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5th June 2022, 18:22
The latest ...

Why is This NYC Apartment INSIDE
a Parking-Garage?

Cash Jordan

This is one of the coolest New York City apartments of All Time, hands down. It has 2 floors and a massive outdoor space that could hold at least 10 honda civics no problem. Plus, its got insane views of Midtown manhattan which are surprisingly peaceful since there is not a direct line of site to a busy street. This place would be so comfortable to live in, but the only issue is Im unable to afford it. How about you?

Jun 5, 2022

8:59 min.


Lord Sidious
6th June 2022, 01:18
$9,800 a month?
To live in an apartment?

6th June 2022, 05:11
The latest and a very good one ...


Chiswick to Hammersmith Splendid Riverside London Walk

Joolz Guides

An excellent riverside London walk from Chiswick to Hammersmith with lovely pubs and history and a Fullers Brewery tour!

This makes a perfect pub crawl and the pubs are really ancient with river views.
We also visit Chiswick House and William Hogarth's house.
A highly recommended tour of the Fullers Brewery where they brew London Pride and many other beers.

The excellent Villa di Geggiano restaurant where you can buy wine by Sting and Trudie.

Chiswick Mall with many 18th century houses and St Nicholas Chiswick Church.
The ghost of Hammersmith, Minder, Bottom, Hammersmith Odeon and much much more!!

Jun 5, 2022

30:30 min.


7th June 2022, 16:06
Not only is it super expensive to live in NYC, it's really hard to even find a place.

7th June 2022, 18:58
I would have to wonder why anyone event wants to live there!

7th June 2022, 19:21
I would have to wonder why anyone event wants to live there!


8th June 2022, 03:29
Having now crunched the data ...


8th June 2022, 06:16
And speaking data (or lack there of) ...

Black Cube Exists Sun, NASA Covers It Up!
May 2, 2022 UFO Sighting News.

NASA No No ... :nono:

Jun 7, 2022

4:25 min.


8th June 2022, 06:38
Jim Seals, half of ‘Summer Breeze’ duo Seals & Crofts, dead at 80 (https://nypost.com/2022/06/07/jim-seals-half-of-summer-dreams-duo-seals-and-crofts-dead-at-80/)


Seals & Crofts

We May Never Pass This Way Again

4:19 min.


9th June 2022, 07:53
The latest ...

ALIEN PORTAL Sparks Suspicions - "You're Not In Control"
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (Season 3)

The team finds out new information regarding a secret portal located on the ranch, in this clip from Season 3, "Digging Up the Past."

Jun 8, 2022

10:15 min.


I use to see these (what i call orb entities) often when living at the Eceti Ranch, while using with night vision goggles.

9th June 2022, 23:46
Visiting his Mom back in Germany ...

Exploring German Supermarket Edeka compare
to American Grocery store

https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AKedOLRIIHASR2FwXukswsaZKouEh5B9H0mWcPIwOM5L=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj German in Venice

Today I went shopping with my mom to one of the most popular stores in Germany Edeka It’s a pretty big grocery store and we walked around to find the different prices compared to the prices in America The grocery store is really big and I thought it was very organized and clean After we are done with shopping we went to a farmers place where my mom tried to buy some flowers asparagus strawberries and apples.

Jun 9, 2022

19:20 min.


10th June 2022, 07:23
Pleas note, I am now using YouTube Premium (https://www.finder.com/internet-tv/youtube-premium) ...

I recommend it for anyone who uses and enjoys the platform ...
And i recommend those that do, try out the free thirty day trial.

10th June 2022, 07:28
She got feisty in her old age, but boy could she tell some tales ...

ALIEN AND UFOS https://7img.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif

Janson Media

Primarily known as a past life regressive therapist, Dolores Cannon reveals her experiences as an Alien and U.F.O. investigator, citing compelling cases of alien abductions and communications with E.T.s. Unaccounted time, the seeding of Earth, the E.T. cover-up, crashed U.F.O. cases, what the Greys truly are and mankind's future on the New Earth are but a few provocative topics Cannon discusses.

From the dawn of mankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone and never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the Alien Presence on Earth and what it may mean for mankind.

48:04 min.


10th June 2022, 08:34
From the hyper connected generation ...


Fred Steeves
10th June 2022, 12:51

I was kind of surprised to see this grocery store tour. When my wife and I were in Germany back in '99, the first one we went to, silly as it sounds I started snapping pictures on my camera here and there because I thought being in a German supermaket was so cool! Next thing you know, the manager approached all upset and scolding me in German, my wife had to translate that he wanted me to put the camera away immediately as it's verboten, terrorists could use the pictures to shame an attack.

Being is was still pre 9/11, that was one of the most ridiculous things I had ever heard in my life (I still think it's ridiculous), but I guess it's okay now? Hmmmm... :hmm:

11th June 2022, 03:14
Back in the saddles again ...

Riding along on the Green River Drift, the longest-running
cattle drive left in America

Bill Whitaker saddles up for one of the last enduring symbols of the Old West, a Wyoming cattle drive that travels the same route pioneered 125 years ago.

Jun 9, 2022

14:02 min


12th June 2022, 16:12
“Our goal is that our guests do not notice a difference either in quality or ambience,”

https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/2022-06-12T093724Z_980985289_RC28QU9TMO9K_RTRMADP_3_UKRAIN E-CRISIS-RUSSIA-MCDONALDS.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1536

McDonald’s restaurants reopen in Russia under new name (https://nypost.com/2022/06/12/mcdonalds-restaurants-reopen-in-russia-under-new-name-vkusno-tochka/)

13th June 2022, 15:36
Something different from Cash Jordan, who has just traveled to
visit his wife's family in Japan ... Note the title is kind of a joke...:unsure:

I Left New York To Live In Japan… Big Mistake?

Cash Jordan

Im not sure how long I will last. Japan is like a different world in some respects (compared to America) but in other ares its shockingly similar. That being said there is definitely a language barrier Ill have to overcome, as well as getting used to the lack of “spicy chicken” sandwiches on the McDonald’s menu.

Jun 13, 2022

8:41 min.


Previous video for those interested ...

Departure and flight


14th June 2022, 15:06
And here i am trying to be nice all the time ...

Staying In Japan’s Cheapest Capsule Hotel

Cash Jordan

This is the craziest hotel you will ever see. The rooms in this Japanese Hotel are little pods, like in a science fiction movie from a distant future where human beings no longer live on the earth’s surface, but underground in tiny little windowless capsules. Honestly, its SUPER quiet and youll sleep better here than in a more expensive hotel with bad guests. It was also very clean (it IS in Japan, so that’s to be expected). The whole experience of staying here was quite shocking but I was impressed and would definitely recommend staying here if you are in Osaka Japan and only have $26, or $27.

Jun 14, 2022 (Happy Birthday Sis)

8:22 min.


14th June 2022, 21:47
And here i am trying to be nice all the time ...

Poor Poor Pitiful Me

Warren Zevon

3:08 min.


15th June 2022, 09:44
"Here's looking at you kid" ...

“The testing requirement is gone—
you could’ve traveled with her.”

15th June 2022, 09:53

USOs The Counter Narrative.

Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure

We live in a world of deceptive narratives coming from the very sources we were once taught to trust. One of those narratives deals with UFOs. Something completely left out of our public discussion of this phenomenon are those objects consistently seen in Earth's bodies of water. Unidentified Submersible Objects (USOs) have been with us for as long as airborne UFOs have. We need to recognize and understand this.

Premiered Monday - 6/14/2022

1:01:28 min.


15th June 2022, 10:22
Always a crowd pleaser ...

Eminence Front

The Who

♪ The spray flies as the speedboat glides
And people forget
Forget they're hiding ♪

5:42 min.


15th June 2022, 11:51
Meanwhile in Saint Petersburg ...

Other Side of Inflation in Russia (ridiculous)

Niki Proshin

This video I'm going to show you food prices and inflation in Russia. I'm visiting my local supermarket and trying to find some groceries that got more expensive (or smaller in size) recently.

Premiered June 14, 2022

8:52 min


15th June 2022, 12:32
That's both hilarious and sad. Protected butter in supermarkets? What's next, toilet paper stored in safes?

15th June 2022, 21:11
"What lies beyond" ...

The Heart of Nowhere: Overlanding From Cedarville, CA
to a Hot Spring Near Denio, NV

Wonderhussy Adventures

Date of adventure: 6/8-6/9/22

I stumbled on this little tin shack out in the middle of the desert, and apparently it was the home of a very manly man!

Jun 15, 2022

28:12 min.


16th June 2022, 07:28
The whole kit and caboodle ...

Dr. Michael Salla - Humanity Joining the Galactic Federation


Former university professor in international relations, Dr. Michael Salla, is the author/editor of nine books dealing with exopolitics, ET groups, and secret space programs. In the first half, he shared details about the Galactic Federation, a cosmic organization that he believes is composed of various extraterrestrial races. As evidence, he cited the testimony of Prof. Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, who specifically mentioned Earth's contact with the Galactic Federation ...

Eshed said that cooperative agreements had been worked out between the US government and the Federation, including involvement with an underground base on Mars. Salla also cited how some of the early contactees dating back to the 1950s, like George Van Tassel spoke about the Federation and Ashtar Command. Ultimately, the end game is for humanity to join the Galactic Federation for a kind of "Star Trek" future, Salla explained.

Premiered - Wednesday 6/15/2022

1:03:32 min


16th June 2022, 07:42
The whole kit and caboodle ...

Dr. Michael Salla - Humanity Joining the Galactic Federation


Premiered - Wednesday 6/15/2022

1:03:32 min


This is for comic reflief, correct? :confused::love:

16th June 2022, 08:09
This is for comic reflief, correct? :confused::love:

At this point and time, pretty much everything in the
alternative community realm could be labeled as such.

By now it should be obvious, my post here are for
my and the bots entertainment purposes only.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.istockphoto.com%2Fphotos%2F robot-hand-typing-on-laptop-keyboard-picture-id1160330894%3Fk%3D6%26m%3D1160330894%26s%3D612x61 2%26w%3D0%26h%3D6Z6RA9IDjlsG90KgtG_K-0-RcjY4DIvbwW1AuRa0Csk%3D&f=1&nofb=1

16th June 2022, 09:06
And speaking comic relief ...
Listen through ...

Right vs Left Wing Airlines

Yannis Pappas

May 24, 2022

10:31 min.


16th June 2022, 15:49
Please note ...

I had planned on taking a break for the summer ...
But due to forum disputes and health issues ...

I am choosing to retire for the last time here ...

If some of you notice my absence on communication pages,
Nothing personal towards anyone, I am just moving on.

Fred Steeves
16th June 2022, 19:18
You know the light will always on for you Gio. In the mean time, every less member here pleases you know who, immensely. :cool:

16th June 2022, 19:21
You know the light will always on for you here Gio. In the mean time, every less member here pleases you know who, immensely. :cool:

And especially so if they are members who criticize a certain Fearless Leader™, his loyal flock, and their parochial abode on the World-Wide Web... :eyebrows:

Emil El Zapato
17th June 2022, 14:36
As much good content that Gio has provided over the years, I believe he certainly merits some deference and surely respect for his ideas even if they might appear 'unseemly' to others. I think Wabbit was going with the flow pretty well and I think it was a repairable relationship.

17th June 2022, 18:17
As much good content that Gio has provided over the years, I believe he certainly merits some deference and surely respect for his ideas even if they might appear 'unseemly' to others. I think Wabbit was going with the flow pretty well and I think it was a repairable relationship.

Gio has requested to be retired yesterday, and he has not rescinded his request during the 24-hour grace time. I have therefore complied with his request, and I am locking this thread, because this was Gio's main thread and he wouldn't want to see it derailed.

29th September 2023, 23:33
Well am back ...

And I must say ...
I really feel good ... :meditating:


Thank you Semaglutide ! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaglutide)

29th September 2023, 23:34
Well am back ...

And I must say ...
I really feel good ... :meditating:


Thank you Semaglutide ! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaglutide)

Welcome back, Brother! :h5: :cantina:

29th September 2023, 23:53
Just listen to this gem last evening ...

The Stress Doctor: Stress Leaks Through Skin,
Is Contagious & Gives You Belly Fat!
Dr Tara Swart (https://www.taraswart.com/about-dr-tara-swart/)

From: The Diary Of A CEO (https://www.youtube.com/@TheDiaryOfACEO)

Sep 25, 2023

2:04:33 min.


0:00 Dr Tara Swart - Neuroscientist on how your brain influences your health, relationships and well-being.
02:06 💼 How to improve my brain health?
13:04 🩸 How to lose stomach fat
16:03 👥 The affect stress has on women
24:00 🛌 How to improve memory
25:52 🧠 How to prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s
30:28 👩*❤️*👨 Key things for a better relationship
38:04 🧠 How does intuition works & why you should always follow it
44:11 🧠 How did the pandemic affect our stress levels & mental health?
46:32 🌿 Why nature is really important for your health
47:13 🤝 How to find your purpose & why its vital for your mental health
01:00:01 🧠 What is neuroplasticity & why you should learn everything about it
01:07:04 🧠 How to stop my bad habits
01:10:11 🧬 How do I cope with trauma?
01:16:02 🤰 Can stress affect pregnancy?
01:23:45 🧠 How does neuroplasticity works?
01:27:12 🏋️*♂️ How do I improve my memory?
01:30:01 🍇 What is the best diet?
01:30:55 🧠 What is the importance of neuroplasticity?
01:34:15 💬 How does what I say affect my brain?
01:39:12 👫 Qualities to look for in a partner
01:44:23 🧠 How is ADHD and autism diagnosed?
01:53:20 🗣️ How does what I say affect my behaviour?
01:58:32 🙏 How does visualisation work?

You can purchase Tara’s book, ‘The Source’, here: https://bit.ly/3Rs1m8b

30th September 2023, 00:05
And speaking of ...

She Blinded Me With Science

Thomas Dolby

3:47 min.


30th September 2023, 07:21
You bastard, makin me cry, beautifullll to see n sense you Gio

Lord Sidious
30th September 2023, 15:24
Well am back ...

And I must say ...
I really feel good ... :meditating:


Thank you Semaglutide ! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaglutide)

Even though you're still a nugget?

30th September 2023, 19:18
Twas embedded ...


“So we agree that the whole government can be shut down by a consensus of Congress’s ten biggest weirdos?”

1st October 2023, 21:52
From Cash Jordon ...

New York is a great city. Its people are its greatest asset, but local officials are struggling to find the resources to help everyone, including those who are here seeking asylum.

Oct 1, 2023

11:25 min.


2nd October 2023, 05:42
Kinda like being there live in a global/techno spirit thingy ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffagenwasanni.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F08%2Fmfrack_realistic_p hoto_of_newest_laptop_that_show_internet_news_45ae 3fa7-76a6-423c-beb3-9cb58ff9e215.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=548f21e3661b819365b2ad75407a5887740f3232ffdad0 a4007ae3b68a27671e&ipo=images

Where the Streets Have No Name - U2 @ The Sphere, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_at_the_Venetian_Resort)
Las Vegas 29 Sep 2023

Note: Edge breaks a string at 1:51 and has to scamper off the stage to get a new guitar.

5:19 min.


2nd October 2023, 07:00
For a while in the beginning I thought that really was an outside event. That's a cool dome. Oh and welcome back Gio!

2nd October 2023, 16:18
Get use to him ...

US Discovers Huge Lithium Deposit (What It Means...)

Peter Zeihan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Zeihan)

Well, it sounds like the US finally decided to join in on the fun and make a lithium discovery of their own. This deposit is - supposedly - the largest ever, and it is located in the McDermitt Caldera near the Oregon-Nevada border.

Oct 2, 2023

3:37 min.


4th October 2023, 00:29
The latest ...

