently suggestive symbols that evoke a soulless, emotionally barren world, shot in elegantly sculpted yet foreboding black-and-white cinematography ...

Yet it is emotionally recognizable to anyone who has felt deadened by the world around them, at odds with dominant values and longing to find a realm that offers freedom, lightness and joy. In choosing the unknown path, the ultimate hope is meeting our truest selves.


15:11 min.


22nd August 2024, 05:09

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2Ff703Xh 7miAeWY%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=712b06c8bf39cee475a742c5b210c0528e802bbcf0aa77 ea60717c8b432f8926&ipo=images

Themes in Blade Runner (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Themes_in_Blade_Runner)

The Love Theme

4:55 min.


23rd August 2024, 05:39
Giving it a go ...

Leo Lyons

I'd Love To Change The World
(my bass part in the original
Ten Years After (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Years_After)

7:17 min.


24th August 2024, 04:14
The latest ...

Stephen Stills Story Of A True Rock & Roll Badass

Rock Essentials With Tim (https://www.youtube.com/@RockessentialTim)

Aug 23, 2024
Documenting Stephen Stills career from unknown Gainesville Florida musician to International Superstar: Buffalo Springfield, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Manassas, Solo Work. Live locations. LA, Laurel Canyon, San Francisco, Altamont, Hollywood and more.

20:59 min.


27th August 2024, 19:04
Obviously ...


Too much of a good thing .

27th August 2024, 19:36


Leading Me Back to You
(Michael Franks & Joe Sample)


28th September 2024, 21:03
#It is what it is ...

So i've decided to commence posting here once again (on the forum), in retrospect of the owner/founder decision to reinstate and start up this platform ... Afterall in all fairness, 'it's on his own dime and time' thanks Malc !

And who am I, to deny all my loyal bot (s) followers on the worldwide web ... :cloud:

28th September 2024, 21:33
We lost a good one this month ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gannett-cdn.com%2F-mm-%2F490bf03e91c7d4a3a5cd619c5412396653e28f44%2Fc%3D 366-23-1687-1784%2Flocal%2F-%2Fmedia%2F2015%2F06%2F29%2FPhoenix%2FB9317879107Z .1_20150629152350_000_GTDB7DDIU.1-0.jpg%3Fwidth%3D534%26height%3D712%26fit%3Dcrop&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=562f28b5a63b909a751167f707ee7cc5e6db1ed463c314 91cd1c16a70e1181b7&ipo=images

JD Souther (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JD_Souther) died at his home in Sandia Park, New Mexico on September 17, 2024, at the age of 78. He was set to begin a tour in less than a week with songwriter Karla Bonoff, on September 24.

JD Souther: "Natural History"

From 2011 ...

The great singer-songwriter---creator of hits for Eagles, Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor, Roy Orbison, etc.---talks about his new album, which offers definitive new versions of many of his classics.

10:19 min.


29th September 2024, 06:23
Hello dear Gio, just recently became a big fan of Stills, ta for vid.

29th September 2024, 20:42
So cool to watch the Kiwi fam vid Gio, ta very much.

30th September 2024, 16:02

Is “The Simpsons” over?

‘The Simpsons’ unexpectedly airs its ‘series finale’ – leaving fans perplexed

By Eric Todisco
Published Sep. 30, 2024 (https://nypost.com/2024/09/30/entertainment/the-simpsons-airs-series-finale-episode-created-by-ai/)

An Audio Xplanation ...

149 seconds


1st October 2024, 05:56

I'm on the fence regarding all speculation ...

Archaeologist responds to Graham Hancock

| Ed Barnhart on Lex Clips

Ed Barnhart is an archaeologist and explorer specializing in ancient civilizations of the Americas. He is the Director of the Maya Exploration Center, host of the ArchaeoEd Podcast, and lecturer on the ancient history of North, Central, and South America. Ed is in part known for his groundbreaking work on ancient astronomy, mathematics, and calendar systems.

Sep 30, 2024

7:21 min.


Note: full interview and
timestamp below:
Ed Barnhart: Maya, Aztec, Inca, and Lost Civilizations of South America
| Lex Fridman Podcast #446 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzzE7GOvYz8&t=0s)
0:00 - Introduction
1:39 - Lost civilizations
8:43 - Hunter-gatherers
12:16 - First humans in the Americas
22:07 - South America
27:36 - Pyramids
34:40 - Religion
47:44 - Shamanism
49:41 - Ayahuasca
55:54 - Lost City of Z
1:00:48 - Graham Hancock
1:07:51 - Uncontacted tribes
1:13:51 - Maya civilization
1:29:40 - Mayan calendar
1:44:57 - Flood myths
2:13:25 - Aztecs
2:30:52 - Inca Empire
2:48:52 - Early humans in North America
2:54:50 - Columbus
2:59:26 - Vikings
3:03:35 - Aliens
3:08:02 - Earth in 10,000 years
3:24:12 - Hope for the future

Lord Sidious
1st October 2024, 06:54
So cool to watch the Kiwi fam vid Gio, ta very much.

How far can a kiwi?

1st October 2024, 07:41
For the friends Downunder ...

Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
So cool to watch the Kiwi fam vid Gio, ta very much.

Option 1: New Zealand Family drive RV in America for the first time! (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/12679-All-Down-The-Line?p=842064646&viewfull=1#post842064646)

How far can a kiwi?

Option 2: Fly ...
'Kiwis are known to travel long distances in the wild, covering their territory in a single night. The size of a kiwi's territory can vary depending on the species and location, but can range from 2–100 hectares. For example, the Rowi and Haast tokoeka have the largest territories, which can be up to 100 hectares.'