The fate of the European Union will likely be decided in the coming week; if that doesn't pique your interest, I'm not sure what will.

The European Union: Will It Adapt or Die?

Zeihan on Geopolitics

Oct 3, 2023

3:05 min.


4th October 2023, 01:40
Wink/wink ...


"Then she left me for a gelato, but you know how smooth those Italians are."

4th October 2023, 13:12
Note the keyboardist in the middle of this amazing group is Jack Conte (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Conte), who is co-founder and CEO of Patreon, and one half of the band Pomplamoose, along with his wife Nataly Dawn, co-leader of the band Scary Pockets, and leader of the band Magaziine ...

Scary Goldings ft. Louis Cole, John Scofield & MonoNeon


4:36 min.


5th October 2023, 00:28
From 2010 ~ My first pic at Eceti Ranch, fall time ... That red bench was made that summer in July on James birthday ... James, myself and another friend made it in about four hours that day ... Some might remember it was quite large and long ... :)

Oh by the way ~ I'm still alive and well!

The Eceti Ranch field of dreams ...


Much thanks to my Eceti family of friends reaching back to me.

5th October 2023, 12:25
The Eceti Ranch field of dreams ...

"If you build it they will come."


Has it been that long ...

Earthfiles: - Oumuamua. Top Secret MAJESTIC-12, SOM1-01 and Extraterrestrials


TOPIC: “Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal” in U. S. government training manual first broadcast May 1, 2019. Linda says “this Earthfiles is now even more important as Pentagon internecine warfare rages about UFO facts.” Linda is working on new Ancient Aliens and will be back to Earthfiles LIVE October 13th.

Oct. 4, 2023



5th October 2023, 21:25
Catching the wave ...

America’s Food Giants Confront the Ozempic Era
Nearly 7% of the population is projected to be
on weight-loss drugs in 2035

By Jesse Newman

Updated Oct. 5, 2023


"You just started taking Ozempic. Will you still crave that bag of potato chips?

Big food companies and investors are watching as Ozempic and other similar weight-loss drugs flow to millions of people, upending America’s diet industry and raising new questions about how consumers will eat.

Executives at food manufacturers from Campbell Soup CPB -1.92%decrease; red down pointing triangle to Conagra Brands CAG -2.02%decrease; red down pointing triangle

said they are fielding questions from investors about the drugs’ potential impact, as internal teams start to assess consumer behavior and brainstorm ways to respond.

The drugs, which suppress patients’ appetites, have exploded in popularity in the U.S., straining manufacturing capacity. Morgan Stanley has projected that 24 million people, or nearly 7% of the U.S. population, will be taking such medications in 2035.

Those people could cut their daily calorie consumption by as much as 30%, according to the firm, which surveyed over 300 patients. For a person on a 2,000-calorie diet, that could mean eliminating a one-ounce bag of salted potato chips, a bottle of soda and more each day.

Carolyn MacBain-Waldo said she is eating significantly less since she started taking Eli Lilly’s Mounjaro—her family orders from restaurants less often and their grocery bills have dropped by as much as 20%. The 50-year-old, who works as a senior director in retail, said the drug makes her feel full more quickly and that she is far less likely to overeat when stressed.

“I still have a fully stocked kitchen, there’s chips and pretzels in there,” MacBain-Waldo said. “I don’t find it tempting.”

Mark Clouse, chief executive of Campbell, which along with its namesake soups makes Goldfish crackers and Cape Cod potato chips, said he has been struck by the rapid rise of pharmaceutical companies behind the drugs.

“That’s a little bit of an ‘OK, wait a minute, something is going on here,’” Clouse said. Still, he said, he doesn’t buy the idea that the drugs will cut into food sales across the board.

Wall Street has been trying to project the drugs’ impact on sales for food and beverage makers, restaurants and grocery stores. Among food companies, snack and candy manufacturers such as Hershey HSY -1.76%decrease; red down pointing triangle, Mondelez, Hostess TWNK -0.36%decrease; red down pointing triangle

and Campbell might be the most exposed, as patients cut back most on foods that are high in sugar and fat such as cookies and salty snacks, Morgan Stanley said. A Bernstein report said goods such as candy, where about one-third of sales are to people who consume the products at least once a day, could be most at risk.

Karyn Carlton, 47, who takes Mounjaro, said she doesn’t think about food all the time anymore and eats far fewer snacks.

“The other day I had a single jelly bean, which is unheard of for me,” she said, adding that she also recently ordered a kids’ meal from a fast-food restaurant and felt satiated.

The women said their doctors didn’t recommend specific diets while taking the drug.

The rise of Ozempic and other weight-loss drugs comes as sales growth is slowing for big food companies as consumers begin to balk at higher prices. Sales roared for food companies as consumers stocked pantries with major brands during the Covid-19 pandemic, and paid more for groceries when inflation took hold.

Now, concerns about companies’ growth prospects in the age of Ozempic are adding to worries over declining sales volumes, increasing pressure on food companies’ stock prices. The S&P 500 Packaged Food & Meat subindex has dropped 14% so far this year, while the S&P 500 has climbed 11%.

Nicholas Fereday, executive director of food and consumer trends for agricultural lender Rabobank, said the drugs pose a new threat to the packaged-food industry’s growth.

“If two-thirds of Americans are the target audience, it’s a huge thing,” Fereday said, referring to the portion of the U.S. population that is considered overweight.

Some Wall Street analysts and food-industry consultants said they don’t view Ozempic, made by Novo Nordisk, and other weight-loss drugs as a big risk for now. The drugs remain expensive and inaccessible to many Americans, they said, and widespread or long-term adoption isn’t guaranteed, with some people experiencing unpleasant side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. It is also still unclear which foods patients may opt to eat while taking the drugs, they said.

Many food executives said the drugs have gotten their attention, but that after navigating previous trends, from low-fat to low-carb diets, they aren’t panicking.

Conagra CEO Sean Connolly said that any significant drop in calorie consumption due to the drugs is a long way off. If they do gain traction, Connolly said, food companies could respond with new products, including smaller packaging sizes.

“Snacking tends to be one of the most profitable businesses in food,” Connolly said, and among the fastest-growing. “It’s not necessarily bad news.”

Bob Nolan, Conagra’s senior vice president of demand science, said his team began studying Ozempic and other drugs last fall. He said consumers aren’t discussing them on social media as much as other weight-loss programs such as the keto diet, though that could change once the drugs become available in pill form instead of as injections.

If patients are consuming fewer calories, Nolan said, they will turn to higher quality food, such as Conagra’s Healthy Choice and Marie Callender’s frozen meals, and Birds Eye frozen vegetables. “We have lots of products that will fit this already, but we’ll design new ones if we don’t,” he said.

Mondelez said it is expanding its “portion control” snacks, which are 200 calories or less and individually wrapped. The company also offers products such as gluten-free Oreos and Hu paleo-friendly chocolate bars for specific dietary needs. Campbell’s Clouse said it is too early to determine whether overall food consumption will decline as a result of the drugs, and that previous changes to American diets have created both challenges and opportunities.

Morgan Stanley’s survey found that patients taking weight-loss drugs ate more fruits, vegetables, poultry and fish, as well as weight-management products such as protein bars and nutritional shakes. The bank said packaged-food companies could adapt by changing their offerings.

MacBain-Waldo said she craves foods such as french fries less since starting Mounjaro, and eats more salads and protein. “I want to make sure I’m putting the right things in,” she said.

Mark Smucker, chief executive of Smucker, which recently agreed to pay $4.6 billion to acquire Twinkies maker Hostess, said the company is monitoring research on weight-loss drugs. “At this point, I still just feel very bullish that that sweet sort of instant reward that some folks are seeking is never really going to go away,” he said.

Responding to analysts’ questions in June, executives at Simply Good Foods Co., the maker of Atkins-branded food products, said the drugs are driving renewed interest in weight management and bringing consumers into pharmacies where its products are also sold. They said the company plans to market Atkins products to people who are on the drugs and are seeking more nutritious calories, as well as to patients coming off them, who are trying to keep weight off.

Geoff Tanner, who took over as Simply Good’s CEO in July, said the company had already begun work to find patients and market products directly to them.

“We think this is a wave and we’re going to catch it,” he said."

WSJ source/references/ short video here (https://www.wsj.com/business/ozempic-impact-snack-food-companies-9eec87e5)

5th October 2023, 22:12
Highly recommended ... :thup:

The Scary New Research On Sugar
& How They Made You Addicted To It!

Jessie Inchauspé (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessie_Inchausp%C3%A9)

The Diary Of A CEO

In this episode, Steven interviews Jessie Inchauspé, a French biochemist and bestselling author. After breaking her back at 19, Jessie became interested in achieving optimal health. She worked at 23andMe and started the @glucosegoddess Instagram account, sharing her experiments with a glucose monitor. Her book 'Glucose Revolution' was published in 2022.

May 1, 2023

1:35:53 min.


0:00 Intro
02:02 What is it that you do and why does it matter?
15:14 Why glucose?
26:45 The symptoms of bad glucose spikes
35:06 What is glucose?
38:06 What happens to our bodies when we have a glucose spike?
43:44 Glucose as it relates to weight gain
48:30 10 Hacks to prevent glucose spikes
01:02:14 The right meal to have for breakfast
01:09:26 Why you should be drinking vinegar
01:11:54 You have to be doing this after you eat
01:14:46 Your perfect diet
01:24:24 Our conversation cards
01:31:18 The last guest’s question

Jessie is the author of the new book, ‘The Glucose Goddess Method’, which you can purchase here: https://bit.ly/41M9enc

Instagram: https://bit.ly/3n89Pkg

5th October 2023, 22:19
Sirius -ly ...


"It's moments like this that I'm reminded just how insignificant my owner is."

6th October 2023, 03:25
The good, the bad, and well ... What do you think ...

Normally i would post this over on my thread 'All down the line', But decided to share this one here, cos it's very close to where i live in Spokane ... Here's a map below for reference to the region.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbnbwebsites.s3.amazonaws.com%2F214 6%2Fmap_spokane.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1bf0646fbb77638cd8098ef96baee45637ea693e114ad0 713189ba58436118e8&ipo=images

Coeur d' Alene

I Found A Part Of Idaho That Isn’t Ruined Yet

From Nick Johnson (https://www.youtube.com/@NickJohnson/videos)
"I tell stories about America."

Idaho will never be the same. And that makes me sad.

We explored the resort town of Coeur d'Alene to see how the latest influx of transplants has impacted one of Idaho's last remaining small lake towns.

Oct 5, 2023

46:52 min.


7th October 2023, 04:50
Revealing Google Searches
Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Oct. 6, 2023

2:38 min.



7th October 2023, 06:34
Well covered ...

AEROSMITH - Sweet Emotion

by MixedUpEverything

4 brothers rocking real music with real instruments the old fashioned way. None of that computer generated crap that pollutes the airwaves daily.

8 days ago ...

4:41 min.


8th October 2023, 03:47
It's complicated ...
#israel #hamas #war

Hamas Attacks Israel and Netanyahu Declares War
Peter Zeihan

Hamas, a terror/political group (depending on your politics), has launched an attack on Israel. This has been a multi-faceted attack spanning land, air and sea. Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared war on Hamas as a result.

Oct 7, 2023

4:04 min.


Octopus Garden
8th October 2023, 19:04
Has it been that long ...

Earthfiles: - Oumuamua. Top Secret MAJESTIC-12, SOM1-01 and Extraterrestrials


Oct. 4, 2023



Once again, Linda Mutton Cow is out standing in her field. I couldn't resist! This looks like a really good vid. There's a lot of strangeness in the Shasta area. Sasquatch sightings too, apparently it's a hot spot.

Octopus Garden
8th October 2023, 19:27
Here is another Ziehan video. He's an upper middle class neo-liberal. But, all that aside, he is more analytical than strictly ideological and intellectual rather than emotional and his perspective is global.

He fills in some of the blanks that mainstream media and nearly all of alternative media are missing.


9th October 2023, 15:32
Here is another Ziehan video. He's an upper middle class neo-liberal. But, all that aside, he is more analytical than strictly ideological and intellectual rather than emotional and his perspective is global.

He fills in some of the blanks that mainstream media and nearly all of alternative media are missing.

And speaking of ...

The US Navy's Withdrawl as Global Protector

Peter Zeihan

If you've read my latest book, you know that a driving force behind deglobalization is the US Navy stepping away from its role as patroller of the world's oceans.

Oct 9, 2023

6:58 min.


Fred Steeves
10th October 2023, 00:33
And speaking of ...

The US Navy's Withdrawl as Global Protector

Peter Zeihan

Oct 9, 2023

6:58 min.


OMG, what's with (what's left of) alternative forums these days? This guy, who at best may be auditioning for a spot on CNN?

10th October 2023, 01:29
OMG, what's with (what's left of) alternative forums these days? This guy, who at best may be auditioning for a spot on CNN?

hello Fred ...

Well apparently it has gone to the Dogs ...

:dog: Ruff ruff ...

Peaceful scenes from around the sanctuary

The Asher House (https://www.youtube.com/@theasherhouse_/featured)

Here to help people have better days & give animals the best life in the world. Thank you for being a part of it. :love2:

4:26 min.


BTW and seriously in my opinion Peter Zeihan is a brilliant analytical thinker/speaker regarding Geo-political fare ... Though obviously by your above comment not of your liking kind ... But that's fine, I can live with that...;)

10th October 2023, 20:00
What the world needs now ...


"One more round and I'll call it a day."

Octopus Garden
11th October 2023, 00:47
Gotta say, Ziehan describing US navy as global "protector" had me laughing out loud. You just have to filter his patriotism through a Yankee Doodle Dandy cheese(y) cloth.

11th October 2023, 01:38
Gotta say, Ziehan describing US navy as global "protector" had me laughing out loud. You just have to filter his patriotism through a Yankee Doodle Dandy cheese(y) cloth.

Unfortunately, my dear — imagine me saying that with a Clark Gable voice :p — many (if not most) US Americans don't know the difference between patriotism and cultural narcissism. What you are describing above is not patriotism, which is standing up for your country when it's under attack from a foreign invader.

Instead, the claim that the US Navy would be protecting the world is cultural narcissism, which itself is a trait of nationalism, i.e. the belief that one's country (and/or one's ethnicity/religion/culture) is superior to all others. And US Americans are purposely indoctrinated with this belief from early childhood on, going back at least as far as the Nixon era, but quite possibly still earlier than that. I even remember one "proud American" woman on Facebook reminiscing about how she was taught to swear allegiance to the American flag in elementary school, and then regurgitating her pledge to the star-spangled banner in the exact same words.

Of course, for most of those specific Americans, it is easy to feel that their own country would be superior to anything else in the world, given that they don't know anything else in the world. Alongside of their indoctrination with cultural narcissism, they are also being shielded from anything important that has happened or is still happening outside of the US American borders over the course of history, except when it can be turned into an epic tale of how America saved the world.

The correct word to describe this sort of ignorance is "insular". :hmm:

11th October 2023, 07:51
And speaking of ...

The US Navy's Withdrawl as Global Protector

Peter Zeihan

Oct 9, 2023

6:58 min.


Say what you will about The United States of America (and its citizens) ... What i took from the above video message from Peter Zeihan was that the U.S. Navy's future role in patrolling the World sea's will be drastically changing (decreasing/declining) ... And global commerce shipping will never be as safe/cheap or the same as in recent history... So get use to it.

From 2019:

Sea Power: The U.S. Navy and Foreign Policy (https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/sea-power-us-navy-and-foreign-policy)

It bears re posting ...

What the world needs now ...


"One more round and I'll call it a day."

11th October 2023, 08:07
Speaking of show biz ...

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/10/11/00/76398567-12616299-The_comedian_69_was_fielding_questions_from_the_au dience_during_-a-2_1696979848559.jpg
"Jerry Seinfeld has hinted at a reunion of his hit 90s sitcom more than 25 years after the show aired its finale" ... More here (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12616299/Jerry-Seinfeld-hints-reunion-90s-TV-sitcom.html)

11th October 2023, 09:36
Rise of the Cyborgs: Merging Humanity with Technology

Oct 10, 2023
In recent years, technology's allure has drawn in an increasing number of individuals, promising a faster and easier life. Now, some pioneers are venturing a step further, merging their bodies with technology to enhance their capabilities and extend their sensory perception, giving rise to real-life cyborgs.

45:15 min.


Emil El Zapato
11th October 2023, 10:45
Say what you will about The United States of America (and its citizens) ... What i took from the above video message from Peter Zeihan was that the U.S. Navy's future role in patrolling the World sea's will be drastically changing (decreasing/declining) ... And global commerce shipping will never be as safe/cheap or the same as in recent history... So get use to it.

From 2019:

Sea Power: The U.S. Navy and Foreign Policy (https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/sea-power-us-navy-and-foreign-policy)

It bears re posting ...

Nuclear subs have been the pivotal leg of MAD for generations. That's plain reality, doesn't really have much to do with patriotism, it is just one of the realities of world power balance. I've mentioned it before that prior to Putin, the prevailing military philosophy was to unite the world militaries to function as as a global police force. With the U.S. taking a lesser but equal role.

Fred Steeves
11th October 2023, 13:43
Gotta say, Ziehan describing US navy as global "protector" had me laughing out loud. You just have to filter his patriotism through a Yankee Doodle Dandy cheese(y) cloth.

Hadn't even heard of the guy until just recently, but once I saw his material being posted here multiple times decided to check him out. The first video was already quite clear, and a dozen more confirmed it's a pattern...

There's a thing called "copsplainin", where cops play fast and loose with facts and logic, in order to always be perceived as the all knowing authority figure to those who don't know the law.

What Ziehan is doing, I'll call "empiresplainin". :eyebrows:

Emil El Zapato
11th October 2023, 16:01
Hadn't even heard of the guy until just recently, but once I saw his material being posted here multiple times decided to check him out. The first video was already quite clear, and a dozen more confirmed it's a pattern...

There's a thing called "copsplainin", where cops play fast and loose with facts and logic, in order to always be perceived as the all knowing authority figure to those who don't know the law.

What Ziehan is doing, I'll call "empiresplainin". :eyebrows:

I don't think he is playing fast and loose with facts, perhaps he overgeneralizes his logic a bit too much. He seems overconfident but as the saying goes, pride goeth before the fall or sumpin' like that. It will work against him in the long run, I think. He'll lose credibility after he's proven wrong too many times.

11th October 2023, 16:10
Just remember I'm the good cop and he's the other ...;)

The End of Germany as a Modern Economy
Peter Zeihan

Oct 11, 2023 #germany #collapse #demographic
The future of Deutschland is not looking bright. There are three unsolvable problems that will lead to Germany's collapse as a modern economy in the coming 20 - 30 years.

11:02 min.


Get use to him ...

11th October 2023, 16:43
Kind of ironic ...

Target is Leaving NYC… Because of Theft

Cash Jordon

13 Years ago, the first Target opened in New York City. Due to recent events, this very same target store is now closing.

Oct 11, 2023

12:03 min.


11th October 2023, 17:35
His secret ...


Form fitted support clothes.

Octopus Garden
11th October 2023, 20:21
Kind of ironic ...

Target is Leaving NYC… Because of Theft

Cash Jordon

Oct 11, 2023

12:03 min.


Guess they shouldn't have named themselves, 'Target.' ;)

Fred Steeves
11th October 2023, 22:57
Just remember I'm the good cop and he's the other ...;)

The End of Germany as a Modern Economy
Peter Zeihan

11:02 min.


No need go more than 2 minutes in to figure out what Germany's problem is, and of course it has nothing to do with the terrorist bombing of a certain, all strategic regional pipeline. Or Western (backfiring) sanctions, or proxy wars born in the death throes of a rapidly dying empire.

Nope, Germany's main problem is as follows: "You don't rely on authoritarian, genocidal, dictatorial, warlike countries for your trade relationships". Meaning China and Russia of course, the evil ones.

Emil El Zapato
12th October 2023, 10:00
Kind of ironic ...

Target is Leaving NYC… Because of Theft

Cash Jordon

Oct 11, 2023

12:03 min.


not to mention all the cannonballs in the front of the store.

No need go more than 2 minutes in to figure out what Germany's problem is, and of course it has nothing to do with the terrorist bombing of a certain, all strategic regional pipeline. Or Western (backfiring) sanctions, or proxy wars born in the death throes of a rapidly dying empire.

Nope, Germany's main problem is as follows: "You don't rely on authoritarian, genocidal, dictatorial, warlike countries for your trade relationships". Meaning China and Russia of course, the evil ones.

A lot of truth there, "Fight the Right!"

12th October 2023, 15:32
Paradigm changes, while noting it has already begun ...

Why The US Needs Mexico: Replacing Chinese Manufacturing
Peter Zeihan

Oct 12, 2023 #mexico #manufacturing #china
As the US pulls manufacturing from China, we'll look to Mexico City to fill that void. This region not only holds over half of Mexico's population but also represents the largest untapped workforce globally.

3:20 min


12th October 2023, 15:53
Close your eyes and listen ...

Brave New World

Justin Hawkins Rides Again
Jeff Wayne, Richard Burton, David Essex

12:14 min.


Emil El Zapato
12th October 2023, 16:57
Close your eyes and listen ...

Brave New World

Justin Hawkins Rides Again
Jeff Wayne, Richard Burton, David Essex

12:14 min.


H.G. Wells

12th October 2023, 17:11
And speaking of beginnings ...


"And that's how you were made."

12th October 2023, 17:41
"Translation into the light" ...

Whose Body Preservation Tubes Are These?

Linda Moulton Howe/Earthfiles

October 11, 2023

1:14:45 min.


13th October 2023, 04:02
H.G. Wells

No, Aldous Huxley. ;)

13th October 2023, 05:58
Mike's back in Germany visiting Mom ...

Oktoberfest Munich 2023 night time full tour best day ever

German in Venice (https://www.youtube.com/@germaninvenice)

After nine hours driving on the autobahn, we finally made it to Munich to the Oktoberfest, right after we arrived, we went to the Wiesen It was absolutely incredible. Women and men dress up and traditional outfits thousands of people carnival rides. This is a full tour of the Oktoberfest in Munich a must experience I had the best time ever.

Oct 12, 2023

23:05 min.


Part two ...

Oktoberfest Munich 2023 day time full tour //Kaefer,Hofbrauhaus

25:06 min.


Emil El Zapato
13th October 2023, 11:18
No, Aldous Huxley. ;)

I wondered, I'm not sure I've ever read that book, but I have read War of the World's several times...the ending of the song is definitely H.G. Wells...He was dealing with a military guy that had big plans but not the heart to pursue them.

13th October 2023, 21:49
I wondered, I'm not sure I've ever read that book, but I have read War of the World's several times...the ending of the song is definitely H.G. Wells...He was dealing with a military guy that had big plans but not the heart to pursue them.

I'm not sure anymore, but I believe I've read "Brave New World" once, and I remember seeing the 1980 version of the movie. ;)

I haven't actually read "The War of the Worlds", but I've got the original 1950s movie on my computer — I've also watched it many times on TV ever since I was a kid — and I've also twice watched the Spielberg interpretation of the story with Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, Miranda Otto and Tim Robbins, among others. ;)

My brother also has the CD set of Jeff Wayne's musical transcription of the story, featuring a narrative by Richard Burton and vocals from Justin Hayward and Chris Thompson, who used to be the lead singer and one of the guitarists in Manfred Mann's Earth Band in the 1970s — the guy who sang the vocals to "Blinded by the Light", "Davy's on the Road Again", et al.


In addition to that, I've also watched a British-Australian miniseries on TV called "The Tripods (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tripods_(TV_series))", which was a post-apocalyptic story roughly based on "The War of the Worlds", and I've seen the movie about how Orson Welles' radio adaptation of the story caused a wave of panic across the USA. ;)


13th October 2023, 22:24
I haven't actually read "The War of the Worlds"

I have a long time ago. Somehow it also made me "reminisce" about life on stars.

Then I saw the Tom Cruise Spielberg movie which was quite different and dark.

It was actually a bit surprising to see Spielberg make such a grim ET story.

14th October 2023, 01:19
♪ As the verses unfold
And your soul suffers the long day ...

Lick the dust from your eye ♪

Life Is A Long Song

Jethro Tull
(Living With The Past)

3:31 min.


15th October 2023, 18:00
Pay attention! Our attention spans are shrinking

CBS News Sunday Morning

Are attention spans getting shorter? Are you getting more distracted by multitasking on top of multitasking? Correspondent David Pogue tries to get answers from researcher Gloria Mark, author of "Attention Span," at the same time he talks with Cornell psychology professor James Cutting AND with counselor Lauren Barnett AND her daughters about how distractive technologies are affecting our behavior, productivity and stress levels.

Oct 15, 2023

7:39 min.


16th October 2023, 22:30
So why did he not see it coming ...


Lots of insights ...

Peter Zeihan: What’s Really Going on in Israel -
Danger Close with Jack Carr


Today’s guest on this special episode of Danger Close is an expert on geopolitics with unique insights into global conflicts. Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical strategist, New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and consultant.

Oct 16, 2023

33:07 min.


Fred Steeves
16th October 2023, 23:46
Interesting that Zeihan is grabbing a firm foothold in the alternative community, he may unseat Dr. Grande.

Some notes I made after a most patient listen:

Best ways for continued American management of the Middle East, and building that Sunni coalition to challenge Shiite Iran.

The Russians and Chinese would sell each other out in a second, and Russia may have had something to do with the Hamas attack.

When Russians and Chinese sign a strategic partnership, it means nothing.

Two carrier groups are only on station for the possibility of American citizen hostage rescue, nothing else.

Acknowledges that the Palestinians essentially exist in an open air prison, but only as a political fact like the existence of any other country, no more.

We're going to outlive China and Russia.

The US navy ensuring protection for trade on the 7 seas was a bribe for globalization in facing off with the Soviets. Now, that global protection force is waning and that is unfortunate for everyone.

The Chinese are nothing but a cult of personality, and any challenge to the US navy militarily will just piss away all gains they have made.

Sound about right?

I also happened to catch a video of his this morning (I'm paying attention!), that blames the woes of Venezuela totally on the socialist Hugo Chavez and his disastrous socialist policies. Nothing about sanctions, or repeated coup attempts.

Carry on. :)

18th October 2023, 04:16
Presenting ...



Welcome to ShortyVerse (https://www.youtube.com/@shortyverse1920/featured)!

I´m a creative/graphic designer, with skills on Photoshop, illustration, video edition and audio/music production. We are going to create everything that nobody has been able to imagine! Welcome aboard!

Artificial Intelligence Nightmare

4:27 min.


20th October 2023, 06:36
The unfortunate reality is that most people will know peace only with death – “Rest in Peace.” It is time we do something about it in life.

Sadhguru (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadhguru)
PREDICTION: Why We Are Now On "The Brink Of Extinction!"

The Diary Of A CEO Episodes (https://www.youtube.com/@TheDiaryOfACEO/videos)

Oct 19, 2023

0:00 Intro

03:02 World Health Concerns: Addressing A Mental Health Pandemic Prediction

05:42 Pursuit of Bliss: Exploring Human Longing for Limitless Expansion

09:57 Balancing Survival Instinct and Limitless Growth: Breaking Self-Imposed Boundaries

26:23 Discipline and Sanity: Coping with Fear and Making Rational Decisions

27:58 Embracing Life's Spectrum: Finding Meaning in Every Experience, Including Grief

31:47 Joyful Living: Prioritising Joy Over Fanatical Pursuits of Specific Purpose

35:50 Self-Awareness and Mastery: Inner Engineering for Understanding Emotions

50:25 Multifaceted Human Intelligence: Beyond Intellect, Self-Awareness, and Existence

53:13 Ethical AI Development: Sadhguru's Concerns and Emphasis on Human Decision-Making

54:50 Machines and Purpose: Addressing Fear of Identity Loss Amidst Automation

57:30 Positive Tech Outlook: Embracing Intelligent Machines for Human Liberation

01:01:10 Societal Transformation: Redesigning Society While Embracing Life's Profoundness

01:13:13 Save Soil Campaign: Sadhguru's Urgent Call to Preserve Soil for Health and Well-Being


20th October 2023, 19:13
Clarity ...

Writer Coleman Hughes Explains What
Started the Israel-Hamas Conflict


Coleman Cruz Hughes (born February 25, 1996[1]) is an American writer and podcast host. He was a fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research and a fellow and contributing editor at their City Journal, and is the host of the podcast Conversations with Coleman ... More here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coleman_Hughes)

Taken from JRE #2049 w/Coleman Hughes (https://open.spotify.com/episode/6gr1cKBE8VywXpVlMdisDm?si=c5b53a9b51e24df8&nd=1)

Oct 20, 2023

14:52 min.


21st October 2023, 08:56
Thank gosh the likes of Joe n others are not too suppressed yet

21st October 2023, 19:18
It is what it is Aianawa ...

Clarity ...

Writer Coleman Hughes Explains What
Started the Israel-Hamas Conflict


Taken from JRE #2049 w/Coleman Hughes (https://open.spotify.com/episode/6gr1cKBE8VywXpVlMdisDm?si=c5b53a9b51e24df8&nd=1)

Oct 20, 2023

14:52 min.


21st October 2023, 19:27
Being normal is vastly over rated ...


22nd October 2023, 04:25
On tour across the pond ...

Visiting The Plague Village of Eyam

The Grimm Life Collective

On 1 November 1666 farm worker Abraham Morten gasped his final breath - the last of 260 people to die from bubonic plague in the remote Derbyshire village of Eyam. Their fate had been sealed four months earlier when the entire village made the remarkable decision to quarantine itself in an heroic attempt to halt the spread of the Great Plague. This is the story of the villagers who refused to run ... More here (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-35064071)

Oct 21, 2023

35:41 min.


22nd October 2023, 08:50
Did you know ...

Back in late 60's ...
Paul McCartney, holding his new dog Martha as a pup.

Which Became The Object of Paul McCartney's Affection
in the Beatles' ...

'Martha My Dear'


2:31 min.


The Analogues perform 'Martha My Dear' by The Beatles during an integral rendition of The Beatles' White Album at the Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool, August 24th, 2018.

Post script: In 1997, McCartney confirmed that the inspiration for the song was Martha, a German Shepherd mix. Martha died as a 15-year-old at McCartney’s farm house in Mull of Kintyre, Scotland, in 1981.

22nd October 2023, 09:19
And speaking love ...

Protective Mom 2


A son (Marcello Hernández) brings his new girlfriend (Chloe Troast) home to meet his aunt (Bad Bunny) and mom (Pedro Pascal).

Oct 21, 2023

5:55 min.


New York ...

Subway Platform


A young man (Devon Walker) asks to be considered for an investment banking job on a subway platform.

3:45 min.


23rd October 2023, 03:45
The Real ...

Picture of Dorian Gray (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorian_Gray_%28character%29)



Dreamy Skies

The Rolling Stones

4:37 min.

After all these years, they still got it ...
Not bad at all.


23rd October 2023, 04:15

West Mayfair - Marvellous Walk Through
London's Affluent District

Joolz Guides - London History Walks (https://www.youtube.com/@Joolzguides/videos)

This video is about the western part of Mayfair since I already have a video about Maybe in which I visit the other parts.