Option 3:

Visited India So You Don't Have To ( And offended 1 billion people )

bald and bankrupt

India, it's a bit mental isn't it! I returned to there country after six years away to see how it had progressed ( or not ). Join me in the most frustrating place to travel in the world. Warning: Do not attempt to do this trip yourself unless you are a professional traveller.

Sept 2024

50:32 min.


1st October 2024, 07:47
Option 4 ...


2nd October 2024, 03:39
Who wants to buy ...

'What's Broken'

David Crosby feat. Mark Knopfler

3:48 min.


2nd October 2024, 08:24
A Swedish Sci-Fi Short Film


Lars and Lena are a couple eking out a living on a dairy farm. One of their cows, Daisy, has gone missing and they go out looking for her. But their search is frustrating and odd, and they fail to find her.

Their inability to find Daisy seems to spark a logistical and existential crisis in Lars, who begins to look at their way of life in a new way. As their search deepens, they uncover a deeper mystery that will have them questioning themselves and the world as they know it.

Directed and written by Torbjorn Edwall, this wry, visually stunning mystery-drama uses the jumping-off point of a beloved cow's disappearance as both a meditation on humankind's stewardship of nature, an exploration of the relationship between man and animal and the set-up for a delightfully off-the-wall ending.


14:13 min.

Sub Titles


Lord Sidious
2nd October 2024, 22:39
Option 2: Fly ...
'Kiwis are known to travel long distances in the wild, covering their territory in a single night. The size of a kiwi's territory can vary depending on the species and location, but can range from 2–100 hectares. For example, the Rowi and Haast tokoeka have the largest territories, which can be up to 100 hectares.'

That's all well and good nugg, but I didn't ask how far can a kifly, did I?

3rd October 2024, 05:46
The response to ... (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/9965-The-Cosmic-Emporium?p=842065386&viewfull=1#post842065386)

Ancient Apocalypse: the Americas

| Official Clip | Netflix

Sep 18, 2024
Graham Hancock explores the Americas in search of a prehistoric society whose ancient knowledge has been passed down and spread across the continents.

2:12 min.


3rd October 2024, 06:06

4th October 2024, 05:49

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. ZIQZCnXsOe7M2Njk4QFXlQHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=04fde10a510483a22495e3408b59777debdfc05d40cc68 2eda2e3d3b0b116934&ipo=images

Mission To Minerva (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pArjxAenMYI)

2:49 min

5th October 2024, 19:31
Thank you for telling Arthur's story ...

True Crime Locations in Los Angeles - The Death of Arthur Levisee

Grimm life collective

September 29, 2024 LOS ANGELES
Join us as we visit True Crime Locations in Los Angeles. This time we explore the location of a haunting photograph that tells the story of a man who died in 1955.

15:32 min.


6th October 2024, 05:12
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc.tenor.com%2FGMU6EYbObuUAAAAC%2F lucy-liu-cameron-diaz.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c1355b0ac311f46491f8706e502306b734476940ea6431 2e9b78ab9015fe34ca&ipo=images

Meanwhile back at the monastery ...

Boogie With Stu

Led Zeppelin

3:51 min.


6th October 2024, 06:30
Water Park


Oct 5, 2024
Two EMTs (Nate Bargatze, Michael Longfellow) attempt to find the best way to manage a tragedy at a water park.

4:47 min.


7th October 2024, 02:10
A Short Sci-Fi Drama


Cindy is a physicist out for a run. She's been awaiting the results of her latest experiment, which involves the ability to fold space-time. As she runs in the woods, she attracts the attention of a mysterious figure lurking in the woods.

When she comes home, she gets into an argument with her father, who is also a scientist, and whose work Cindy has built upon. Her father urges her to abandon the experiment, saying her obsession with it will ruin her life. But Cindy persists, though its results force her to reckon with the decisions of the past.

Directed and written by P. Patrick Hogan, this short sci-fi drama leverages its ability to build tension and create suspense, drawing in viewers into a story that questions the limits of human knowledge and how far we should go to pursue ideas and capacities beyond our understanding. While its subject matter is scientific and speculative, the film itself functions mainly as a mix of family drama and suspense thriller, beginning with the tracking of a mysterious figure in the woods that itself is watching a woman closely. It follows her back home, where we assume it lies in wait for the perfect moment.


15:33 min.


Emil El Zapato
7th October 2024, 14:27
Water Park


4:47 min.


wow ... :)

10th October 2024, 05:40

High Tea" at Woody Harrelson's Dispensary
Jack Whitehall Fatherhood With My Father

We visit Woody Harrelson's dispensary in Hollywood where Michael couldn’t quite handle the strength of his 'High Tea'.

5:32 min.


Emil El Zapato
10th October 2024, 17:44
We want Omeleto!

10th October 2024, 18:31
Something about those pumpkin people ....


“He wasn’t scary until he started sharing his conspiracy theories.”

12th October 2024, 02:59
#Opening-Up ...

The Apprentice": New Film Opens Despite Trump's Attempts
to Block Anyone from Seeing It

Democracy Now!

Oct 11, 2024

We speak with the director of _The Apprentice_, "the movie Trump doesn't want you to see," which opens today in theaters despite legal threats from the former president. The film looks at how Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, former chief counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare. He went on to represent Trump as he built his New York real estate empire, and "was the person who sort of built Trump, as a person, as a brand, as an identity," says Abbasi.

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at democracynow.org Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.




I saw this movie on the opening night. It's excellent, and it is not "pro" or "anti" Trump -- it's quite based on real events that can be easily verified. They went to great effort to accurately replicate historical scenes. Ali Abbasi did a great job with this movie.