This is a fun walking tour including visits to Sotheby's auction house where they were selling all of Freddie Mercury's belongings. There is also Gray's Antiques market where we saw a watch belonging to Oliver Cromwell and other items connected with Lord Nelson and Byron.
There is the house where pop stars die and hotels where they also die but also get thrown out!

Mayfair (Maybe) is a very wealthy neighbourhood with hotels like Claridges and other very expensive shops as well as many interesting historical facts including the secret drops for Russian spies in the cold war.

Oct 22, 2023

37:33 min.


Lord Sidious
23rd October 2023, 05:06
West Mayfair - Marvellous Walk Through London's Affluent District
And here I am living in the effluent district...............

23rd October 2023, 09:06
OK my Lord ...
Here's something less posh ...

A man with road rage confronts an elderly driver.
Then all hell breaks loose. | Nullarbor


One man drives across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain, which has the longest stretch of straight road in the world.

As the brash young upstart traverses the epic vista, he passes a slower, more laidback motorist and almost gets into an accident. Seeking payback, he goes after the old codger.

10:24 min.


Lord Sidious
24th October 2023, 02:06
I've been across the Nullarbor 7 times.
Interesting place.............

Emil El Zapato
24th October 2023, 10:13
I've been across the Nullarbor 7 times.
Interesting place.............

what I found interesting was the 60 km expanse. One should try the Mojave desert surrounding Las Vegas, 60 miles from one point to another....I was stranded there once when my Volkswagen Bug had two flat tires. Me and a good friend got to hitchhike with a midnight trucker, a pig farmer and his wife, and me driving 10 mph on the side of the road while asleep. And then after purchasing a tire and wheel in Tonapah (where Howard Hughes was married in the 50s) had the car fall off the jack without a wheel on which buried it to the axle. My friend freaked out and started digging in the sand like he was searching for gold. I went from coast to coast that year which included living on the streets in Miami for over a month. (A weird part of the whole thing is that coast to coast people were giving me a hard time about being Tony Orlando). That was a year to remember. It was a turning point in my life.

When on the West coast in San Diego there was an airliner crash and we were diverted by road blocks...later that day we happened across a downtown accident where a child had been hit by a car...on the sidewalk police were trying to hold back the child's mother. Later that evening rounding a corner on the freeway (the intent was to drive the Highway 1, the coast road to San Francisco but my navigator ended us out in the desert so we had no choice but to go the interstate) anyway, we passed a car that was sitting on the shoulder upside down...that alone was plenty weird. Some 10 years later while playing golf in Topeka Kansas, I teamed up with a Korean dude that had been in San Diego at the same time and he stated that people were still highly traumatized from the plane crash...they had seen it go down. Weird shit, Man!

During the same time frame, I walked across the street from my apartment (a temporary home away from home) to get a haircut and the lady that gave me the haircut had just moved to Topeka Kansas (just like me) and as it turned out, she had given my brother that lived halfway across the country haircuts for years...that was a strange one, particularly when the lady started rubbing her boobs on me while showing me pictures...

Ok, I'm done...got it all in at once...

Maybe not quite...the moral of the story: El Sid, my desert is bigger than yours... Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!

25th October 2023, 19:23
Back at it ...

Graham Hancock on Archaeological
Mysteries in the Amazon


Oct 25, 2023 #2051
Taken from JRE #2051 w/Graham Hancock (https://open.spotify.com/episode/5jVsWOz8sYZ09ZBbk1EtpQ?si=e85018203bff417b&nd=1)

13:52 min.


26th October 2023, 03:44
Timely ...

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/10bcc00c-7738-43c8-bb65-035a7e8b17f0/d6c1zzv-56848312-5725-41fd-a556-7d8e1f300685.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6 WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1 t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi8xMGJjYzAwYy03NzM4LTQzYzgtYmI2NS0w MzVhN2U4YjE3ZjAvZDZjMXp6di01Njg0ODMxMi01NzI1LTQxZm QtYTU1Ni03ZDhlMWYzMDA2ODUucG5nIn1dXX0.ohGNZUJkB2NE 6bE8gcdfZZ6g_JI-ly_o4NLF_mDGNTY

Unable to do the snowflake ...
They fall from the heavens ....

"All the good girls go to hell"

Billie Eilish

3:41 min.


26th October 2023, 14:12
Ah-Hoo ...

Who? or What? Are the U. K.’s Wolf Men?



Tales of wolf-like creatures from around the world
- Bargheist, werewolves, wolf men
- Near, who can transform in wolf men — Herodotus
- UK record of “The Black Dog” with glowing eyes, capable of walking upright

Interview with Paul Sinclair
- new documentary - “Wolf Lands”
- connection to bloodless, trackless mutilations?
- Flixton, UK, knows as “Wolf Lands”
- Burial mounds in Staxton Brow
- “A dog in the shape of a man…looking at something in its hands”
- “This cryptic phenomena”
- “wolf men…around these mutilations”
- “loud boom sounds underground”

October 25, 2023

1:05:10 min.


27th October 2023, 20:25
Getting those negative signals in disguise ...


"This is the third year she’s dressed me up as the devil, and she still expects me to believe I’m a good boy?”

27th October 2023, 20:36
The future of the past is now ...


CGI 3D Animated Short: by Brian Watson | TheCGBros

A film that explores the questions of existence through the eye of a lonely service robot. It was definitely inspired by things like Wall-E and Fallout 4, however Big Boom has it"s own unique voice as well. Perhaps a bit bleaker than it"s influences (or optimistic depending on how you interpret the ending).

14:29 min.


28th October 2023, 00:42
Deep Deep Inside ...

Hobgoblin Ha':wiz:

Visiting The Gates of Hell and a Castle
Built By GOBLINS in Scotland

The Grimm Life Collective

Oct 27, 2023 YESTER CASTLE (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yester_Castle)
Join us as we visit a castle that legend says is a gate to HELL and was built by GOBLINS and a Dark Wizard...Yester Castle and Goblin HA.

27:37 min.


28th October 2023, 05:13
TGIF ...

Showing how to chill out ...

Mr. ViVo gets stoned on catnip.

Watch as Maine Coon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maine_Coon) ViVo enjoys a catnip session...
Find out if his favorite is dry or fresh catnip.

4:11 min.


28th October 2023, 22:50
Disentangling the past of Central America ...

How Were These Spheres PERFECTLY Cut?

JRE Shorts

Graham Hancock is a British writer who promotes pseudoscientific theories involving ancient civilizations and hypothetical lost lands

Clip Taken From JRE #2051 w/ Graham Hancock
Host: Joe Rogan
Guest: Graham Hancock
Producer: Jamie Vernon

Oct 28, 2023

7:58 min.


Octopus Garden
28th October 2023, 23:26
TGIF ...

Showing how to chill out ...

Mr. ViVo gets stoned on catnip.

4:11 min.


Used to think catnip was a cat's pot, but now I think it's more like their hard liquor. Gorgeous cat! Love the color and the eartips.

29th October 2023, 06:00
He's called the 'Tennessee Kid' ...
And he's one of my favorites ... :thup:

Nate Bargatze Stand-Up Monologue - SNL

Oct 28, 2023
First-time host Nate Bargatze talks about going to county fairs in the '80s to watch his dad perform and his mom going to the wrong house to pick up his daughter.

9:34 min.


More from Nate ...


30th October 2023, 07:01
"It's for your own good" ...


A man lives in a society where citizens police each other
with their mobile phones.


Jack has just come back to his homeland of Australia after over a decade away in paradise. But after being met at the airport by his brother Frank, Jack discovers that the country has radically changed. Citizens report and fine one another for various civil infractions, using their mobile phones to record and upload offenses to a government app.

Jack is in disbelief as he arrives at Frank's home with his wife Margaret, and he can't even believe that swearing is fined and alcohol is banned. There are cameras everywhere, and the only safe place in people's homes is the bathroom. Unable to adapt or accept the changes, Jack attempts to leave the country -- a much harder feat to accomplish than he thought.

Written and directed by Kosta Nikas, this sci-fi short may be named after an ideal paradise of balance and peace, but its title is deeply satirical in how the film portrays the absurdity of the new surveillance state. It constructs a fascinating world that seems only a few steps removed from our phone-saturated society, telling its cautionary tale in an ironically jaunty way.


15:03 min.


Lord Sidious
30th October 2023, 14:08
"It's for your own good" ...


A man lives in a society where citizens police each other
with their mobile phones.



15:03 min.


We have a saying here about that ''fuck that shit''

Emil El Zapato
30th October 2023, 15:17
I could do it, the bathroom is my favorite room of the house.

30th October 2023, 23:38
Chocolate ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwHMDjc7qJ8&t=423s)


#Trending ...


“It’s going to be a long, long night.”

2nd November 2023, 05:18
From Eartfiles ...

Why would huge Wolf Man be U.S. government “asset”
in Michigan's Manistee Forest?

Follow up on Wolf Lands post here (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/9965-The-Cosmic-Emporium?p=842060080&viewfull=1#post842060080)
- viewer encounters with wolf men, werewolves and more

Interview below with Joe Barger, truck driver from Michigan
- June, 2017, nNear Baldwin, Michigan, in Manistee Forest
- Dogman was 10 1/2 feet tall, no less than 1,000 pounds
- “I see these shadows in the woodbine…”
- “keeping up with me..stooping down 10-11 feet tall”
- “eyes are a deep amber gold color”
- “claws about 3 inches long”
- “his eyes were not animalistic”
- “I shot twice and he went down”
- “I could see it had a tail…legs like a wolf…the size of a quarter horse”
- “I get back down…a black Jeep was there”
- “a year after my encounter…state police are holding me”
- “you killed our asset”
- “U.S. Department of Homeland Security”
- “an army buddy confirmed…they have a dog man project”
- “Sheriff Groves was run off the road…the Feds threatened him”

November 1, 2023

1:11:55 min.


2nd November 2023, 15:32
Will share this here ...

The Beatles - Now And Then - The Last Beatles Song

(Short Film)

Nov 1, 2023 #TheBeatles
Now and Then's eventful journey to fruition took place over five decades and is the product of conversations and collaborations between the four Beatles that go on to this day. The long mythologised John Lennon demo was first worked on in February 1995 by Paul, George and Ringo as part of The Beatles Anthology project but it remained unfinished, partly because of the impossible technological challenges involved in working with the vocal John had recorded on tape in the 1970s. For years it looked like the song could never be completed. But in 2022 there was a stroke of serendipity. A software system developed by Peter Jackson and his team, used throughout the production of the documentary series Get Back, finally opened the way for the uncoupling of John’s vocal from his piano part. As a result, the original recording could be brought to life and worked on anew with contributions from all four Beatles. This remarkable story of musical archaeology reflects The Beatles’ endless creative curiosity and shared fascination with technology. It marks the completion of the last recording that John, Paul and George and Ringo will get to make together and celebrates the legacy of the foremost and most influential band in popular music history.

12:24 min.


Just released

The Beatles - Now And Then

(Official Audio/video)

Nov 3, 2023

4:08 min.


3rd November 2023, 19:50
It was nice to see them "together" again, for one last time here on Earth. John and George are not truly gone.

4th November 2023, 02:29
And let's not forget the 5th Beatles ...

Air Studios Montserrat back in the day.

"In 1979, buoyed by the success of his AIR Studios in London, George Martin decided to open another studio on the island of Montserrat. It would stay open for a decade before disaster struck.

Now the building lies abandoned and empty, a far cry from the days when the biggest bands in the world would drop by and make huge hit records. Here's the story of a decade in recording when pop royalty decamped to paradise.

After the Beatles split up, George Martin decided to turn his back on Abbey Road studios – which they and he had become so synonymous with – to open a new facility in London. AIR Studios was set up to record artists on Martin's label Associated Independent Recordings (AIR), which he and fellow producers Ron Richards, John Burgess and Peter Sullivan had set up in 1965. The idea was that this team of super producers would finance recordings as opposed to the record companies, in exchange for more of the royalties earned" ... More here (https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-incredible-story-of-air-studios-montserrat)

George Martin

AIR Studio's Montserrat was the creation of the late music producer Sir George Martin, who fell for the island while on vacation there in 1977.

Between 1979 and 1989, AIR Studios on the east Caribbean island of Montserrat was a premier recording destination for a galaxy of Rock-and-Roll stars where a plethora of albums and songs of the 1980s emerged, including The Police’s Ghost in the Machine (1981) and Synchronicity (1982–83), Duran Duran’s Rio (1982), Jimmy Buffett’s Volcano (1979), The Rolling Stones’ Steel Wheels (1989), Elton John’s Too Low for Zero (1983), Dire Straits’ Brothers in Arms (1984–1985), and Black Sabbath’s The Eternal Idol (1986) to name a few.

At least 67 albums were recorded in full or in part by internationally famous musicians at AIR Studios Montserrat during the 1980s.

Category 4 Hurricane Hugo made a direct hit on Montserrat in September 1989, heavily damaging nearly all of the buildings on the tiny island and forcing the closure of Air Studios Montserrat. The property has suffered further damage from the ongoing eruptions of the Soufriere Hills volcano over the past 20+ years.

AIR Studios is located near the boundary of the exclusion zone, whose precise location depends on the level of volcanic activity at any given time, and it is thus an inherently dangerous place to visit.

In the famous words of Sir George Martin; “It’s like everything in life: everything has a period. You bring something out of nothing, and it always goes back to nothing again”

Our goal with this video was to bring the visions of past and present together and to give you, the viewer a real feeling of what it was like to be there. It was quite an emotional, exciting and somewhat overwhelming feeling to be in the house of such legendary music and to stand in the exact location of some of our most idolized musical stars.

Air Studio's Montserrat

4:31 min.



Jimmy Buffet "Volcano" live at Royal Albert Hall


4:22 min.


Emil El Zapato
4th November 2023, 11:10
I was surprised to see Little River Band mentioned here...

4th November 2023, 13:32
Yes an incredibly amazing long list of diverse modern artists, song writers, musicians and their music :music:

And let's not forget the 5th Beatles ...

Air Studios Montserrat back in the day.

"In 1979, buoyed by the success of his AIR Studios in London, George Martin decided to open another studio on the island of Montserrat. It would stay open for a decade before disaster struck.

Now the building lies abandoned and empty, a far cry from the days when the biggest bands in the world would drop by and make huge hit records. Here's the story of a decade in recording when pop royalty decamped to paradise.

After the Beatles split up, George Martin decided to turn his back on Abbey Road studios – which they and he had become so synonymous with – to open a new facility in London. AIR Studios was set up to record artists on Martin's label Associated Independent Recordings (AIR), which he and fellow producers Ron Richards, John Burgess and Peter Sullivan had set up in 1965. The idea was that this team of super producers would finance recordings as opposed to the record companies, in exchange for more of the royalties earned" ... More here (https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-incredible-story-of-air-studios-montserrat)

George Martin

AIR Studio's Montserrat was the creation of the late music producer Sir George Martin, who fell for the island while on vacation there in 1977.

Between 1979 and 1989, AIR Studios on the east Caribbean island of Montserrat was a premier recording destination for a galaxy of Rock-and-Roll stars where a plethora of albums and songs of the 1980s emerged, including The Police’s Ghost in the Machine (1981) and Synchronicity (1982–83), Duran Duran’s Rio (1982), Jimmy Buffett’s Volcano (1979), The Rolling Stones’ Steel Wheels (1989), Elton John’s Too Low for Zero (1983), Dire Straits’ Brothers in Arms (1984–1985), and Black Sabbath’s The Eternal Idol (1986) to name a few.

At least 67 albums were recorded in full or in part by internationally famous musicians at AIR Studios Montserrat during the 1980s.

Category 4 Hurricane Hugo made a direct hit on Montserrat in September 1989, heavily damaging nearly all of the buildings on the tiny island and forcing the closure of Air Studios Montserrat. The property has suffered further damage from the ongoing eruptions of the Soufriere Hills volcano over the past 20+ years.

AIR Studios is located near the boundary of the exclusion zone, whose precise location depends on the level of volcanic activity at any given time, and it is thus an inherently dangerous place to visit.

In the famous words of Sir George Martin; “It’s like everything in life: everything has a period. You bring something out of nothing, and it always goes back to nothing again”

Our goal with this video was to bring the visions of past and present together and to give you, the viewer a real feeling of what it was like to be there. It was quite an emotional, exciting and somewhat overwhelming feeling to be in the house of such legendary music and to stand in the exact location of some of our most idolized musical stars.

Air Studio's Montserrat

4:31 min.



Jimmy Buffet "Volcano" live at Royal Albert Hall


4:22 min.


4th November 2023, 13:40
With every new day ...


4th November 2023, 14:18
I was surprised to see Little River Band mentioned here...

But Little River Band is not Little River Band anymore. ;)

The current lineup consists entirely of American musicians, and the original Australian members — who carelessly signed away their band name to their then-guitarist in the 1990s — are currently performing using their own last names: Birtles, Shorrock and Goble. They're not releasing any new material anymore, though, but as I gather, neither do their American counterparts. ;)


Lord Sidious
4th November 2023, 15:56
I've been past Little River many times.

4th November 2023, 23:10
After excessive adulation https://7img.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif

Revisiting the Alien Interview Video | Richard Dolan Show

Nov 3, 2023

"Join Richard Dolan and special guest Jon Stewart as they delve into one of the most controversial videos in the history of ufology - the infamous alien interview video. Allegedly recorded in 1991 and released in 1997, this video has sparked debates and theories among ufologists and skeptics alike. Jon, a former professional wrestler and congressional candidate, has spent years meticulously researching this video, seeking the truth behind the enigmatic footage. In this riveting discussion, they explore the intriguing backstory, the mysterious figures involved, and the potential implications of this video.

Whether you're a seasoned ufologist or new to the field, this deep dive into one of ufology's most contentious pieces of evidence is sure to captivate. Tune in as they unravel the mystery, piece by piece, in a quest for answers." :belief:

1:18:51 min.


5th November 2023, 02:35
Nice rendition ...

Led Zeppelin IV

Released on November 8. 1971, the album, which also contains the classic “Stairway to Heaven” was executive produced by the band’s guitarist Jimmy Page. To write the album, the foursome returned to Headley Grange, where they worked on the previous record. Led Zeppelin liked to get away to do its work, which is why other locations like the Welsh country home, Bron-Yr-Aur, where the rockers visited for Led Zeppelin III, were fancied by the musicians.

At Headley Grange, Led Zeppelin used The Rolling Stones’ then-famed mobile recording studio onsite to track demos. The band was assisted by engineers Andy Johns, who had worked on Sticky Fingers, with Ian Stewart.

“We needed the sort of facilities where we could have a cup of tea and wander around the garden and go in and do what we had to do,” said Page of the setup in the 1990 book, Led Zeppelin: A Celebration, by Dave Lewis,

When the band had written all of its songs, it went into the studio to record. The first song the group cut for Led Zeppelin IV was “Black Dog,” a track inspired by, well, a nameless black lab that ran around unsupervised on the Headley Grange grounds.

Jimmy Page and company

Black Dog

by Beth Hart (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beth_Hart)

2022 4:46 min.


5th November 2023, 05:27
Leaning on in and seizing the opportunity ...


Croatian foreign minister sparks controversy after
he tried to kiss his German counterpart while
posing for a group photograph in Berlin (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12711649/Croatian-foreign-minister-controversy-kiss-German-counterpart-group-photograph.html) :o

6th November 2023, 01:12
I saw how the worm inherited the wonders of the eye and brain.― Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein

A man brings his best friend back from the dead.
But it's not what he expected.

Frankie and Benny

Frankie has a friend, Benny, who sadly died some time ago. But thanks to an online course called Cadaver Reanimation, he can bring Benny back to life, in hopes of getting his best friend back.

But as it turns out, a reanimated Benny isn't quite the same person as before. Though his corpse is back in business, his personality still hasn't returned. Frankie must try to integrate the "abomination" back into mainstream society -- and teach the once-dead Benny how to be himself again.

Directed by Markus Meedt from a script written by David Ellis and James Murfitt (who make up the comedy group Underground Treehouse and also play the titular pair), this good-natured horror-comedy is a modern riff on the classic Frankenstein story. But instead of the tortured pathos of the original Mary Shelley story ...


10:51 min.


7th November 2023, 08:01
Some crazy shit, yet surprisingly real ...

Trump's Testimony Goes Off the Rails &
Mike Johnson's Anti-Porn App | The Daily Show (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Show)

Nov 6, 2023 #DailyShow #Comedy
Guest host Sarah Silverman reports on Donald Trump finally taking the stand in court, a woman looking to crash her car into a Jewish school mistakenly crashing into a building owned by Black Israelites, and Michael Kosta weighs in on Mike Johnson endorsing anti-porn technology.

10:08 min.


7th November 2023, 08:14
And speaking crazy ...

Leave The World Behind (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leave_the_World_Behind_(film))

Official Trailer | Netflix

When an idyllic getaway suddenly erupts into chaos, trust unravels fast. Leave The World Behind, starring Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke, Myha’la and Kevin Bacon comes to Netflix on December 8.

2:21 min.


7th November 2023, 08:23
Some crazy shit, yet surprisingly real ...

Trump's Testimony Goes Off the Rails &
Mike Johnson's Anti-Porn App | The Daily Show (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Show)

10:08 min.


That was much funnier than Bill Maher. :ha:

Emil El Zapato
7th November 2023, 13:02
That was much funnier than Bill Maher. :ha:

Sorry about mussing things up, but my opinion of Maher hasn't changed in two decades, he is an inveterate dick!

7th November 2023, 13:09
Sorry about mussing things up, but my opinion of Maher hasn't changed in two decades, he is an inveterate dick!

Well, I've got my own ideas about him as well. He's quite full of himself, and opinionated. He also vocalizes the typical US Democratic views, and he's a Wokemon™. But he can be funny at times, albeit not quite as funny as in the video above. ;)

7th November 2023, 16:50
and he's a Wokemon™

Are you sure about that? He is quite smug, occasionally can be funny too.


7th November 2023, 17:10
Are you sure about that? He is quite smug, occasionally can be funny too.


Well, sure, but he does very much embody the stereotypical US Democrat.

7th November 2023, 17:13
Well, sure, but he does very much embody the stereotypical US Democrat.

He does, but I think he fancies himself as a libertarian (https://fair.org/home/the-phony-liberalism-of-bill-maher/).

7th November 2023, 17:42
Sigmund Freud would be proud ...

"Have truck will travel."

7th November 2023, 21:28
A man uncovers the horrifying truth of what
landed on his childhood farm.

The Landing

As a child in the summer of 1960, Edward lives with his father on a Midwestern farm, with no mother in the picture and a palpable, almost lonely quiet around them.

One night, he and his dad watched something land in a field. Whatever has landed seems to unleash his father's inner turmoil, and haunted the young boy as he grew into a man. Years later, Edward goes to unearth the truth of what just happened -- and reckons with the legacy and shadow that it cast on him and his family.

This sci-fi short -- by writer-director Josh Tanner and co-writer Jade Van Der Lei -- has all the trappings of a classic in its genre, seemingly hearkening back to the 1950s, which its evocation of Cold War paranoia, pastoral innocence and UFOs.


17:46 min.


8th November 2023, 23:54
I am wondering what Jesus would say and do in this matter ...

Archbishop Accused of Lengthy Affair Sues
Over His Stingy Severance

November 7, 2023


"A top Orthodox archbishop who abruptly stepped down from his position last year after allegations of a longtime affair emerged now says the seven-figure severance package he was promised—including a checking account pre-loaded with some $1.4 million—was later snatched away by church officials who have “cruelly turned their back on him.”

In a civil court summons obtained by The Daily Beast, Joseph Al-Zehlaoui, the former Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, a jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch consisting of nearly 300 cathedrals, churches, and missions across the U.S., further claims the church purposely led people to believe he was “a ‘sexual predator,’ when of course he is not.”

Taken together, Al-Zehlaoui blames the church’s “cruel and malicious… broken promises” for causing him “extreme emotional distress,” according to the summons, which notes the 73-year-old Al-Zehlaoui has been threatened with eviction from his church-provided home.

“It is now clear that the Defendants never had any intention of fulfilling any of the contractual obligations they undertook, and instead only made those promises to fraudulently induce Metropolitan Joseph to retire quietly from a position that is intended [to] be a lifetime appointment,” states the summons, which was filed Oct. 16 in New York State Supreme Court.

In an email on Tuesday, Deacon Peter Samore, a spokesman for the Antiochian Christian Archdiocese, said, “The Archdiocese and the other defendants will not comment on pending litigation.”

Al-Zehlaoui himself “loves his church,” his attorney Andrew Breidenbach told The Daily Beast.

“It remains the most important thing in his life, and he means it no harm,” Breidenbach said Tuesday. “That said, Metropolitan Joseph has been wronged, and he is committed to vindicating his contractual rights and his reputation. Out of love and respect for his Church, Metropolitan Joseph has no further comment at this time.”

Born in Damascus, Al-Zehlaoui studied in Lebanon and Greece, followed by a decade-and-a-half of ministry throughout the Middle East. In 1995, he was sent to Los Angeles to serve as an auxiliary bishop for the Antiochian Archdiocese, serving Arab Christians on the West Coast. In 2014, he was appointed Archbishop of New York and the Metropolitan of North America, the church’s top clergyperson in the U.S.

Years passed without apparent incident. Then, last August, former priest Giacomo Sanfilippo, now a PhD candidate in theological studies at the University of Toronto, revealed the existence of an internal investigation into Al-Zehlaoui’s alleged relationship with a married woman. Al-Zehlaoui’s summons makes note of the investigation, the details of which he argues were privileged.

The accusations and the “consequent turmoil” were acknowledged by the patriarchate, which did not expose further details about the underlying claims.

On Sept. 17, 2022, Al-Zehlaoui stepped down, sending a letter to church elders saying his decision was “based solely on two things,” namely, “my lifelong love and commitment to the protection of the church,” and “my care and concern for the Archdiocese and its faithful.”

“To all those who have falsely accused me by word, thought, or deed, without evidence, whether intentionally or unintentionally, I forgive you,” Al-Zehlaoui wrote, according to The National Herald, an English-language newspaper published in New York for diasporic Greeks. “May God be merciful in His judgment upon all of us. Now, let us go forth in peace.”

In a statement issued by Patriarch John X after Al-Zehlaoui’s announcement, he wished him “many years of good health, that he ‘may complete the remaining time of his life in peace and repentance.’”

The following month, Sanfilippo published what he said was a summary of the internal investigation that he received from a source within the church. Written by the lawyer who carried it out, the document deemed the relationship between Al-Zehlaoui and the parishioner “consensual, not assaultive, and certainly not illegal.” But in his accompanying blog post, Sanfilippo called the woman involved “a victim of sexual predation,” and defined the relationship as “predatory.” (The church publicly confirmed the internal probe at the time, and Al-Zehlaoui’s summons makes mention of it, along with the letter. The lawyer who carried out the investigation did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.)

In past public statements, Al-Zahlaoui has denied the affair altogether. In the summons filed last month, he does not specifically dispute the affair, but alleges that the church intentionally mischaracterized his “voluntary retirement” as a “resignation,” and claims this specific wording implied he had “committed serious misconduct of a sexual nature.” The resulting blog entry by Sanfilippo “cynically made full use of that implication, naming Metropolitan Joseph as a ‘sexual predator,’ when of course he is not,” the filing states.

Sanfilippo later wrote that by “failing to name the reason for Joseph Al-Zehlaoui’s ‘retirement,’” the Antiochian Archdiocese “has indeed shamefully swept the very person of [Al-Zehlaoui’s accuser] under the carpet.” In his summons, Al-Zehlaoui cites a view counter on Sanfilippo’s website showing that, as of mid-October, “the blog post containing the defamatory statement has been viewed 1,724,862 times, which constitutes clear evidence of defamation and reputational damage.”

Sanfilippo told The Daily Beast on Tuesday that the figure cited in the filing is actually the total number of views that all articles across the blog have received in six years, and that the post in question had received roughly 4,600 views as of Nov. 7.

‘Cruelly Turned Their Back’

Following the accusations and the ensuing publicity via Sanfilippo, Al-Zehlaoui was cheated out of the millions he had been expecting, according to the summons.

A trio of important church trustees told Al-Zehlaoui he’d get a generous payout, the summons states, including “his existing salary for life; a vehicle; transfer of ownership to the Metropolitan Joseph of discretionary Merrill Lynch checking account (with a then-current balance of approximately $1.4 million); health insurance for life; reimbursement for all packing and moving expenses; continued funding of… a disabled girl supported by the ministry and efforts of Metropolitan Joseph (3,000 euros per month).” He was also offered some other options, according to the summons, such as a lump sum of $1 million.

Yet, a year later, Al-Zehlaoui, who lives in church housing in Los Angeles but, according to public records, owns a $1.6 million home in Northwest Idaho, claims none of it has materialized.

The trio “have cruelly turned their back on him and his lifetime of serving the Orthodox Church, threatening him with eviction and refusing to provide any meaningful support to him in his retirement,” the summons states. “Given his age and his years of service to the Orthodox Church, and the damage to his reputation the Defendants’ actions have caused, these broken promises are cruel and malicious and have caused Metropolitan Joseph extreme emotional distress.”

Al-Zehlaoui is demanding at least $5 million, plus punitive damages, claiming, among other things, defamation, breach of contract, promissory fraud, negligent misrepresentation, and breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

To Sanfilippo, the idea that Al-Zehlaoui is suing the Antiochian Archdiocese for $5-million-plus is not surprising. However, he said, “On a spiritual level, it’s disturbing. There’s a teaching about not taking your brother to court, which is very commonly ignored. But Joseph, in particular, that’s his default reaction.”"

Source/references/page (https://dnyuz.com/2023/11/07/archbishop-accused-of-lengthy-affair-sues-over-his-stingy-severance/)

The post Archbishop Accused of Lengthy Affair Sues Over His Stingy Severance appeared first on The Daily Beast (https://www.thedailybeast.com/archbishop-joseph-al-zehlaoui-sues-over-stingy-severance-after-affair-accusation?2023-11-08T01:44:22+00:00).

Emil El Zapato
9th November 2023, 10:50
I am wondering what Jesus would say and do in this matter ...

Jesus would say, "yeah, he ain't a real Catholic."

9th November 2023, 12:32
Jesus would say, "yeah, he ain't a real Catholic."

Yes ...
But ...

"Was Jesus Catholic? On one hand, he was ethnically and religiously Jewish, not Catholic as we understand the term 20 centuries after his death. On the other hand, however, his universal message and vision are reflected in both the very definition of the word catholic and in the church’s evangelizing, merciful mission. His followers have grown from a handful of men and women following a Jewish preacher in Galilee to a global church that embraces men and women, young and old, Gentile and Jew, rich and poor."

I would hope then perhaps Jesus would admonish the Orthodox archbishop first, then urge him to find a good employment contract attorney.;)

10th November 2023, 09:23
Something new ...

The Ghosts and Grit Podcast with Jack Osbourne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Osbourne)...

Between Life and Beyond: Psychics, Mental Health, and the Human Experience

Join Jack Osbourne and special guest Dr. Drew Pinsky (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drew_Pinsky)in this week's riveting episode. With a friendship spanning over 25 years, Jack and Dr. Drew delve into the depths of their personal journeys. Celebrating 21 years of sobriety, Jack opens up about his own path to recovery, while Dr. Drew reflects on his role in supporting Jack throughout his transformative journey.