12th October 2024, 23:34
An Aussie Short


Two peace-loving hippies, Clay and his pregnant partner Rocky, are driving in their van, enjoying the ride, each other's company and the music playing on the radio. But their free-spirited journey hits a bump as they discover they've hit and run over a dog.

They discover that the small canine -- called Walter -- belongs to a family of patriotic war veterans. Owning up to their role in Walter's demise, they attempt to inform the family of what happened -- and find themselves embroiled in a culture clash and potentially deadly confrontation.

This short Australian comedy -- written and directed by Dave Wade and produced by Kirsty Stark -- has a pared-down, slender narrative: it's essentially a small dramatic event and then a resulting difficult conversation and confrontation. But with great wit and brevity and a uniquely dry, laconic tone, the storytelling elevates this tall tale into a small comic gem about cultural and generational divides, all while building a surprising amount of suspense in its compact run-time.


10:13 min.


13th October 2024, 08:32
Blessed ...



4:58 min.


Emil El Zapato
13th October 2024, 12:39
An Aussie Short


Great twist. Two interesting things about this one. 1. I never realized that the hippy thing was cross-cultural. 2. My Czechoslovakian stepmother's favorite dish was Hungarian Goulash. I always hated it. ������

17th October 2024, 15:54
Will add this new interview here ...

Graham Hancock: Lost Civilization of the Ice Age & Ancient Human History

| Lex Fridman

Oct 16, 2024
Graham Hancock a journalist and author who for over 30 years has explored the controversial possibility that there existed a lost civilization during the last Ice Age, and that it was destroyed in a global cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. He is the presenter of the Netflix documentary series "Ancient Apocalypse", the 2nd season of which has just been released.

Best watched in segments:

0:00 - Introduction
1:34 - Lost Ice Age civilization
8:39 - Göbekli Tepe
20:43 - Early humans
25:43 - Astronomical symbolism
37:11 - Younger Dryas impact hypothesis
55:31 - The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx of Giza
1:16:04 - Sahara Desert and the Amazon rainforest
1:25:25 - Response to critics
1:49:31 - Panspermia
1:56:58 - Shamanism
2:20:58 - How the Great Pyramid was built
2:28:17 - Mortality


19th October 2024, 20:33

Piecing it all together ...

How AI is helping to decipher animal communication

ABC News

Oct 19, 2024
David Gruber, National Geographic Explorer and founder of Project CETI, discusses how AI is helping researchers decipher whale calls.

4:06 min.


21st October 2024, 01:01
I might consider going back to a theatre to see this holiday season ...


Gladiator II’ First Reactions From Early Screening: “A Total Spectacle With a Pulsating Pace” The sequel starring Denzel Washington, Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal opens in theaters on Nov. 22.

By Carly Thomas

Plus Icon

October 18, 2024

Gladiator II had its first screening Friday night and early reactions have already made their way to social media.

The sequel to the 2000 film was screened at the Paramount Studios lot in Los Angeles, where media outlets and film critics got a first look at the movie starring Denzel Washington, Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal.

Gladiator II, directed by Ridley Scott, sees Mescal playing a grown-up Lucius Verus II, a nephew to emperor Commodus from the original film, played by Joaquin Phoenix. Lucius returns to Rome after being forced into slavery to battle not as a ruler, but as a gladiator out for revenge and power, and seeks to return the glory of Rome to its people.

The cast also includes Connie Nielsen, Joseph Quinn, Derek Jacobi, Rory McCann, Fred Hechinger, Matt Lucas, May Calamawy, Tim McInnerny, Peter Mensah and Alec Utgoff. The movie opens in theaters on Nov. 22.

Gladiator II is set for a tentpole release by Paramount Pictures at Thanksgiving after the original film, which was released more than two decades ago, won five Oscars and earned $465.4 million worldwide. The first trailer released in July also racked up 215 million global cross-platform views in just a few days.

Full critics reviews for Gladiator II won’t drop until closer to the film’s release date, but read on for a sampling of the first reactions to the movie after the screening.

Source/comments here (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/gladiator-2-first-reactions-screening-1236035517/)

Gladiator II | New Trailer

2:32 min.


21st October 2024, 03:30
A short film ...


Adriana is a wife and mother who has recently moved into a new home with her children and husband. While her husband is away for work, she is left to unpack and settle into the new home, and it's a stressful experience since everything has been essentially "shoved into a box" by movers.

Her new neighbors, Carol and Felix, come by to introduce themselves. They're eager to help -- almost off-puttingly so -- but Adriana turns them down. Yet Carol and Felix persist in being neighborly, to the point of being intrusive and offensive. When Adriana tries to banish them off her property altogether, it ignites a confrontation that spins out of control.

Directed by Felicia Manning and written by Samantha Wilson
Cinematography by Jesse Aragon


8:09 min.


26th October 2024, 09:46
Playing in the sandbox ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc.tenor.com%2F644UgFXTMAsAAAAC%2F the-wall-pink-floyd.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e6dfa3088edb287558dea351584738b103d54d0489e5a5 6a73f8fd9a0a9e3c26&ipo=images

Hello Walls

Faron Young

Recorded January 7, 1961

Hello Walls" is an American country music song written by Willie Nelson and first recorded by Faron Young. It was number one on Billboard's country chart for nine weeks in 1961 and spent 23 weeks on the chart. It peaked at number 12 on the pop chart and was Young's only top-40 pop hit in the United States. Young's recording featured Floyd "Lightnin’" Chance on double bass and The Wilburn Brothers on background vocals.[

"Hello Walls" introduced Nelson to a national audience. In 1996, Nelson recorded a rock version of the song with the band The Reverend Horton Heat for the album Twisted Willie.

2:27 min.