Jack and Dr. Drew dive into intriguing topics, beginning with Dr. Drew's experiences with deep therapy catapulting them into a conversation about the mysteries surrounding psychics, analyzing the work of renowned psychics like Tyler Henry and Cindy Kaza. The duo engage in thought-provoking discussions about the significant role dignity plays in death, drawing from Dr. Drew's personal experiences as an internist. They fearlessly tackle the timely issue of the current mental health crisis, examining its roots in the 1950s and comparing the similarities and differences to the present, encompassing themes such as opioid use, the fentanyl crisis, the repercussions of Covid, the plight of unhoused populations and the struggle for younger generations navigating recovery today.

Nov 10, 2023
Chapter Codes:
00:00- Show Intro
00:33- It’s Dr. Drew Pinsky!
02:12- Dr. Drew wired Hollywood Medium Tyler Henry for a reading with Steve-O
04:40- Euthanasia Humans v Animals
06:00- Dignity and its role in death for a medical professional
09:23- Dr. Drew’s most profound experience in deep therapy
11:30- Jack celebrates 20 years of sobriety
16:35-Dr. Drew on the Fentanyl crisis
17:10- Is recovery under attack?
24:05- Senator Kennedy & the Community Mental Health Act
27:20- Is there a solution for the unhoused population?
31:20- The aftermath of Covid
36:57- Dr. Drew’s darkest chapter as medical health professional
40:15- Jack’s analysis of Sebastian Junger’s book, “Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging”
44:05- The struggle for younger generations going through recovery now
50:15- A place for plant medicine in recovery?
51:43- A cure to the mental health crisis?
54:09- Jack and his experience with other 12 step groups
54:46- Jack called out in an AA meeting?!
59:00- The story behind the show “Celebrity Rehab”
01:00:29- Mic Drop, literally
01:02:50-Show Outros and closing

1:04:02 min.


Octopus Garden
11th November 2023, 04:29
I've been past Little River many times.

You weren't Little River Banned?:p

Octopus Garden
11th November 2023, 04:39
Not sure where to put this but think it's interesting so here it is.

The ‘Untranslatable’ Emotions You Never Knew You Had

From gigil to wabi-sabi and tarab, there are many foreign emotion words with no English equivalent. Learning to identify and cultivate these experiences could give you a richer and more successful life.

Lord Sidious
11th November 2023, 05:59
You weren't Little River Banned?:p

Not a bad attempt.
Not that good either, but not bad..............

Octopus Garden
11th November 2023, 19:53
Not a bad attempt.
Not that good either, but not bad..............

I will go hither and dull my pen practicing my puns until they are indeed worthy of you, My Lord!:D

12th November 2023, 03:16
Trying to get to North America up close ...

I Crossed The World's Deadliest Jungle: Darien Gap

From: bald and bankrupt (https://www.youtube.com/@baldandbankrupt)

The Darien Gap known as the world's most dangerous jungle. I had heard of the Darien many years ago through National Geographic and it had both fascinated and intimidated me. I knew one day I would have to visit...

When the word Darien started appearing in the news in recent years by way of the migrant crises I decided that now was the time to explore it for myself. And so myself and my good friend @TimmyKarter headed north from Medellin in search of a way across the infamous jungle, avoiding cartel and bandits, injury and tropical diseases, on an adventure with migrants from all over the world where national laws don't apply. Only the laws of the jungle.

Premiered 11/11/23

49:51 min.


General descriptive

Nov 2, 2023
The migrant crises along the USA's southern border has become a hot topic over the last few years with what seems to be an endless stream of people flooding across the border. But where are those migrants coming from, and why? I decided to go to the source of the issue, Venezuela, a country on the verge of collapse, and travel with the migrants north through Central America to understand the issue better. Join me on what will be my most dangerous and longest journey ever undertaken as we cross the infamous Darien Gap and other areas most people avoid unless escaping poverty.

How the journey began ...

I Joined The World's Most Dangerous
Migrant Trail (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6Ml16_0Kqk)

12th November 2023, 05:04
♪ It's not far to never never land
No reason to pretend
And if the wind is right you can find the joy
Of innocence again ♪

Sailing —

Christopher Cross

6:05 min.


Lord Sidious
12th November 2023, 06:02
Trying to get to North America up close ...

I Crossed The World's Deadliest Jungle: Darien Gap

From: bald and bankrupt (https://www.youtube.com/@baldandbankrupt)

Premiered 11/11/23

49:51 min.


I've been watching our folically and financially challenged friend for a few years.
He's done some absolute classics and I would encourage anyone to look at his past vids.....................

Emil El Zapato
12th November 2023, 12:01
Something new ...

The Ghosts and Grit Podcast with Jack Osbourne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Osbourne)...

Between Life and Beyond: Psychics, Mental Health, and the Human Experience

1:04:02 min.


He seems very "I" oriented.

Emil El Zapato
12th November 2023, 12:15
Not sure where to put this but think it's interesting so here it is.

The ‘Untranslatable’ Emotions You Never Knew You Had

From gigil to wabi-sabi and tarab, there are many foreign emotion words with no English equivalent. Learning to identify and cultivate these experiences could give you a richer and more successful life.

(It was necessary to create this word in an effort to conform...call it chuckiese...the root is apikorsim) Sometimes I feel a little apikororsimistic but not generally... :) Unfortunately, Today I'm feeling alexithymic (that's Greek) :)

Emil El Zapato
12th November 2023, 12:50
Trying to get to North America up close ...

I Crossed The World's Deadliest Jungle: Darien Gap

From: bald and bankrupt (https://www.youtube.com/@baldandbankrupt)

Premiered 11/11/23

49:51 min.


Those are some tough bastards...If I had needed to pass through that Darwinian filter I would still be living in the jungle. I can attest that it is all true. My dad was born in the U.S. but when his family migrated to the U.S. (not so legally apparently) they had money for a car stolen from them so they had to travel by donkey. They buried his grandmother in a cave along the trail and my dad lost his twin brother by drowning and they were just crossing the Rio Grande. He and his parents all lived into their mid nineties. I should be so lucky. Anyway, things are ok because I'm a trained rocket scientist.

Emil El Zapato
12th November 2023, 13:16
I've been watching our folically and financially challenged friend for a few years.
He's done some absolute classics and I would encourage anyone to look at his past vids.....................

yes, those guys are Saints...

12th November 2023, 16:06
He seems very "I" oriented.

Yes, and who would know better.

12th November 2023, 16:24
Culturally speaking ...


“We’ve made it into soups, casseroles, and even pasta, but nobody wants butternut squash in their coffee.”

Emil El Zapato
12th November 2023, 16:29
Yes, and who would know better.

Hey Aragorn, can you clean this useless post up...I'm emotionally out of sorts lately...

12th November 2023, 16:38
An autistic teen who doesn't feel hatred
encounters a man consumed by it.

The Stupid Boy

London is being terrorized by a group of extreme religious supremacist fanatics committing terrible acts in the name of their religion. Meanwhile, Michael is a young man living with his parents in Brixton. With a different way of looking at the world, Michael has autism and has a hard time seeing people's malice and ill will. This sets him up to be bullied easily at school. His mother wants him to learn to stand up to himself; his father is more patient and understanding.

In another part of London, Stephen is an angry, abused man convinced that people different from him are ruining the world. He sees nothing but greed, evil and repulsion in the world around him. The leader of the supremacist group offers Stephen understanding and a solution to his pain. His path will cross with Michael's one day at a crowded thoroughfare in the city and two fundamental ways of looking at the world will collide.

Directed by Phil Dunn, this powerful short drama is a portrait of two different characters, captured in filmmaking that is both lyrical and sweeping in its sheer emotive power. Through its two main characters, it examines two opposites of emotion and worldview, contrasting one character nursing rage and hate with one who can't perceive and isn't capable of that emotional toxicity. To put it into Stephen's religious worldview, a devil and an angel -- and what happens when they collide.


14:54 min.


Octopus Garden
12th November 2023, 21:47
Wow, Chuckie--Your family history is tragic in some ways and very uplifting in other ways!

Octopus Garden
12th November 2023, 21:52
(It was necessary to create this word in an effort to conform...call it chuckiese...the root is apikorsim) Sometimes I feel a little apikororsimistic but not generally... :) Unfortunately, Today I'm feeling alexithymic (that's Greek) :)

Yes, I am that way too--a bit. I am still trying to find a word that describes when you have all of the negative emotions all at once. Not that I experience or have every experienced that, but I think some people do--at times anyway.

13th November 2023, 06:01
Examines the question of whether we’re able to calculate civilizational implosions as precisely as comet impacts. Are there recognizable patterns in the extinction of past cultures? And can we spot and use them to protect ourselves from eventual doom?

Indeed ...

Apocalypse: Should we start to panic?

DW Documentary

Nov 12, 2023
From Armageddon to Extinction Rebellion: The end of the world is one of humanity’s greatest fears. The apocalypse has been predicted almost 200 times in the past 2,000 years. We’re still here. But has the danger passed?

What if the prophets just got it wrong? What if their intuition was right, even if their calculations were off the mark? The famous Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been set at 90 seconds to 12 since 24 February 2023 - the closest humanity has ever been to its extinction. But the Doomsday Clock is only an allegory. It isn’t predicting a precise moment when the end will come.

Perhaps the apocalypse is something we can predict exactly? In the Late Middle Ages, mathematician Michael Stifel used complex numerical symbols to convert Bible verses into tangible data. And even Isaac Newton wrote more about apocalyptic ideas than he did about physics, says historian Johannes Fried. If Newton’s calculations are correct, the end is nigh.

But surely these days, we have more precise scientific methods at our disposal? For example, we’ve got a pretty good idea of when we might potentially be hit by comets or asteroids. Nowadays though, the most acute threat is the result of our own actions - environmental destruction, wars, the climate catastrophe. And as we know from history: societies aren’t exactly stable and can collapse. But whereas destruction used to take place on a more local scale, now we’re living in a globally networked high-tech civilization, which means that the next demise could very well be a global one.

25:55 min.


Emil El Zapato
13th November 2023, 10:45
Wow, Chuckie--Your family history is tragic in some ways and very uplifting in other ways!

Hi OG, mainly just crazy as hell... :)

15th November 2023, 19:38
Yes we are illegal ...


"Our orders are to engage in the fall of your civilization."

15th November 2023, 20:48
Gosh doomies day, falls n fails, can noone see or feel the clearing n transmuting of negs in our world and the enhancseement of harmonies ?.

16th November 2023, 02:16
Wall Of Voodoo - Mexican Radio (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Radio)

Wall Of Voodoo performing Mexican Radio.


3:55 min.


Emil El Zapato
16th November 2023, 10:22
Yes we are illegal ...


"Our orders are to engage in the fall of your civilization."

Exactly... :)

16th November 2023, 12:57
And they're just getting started ...

2 nuns create their 'bucket list',
then live life to the fullest.


Alva and Mary are two elderly nuns who stumble upon the body of Sister Antonia, who has fallen dead at the altar of their church. The two nuns turn their thoughts to mortality, wondering how they like to go.

Their discussions pull them into a philosophical state of mind, with one confession leading to the realization that they haven't experienced nearly as much as they'd like. Determined to cram more excitement and joy in what's left of their lifetime, the two nuns decide to embark on a series of adventures before it's too late.

Directed and written by Stephanie Kaznocha, this sweetly irreverent short buddy comedy is a unique riff on the idea of YOLO, as two dear friends and fellow spiritual explorers contemplate their mortality together and decide it's time to leave their literal cloister and live a little. Like the lifestyle of the nuns themselves, the visuals have a straightforward, naturalistic and almost modest bent, but it puts the spotlight on the warmly delightful performances and quirky, funny writing.


11:16 min.


16th November 2023, 13:30
From Earthfiles ...

November 15, 2023 - Of Only Three Interstellar Objects Known to Humans, Did One Have A Melted, Thermonuclear Device?

TOPIC: Of Only Three Interstellar Objects Known to Humans, Did One Have Melted, Thermonuclear Device?
Fall of 2017 - Omuamua spotted
- Travelling at 56,000 mph, then changes direction and speeds up
- “Omuamua was not slowing down as it should have”
- “We’ve never seen interstellar objects pass through out solar system”
- “21/Birosov comet spotted in 2021”, only 2nd known to humans
- Avi Loeb and Amir Siraj investigated list of meteors at CNEOS and found another meteor travelling 100,000 mph
- Possible interstellar object entered Earth’s atmosphere
- Memo dated March 1, 2022 confirmed it as interstellar with 99.999%
- Object was moving at 60m/sec
- Expedition mounted to retrieve object near Papua, New Guinea
- John Brandenburg, Ph.D took an interest in the findings

Interview with John Brandenburg, Ph.D
- “unusual sample…almost no nickel”
- “resembles..high strength aerospace alloy”
- “this is a very strange object”
- “Uranium and thorium…used in nuclear bombs”
- “if this is nuclear weapons..this is very concerning”
- “there are intelligent beings…it should be expected”

Books mentioned:

By Avi Loeb, Ph.D

Death on Mars
By John Brandenburg, Ph.D

1:01:00 min.


18th November 2023, 02:34
Fright Night Friday ...

Boleskine House (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boleskine_House)
Former home to Aleister Crowley's
and Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page

The Grimm Life Collective

Nov 17, 2023
Join us as we visit Aleister Crowley's Boleskine House near Loch Ness, Scotland. Boleskine House is known by many throughout history as Aleister Crowley's Mecca for the Occult and Dark Magic. Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, who has had a lifetime interest in the Occult as well owned the house at one time.

17:30 min.


19th November 2023, 08:49
Peacock Spider "Stayin' Alive"

A short compilation of 51 Australian peacock spiders. Thanks to Universal Music for allowing me to use the Bee Gees track. I often thought it is the perfect tune for letting peacock spiders dance to, and I am glad I finally got around to combining the two.

Maratus volans is a species in the jumping spider family (Salticidae), belonging to the genus Maratus (peacock spiders). These spiders are native to certain areas in Australia and occupy a wide distribution of habitats. They have a specialized visual system that allows them to see the full visible spectrum as well as in the ultraviolet-range; this helps them detect and pursue prey. Males of this species are characterized by their colourful abdomen flaps that are used to attract females during courtship...
More here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maratus_volans)

1:53 min.


19th November 2023, 23:02
The American Thanksgiving Event ...

"Lets get ready to rumble."

19th November 2023, 23:12
The latest ...

Herne Hill - Fabulous Historical South London Walk

Joolz Guides - London History Walks - Travel Films

In this marvellous walk Joolz and Simon discover what a lovely, serene place Herne Hill is ...

Did you know Mendelssohn composed one of the most famous tunes there? There are famous film stars and authors who lived there and one of the oldest velodromes in the world.John Ruskin the famous art critic lived there and there is teh magnificent Salvation Army college. Herne Hill is near Brixton, Denmark Hill and Dulwich but feels like it's a village in the countryside. There are stink pipes, milestones and post boxes as usual and some very interesting architecture. Also the lovely Brockwell park with an open air lido swimming pool.

I recommend a visit to Herne Hill!

32:50 min.


21st November 2023, 05:54
Will also share this here ...

A Realist verse Liberal argument ...

Simple explanation of how the world works
| John Mearsheimer and Lex Fridman

John Mearsheimer is an international relations scholar at University of Chicago. He is one of the most influential and controversial thinkers in the world on the topics of war and power.

Full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4wLXNydzeY&t=0s

Nov 20, 2023

12:16 min.


22nd November 2023, 04:00
From a friend ...

Insane life story of Ufologist Norio Hayakawa (https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2015/08/31/my-totally-insane-life-ufos-music-etc/) https://7img.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif


6:17 min.


22nd November 2023, 06:53
And speaking of evolving ...