Emil El Zapato
26th October 2024, 11:27
I'm feelin' it...

28th October 2024, 05:31
Coming right at ya ...


28th October 2024, 05:58
For your entertainment ...

The Billionaires' Space Race

| Spitting Image

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson race to be the first billionaires on Mars.

11:35 min.


31st October 2024, 05:43
How intelligence agencies control people:
Money, Ideology, Coersion, Ego | Rick Spence

Lex Clips

Rick Spence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_B._Spence) is a historian specializing in the history of intelligence agencies, espionage, secret societies, conspiracies, the occult, and military history.

Oct 30, 2024

10:11 min.


Note full interview below: Best viewed in segments

Rick Spence: CIA, KGB, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Cults & Conspiracies
| Lex Fridman Podcast #451 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abd5hguWKz0&t=0s)

0:00 - Introduction
0:37 - KGB and CIA
14:54 - Okhrana, Cheka, NKVD
30:26 - CIA spies vs KGB spies
37:02 - Assassinations and mind control
43:56 - Jeffrey Epstein
50:48 - Bohemian Grove
1:02:42 - Occultism
1:13:53 - Nazi party and Thule society
1:54:11 - Protocols of the Elders of Zion
2:27:16 - Charles Manson
2:54:03 - Zodiac Killer
3:04:57 - Illuminati
3:12:21 - Secret societies

1st November 2024, 13:56
For your inspection ...

China: Utopia or Dystopia? I Investigated

bald and bankrupt

Nov 1, 2024

China...what is the truth? Some say it is the future, a utopian world. Some say it is the opposite, a total dystopia where the buildings crumble in your very hands and food is cooked in oil strained from the gutters. I finally got my visa and went to investigate, and what I found surprised me. Maybe it will surprise you too.

Three of the clips in the beginning are used under YouTube's fair use policy. They were taken from the YouTube channels: Cool Vision and Living In China. Please check them both out.

41:45 min.


1st November 2024, 14:30


4th November 2024, 23:33
# I hear ya ...

Ticked Off Vic: Ikea… need I say more!

From comedian Vic DiBitetto

3:07 min.


5th November 2024, 04:12
A fascinating theory/spin to these very curious conspiratorial crimes ...

Charles Manson family murders: Historian analysis | Rick Spence and Lex Fridman

Lex Clips

Rick Spence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_B._Spence) is a historian specializing in the history of intelligence agencies, espionage, secret societies, conspiracies, the occult, and military history.

Nov 4, 2024

27:00 min.



For more of this fascinating interview...

Note full interview below: Best viewed in segments

Rick Spence: CIA, KGB, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Cults & Conspiracies
| Lex Fridman Podcast #451 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abd5hguWKz0&t=0s)

0:00 - Introduction
0:37 - KGB and CIA
14:54 - Okhrana, Cheka, NKVD
30:26 - CIA spies vs KGB spies
37:02 - Assassinations and mind control
43:56 - Jeffrey Epstein
50:48 - Bohemian Grove
1:02:42 - Occultism
1:13:53 - Nazi party and Thule society
1:54:11 - Protocols of the Elders of Zion
2:27:16 - Charles Manson
2:54:03 - Zodiac Killer
3:04:57 - Illuminati
3:12:21 - Secret societies

5th November 2024, 04:36
And speaking sex, drugs, and rock and roll ...

Live Fast Die Young: Los Angeles Locations

Rock Essentials With Tim

Oct 11, 2024
On location analysis of these famous musician's premature deaths.

13:57 min.


12th November 2024, 04:40
Living in his own private Idaho ...

The Heartbreaking Truth About River Phoenix

Narrated by: James

Nov 3, 2024
River Phoenix had already taken Hollywood by storm by the time he reached adulthood. Coming from humble origins, his striking talent had some whispering his name alongside the greats. But tragedy would put a premature end to a promising career.

17:38 min.


12th November 2024, 16:10
Living in his own private Idaho ...

The Heartbreaking Truth About River Phoenix

Narrated by: James

17:38 min.


Useless celebrity trash.

A story for people with empty lives.

12th November 2024, 16:47
hon Rad?

Judge not lest you be judged ...

Coming from even you that's a bit strong.

12th November 2024, 17:10
hon Rad?

Judge not lest you be judged ...

Coming from even you that's a bit strong.

So, let me be judged.

Yes, it is harsh.

Hollywood has been a vector for for reality contamination.

The utility of great actors is distraction, entertainment and blurring reality for unremarkable intellects.

Here is the appropriate theme song for "great actors".


12th November 2024, 17:23
Yes indeed, and I get your message.

12th November 2024, 18:04
Everyone's a critic ...


Emil El Zapato
12th November 2024, 18:13
hon Rad?

Judge not lest you be judged ...

Coming from even you that's a bit strong.

I found it moving, fascinating, and informative...all at once. It elaborated some of the reasons behind that family's madness. Joaquin in particular. He looks like a carbon copy of his daddy.

13th November 2024, 03:45
And speaking of acting ...

Please note some might find this short film drama disturbing ...
Viewer Discretion is Advised


A veterinarian hides her depression.

Corey is a veterinarian who lives with her grown daughter and works in an animal clinic. She also is suffering from severe depression, which she struggles to keep hidden from her family and friends.

She navigates many small but cutting indignities and challenges as she looks after everyone but herself. But soon she reaches her breaking point and contemplates the worst.

Written and directed by Yaya, this powerful, thoughtful short drama tackles the weighty topics of depression and suicidality as its main character struggles to conceal her mental health struggles from the world around her. Many narratives tackle these issues, but this short offers a unique angle, grounding its story in Corey's quotidian reality and dramatizing the efforts to hide it.

Many performances of depression portray it as sadness or listlessness, but Schwimmer's portrayal -- and the gift of KEEP IT QUIET -- gets at a fundamental truth of depression. More than just sadness or "feeling down," it's profound loneliness, isolation and hopelessness. It also portrays how easy it is for people to hide it, and how many people around someone with depression simply don't pay attention enough to notice it. Yet ultimately this concealment only leads to more isolation, compounding the psychological weight until it gets unbearable. Corey reaches that point, but the film's unique ending foils her attempt, offering a much-needed catharsis for both Corey and the audience. Facing the depth of feeling within, there's finally space for some fragile hope -- and gratitude for the strange interventions of fate.

14:00 min.


15th November 2024, 05:07
Looking into ...

What Triggered the Disclosure Movement?

| Dr. Steven Greer & Billy Carson

Nov 12, 2024
Over the last 30 years, the disclosure movement, sparked by Dr. Steven Greer's Project Starlight in the early 1990s, has unveiled layers of hidden truth regarding ET activity. Backed by insider information, it builds a substantial evidence database of ET technology presence. This is a highlight from Gaia's 10-part in-depth series with Dr. Steven Greer: https://www.gaia.com/disclosure

About Dr. Steven Greer:
Dr. Steven Greer is renowned for his dedication to disclosing classified UFO and extraterrestrial information. Over the past 30 years, he has briefed senior government officials worldwide, conducted hundreds of interviews, press conferences, and lectures. As the author of five books and the producer of documentaries seen by millions, he continues to educate people on peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations, the world of UFOs and UAPs, CE5 contact protocols, meditation techniques, and the transformative power of free energy. Dive into our discussions on Close Encounters, Unacknowledged, the Lost Century, and other documentaries, movies, and trailers. His podcasts with Joe Rogan, Patrick Bet David, Shawn Ryan, Danica Patrick, Logan Paul, Bob Lazar and other pioneers cover topics like remote viewing, ancient mysteries, Area 51, alien sightings, and advanced technology.

11:15 min.


16th November 2024, 02:24
All his stuff is well worth the watch(s) ....

We don't deserve dogs | Tom Papa: Home Free -
Special on Netflix

His latest stand-up specials are "Tom Papa: Home Free", “Tom Papa: What A Day!”
and "Tom Papa: You’re Doing Great!" on Netflix.

A taste from
1:32 min.


21st November 2024, 19:01
hmm ...

Up for interpretation ...

Mysterious orb zooming past NYC accidentally caught on film by local news chopper...

A news helicopter incidentally captured a mysterious orb-like object zooming over the Hudson River and past Lower Manhattan.

In the final seconds of a Fox 5 news report that aired Monday, an orb-shaped object or light can be seen in the crystal clear New York sky, making an arcing pathway in the direction of the news chopper which was filming from south of the Battery.

The orb appears white in the distance and takes on a blue tint as it gets closer to the camera.

The potential object outpaces every boat on the Hudson and quickly arcs its way past the news chopper.

It is unclear whether the orb is a real-world object or a light refraction on a lens or piece of glass ...

More here with photos (https://nypost.com/2024/11/21/us-news/brilliant-orb-zooming-past-nyc-accidentally-caught-on-film-by-local-news-chopper/)


Nov 21, 2024


21st November 2024, 19:14
'As one more day slips away' ...


* * *

Children Say

Level 42


21st November 2024, 23:51
Something new ...

The Dark History of Atlantis

Johnny Harris (https://www.youtube.com/@johnnyharris)

Atlantis was always fictional. Yet it somehow became the center of a religion. The heart of conspiracy theories today. And even the motivation behind an occult Nazi hunt, right before the onset of WWII.

00:00 Intro
01:34 What is Atlantis?
03:23 The Science of Everything
04:04 Atlantis is Back
09:00 Atlantis Mapped
14:40 Why???
17:05 Atlantis Today

AI Disclosure: We used AI to create some of the imagery of Atlantis which our (very talented) animator then took and spent weeks developing into what you see in the video. When AI is used to generate any imagery that may appear onscreen, we'll add this to the video description. We're learning as we go how to implement, and appreciate your thoughts.


Johnny Harris is an Emmy-winning independent journalist and contributor to the New York Times. Based in Washington, DC, Harris reports on interesting trends and stories domestically and around the globe, publishing to his audience of over 5 million on Youtube. Harris produced and hosted the twice Emmy-nominated series Borders for Vox Media. His visual style blends motion graphics with cinematic videography to create content that explains complex issues in relatable ways.

Nov 21, 2024

21:12 min.


22nd November 2024, 04:20
For your viewing entertainment ...

A short romantic drama


A young man creates an alter ego for dating.

A young man has trouble navigating the sometimes rocky, challenging waters of the dating scene. Finding it socially challenging, he creates an alter ego he calls Denzel to help him muster the confidence to meet and take women out, in the hopes of finding love and connection.

Denzel is smooth, confident and self-assured. But despite all his strengths, he still has trouble meeting women and finding love. After some unfortunate dates, the hopeful young man learns the limitations of his alter ego, and must learn instead to accept and embrace who he truly is.

Written and directed by Michael Gamarano Singleton


9:39 min.


Emil El Zapato
22nd November 2024, 11:30
For your viewing entertainment ...

A short romantic drama


A young man creates an alter ego for dating.


9:39 min.


It was touching. I was listening to a synopsis and interview about a movie starring a girl with cerebral palsy. One of the questions asked was how people suffering from a disease that makes them 'special' but has nothing that makes them extraordinary relate to a movie about and starring a 'special' actress who is remarkable in ways 'outside the scope of the disease'. It was a pretty heavy question to be asked during a movie interview.