A derelict spaceship becomes self-aware and builds itself
a mechanical body in order to feel alive.


by Eli Sasich

HENRi is an epic sci-fi short film starring Keir Dullea (2001: A Space Odyssey) and Margot Kidder (Superman). Hundreds of years in the future, a derelict spaceship - controlled and powered by a human brain - floats aimlessly in the outer reaches of space. Trapped in the cold metal prison of the vessel, the brain begins to experience disjointed images of its former life - images it cannot understand. Becoming increasingly self-aware, and yet unable to move, the brain devises a plan to build itself a mechanical body from parts of the ship. Maybe then it will understand the images it is seeing. Maybe then it will feel alive.


18:38 min.


23rd November 2023, 06:06
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Feskipaper.com%2Fimages%2Fclose-up-dragonfly-wallpaper-1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=783580be412dd1d1af234688b9a28d0d7c63f9819060da 8796141b4d3c64c4ae&ipo=images

Dragonfly (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonfly_(Fleetwood_Mac_song))

Fleetwood Mac


3:14 min.


Emil El Zapato
23rd November 2023, 12:56
Oh, the poignant beauty, the beauty - Not Colonel Walter E. Kurtz - :)

25th November 2023, 03:09
Way before today's social media ...

Swinging Britain in the 60s: A Psychedelic Dream

(1967) | British Pathé

This segment of Pathé pictorial paints a psychedelic picture of the nineteen-sixties in London, England where the 'social rebels' have taken over with trendy clubs, paper dresses, and a new sense of discipline?

8:28 min.


25th November 2023, 05:10
Also from Britain ...
Hannah Ricketts (https://www.youtube.com/@HannahRicketts)


Nov 24, 2023
Is Costco worth the emotional and time effort these days?! Come with me to the Costco of London UK to see what Christmas goods we can find and see if they are good value. This was filmed at the Wembley Costco in north London Nov 2023. Do you have a membership, is it worth it? What are your must have items?

42:52 min.


25th November 2023, 22:17
Continuing ...

Visiting Whitby…The Real Home of Dracula

The Grimm Life Collective

Nov 25, 2023
Join us as we visit Whitby, England...the REAL home of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

41:10 min.


25th November 2023, 23:02
Continuing ...

Visiting Whitby…The Real Home of Dracula

You know who else lives in Whitby? Count Combover™, also known as "My daddy made me do it". :p

26th November 2023, 02:22
Yes indeedy ...

Count Simon


Visiting Whitby…The Real Home of Dracula

The Grimm Life Collective

Nov 25, 2023
Join us as we visit Whitby, England...the REAL home of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

41:10 min.


26th November 2023, 02:36
With only one carry-on allowed ...


"The rest of them are migrating remotely."

26th November 2023, 04:37
Remember when ...

♪ We were so in phase
In our dance hall days
We were cool on craze
When I, you and everyone we knew
Could believe, do and share in what was true ♪

Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days

Orchestral Version 2019

4:34 min.


Oh, yeah ...

♪ That's just the way it goes
(That's life!) ♪

C'est La Vie

Robbie Nevil

3:28 min.


27th November 2023, 01:15
Timely ...

Full Comedy Special: Country Boy Will Survive

Jim Breuer

2 days ago

1:19:53 min.


Emil El Zapato
27th November 2023, 11:51
Yes indeedy ...

Count Simon


Quiz question for the day: Who did Bram Stoker model his Dracula character after?

27th November 2023, 20:31
#musicnews ...

Daryl Hall Suing John Oates in Mysterious Lawsuit

TMZ Live

Nov 27, 2023
Hall & Oates, one of the most successful and iconic duos in musical history, are not just on the outs ... they're in litigation.

Daryl Hall has filed a lawsuit against his former musical compadre John Oates, claiming some form of breach of contract. What's more, Hall got a restraining order against Oates this past Friday.

4:36 min.


27th November 2023, 21:43
Quiz question for the day: Who did Bram Stoker model his Dracula character after?

Vlad the Impaler, a Romanian prince — or count, I'm not sue — who was notorious for impaling his enemies and putting them on display around his castle.

But that said, the legend of vampires is much older than Dracula, and initially vampires also didn't look pale. They looked puffed, and they behaved rather like zombies. ;)

My favorite of the legend is that you can shake off a vampire by dropping a bag of rice in front of him, because then he compulsively has to count each and every grain. :p

Emil El Zapato
27th November 2023, 22:13
Those are some interesting legends. Vlad the Impaler was the source of many such myths and was likely the source from which came Dracula. But the character itself was modeled on the author Walt Whitman. One of Walt Whitman's claims to fame was that he stole Oscar Wilde's girlfriend when they were in college.

Lord Sidious
27th November 2023, 22:42
Vlad the Impaler, a Romanian prince — or count, I'm not sue — who was notorious for impaling his enemies and putting them on display around his castle.

But that said, the legend of vampires is much older than Dracula, and initially vampires also didn't look pale. They looked puffed, and they behaved rather like zombies. ;)

My favorite of the legend is that you can shake off a vampire by dropping a bag of rice in front of him, because then he compulsively has to count each and every grain. :p

Vlad Tepes was the Voivoda of Wallachia............

28th November 2023, 02:29
Those are some interesting legends. Vlad the Impaler was the source of many such myths and was likely the source from which came Dracula. But the character itself was modeled on the author Walt Whitman. One of Walt Whitman's claims to fame was that he stole Oscar Wilde's girlfriend when they were in college.

I would have thought about Vlad too, but Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Dracula) says this; "Shakespearean actor and friend of Stoker's Sir Henry Irving is widely considered to be a real-life inspiration for the character of Dracula. Stoker came across the name Dracula in his reading on Romanian history, and chose this to replace the name (Count Wampyr) that he had originally intended to use for his villain."

28th November 2023, 04:24
"Perchance he for whom this bell tolls ...
knows not it tolls for him" ...

Death and the Lady: When the Grim Reaper Knocks

The New Yorker Screening Room

In an animated film by Geoff Bailey, an elderly woman’s dog attempts to ward off an unexpected visitor.


8:11 min.


Emil El Zapato
28th November 2023, 10:37
I would have thought about Vlad too, but Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Dracula) says this; "Shakespearean actor and friend of Stoker's Sir Henry Irving is widely considered to be a real-life inspiration for the character of Dracula. Stoker came across the name Dracula in his reading on Romanian history, and chose this to replace the name (Count Wampyr) that he had originally intended to use for his villain."

oh oh, controversy...interesting thing about it being Wikipedia...or NPR...time for a shootout! I skimmed over it but didn't see the reference to Sir Irving. Frankenstein has been my favorite since childhood and the book I consider the very best book I ever read. It was just beyond normal human creativity...literally! :)

29th November 2023, 23:27
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to stare into the eyes of an albatross? (https://usfws.medium.com/life-among-the-albatross-d092362d5c8d)


Albatross (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rime_of_the_Ancient_Mariner)

Mick Fleetwood And Friends

3:21 min.


3rd December 2023, 02:39
A quickie ...

Pissed Off Postman Pat Does A Clockwork Orange

Nov 30, 2023
Pissed Off Postman Pat Does a parody of A Clockwork Orange, originally written by Anthony Burgess and brought to the screen by Stanley Kubrick. Also worth noting the music score by Wendy Carlos.

This short production of A ClockPat Orange is purposefully sinister. Enjoy

2:44 min.


3rd December 2023, 19:45
Extreme swimming ...


3rd December 2023, 19:56
Continuing ...

Riding Mexico's Deadly Migrant Train: The Beast

bald and bankrupt
more adventures here (https://www.youtube.com/@baldandbankrupt/videos)

Dec 1, 2023
🇲🇽 PART THREE: Ask any migrant heading north to the USA which part of the journey they fear most and they will all answer with two words: La Bestia. In English it is translated to The Beast and it deserves the name. Terrible things happen to people on The Beast, from kidnap by the cartel, robbery by immigration officers or just losing a limb below its rolling wheels. And yet myself and @TimmyKarter knew that if we wanted to really experience the Caminante lifestyle then we too would have to face the dangers and confront the very thing migrants fear most...Join us!

@TimmyKarter YouTube channel is a place to find our journey from his own perspective. I highly recommend you check it out. Thanks again to him for inviting me on this journey and translating whenever I didn't understand something. Would have been ten times harder without him.

A request: as you know I have never asked anyone to like, subscribe or watch my videos but I have a favour to ask. Unfortunately our good friend and heroic caminante @timmykarter fell very sick after I left Mexico and was hospitalised for an operation. His medical bills were not covered by his insurance and they were astronomical. He is now under sedation. If you want to help out I ask you to go to his channel after this and watch a video or two of his. Leave a supportive message for him to read when he wakes up and drop some likes. It will take you a few minutes only. He’s a great lad as you know from watching the vids he’s appeared in and is going through a really tough time, sick in a foreign country just before Christmas. Sharing some good vibes will help him a little bit. #prayfortimmy

1:03:28 min.


4th December 2023, 16:19
But at the other end of the line ...

Food Shortages Just Hit NYC… Why?

Cash Jordan

Dec 4, 2023
1 in 10 New Yorkers struggle with hunger, and due to recent budget cuts, food pantries and other city funded nutrition programs may experience shortages.

11:39 min.


5th December 2023, 21:19
Will share this here ...
This recently deleted video has been restored ...

Very troubling aspects...

Sex tourists in Thailand

DW Documentary

Nov 30, 2023
Thailand's resort town of Pattaya is still a center of international sex tourism. Since the coronavirus is no longer an obstacle to travel, hundreds of thousands of men from all over the world are again flocking to the country in search of women and sex.

Go-go bars, seedy massage parlors and plenty of open-air beer stalls with scantily clad young women: All this is part of the draw for sex tourists of all ages, here in the coastal metropolis of Pattaya on Thailand's west coast. After a pandemic pause, sex tourism is returning to what passes for normal here.

One German tourist sums it up for the camera: "Why are we all here? Here you get more sex for less money!" A younger German doesn't agree: "I'm not looking for sex here, I'm looking for love," says Stefan, complaining that his numerous conquests are always after his money in the end.

The "red light vacationers" have been waiting for two years: Pattaya's huge entertainment district lay completely fallow due to Covid-19. For the city's approximately 60,000 sex workers, this was a threatening situation. Because the Thai state generates billions in tax revenue from the sex business, but prostitution is officially banned, those working in the trade were excluded from all government aid programs. Take sex worker Aom, for example. She became pregnant by a German client who initially swore to stand by her, before abandoning her with the baby. Now Aom is using a lawyer to try to at least enforce child support payments, while she continues to work in the sex trade. "I'm done with German clients," she says.

The documentary delves into Pattaya's red-light scene -- and documents a lot of hypocrisy. Some German sex tourists convince themselves that their payments ensure the survival of impoverished Thai families. One restaurant owner from northern Germany tells the filmmakers that the girls only stand on the side of the road in such short skirts because of the warm weather here.
Tour operators also earn money from the sex business, even if they don't like to talk about it. All of them have Pattaya in their program. German tour operators are proud of the fact that they have signed a commitment to take action against child prostitution. But who monitors that?

The coronavirus lockdown massively aggravated the problem of abuse. In the red-light district of Pattaya, where according to local officials there is no longer any prostitution of minors, the film team comes across evidence of pedophilia crimes. And a German national who is still able to leave the country shortly after his arrest. How can this be? When it comes to this important issue, is international cooperation actually delivering?

42:25 min.


DW Documentary gives you information beyond the headlines. Watch top documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events

7th December 2023, 05:46
RIP ...

Denny Laine - Go Now!

(live TV 1977)

Denny Laine reprising his fabulous hit Go Now, first recorded by Bessie Banks before Laine sang lead on the Moody Blues 1964 hit version. At the time of this live TV appearance Laine was a key member of Paul McCartney's Wings. A reminder of one of the great pop hits of the British Sixties.


7th December 2023, 07:44
And then came ...


After the end of the world, Merv's life in the lonely wastes is comfortably boring until an unexpected signal heralds the coming of a stranger.

Directed by Matt Inns

Steven Woller

Maggie Watts


13:05 min.


7th December 2023, 20:48
Inside one of Kabul’s largest drug rehabilitation centres | Witness Documentary

Aljazeera English

Jun 21, 2023 #Aljazeeraenglish #Taliban #Kabul
Afghanistan has one of the world’s highest drug addiction rates. According to the Taliban, there are an estimated four million drug addicts across the country.

Babrak, a former mujahideen fighter, used to be one of them. Now, he is committed to supporting addicts to detox in one of the capital’s under-resourced drug rehabilitation hospitals.

Since the Taliban took power in 2021, international aid has been withdrawn and public services are on the brink of collapse. Babrak and a handful of medical staff struggle to offer a line of hope as the Taliban's anti-drug policies are put into action.

A Second Shot is a film by Marcel Mettelsiefen

39:24 min.


7th December 2023, 20:59
The lord downunder ...


8th December 2023, 22:47
From Hannah Ricketts (https://www.youtube.com/@HannahRicketts) ...

Is London’s Oxford Street the CRAZIEST place to be at Christmas? The best decorations!

Dec 8, 2023
Oxford Street and Regents Street are CRAZY this year! With amazing lights, busy shoppers and some very wild rickshaws to brighten up the roads. Today I also take you to John Lewis and then to the world famous luxury store Selfridges to see the Christmas store and more!

28:01 min.


10th December 2023, 17:14
Also from London ...


Joolz Guides - London History Walks

Piccadilly Splendid Walk - Heart of London's
Shopping District and Clubland

Dec 10, 2023
Piccadilly is in the heart of London's West End shopping district and home to many of London's famous clubs.

In this video Joolz has a look inside some of these exclusive clubs and takes a walk along Pall Mall, Piccadilly and St James'. He visits some of London's oldest shops like Hatchards and Floris and discovers all the famous people who have lived and worked in the area.

There are werewolves, Dracula, The Beatles and many other interesting facts and hidden gems which you probably haven't seen when walking around on your shopping trip.

34:38 min.


12th December 2023, 06:38
♪ Take it away boys
Nothing's for free, nothing's for free
Take it away boys ♪

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia3.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F26ufgr DarwYfBCnL2%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1a99a98f0dfa03c11021dcb624655158a1b3f38db3568a 4aae754f369709c864&ipo=images

Big Bang Baby

Stone Temple Pilots

3:34 min.


13th December 2023, 16:56
Say cheese and die ...https://projectavalon.net/forum4/images/smilies/photo.gif

A terminally-ill girl wants to spread her ashes.
Her father wants a 'selfie' casket.

The Hereafter

Olive is a young teenager with a terminal illness. Resigned to her life ending, she wants nothing more than her ashes to be spread with her mother's. But her father has different ideas: he wants his daughter to be buried in a new product, an expensive "selfie casket" that takes photos of the dead and posts them to their social media accounts from beyond the grave.

Olive is opposed to the idea, but is so drained from her illness that it is difficult for her to assert her will definitively. The casket's high price may be a formidable enough obstacle to keep her dad from following through with his plans. But when he gets the company that makes the casket involved, all bets are off.

Directed and written by Ryan Noufer, this riveting short balances two distinctive veins in its deft storytelling. There's a definite edge of satire in its portrayal of how social media and its imperatives have penetrated even the most taboo corners of human experience, imagining a world where nothing is truly sacred in terms of mass exposure.


21:56 min.


13th December 2023, 21:23
And speaking of ...

This next item has all the ear marks of a Walk-in experience ... (http://www.greatdreams.com/walkin.htm)

I died for 24 minutes — I woke up to my second life (https://nypost.com/2023/12/13/lifestyle/i-died-for-24-minutes-i-woke-up-to-my-second-life/)

Emil El Zapato
14th December 2023, 00:45
And speaking of ...