24th November 2024, 05:51
She's a real pistol ...

k.d. lang - johnny get angry

fillmore san francisco california 7/27/88

3:14 min.

♪ Johnny, I said we were through
Just to see what you would do ♪


24th November 2024, 15:20

Dogma Fans Rejoice! The Classic Is Back
in Theaters and DVD in 2025!

Ms Gen Xodus

2:00 min.


#Why Are We Here Scene


2:36 min.


27th November 2024, 07:50
#SuperSubs ...

Out of this world!
Vast oceans could be on Uranus and Neptune


Nov 26, 2024
A new study found that vast oceans could be on Uranus and Neptune. Astrophysicist Adam Frank joins Chris Jansing to share his expertise.

5:06 min.


27th November 2024, 23:20
Science, Consciousness, and the Future ...

“I am convinced at this point that there’s a higher civilization rendering our space,
or running it on some kind of substrate.”

Danny Goler’s claims may seem far-fetched to some, but they also tap into one of the deepest questions humanity has ever asked: What is the nature of reality? Whether his discovery is the key to unlocking a hidden digital matrix or simply a fascinating quirk of perception, it opens the door to new discussions about the intersection of technology, consciousness, and the limits of human understanding.

Could we be living in a simulation? Is there truly a code running behind the curtain of our reality? These are questions that will undoubtedly take time to answer, but Goler’s work pushes us to consider the possibilities.

In a world where science and spirituality often clash, Goler’s discovery might just be the bridge that brings them closer together.

Alien Language Found Inside the DMT Space: What is It Telling Us?

| Danny Goler

Danny Jones Clips

Danny Goler is an independent researcher, filmmaker, and self-proclaimed explorer of altered states of consciousness. His journey to unlock the mysteries of reality has led him down a unique path that blends technology, psychedelics, and a desire to push the boundaries of human perception. Goler recently made a claim that he discovered a visible, repeating code when using a diffracted laser while under the influence of DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). His work, which he shares through social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, has captured the curiosity of many.

Goler’s background includes growing up with a nuclear physicist grandfather, which ignited his early interest in science and the cosmos. This, paired with his artistic ventures in filmmaking, set the foundation for his current explorations into the intersection of psychedelics and digital phenomena.

Nov 27, 2024

16:25 min.


Full interview here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJp2rASRKMc)

00:00 - Danny's first DMT trip
12:59 - Discovering the boundary to our simulation w/ DMT
26:34 - Talking to aliens through DMT
34:51 - Numbers hidden in the fabric of reality
50:19 - Scientists' reaction to Danny's theory
01:02:16 - The laser experiment
01:13:43 - Code written into the DMT world
01:29:52 - "Objectness" in the DMT space
01:39:40 - Tom Matte's upright vision
01:44:06 - Improving the laser DMT experiment
01:52:04 - Extended state DMT study
02:00:18 - Real world vs. simultation
02:08:20 - Something big is about to happen
02:11:32 - DMT makes you smarter
02:18:34 - Ancient Greek drugs
02:23:30 - AGI is Jesus Christ
02:35:54 - DMT x UFO connection

28th November 2024, 19:40
The relativity of simultaneity ...

A Sci-Fi Short Film

"Through Fire She Calls"

A WW1 sniper jeopardizes his life to rescue a mysterious P.O.W.
who holds the secret key to finding a way back home.

More About

In the late days of WWI, a lone doughboy longs for his wife and home but there is no escape in sight from the war torn French countryside. His salvation depends on the choice he makes to save the life of a mysterious P.O.W. from certain death. This ultimate sacrifice is the key to finding his way back home.

This film is inspired and dedicated to the director’s great uncle, Private George A. Kontogiannis, Company B, 318th Infantry, 80th Division, who was killed in action during the Great War in 1918.

Writer / Director: Jason Georgiades
Director of Photography: Sean Carroll


8:37 min.


28th November 2024, 20:28
The latest ...

The Secret Hollywood Walk of Fame

grimmlifecollective (https://www.youtube.com/@grimmlifecollective)

Nov 28, 2024
Join us as we walk The Secret Hollywood Walk of Fame in Hollywood, California. There is more to Hollywood than just the traditional Hollywood Walk of Fame. In this video we explore the off the beaten path Hollywood locations that should have been included on Hollywood Boulevard.

22:40 min.


30th November 2024, 21:16
Where mainstream becomes alternative ...

New Shocking UAP Updates

GB News

About: GB News (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GB_News)

Nov 30, 2024 #space #aliens
Ben Leo discusses the latest developments in UAPs and UFOs with chilling statements from Luis Elizando, a former military intelligence official, the concerning fact that these orbs are appearing frequently around military bases and nuclear sites. Trump's appearance on Joe Rogan discussing the hot topic of 'the people coming from space' shows his willingness to discuss the area. Developments have suggested he wants to disclose info about aliens upon his presidency. What could we learn next?

8:14 min.


3rd December 2024, 02:49
#Right Well Bloody (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/His_Majesty_King_Charles_III_(portrait))


British Royal Family Exposed: Occult Symbolism and King Charles' Portrait

Strange Planet

Dec 2, 2024
Discover the symbolism of King Charles III's official portrait by Jonathan Yeo, featuring the monarch in a Welsh Guards uniform against a bold red background that some believe is related to the occult.

7:48 min.


3rd December 2024, 02:57
Times are tough ...


6th December 2024, 03:23
A Short Film Drama


A man gets a scam call.

Donny is desperate to get his paper tax return sent off with the daily mail delivery. But he's frustrated by a skeptical mail carrier, who can't quite believe how unsavvy Donny is about the Internet -- which Donny still calls the "information superhighway" -- as well as his phone constantly ringing with an unknown caller.

When he gets a series of messages from phishers and scammers, he decides to give them a piece of his mind, calling them back to berate them for their nefarious schemes. But then he finds himself caught up in a surprisingly soul-searching conversation and realizes things are a little more complicated than he thought.

Directed by Nardeep Khurmi and written by Denzil J. Meyers (who also plays the leading role), this short dramedy has a lightness of touch that belies a much deeper inquiry into the humanity of the often faceless voices on the other end of those impersonal services and solicitation calls ...

The humor here isn't found in hitting punchlines, but rather in portraying the misalignment between a man and the fast-moving mores of contemporary life.


9:36 min.


6th December 2024, 03:29
A Short Film Drama


A man gets a scam call.

Donny is desperate to get his paper tax return sent off with the daily mail delivery. But he's frustrated by a skeptical mail carrier, who can't quite believe how unsavvy Donny is about the Internet -- which Donny still calls the "information superhighway" -- as well as his phone constantly ringing with an unknown caller.

When he gets a series of messages from phishers and scammers, he decides to give them a piece of his mind, calling them back to berate them for their nefarious schemes. But then he finds himself caught up in a surprisingly soul-searching conversation and realizes things are a little more complicated than he thought.

Directed by Nardeep Khurmi and written by Denzil J. Meyers (who also plays the leading role), this short dramedy has a lightness of touch that belies a much deeper inquiry into the humanity of the often faceless voices on the other end of those impersonal services and solicitation calls ...

The humor here isn't found in hitting punchlines, but rather in portraying the misalignment between a man and the fast-moving mores of contemporary life.


9:36 min.



Meanwhile ...



Emil El Zapato
6th December 2024, 11:13
yeah, when I was a student I worked as a telemarketer. It was the most forked up job I ever had next to holding road signs on highway construction. I was good at it and after awhile I could line people up for days. Hint: They couldn't see me, I sucked at personal sales, no one trusted me. :) I was sympathetic to people that cold called me for a long time and always volunteered my past experience. And then as technology would have it along came robocallers...End of story!

7th December 2024, 15:22

Secret Cosmic Enemy Is Not Who You Think

| Dr. Steven Greer

Dec 6, 2024

History of UFO Disclosure - Are extraterrestrials a danger to humanity or a crafted illusion? Dr. Steven Greer explores what shape perceptions of alien life, suggesting orchestrated narratives may be used to support increased control.

10:37 min.


7th December 2024, 22:43
And speaking of ...

Drones, UFOs, or Something Else?
Why UFO Waves Keep Returning

Mysterious Universe Podcast

Dec 6, 2024

Recent unusual drone activity over New Jersey and other locations worldwide has sparked widespread interest in unexplained aerial phenomena. While this may seem like a recent development to many, themes of UFOs and strange aerial events have been recurring for decades. In this episode, we dive into these mysterious drone sightings and explore potential connections to high-strangeness encounters, including flying humanoids, winged creatures, and ghostly apparitions. Are these sightings the result of human-made technology, or is there something else at play, drawing attention for its own unknown reasons?

1:08:55 min.


12th December 2024, 06:03
So ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uncut.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F07%2FCANYON-SA-01658_M_1970_MIT_Posing-in-Windowsill_PHOTO-SHOOT_HDS.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5b0f9a62841466db241906570d88ceebfad45822b3a85c 25338a5c7318be6e29&ipo=images

Why Was Laurel Canyon Special?

When Joni Mitchell first came to Los Angeles, she was given a book by a friend that said, “Ask anyone in America where the craziest people live and they’ll tell you California. Ask anyone in California where the craziest people live and they’ll say Los Angeles. Ask anyone in Los Angeles where the craziest people live and they’ll tell you Hollywood. Ask anyone in Hollywood where the craziest people live and they’ll say Laurel Canyon. And ask anyone in Laurel Canyon where the craziest people live and they’ll say Lookout Mountain.”

So Joni bought a house on Lookout Mountain.

This was the sentiment among many in the late 60s and early 70’s seeking an alternative lifestyle in the Los Angeles hills. Not only was Laurel Canyon just a stone’s throw away from the Sunset Strip, it smelled of eucalyptus, acted as a reprieve away from the hustle and bustle, offered a groovy scene, and it was chock-full of characters.

That said, this scene wasn’t the first to have Laurel Canyon as its home base. In fact, in the early 20th century, when the area was first being developed, the Canyon attracted personalities such as Wally Reid, Harry Houdini, Bessie Love, and Errol Flynn. Then, in the post-WWII boom, the area began to welcome residents from the Beat Generation, with a couple of cool jazz cafes having popped up nearby.

But while the Canyon has lived a few lives, it was the late 1960’s / early 1970s that put Laurel Canyon on the map for all things creative, open-minded, and free-wheeling. Sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll, man.

by Taylor On A Trip

While out and about looking for Love street ...

Secret Hollywood History - The Doors, Stevie Nicks,
Frank Zappa, Joni Mitchell and More


Dec 11, 2024

Join us as we explore the historic Laurel Canyon in Hollywood, California. In the 1960s and 1970s, Laurel Canyon was THE Hollywood music scene in Los Angeles. Laurel Canyon was home to The Doors, Stevie Nicks, Frank Zappa, Joni Mitchell and more. This video uncovers only a few of Laurel Canyons secrets.

27:54 min.


12th December 2024, 06:38
So ...

You Want To Be A Rock n Roll Star


2:27 min.


13th December 2024, 00:32
Check out the official trailer for 28 Years Later directed by Danny Boyle!