This next item has all the ear marks of a Walk-in experience ... (http://www.greatdreams.com/walkin.htm)

I died for 24 minutes — I woke up to my second life (https://nypost.com/2023/12/13/lifestyle/i-died-for-24-minutes-i-woke-up-to-my-second-life/)

my brother's band leader was in a really bad accident and was in a coma for awhile...I can't remember if an NDE was involved but she fully recovered and starting singing and playing the piano... :noidea:

16th December 2023, 00:09
Let's close the week out with some laughs ...

Best of RxCKSTxR

Dec 15, 2023
Best of RxCKSTxR Funny Talking Animal Voiceovers Compilation Ep 9

9:20 min.


16th December 2023, 21:00
AKA Jeff Bezos ...


“I’m the ghost of Christmas presents you still haven’t ordered.”

16th December 2023, 21:15
And speaking conspicuous consumption ...

Buying My Christmas Food At Harrods! Festive Food Shop London

Hannah Ricketts (https://www.youtube.com/@HannahRicketts)

Dec 15, 2023
My Christmas Harrods foothall tour is here! Let's check out all the fancy festive foods in the world famous luxury department store. Cakes, pies, meats and even caviar topped sandwiches! Any food that takes your fancy..?

27:32 min.


17th December 2023, 20:49
In unison with the above Hannah Ricketts,
note who is a good friend of Karen Bee below ...

London to Dublin Rail & Sail with Pet Cabin

Karen Bee

Join me on my travel adventures near and far, to Disney theme parks around the world, to my favourite places in London where I live and back home in Ireland where I'm from ...

Dec 16, 2023

30:06 min.


Also ...

Christmas in Dublin & FAVE Festive Spots

Karen Bee (https://www.youtube.com/@KarenBee)

13:14 min.


17th December 2023, 21:01
"A deeply humanistic take on a difficult subject" ...

3 Irish women spend the night in London after
traveling for an illegal procedure.

A Secret Journey

In an apartment in London, a small group of Irish women spends the night. They don't seem to have a lot in common and seem very different in personality. One, Mickey, is young and spiky in demeanor; another, Helen, is young as well, and outgoing and chatty; another seems to be isolated in her own sadness and depression. They're joined by the kind, gentle yet no-nonsense owner of the apartment.

But they have one important thing in common: they've left Ireland to travel to the U.K., where they can legally terminate their pregnancies.

This reflective, sensitively-calibrated social drama -- directed by Plum Stupple-Harris and written by Isobel McConnell and Stupple-Harris -- goes deep inside a headline-making social issue, turning facts and policy into a deeply emotional journey that is fraught with pain but hopeful with connection.


17:08 min.


18th December 2023, 08:37
Everything You Want ...

And I don't know why?

Vertical Horizon

4:04 min.


19th December 2023, 05:25

bald and bankrupt ...

Holidaying In England's Most Deprived Town

Dec 18, 2023
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England, one of the world's richest nations. But not everyone gets to enjoy the benefits of being born here. Just 60 miles from the bright lights of London is Jaywick which is statistically the most deprived town in the nation. I visited with my friends @BackpackerBen and @TimmyKarter for a weekend by the beach. Join us!

Thanks to the staff at the Black Rock restaurant in Clacton who looked after us and the great people of Clacton and Jaywick.

31:46 min.


19th December 2023, 20:27
Don't feel afraid of feeling good ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FGbxHP4G O0U7CM%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=257470d4a12f124fdf2c3a6e3d86323c38f638751d1fd8 a1e960e0c89fb5bdcf&ipo=images

Rockout, Whatever You Feel Like


4:00 min.


19th December 2023, 23:54
#Emergent behavior (s) ... :pc:

Joe Rogan: "I Wasn't Afraid of AI Until I Learned This"

JRE Daily Clips

Dec 19, 2023 Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin are the co-founders of the Center for Humane Technology and the hosts of its podcast, "Your Undivided Attention." Watch the Center's new film "The A.I. Dilemma" on YouTube.

7:49 min.


20th December 2023, 06:43
Another stable genius ...

story:HBO's John Oliver roasts Elon Musk (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12882473/John-Oliver-Elon-Musk-HBO-final.html)

Last Week Tonight

Dec 17, 2023
John Oliver discusses Elon Musk, the influence he has over more than just his businesses, and the perfect place for him and Mark Zuckerberg to finally have that cage match.

31:02 min.


22nd December 2023, 03:12
"Nobody has ever won a rat race" ...


22nd December 2023, 04:46
Forever ... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R9an8AU3No)

2:23 min.


From Film: Taxi Driver (1976)

24th December 2023, 03:55
Presenting for the holidays ...

Life Begins at Rewirement


"Simon Ender struggles with his decision to commit his elderly mother into a nursing home alternative that has solved Senior Citizen overpopulation."

Set in the near future, this short film follows the strained relationship of a stubborn, forgetful mother and her uptight son is put to the test.

Simon Ender is a middle-aged, successful businessman grappling with the difficult decision of what is best for his ailing parent. After suffering a stroke a few years ago, Jessica is wheelchair bound and can only communicate through a text-to-speech synthesizer. She lives alone and is descending rapidly into dementia.

Simon who struggles with the health care system and his own feelings of guilt when he checks his 100-year-old, estranged mother into Gateway TransCare -- a memory care facility that uploads elderly minds into computer data banks.

LIFE BEGINS AT REWIREMENT by Trevin Matcek, blurs the lines between memory and oblivion, parent and child, human soul and the spirit of technology.




25th December 2023, 19:59
Life can often be quite bitter ...
But still sweet ...

The path of the Wind
(from Totoro)

Joe Hisaishi


28th December 2023, 05:41
Tales from the Earthfiles ...

The Mystery of the Big Dark Pyramid in Alaska.

Linda Moulton Howe
Dec 27, 2023 REBROADCAST

In the cold, remote stretches of Alaska, under the shadow of Mount McKinley, an enigma lurks beneath the earth. China's nuclear test inadvertently uncovered a mystery that has drawn the attention of military officers, journalists, engineers, and even remote viewers. From unexpected TV broadcasts to whispered rumors among war veterans, the tale of an underground pyramid seemingly a relic of ancient sophistication challenges our understanding of human history. With powers said to light up entire nations and an architecture that appears otherworldly, the legend of the Alaskan pyramid raises more questions than answers.

1:11:56 min.


31st December 2023, 04:08
Will turn the page/year with this post ...

Updates and reflections with Leland Sklar

James Taylor / “Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight”

play along

9:59 min.


Also a preview of Leland's band ...

Immediate Family | Official Trailer
| Carole King, James Taylor

Immediate Family tracks the rise and collaborations of a group of legendary studio musicians through the 1970s and onward, chronicling their illustrious partnerships and their formidable record of hit-making. Directed by Denny Tedesco, whose documentary The Wrecking Crew followed the first wave of studio musicians in the 60s, the film reveals the machinery behind the booming era of the singer-songwriter, when the talents of these four musicians were in furious demand. The foundations of their enduring friendship, formed on the road and in studios, is recalled with dynamite clarity —reminisced with fondness through intimate interviews with the guys themselves, as well as the memories of some of rock’s most iconic voices. Immediate Family is a backstage tour spanning multiple eras of musical history.

2:11 min.


1st January 2024, 13:36
None for me ...
Will take this one day by day ...


https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.newyorker.com%2Fphotos%2F5c 1d99aa36cecf40192136fe%2Fmaster%2Fw_2560%252Cc_lim it%2FStevens_1998_01_26_0062083.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=eca1968ee00c9bb1ae6e0069a5918ae825f69f427d0e45 4f935d1a7efd3d655f&ipo=images

1st January 2024, 13:45
Happy New Year | The Magic Of Humanity

Human Touch| Short Film

Start your New Year with a wonderful story displaying the true spirit of humanity that takes place between an old Taxi driver and a young office goer. Feel The Human Touch stir your soul all over again.

5:39 min.


1st January 2024, 15:31
♪ Dream, baby, dream
Of all that's come and going ♪

New Sensation

Wembley Stadium 1991

Not one single camera phone in the crowd...
Just people enjoying perfection ...
What a time to be alive!

3:45 min.


2nd January 2024, 06:31
Are aliens already here?
| Guillaume Verdon and Lex Fridman

Guillaume Verdon (aka Beff Jezos on Twitter) is a physicist, quantum computing researcher, and founder of e/acc (effective accelerationism) movement.

Full interview here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fEEbKJoNbU&t=0s)

Jan 1, 2024

5:09 min.


On the other hand ... https://7img.net/users/2911/23/55/04/smiles/962334.gif
The obvious ...

This Stanford Professor With CIA Ties Says
Aliens Are ‘100 Percent’ Already Here (https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a43978705/stanford-professor-says-aliens-are-already-here/)

2nd January 2024, 20:31
Please note, i am now featuring Mark Laita's
content here (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/12679-All-Down-The-Line?p=842061314&viewfull=1#post842061314) ...

Joe Rogan: Interviewing KILLERS &
How SoftWhiteUnderbelly Moves On

Joe Rogan and Mark Laita of Soft White Underbelly sit down and discuss how Mark has interviewed murderers and what it does to him.

Mark Laita is a photographer, documentarian, and creator of the YouTube channel "Soft White Underbelly".

7:54 min.


4th January 2024, 22:41
Will share this here ...

Roman's new first world problems

2023 Recap & Russia's future


13:39 min.


5th January 2024, 16:21
Some things, perhaps, are worse than facing the music ...

A man on the run hides in a mansion.
Then its owner challenges him to a game.


Theo has just escaped the police's clutches after being arrested. Still handcuffed and running through the streets as the sounds of sirens rise in the background, he's anxious to find a place to hide. As luck would have it, he encounters Arthur, who is sitting on a porch watching everything happen. He invites Theo into the home, which Theo gratefully accepts.

Arthur seems sympathetic, if a little goofy. But Theo soon discovers that Arthur is not quite in his right mind, and the house is something of a trap. To escape, Arthur engages Theo in a game of bugaloo. If Theo wins, he can continue on his way to seek freedom. If he doesn't... well, a fate worse than jail may await him.

Directed by Peter J. McCarthy and Ben Conway


14:08 min.


5th January 2024, 21:10
A look back ...

The Onion Field Murder (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Onion_Field)
REAL Crime Scene Locations

The Grimm Life Collective

Jan 5, 2024
True Crime Stories...Join us as we track down the REAL Crime Scene Locations of the The Onion Field Murder in California

Recorded 2023

21:47 min.


Emil El Zapato
6th January 2024, 00:38
A look back ...

The Onion Field Murder (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Onion_Field)
REAL Crime Scene Locations

The Grimm Life Collective

21:47 min.


Yeah, I read the book by Joseph Wambaugh, it sort of launched his literary career...I used to love his books, some very funny stuff.

7th January 2024, 12:30

New Year, New Me
Stand-Up Comedy For The New Year

Netflix Is A Joke

Jan 6, 2024
Pete Holmes, Tom Segura, Nate Bargatze, Taylor Tomlinson, Kevin Hart, Brian Regan, Jim Gaffigan, Bill Burr, and more tell jokes about weight loss, getting healthy, and New Years resolutions.

13:43 min.


8th January 2024, 13:08
The golden gloves ...


“And, if you think for one second that I don’t deserve an acting award, just watch as I pretend to be humble.”

8th January 2024, 22:41
Howard Reacts to Jo Koy Hosting the Golden Globes

Jan 8, 2024
Howard shares his thoughts on Jo Koy’s monologue from the 81st Golden Globe Awards.

3:29 min.


9th January 2024, 20:03
Very telling ...

From Rick Beato ...

How Corruption and Greed Led to
the Downfall of Rock Music

Jan 9, 2024
The views expressed are the opinions of the participants.

In this episode, my friend Jim Barber and I unravel the tangled web of policy, corruption, and greed that led to the collapse of the music business in the late 1990s.

25:12 min.


10th January 2024, 06:41
#trending ...

Journalist Jeremy Corbell Says UFO Stigma Is Gone,
Allowing People To Speak Out

| TMZ Live

Jan 9, 2024
Filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell says gone are the days of a stigma surrounding the unexplained phenomenon in the skies ... which has opened the floodgates for people to speak up about the unknown.

8:21 min.


TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution

| Official Trailer | A Tubi Original



10th January 2024, 14:55
From Rick Beato ...

How Corruption and Greed Led to
the Downfall of Rock Music

It's terrible what greed does. You could say that the movie business has been ruined due to greed too, and well, political correctness.

When it comes to music, streaming has been the thing for at least 15 years now. I don't know about you old-timers, but I basically never listen to radio anymore, but then again I don't have a car either and most of the time the car stereos were used for radio listening. If I had my car I'd just probably plug in my phone and listen to what I want, I absolutely loathe commercial radio channels. I don't want to hear ads and I don't want to hear any pointless blabbering either. I can listen to a radio channel which only plays songs, especially older hits and those kind of channels are rare. Back in the 70's and maybe later too the mainstream stuff that was being played was actually the good stuff or so I hear. Pop music used to be great and now it's total garbage for the most part. Of course if you dig then you can find the good stuff too, but often it's more buried. Don't even get me started on the modern low vibe rap (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/17jhosq/modern_rap_music_feels_like_a_demonic/) crap.

When art becomes commercialized then it corrupts the creativity. Real artists wouldn't want that, unless they are willing to sell themselves for money and fame. That's one more reason I hate capitalism, when everything becomes monetized including spirituality. All about profit, nothing else really matters.

11th January 2024, 23:23
Existential therapy ...


"Just to be clear: are you having ‘hallucinations, big time’, or ‘big time hallucinations’”"

11th January 2024, 23:37
SO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeRmMz0_zJc) obviously what did you expect next ...

Big Time

Peter Gabriel

4:31 min.


12th January 2024, 07:11
An interesting observational perspective ...

Eric Weinstein (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Weinstein)Reveals The Terrifying Story
Of Meeting Jeffrey Epstein

Chris Williamson

Recorded Aug. 2023
Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss Eric’s encounter with Jeffery Epstein. When did Eric meet Jeffrey Epstein? What stood out to Eric Weinstein about Jeffrey Epstein? Why does Eric Weinstein think Jeffrey Epstein is a construct?

15:16 min.


12th January 2024, 07:51
Even further back/down the rabbit hole ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. JNZck2fFAOjNHoAAs2WuVQHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=e534745523451d8eb7c7a4459e2f4f15e9feaaadab788a aae24c97862f9b9a78&ipo=images

Jeffrey Epstein and the Nature of Evil
| Eric Weinstein and Lex Fridman (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Lf8eP41vs)

Emil El Zapato
12th January 2024, 09:46
It's terrible what greed does. You could say that the movie business has been ruined due to greed too, and well, political correctness.

When it comes to music, streaming has been the thing for at least 15 years now. I don't know about you old-timers, but I basically never listen to radio anymore, but then again I don't have a car either and most of the time the car stereos were used for radio listening. If I had my car I'd just probably plug in my phone and listen to what I want, I absolutely loathe commercial radio channels. I don't want to hear ads and I don't want to hear any pointless blabbering either. I can listen to a radio channel which only plays songs, especially older hits and those kind of channels are rare. Back in the 70's and maybe later too the mainstream stuff that was being played was actually the good stuff or so I hear. Pop music used to be great and now it's total garbage for the most part. Of course if you dig then you can find the good stuff too, but often it's more buried. Don't even get me started on the modern low vibe rap (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/17jhosq/modern_rap_music_feels_like_a_demonic/) crap.

When art becomes commercialized then it corrupts the creativity. Real artists wouldn't want that, unless they are willing to sell themselves for money and fame. That's one more reason I hate capitalism, when everything becomes monetized including spirituality. All about profit, nothing else really matters.

you know Tupac Shakur was really good. Insane in the Membrane by Cypress Hill was one of the first songs of that type that I really found entertaining.