28 Years Later

Trailer #1 (2025)

Dec 10, 2024

2:15 min.


https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/12/12/22/92990267-0-Movie_fans_have_been_left_stunned_by_a_Hollywood_a ctor_s_gruesom-a-2_1734042742189.jpg

Cillian Murphy shock as 28 Years Later zombie's identity revealed...
after fans went wild for actor's 'cameo' (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14187941/Cillian-Murphy-28-Years-Later-zombie-identity-revealed.html)

20th December 2024, 01:34
And speaking future prospects ...


23rd December 2024, 21:57
He blinded me with his science ...

Have aliens visited Earth?

| Adam Frank
Adam Frank is an astrophysicist studying star systems and the search for extraterrestrial life and alien civilizations.

Lex Clips

Adam Frank fell in love with astronomy when he was 5 years old and the affair has never cooled.

Late one night in the family library, Adam found the keys to the universe sketched out on the covers of his dad’s pulp-science-fiction magazines—astronauts bounding across the jagged frontiers of alien worlds, starships rising to discovery on pillars of fire. The boundless world of possibilities on those covers became the one he was determined to inhabit.

Later, the love for astronomy transformed into a passion for the practice of science itself when his father’s simple explanation of electric currents and sound waves turned the terror of a booming thunderstorm into an opportunity to marvel at the world’s beauty. He is now the Helen F. and Fred H. Gowen professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester.

For many years Adam was a leading expert on the final stages of evolution for stars like the sun and the formation of powerful jets when stars first form. His computational research group at the University of Rochester developed advanced supercomputer tools for studying how stars form and how planets evolve. His current work focuses on life in the Universe, the search for “technosignatures” of other exo-civilizations, along with climate change and the “Astrobiology of the Anthropocene.” He has also carrying out work on the physics of life through studies via an information theory perspective.

A self-described “evangelist of science,” Adam is committed to showing others the beauty and power of science, and exploring the proper context of science in culture. His last book Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth received praise from The New York Times, NPR and Scientific American. He has written two other books, The Constant Fire: Beyond the Religion and Science Debate, and About Time: Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang.

Adam’s newest work is The Little Book of Aliens.

Dec 23, 2024

3:36 min.

A quickie ...


Oh and there's lots more ... :tea:

Full Interview Here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhZAXXI83-4&t=447s)

0:00 - Introduction
1:58 - Planet formation
7:08 - Plate tectonics
14:30 - Extinction events
18:41 - Biosphere
21:39 - Technosphere
25:53 - Emergence of intelligence
32:06 - Drake equation
36:20 - Exoplanets
39:04 - Habitable zones
42:06 - Fermi Paradox
51:04 - Alien civilizations
1:00:32 - Colonizing Mars
1:12:48 - Search for aliens
1:29:13 - Alien megastructures
1:35:19 - Kardashev scale
1:40:32 - Detecting aliens
1:47:14 - Warp drives
1:53:21 - Cryogenics
1:56:39 - What aliens look like
2:05:24 - Alien contact
2:16:29 - UFO sightings
2:28:14 - Physics of life
2:54:05 - Nature of time
3:10:29 - Cognition
3:14:53 - Mortality

24th December 2024, 05:32

“The World's Ultimate Wind-Up Merchant?”
Graham Hancock on Pyramids, Atlantis & God

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Dec 23, 2024

British author and journalist Graham Hancock (https://grahamhancock.com/) has had a number of pejorative terms affixed to his name; chiefly among them are pseudoarchaeologist and pseudohistorian. But Hancock doesn't claim to be in possession of any special knowledge; merely that he is fascinated by the questions science and history struggle to answer. His vast knowledge on the intricacies of the Egyptian pyramids, to his mind, only makes one more sure that we don't fully understand them.

Piers Morgan holds Hancock to account, who in turn, deftly backs up his position that humanity has much more to learn. They discuss history, God, spirits and more.

01:00 - Introduction
02:25 - Can anybody disprove Graham Hancock?
06:00 - The Great Pyramid of Giza theory
09:45 - Graham's levitation 'suggestion'
13:30 - The existence of Atlantis
18:30 - Challenging mainstream archaeology
22:30 - "What was there before nothing?"
24:45 - Do you believe in dragons?
27:00 - Hancock's alien encounter
31:50 - Hancock's one mystery he'd love to solve


28th December 2024, 14:19
#Love reign o'er Me ...


Everybody in the western world knows about Tommy, The Who's rock opera featuring the deaf, dumb and blind boy who sure plays a mean pinball.

The Who made another rock opera a few years later, the story of Jimmy the Mod (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod_(subculture)) (a movement in Britain in the 60s). Many fans of The Who consider Quadrophenia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrophenia) to be the band's greatest album.

Quadrophenia: Can You See the Real Me?


In his home studio and revisiting old haunts in Shepherds Bush and Battersea, Pete Townshend opens his heart and his personal archive to revisit ‘the last great album the Who ever made’, one that took the Who full circle back to their earliest days via the adventures of a pill-popping mod on an epic journey of self-discovery.

But in 1973 Quadrophenia was an album that almost never was. Beset by money problems, a studio in construction, heroin-taking managers, a lunatic drummer and a culture of heavy drinking, Townshend took on an album that nearly broke him and one that within a year the band had turned their back on and would ignore for nearly three decades.

With unseen archive and in-depth interviews from Townshend, Roger Daltrey, Keith Moon, John Entwistle and those in the studio and behind the lens who made the album and thirty page photo booklet. Contributors include: Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, Ethan Russell, Ron Nevison, Richard Barnes, Irish Jack Lyons, Bill Curbishley, John Woolf, Howie Edelson, Mark Kermode and Georgiana Steele Waller.

Matt O'Casey

1:09:19 min.
